Books by Matthias Mueller
The grammar presents a comprehensive introduction to the Bohairic Coptic dialect. It is divided i... more The grammar presents a comprehensive introduction to the Bohairic Coptic dialect. It is divided into 12 chapters covering the major features of the grammar and is augmented by three chapters with short introductions to Bohairic literature, indications of both time reckoning and measurements, as well as an additional chapter introducing patterns specific to the texts of Nitrian monasteries (or better, Sketis). As the grammar is intended for learners, students, and scholars as well as coptologists/egyptologists and linguists, almost all examples are extensively glossed. Furthermore, the book contains extensive annotated texts for reading from the Scripture as well as from literary and even some documentary texts, as well as a glossary to the texts.
Huebner, S.R., Garosi, E., Marthot, I., Müller, M, Schmidt, S., Stern, M. (eds.), Living the End of Antiquity. Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt (with link to download) Millennium-Studies, 2019
Papers by Matthias Mueller
Revue d'Égytologie 73, 2023
The paper re-examines some papyri found at the Middle Kingdom harbour of Mersa/Wadi Gawasis offer... more The paper re-examines some papyri found at the Middle Kingdom harbour of Mersa/Wadi Gawasis offering some re-readings and hence different contextualisations.
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Feder, Lohwasser & Schenke (eds), Sortieren – Edieren – Kreieren (Fs S. Emmel), 2022
Edition of two ostraca found by the South Asasif Project, one documentary, one literary with an u... more Edition of two ostraca found by the South Asasif Project, one documentary, one literary with an unknown incipit of one of Shenute's works, as well as a re-edition of an ostracon now in Alexandria (O.Crum 341)
Report on the Excavations at Elephantine by the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute Cairo. 51st Season 2023, 2024
F. Adrom, K. & A. Schlüter (Hg.), Altägyptische Weltsichten, Akten des Symposiums zur historischen Topographie & Toponymie Altägyptens vom 12. – 14. Mai 2006 in München, ÄAT68, Wiesbaden 2008, 105–19, 2008
Since the first publication of the Strasbourg fragments by W. Spiegelberg, his identification of ... more Since the first publication of the Strasbourg fragments by W. Spiegelberg, his identification of el-Hibeh as the place of origin for the archive has never been doubted. ln this paper, this identification is questioned and an alternative Iocation much further to the south and within the area of the Upper Egyptian nomes 1 to 10 is suggested. The most likely place would seem to be a TIP fort overlooking the Nile valley from a promontory on the river's east bank at el-Ahaiwah just north of Girga.
version saïdique du Codex Crosby-Schøyen Ms. 193 et les ses liens avec la version paléo-bohairiqu... more version saïdique du Codex Crosby-Schøyen Ms. 193 et les ses liens avec la version paléo-bohairique du Papyrus Vatican Copte 9
The present papers deals with grammaticalization in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic. After introducin... more The present papers deals with grammaticalization in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic. After introducing the general concept, various patterns of grammaticalization are described. These include the development of the negation j(w)n(#) > ⲁⲛ, the evolution of the auxiliary jr+ and the subject element of nominal sentences, and the development of marking for indefiniteness. In addition, two case studies of opposite grammaticalization processes in Coptic are contrasted.
The Origins of Yahwism
Ever since the first identificationofthe Tetragrammaton (Yhwh)within the onomastics of the texts ... more Ever since the first identificationofthe Tetragrammaton (Yhwh)within the onomastics of the texts from Ugarit in the 1930s, all available text corporaofthe 2 nd and 1 st millennium BCE have been scrutinizedf or pre-or extra-biblical attestations of the Israelite divine name, Yhwh.¹ The rich sourceo ff oreign names attested in Egyptian script attracted attention, especiallyi nl ight of the biblical Exodus-narrative with its connection to Egypt. Appearing in 1947, Bernhard Grdseloff's² paper "Édôm, d'après les sources égyptiennes" introduced af irst hieroglyphicallyw ritten pretender for the Tetragrammaton into the discussion. Until 1964,t he hieroglyphic writingso fn ames Grdseloff had collected within aso-called Fremdvölkerliste in the Nubian temple at Amarah-West were the onlysecure attestation of an Egyptian representation of the Tetragrammaton. Then, after the publicationo fi nitial reports and copies of inscriptions from the Nubian temple of Soleb, by acomparison of the Soleb-lists with those in the temple at Amarah RaphaelGiveon was able to addtwo further attestations.Inaddition, Giveon identified three further possiblecandidates: He introduced an attestation from the early2 nd millennium into the discussion and pointed at twol ists with names of foreign peoples and toponyms at the Ramesside temple at MedinetHabu (dated into the reign of Ramses' III.). The Egyptian evidence is insofar interesting as it antedates the second earliest attestation of the Tetragrammaton, i. e., that on the MoabiteMesha-stela, by at least 350 years. Even though all involved authors usually point out the often rather speculative character of the Yhwh-discussion, even the most bizarre localisation and etymological attempts always find agrateful audience in the neighbouringscientific disciplines. In recent times, one has to observethat the debate on the origins of the Yhwh-cult has moved from referring to the primary Egyptian sources to quoting secondary literature of often doubtful standards.³ The present paper at
E. Grossman, P. Dils, T. S. Richter & W. Schenkel (Hg.), Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient Afric¬an Language (DDGLC Working Papers 1), Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 17, Hamburg, 265–315, 2017
P. Buzi, A. Camplani & F. Contardi (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies …, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 247, Leuven, Paris & Bristol 2016, 969–978, 2016
Chronique d’Égypte, 2015
(re-)Edition of a Coptic letter written upon a pottery ostracon from Western Thebes now in Bonn
Lingua Aegyptia, 2015
almost all grammatical descriptions of any of the diachronic stages of Later egyptian argue for a... more almost all grammatical descriptions of any of the diachronic stages of Later egyptian argue for a de niteness effect in the use of relative clauses: de nite antecedents may only have a relative clause with nty-/ete-, particples or relative forms, whereas with inde nite antecedents a ‘virtual’ relative clause, i.e., a circumstantial clause, must be used. the present paper discusses the evidence for this with a special view on the counterexamples and concludes that an occasionally ventured explanation as a restriction-dichotomy explains the evidence in a much better way. thus, nty-headed clauses (as well as their diachronic successors), participles, and relative forms mark the relative clause as restrictive, while dependent clauses mark it as non- restrictive. in addition, a description of the coordination of relative expressions is presented.
M. Böhn (ed.), Kultort & Identität. Prozesse jüdischer und christlicher Identitätsbildung im Rahmen der Antike, Biblisch-Theologische Studien 155, 2016
Books by Matthias Mueller
Papers by Matthias Mueller
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