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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophical AnthropologyKarl Jaspers
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      PhilosophyPlato and PlatonismPlatonePaul Natorp
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      PhilosophySchopenhauerImmanuel KantCritica Della Ragion Pura
Lo scopo del seguente contributo è proporre un’unità didattica che cerca di valorizzare la nozione di globalizzazione non solo come fenomeno storico complesso, ma anche e soprattutto in quanto dimensione di senso. l’unità è preceduta da... more
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      GlobalizationGlocalizationContemporary HistoryComplexity
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      HistoryHistory of Political Thought
The article shows the derivation of Gauchet's key concept of disenchantment from the study of Kantorowicz's book The king's two bodies. Gauchet wrote a philosophical commentary of The king's two bodies, only a half of which was published... more
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Ecole Française de Rome
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly Modern HistoryEcclesiology
SUMMARY: The work focuses on a group of letters held in the archives of the Accademia Car-rara of Bergamo, written from 1578 to 1587 by some familiares of the cardinal Giovanni Giro-lamo Albani (1509-1591). The correspondence shows a deep... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasEarly Modern HistoryChurch History
Paolo Prodi, Profezia vs utopia, il Mulino, Bologna 2013, pp. 252.
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityHistoriographyEcclesiology
risultati cospicui. Dopo il lavoro fondamentale di Albinia C. de la Mare per Firenze, solo in minor parte basato sulle sottoscrizioni e molto sul riconoscimento delle mani, e quello ottimo di Elisabetta Caldelli per Roma, basato su... more
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Der Beitrag geht von einem kaiserlichen Dekret aus, mit dem Sigismund von Luxemburg 1434 einen Bürger von Bergamo, einer reichsitalienischen Stadt, zum Pfalzgrafen erhob. Anknüpfend an diese Quelle werden zwei Aspekte beleuchtet:... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of the FamilyEmpireHoly Roman Empire
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      Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionReligion and PoliticsHistoriography
In the summer of 1544, pope Paul III wrote to Charles V, trying to convince the emperor not to convene a national Germanic council, open to participation by the protestants. This Admonitio paterna had vast resonance in the Protestant... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of ChristianityReformation StudiesHistory of Roman Catholicism
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAnthropology of the BodyBiography
Nella prima metà del Cinquecento la Chiesa di Roma dovette misurarsi anche in Italia con la contestazione protestante. In questa lotta, la fazione più intransigente si avvalse di quei membri dei ceti dirigenti che, per tradizione e... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of Political ThoughtChurch HistoryStoria della chiesa
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Franz-Xaver BISCHOF et Sylvio DE FRANCESCHI (éd.), Histoires antiromaines II. L'antiromanisme dans l'historiographie ecclésiastique catholique (XVI e-XX e siècles). Actes de la journée d'études de Munich (13 septembre 2012)
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      Modern HistoryPhilosophyHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
This essay examines the Wars of Religion with a particular focus on the point of view of Pierre Matthieu and his intellectual circle in the context of the Catholic city of Lyon during the 1580s. Through this original perspective, this... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Christianity