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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguisticsLinguistic purism
We can all agree on the fact that having a home is a very important and basic thing in a person's life. The home does not only mean a shelter, but it means a safe place, where you can be yourself and feel warm. A place to where one is... more
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      Feminist TheoryPostcolonial FeminismProtofeminism
A tanulmány az angol nyelvű írásokban érvényesülő gender-hatást vizsgálja. Arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy milyen mértékben hasonlóak az angol nyelven író női és férfi szerzők által használt szavak és mondatszerkezetek. 36 brit... more
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    • Psychology
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      HistoryMinority culturesIsrael and ZionismAlternative Culture
A kopt, mint szó, az Aigyptos görög szóból ered, amely pedig tovább haladva a Hikaptah szóból, Memphis egyiptomi főváros akkori elnevezéséből ered, amely az ősi Egyiptom fővárosa volt. A kopt szó mai, modern kori használata pedig az... more
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      ReligionCoptic Studies
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      MusicMinority StudiesAlternative Culture
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      Minority StudiesMinority Rights
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    • Sports and politics
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      CommunismCzech Republic
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      LiteratureFranz Kafka
A Cseh Köztársaság 1993-ban jött létre, amikor elszakadt a ma Szlovák Köztársaságként, vagy Szlovákiaként ismert országtól. Az egykori Csehszlovákia két államot foglalt magában, amely 1919, a második világháború vége óta állt fenn. A... more
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    • Education
Our generation takes it for granted that American foreign policy is always concerned with human rights and ensuring the safety and the freedom of the population of other countries. Back then, human rights, in the grand scheme of things,... more
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It comes as no surprise to today’s generation that memes play an extremely important part in everyday life. Ranging from mere entertainment purposes in the form of funny images with relating text, to serious forms of message conveyance,... more
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      Political TheoryPoliticsInternet memesMemes
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Testing English as a Foreign Language in Palestine: A Case Study of INJAZ (GCSE) 2018 English Exam A minőségi nyelvoktatás megkívánja az adott idegen nyelven zajló vizsgák módszertanának, tartalmának, valamint eredményeinek folyamatos... more
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      ArabicTeaching ListeningTeaching speakingEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
The study investigates whether the Linguistic Landscape (LL) in the main street of Ramallah, Palestine should be considered a situational variable of the English language in the country or a treat-like variable and exclusive to this city.... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsPalestineLinguistic landscapesArabic-English translation
THE POLITICS OF PALESTINIAN MULTILINGUALISM: SPEAKING FOR CITIZENSHIP Nancy Hawker, London, Routledge, 2019, (paperback). ISBN 978-1-38-56331-5
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      Hebrew LanguageMultilingualismSociolinguisticsArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)L2 acquisition
Hawker provided a discursive overview of multilingualism where Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular, as speakers of a marginalised and contained mother tongue, through their multilingualism, manage to engage in the political... more
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The study investigates whether the Linguistic Landscape (LL) in the main street of Ramallah, Palestine should be considered a situational variable of the English language in the country or a treat-like variable and exclusive to this city.... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsPalestineLinguistic landscapesArabic English Translation