Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and c... more Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and conservation in the twenty-first century. With a restoration market providing demand for participation in supplying products and services, such as native seed, Indigenous communities have experienced new opportunities for cash income and livelihood improvements. This chapter explores the ways different Indigenous populations in Brazil have engaged in the native seed trade for restoring degraded lands, and the outcomes of their participation. We cover a case study based on one decade's experience of the Xingu Seeds Network, focusing on challenges faced by 232 Indigenous people, mostly women, from 13 villages of Ikpeng, Kawaiwete, Matipu, Panará, Wauja, Xavante and Yudja ethnicity in the southeastern Amazon. Indigenous communities have engaged in the activity mainly to secure current and future access to natural resources. Although communities have shown a large fluctuation in their seed production and cash income over the years, these collectors have produced 6.7 tonnes of seeds from 159 species leading to US$ 65 thousand cash income for households. Native seed production is strongly aligned with traditional knowledge with outcomes related to women's empowerment, opportunities for young people, territorial mapping, and building local organizations. However, communities have faced constraints in adapting ethnic institutions to business management requirements mainly due to scales of production, language difficulties and
Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociologico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual... more Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociologico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual localizado na reserva legal da Fazenda Sao Pedro-Itau. O estudo analisou um hectare do fragmento utilizando 25 parcelas permanentes de 20 x 20 m, onde todos os individuos vivos arboreos com circunferencia a altura do peito maior que 15 cm foram amostrados e identificados. As especies foram classificadas quanto aos grupos sucessionais e sindromes de dispersao. Foram amostrados 1144 individuos distribuidos em 103 especies e 41 familias. O valor de equabilidade e do indice de diversidade de Shannon foram 0,83 e 3,87, respectivamente. Neste fragmento 17% sao especies pioneiras, 49% secundarias iniciais e 34% secundarias tardias, demonstrando um estagio intermediario de sucessao. Ocorre alta porcentagem de especies zoocoricas (67%), podendo indicar alta atividade da fauna dispersora. O sub-bosque com alta porcentagem de especies zoocoricas e baixo numero de pioneiras tambem reforcam um estad...
Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and c... more Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and conservation in the twenty-first century. With a restoration market providing demand for participation in supplying products and services, such as native seed, Indigenous communities have experienced new opportunities for cash income and livelihood improvements. This chapter explores the ways different Indigenous populations in Brazil have engaged in the native seed trade for restoring degraded lands, and the outcomes of their participation. We cover a case study based on one decade’s experience of the Xingu Seeds Network, focusing on challenges faced by 232 Indigenous people, mostly women, from 13 villages of Ikpeng, Kawaiwete, Matipu, Panara, Wauja, Xavante and Yudja ethnicity in the southeastern Amazon. Indigenous communities have engaged in the activity mainly to secure current and future access to natural resources. Although communities have shown a large fluctuation in their seed pr...
Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual... more Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual localizado na reserva legal da Fazenda São Pedro-Itaú. O estudo analisou um hectare do fragmento utilizando 25 parcelas permanentes de 20 x 20 m, onde todos os indivíduos vivos arbóreos com circunferência a altura do peito maior que 15 cm foram amostrados e identificados. As espécies foram classificadas quanto aos grupos sucessionais e síndromes de dispersão. Foram amostrados 1144 indivíduos distribuídos em 103 espécies e 41 famílias. O valor de equabilidade e do índice de diversidade de Shannon foram 0,83 e 3,87, respectivamente. Neste fragmento 17% são espécies pioneiras, 49% secundárias iniciais e 34% secundárias tardias, demonstrando um estágio intermediário de sucessão. Ocorre alta porcentagem de espécies zoocóricas (67%), podendo indicar alta atividade da fauna dispersora. O sub-bosque com alta porcentagem de espécies zoocóricas e baixo número de pioneiras também reforçam um estádio intermediário, progredindo a um estádio de mais avançado, na sucessão florestal. Palavras-chave: Fitossociologia. Estrutura vertical. Síndrome de dispersão. Grupos sucessionais. Estrutura e grupos ecológicos de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual no Triângulo Mineiro, Brasil
The phytosociological survey was realized in a semideciduous forest fragment located in the legal... more The phytosociological survey was realized in a semideciduous forest fragment located in the legal reserve of São Pedro-Itaú Farm, Uberlândia - MG. This study analyzed one hectare of the fragment using 25 permanent plots of 20 x 20 m, where all the alive tree individuals with perimeter at breast height higher than 15 cm were included and identified. The species were classified as successional groups and dispersal syndromes. Were sampled 1144 individuals in 103 species and 41 families. The value of equability and Shannon’s diversity were 0.83 and 3.87, respectively. In this fragment 17% were pioneer species, 49% early secondary species and 34% late secondary species, demonstrating an intermediary succession stage. Occurred a high percentage of zoochoric species (67%) that can indicate elevated activity of disperser fauna. The understory with high percentage of animal dispersed species and low number of pioneers also reinforce an intermediate stage, progressing to a more advanced stage...
Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and c... more Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and conservation in the twenty-first century. With a restoration market providing demand for participation in supplying products and services, such as native seed, Indigenous communities have experienced new opportunities for cash income and livelihood improvements. This chapter explores the ways different Indigenous populations in Brazil have engaged in the native seed trade for restoring degraded lands, and the outcomes of their participation. We cover a case study based on one decade's experience of the Xingu Seeds Network, focusing on challenges faced by 232 Indigenous people, mostly women, from 13 villages of Ikpeng, Kawaiwete, Matipu, Panará, Wauja, Xavante and Yudja ethnicity in the southeastern Amazon. Indigenous communities have engaged in the activity mainly to secure current and future access to natural resources. Although communities have shown a large fluctuation in their seed production and cash income over the years, these collectors have produced 6.7 tonnes of seeds from 159 species leading to US$ 65 thousand cash income for households. Native seed production is strongly aligned with traditional knowledge with outcomes related to women's empowerment, opportunities for young people, territorial mapping, and building local organizations. However, communities have faced constraints in adapting ethnic institutions to business management requirements mainly due to scales of production, language difficulties and
Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociologico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual... more Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociologico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual localizado na reserva legal da Fazenda Sao Pedro-Itau. O estudo analisou um hectare do fragmento utilizando 25 parcelas permanentes de 20 x 20 m, onde todos os individuos vivos arboreos com circunferencia a altura do peito maior que 15 cm foram amostrados e identificados. As especies foram classificadas quanto aos grupos sucessionais e sindromes de dispersao. Foram amostrados 1144 individuos distribuidos em 103 especies e 41 familias. O valor de equabilidade e do indice de diversidade de Shannon foram 0,83 e 3,87, respectivamente. Neste fragmento 17% sao especies pioneiras, 49% secundarias iniciais e 34% secundarias tardias, demonstrando um estagio intermediario de sucessao. Ocorre alta porcentagem de especies zoocoricas (67%), podendo indicar alta atividade da fauna dispersora. O sub-bosque com alta porcentagem de especies zoocoricas e baixo numero de pioneiras tambem reforcam um estad...
Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and c... more Forest and landscape restoration are emerging globally as a major challenge for development and conservation in the twenty-first century. With a restoration market providing demand for participation in supplying products and services, such as native seed, Indigenous communities have experienced new opportunities for cash income and livelihood improvements. This chapter explores the ways different Indigenous populations in Brazil have engaged in the native seed trade for restoring degraded lands, and the outcomes of their participation. We cover a case study based on one decade’s experience of the Xingu Seeds Network, focusing on challenges faced by 232 Indigenous people, mostly women, from 13 villages of Ikpeng, Kawaiwete, Matipu, Panara, Wauja, Xavante and Yudja ethnicity in the southeastern Amazon. Indigenous communities have engaged in the activity mainly to secure current and future access to natural resources. Although communities have shown a large fluctuation in their seed pr...
Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual... more Foi realizado o levantamento fitossociológico de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual localizado na reserva legal da Fazenda São Pedro-Itaú. O estudo analisou um hectare do fragmento utilizando 25 parcelas permanentes de 20 x 20 m, onde todos os indivíduos vivos arbóreos com circunferência a altura do peito maior que 15 cm foram amostrados e identificados. As espécies foram classificadas quanto aos grupos sucessionais e síndromes de dispersão. Foram amostrados 1144 indivíduos distribuídos em 103 espécies e 41 famílias. O valor de equabilidade e do índice de diversidade de Shannon foram 0,83 e 3,87, respectivamente. Neste fragmento 17% são espécies pioneiras, 49% secundárias iniciais e 34% secundárias tardias, demonstrando um estágio intermediário de sucessão. Ocorre alta porcentagem de espécies zoocóricas (67%), podendo indicar alta atividade da fauna dispersora. O sub-bosque com alta porcentagem de espécies zoocóricas e baixo número de pioneiras também reforçam um estádio intermediário, progredindo a um estádio de mais avançado, na sucessão florestal. Palavras-chave: Fitossociologia. Estrutura vertical. Síndrome de dispersão. Grupos sucessionais. Estrutura e grupos ecológicos de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual no Triângulo Mineiro, Brasil
The phytosociological survey was realized in a semideciduous forest fragment located in the legal... more The phytosociological survey was realized in a semideciduous forest fragment located in the legal reserve of São Pedro-Itaú Farm, Uberlândia - MG. This study analyzed one hectare of the fragment using 25 permanent plots of 20 x 20 m, where all the alive tree individuals with perimeter at breast height higher than 15 cm were included and identified. The species were classified as successional groups and dispersal syndromes. Were sampled 1144 individuals in 103 species and 41 families. The value of equability and Shannon’s diversity were 0.83 and 3.87, respectively. In this fragment 17% were pioneer species, 49% early secondary species and 34% late secondary species, demonstrating an intermediary succession stage. Occurred a high percentage of zoochoric species (67%) that can indicate elevated activity of disperser fauna. The understory with high percentage of animal dispersed species and low number of pioneers also reinforce an intermediate stage, progressing to a more advanced stage...
Papers by Dannyel Sá