Julius-Maximilians - Universität Würzburg
Computer Science
Internet access networks in general and wireless mesh access networks in particular, are the bottleneck of today’s communication networks and consequently most strongly responsible for determining the user satisfaction. The limited... more
This article studies an implementation methodology for partial and disjunctive stable models where partiality and disjunctions are unfolded from a logic program so that an implementation of stable models for normal (disjunction-free)... more
In the last years, ontologies have played a major role for building large, distributed, and heterogeneous intelligent systems. E.g., ontologies are one key technique of the semantic web layer. The development process of an ontology... more
The ontology web language Owl has been established as a standardized representation for knowledge, especially in the context of the semantic web. An important facet of the management of such knowledge bases consists in its evaluation.... more
We consider multilevel set-covering models for diagnostic reasoning: though a lot of work has been done in this field, knowledge acquisition efforts have been investigated only insufficiently. We will show how set-covering models can be... more
We introduce an agile process model for the development of diagnostic knowledge systems. As key practices of this evolutionary process model we identify structured modifications of the knowledge by restructuring methods, and the... more
The development of knowledge systems has been investigated since the seventies and many process models have been proposed to reduce knowledge acquisition costs and to increase system quality. Recently, agile process models, e.g., eXtreme... more
For the development of practical semantic applications, ontologies are commonly used with rule extensions. Prominent examples of semantic applications are Semantic Wikis, Semantic Desktops, but also advanced Web Services and agents. The... more
The increasing complexity of protein interaction networks makes their manual analysis infeasible. Signal transduction processes pose a specific chal- lenge, as each protein can perform different functions, depending on its state. Here, we... more
This paper investigates the novel concept of clausal deductive databases (cd-databases), which are special normal deductive databases – i.e., deductive databases which may contain default negation in rule bodies – over a typed... more
Non {Horn programs containing disjunctive rules allow for more advanced applications of deductive databases. But the inference process dealing with rapidly increasing amounts of disjunctive facts becomes much more intricate, because of... more
We investigate cardinality constraints of the form M,! K, where M is a set and is one of the comparison operators\=,", or\": a model of such a constraint is required to contain\ exactly, at most", or\ at least",... more
A common problem in using and running RDBMS is performance, which highly depends on the quality of the database schema design and the resulting structure of the tables and the logical relations between them. In production reality, the... more
Practical applications of deductive databases often require the use of extended features like disjunctive information, aggregation operators or default negation. But it has been unclear how one could deal with aggregation in the presense... more
Abstract. A wide range of additional forward chaining applications could be realized with deductive databases, if their rule formalism, their immediate consequence operator, and their fixpoint iteration process would be more flexible.
Jedes q j (...) ist eine atomare Formel. Die q j werden oft als Subgoals bezeichnet. X 1 , ...,X m sind Variablen, die mindestens einmal auch auf der rechten Seite des Zeichens :-vorkommen müssen. p(...) ∨ ¬q 1 (...) ∨... ∨ ¬q n (...) Die... more
Declarative Programming is an advanced paradigm for the modeling and solving of complex problems. This specification method has got more and more attraction over the last years, e.g., in the domains of databases and the processing of... more
The maintenance of large knowledge systems usually is a rather complex task. In this paper we will show that extensions or modifications of a knowledge base can be supported by appropriate visualizations techniques, e.g. by illustrating... more