Papers by Carine Lallemand
In order to study how the notion of User Experience (UX) evolved over the last few years, an inte... more In order to study how the notion of User Experience (UX) evolved over the last few years, an international survey originally conducted in 2008 by Law et al. has been replicated. Its main goal was to get some insights on the points of view from practitioners on the notion of UX. After having slightly adapted the initial (English) survey and having translated it into French and German, more than 758 valid answers have been collected from all over the world. This experience report aims at illustrating some of the challenges involved in the replication of such a study as well as successes and limitations.
N otre étude vise à répondre à une demande de la bibliothèque universitaire de Metz (accueillant ... more N otre étude vise à répondre à une demande de la bibliothèque universitaire de Metz (accueillant 15 000 étudiants) concernant la réorganisation du système signalétique en place. Ce dernier est obsolète et insuffisant et ne répond pas aux besoins d'orientation et d'information des usagers. En effet, la signalétique actuelle, créée par un imprimeur en 1998, a été pensée en cohérence avec la signalétique extérieure du campus universitaire, sans toutefois faire l'objet d'une étude préalable des besoins. De plus, son manque de modularité, défaut fréquent des systèmes signalétiques, a conduit à une inadaptation rapide. L'importance de notre étude réside dans les multiples enjeux mis en lumière par l'installation d'une signalétique adaptée dans un lieu d'accueil du grand public.
This paper focuses on the satisfaction and waiting times perceived by a user during the moments w... more This paper focuses on the satisfaction and waiting times perceived by a user during the moments where the interaction between the user and the system is temporarily interrupted (file download, setup of a program, etc.). These waiting times are often sources of anxiety and irritation. They go usually with the presentation of a metaphor, as a progress bar or an icon. The objective of this paper is to summarize the results of three psychological studies on perceived waiting time in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), in order to improve the quality of interaction. The results may provide valuable information for the design of computer interfaces.

Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
This paper presents the results of an ergonomic intervention conducted within a blast furnace pla... more This paper presents the results of an ergonomic intervention conducted within a blast furnace plant. As part of its risk prevention program, the company decided to set up an action plan, in a participatory manner, by setting up working groups to solve health & safety issues. This field mission involved 230 employees, 80 of whom participated actively by being incorporated into working groups. After four months of intervention, a questionnaire survey has been conducted among employees to study the effects of participation on the safety climate. The results seem promising and show that the benefits of participation are numerous: a more positive safety climate associated to safer attitudes and behaviors. However, rather than just participation, it seems to be the employee involvement in the working groups and the satisfaction they derive from their participation that guarantee these positive results. Hence, participatory ergonomics seems to be an effective way to decrease the number of ...

Depuis une dizaine d'années, le concept d'expérience utilisateur (UX) se répand dans le domaine d... more Depuis une dizaine d'années, le concept d'expérience utilisateur (UX) se répand dans le domaine des Interactions Homme-Machine (IHM). Centré sur l'utilisateur et son expérience subjective vécue de l'interaction avec un système interactif, l'UX s'intéresse, entre autres, aux aspects émotionnels, hédoniques ou encore esthétiques composant l'interaction. Cependant, bien que déjà très utilisé par les professionnels, ce concept souffre notamment d'un manque de recherche empirique. De plus, de nombreuses définitions et perspectives sur l'UX cohabitent sans donner lieu à un consensus scientifique clair. Or, pour progresser dans ce champ de recherche, l'enseigner, ou pour communiquer sur celui-ci, il est nécessaire de mieux le comprendre et le délimiter. Une enquête par questionnaire (adaptée de Law et al., 2009) réalisée sur 758 professionnels et chercheurs de plus de 35 nationalités permet de mieux comprendre comment ce concept est compris et utilisé à travers le monde. Les résultats montrent des divergences entre les profils des participants.
In order to study how the notion of User Experience (UX) evolved over the last few years, an inte... more In order to study how the notion of User Experience (UX) evolved over the last few years, an international survey originally conducted in 2008 by Law et al. has been replicated. Its main goal was to get some insights on the points of view from practitioners on the notion of UX. After having slightly adapted the initial (English) survey and having translated it into French and German, more than 758 valid answers have been collected from all over the world. This experience report aims at illustrating some of the challenges involved in the replication of such a study as well as successes and limitations.
Proceedings of the 2014 Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée Conference - Design, Ergonomie et IHM: quelle articulation pour la co-conception de l'interaction on - Ergo'IA '14, 2014
Over the last decade, User Experience (UX) has become a core concept in the field of Human-Comput... more Over the last decade, User Experience (UX) has become a core concept in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Beyond the fact of understanding and assessing the User Experience derived from the use of interactive systems, practitioners and researchers from a wide range of disciplines are now facing the challenges of designing for User Experience.
PhD dissertation defended on May 12, 2015 at the University of Luxembourg.

For more than a decade, User Experience (UX) has grown into a core concept of Human–Computer Inte... more For more than a decade, User Experience (UX) has grown into a core concept of Human–Computer Interaction (HCI). Practitioners and researchers from a wide range of disciplines are daily working with this concept. However, despite many attempts to understand, define and scope UX, one may still wonder whether a consensus has been reached on this concept. In a willingness to address the complexity of this research topic and bring the concept of UX to maturity, a replication of an international survey has been conducted. The main goal of the present study is to get a better understanding of practitioners’ viewpoints on the notion of UX and to analyze potential evolutions over time in the understanding and practical use of the concept. As both practical and theoretical implications of UX are of the greatest importance for whoever designs interactive systems, the exploration of practitioners’ perspectives is a valuable step toward continual improvement of UX activities. The present survey has been conducted amongst 758 practitioners and researchers from 35 nationalities. It allows to better understand how this concept is understood and used throughout the world. Amongst interesting results, important differences were observed according to the geographical location and background of the respondents.

Many methods and tools have been proposed to assess the User Experience (UX) of interactive syste... more Many methods and tools have been proposed to assess the User Experience (UX) of interactive systems. However, while researchers have empirically studied the relevance and validity of several UX evaluation methods, few studies only have explored expert-based evaluation methods for the assessment of UX. If experts are able to assess something as complex and inherently subjective as UX, how they conduct such an evaluation and what criteria they rely on, thus remain open questions. In the present paper we report on 33 UX experts performing a UX evaluation on 4 interactive systems. We provided the experts with UX Cards, a tool based on a psychological-needs driven approach, developed to support UX Design and Evaluation. Results are encouraging and show that UX experts encountered no major issues to conduct a UX evaluation. However, significant differences exist between individual elements that experts have reported on and the overall assessment they made of the systems.

Cette recherche s'intéresse à la satisfaction et au temps d'attente perçu par l'utilisateur au co... more Cette recherche s'intéresse à la satisfaction et au temps d'attente perçu par l'utilisateur au cours des périodes où son interaction avec le système est momentanément suspendue (chargement d'un fichier, installation d'une application, etc.). Ces temps d'attente, souvent sources d'anxiété et d'agacement, sont généralement agrémentés par la présentation d'une barre de progression. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier l'impact sur l'utilisateur des variations du défilement de ces barres de progression. Ainsi, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux effets d'accélération et de décélération de leur remplissage. Les résultats confirment l'existence d'un lien causal entre perception du temps d'attente et satisfaction. De plus, une barre de progression qui décélère est significativement plus appréciée des utilisateurs. Les résultats obtenus pourront servir de recommandations pour la conception des interfaces.

Even though the benefits of usability have widely been proven, it seems that development-oriented... more Even though the benefits of usability have widely been proven, it seems that development-oriented companies face many difficulties to introduce usability practices into their defined development processes. This paper describes the overall methodology deployed as an attempt to achieve a closer integration of usability practices in the software development process. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is used as a basis for this integration. Providing a precise framework composed of models and transformations, it allows to track usability problems and to highlight where exactly they occur in the development process. We will thus be able to link every step of the process to specific ergonomic inputs and to study their consequences on the usability of the generated system. Because MDE will only be used as a way among others to investigate some hypotheses on usability and User-Centered Design (UCD) in general, our results are expected to provide valuable and generic information on usability and UCD processes.
Papers by Carine Lallemand