Papers by Janneke Rauscher
»Städte durch ihre literarischen Repräsentationen erfassen: Ein Mix aus Qualitativen und Quantita... more »Städte durch ihre literarischen Repräsentationen erfassen: Ein Mix aus Qualitativen und Quantitativen Ansätzen zur Analyse von Kriminalromanen«. Contemporary crime novels often contain detailed literary representations of urban life worlds. These stagings can provide access to city-specific patterns and structures of thought, action and feeling, as well as locally established bodies of knowledge and processes of sense-making. Therefore, their systematic analysis can generate insights into the intrinsic logic of cities. To grasp such patterns on city level a preferably broad empirical basis is needed, but the study of large amounts of literary works poses a methodological challenge. This article presents a mix of methods that permits the analysis of vast quantities of (literary) texts through combining the classical qualitative close reading with elements from computer-aided qualitative content analysis, basic instruments from corpus linguistics and the methodology of distant reading in an iterative research process. It illustrates how to analyze qualitative data also quantitatively and on different levels with regard to social and spatial aspects of the depicted life worlds, thereby showing how novels could be used as data basis for urban sociology and interdisciplinary research questions about the distinctiveness of cities.
We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysi... more We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysis, and demonstrate its use on a corpus of crime novels. The tool displays words, their significant co-occurrences, and contains a new visualization for significant concordances. Contexts of words and co-occurrences can be displayed. After reviewing previous research and current challenges in the newly emerging field of quantitative literary research, we demonstrate how CoocViewer allows comparative research on literary corpora in a project-specific study, and how we can confirm or enhance our hypotheses through quantitative literary analysis. 1
Die Umbruche in der arabischen Welt sind beim Kernkonflikt der Region angekommen: Anfang Mai unte... more Die Umbruche in der arabischen Welt sind beim Kernkonflikt der Region angekommen: Anfang Mai unterzeichneten die radikal-islamische Hamas und die sakulare Fatah zusammen mit anderen Palastinensergruppen ein Versohnungsabkommen und vieles deutet darauf hin, dass die Protestwelle in den arabischen Landern einiges dazu beitrug. So hat die Fatah mit Mubarak einen wichtigen Verbundeten verloren und die Hamas blickt besorgt nach Syrien, wo Assad versucht, den Aufstand im eigenen Land mit Panzern zu beenden. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel reagierte zuruckhaltend auf den Coup. Die EU, USA und Israel stufen die Hamas als Terrororganisation ein. Die Hamas war bislang diplomatisch vollig isoliert, da sie sich weigerte, auf Gewalt zu verzichten und das Existenzrecht Israels anzuerkennen. Ist es grundsatzlich moglich, die radikale Hamas in politische Prozesse einzubinden? Und, gibt es eine Chance auf Gewaltverzicht bei der Hamas? Janneke Rauscher vergleicht die Machtstrukturen und die Prozesse der Entsc...
We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysi... more We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysis, and demonstrate its use on a corpus of crime novels. The tool displays words, their significant co-occurrences, and contains a new visualization for significant concordances. Contexts of words and co-occurrences can be displayed. After reviewing previous research and current challenges in the newly emerging field of quantitative literary research, we demonstrate how CoocViewer allows comparative research on literary corpora in a project-specific study, and how we can confirm or enhance our hypotheses through quantitative literary analysis.
Reitemeier, Frauke/ Sandrock, Kirsten (Eds.) 2014: Crimelights: Scottish Crime Writing – Then and Now, 2014
The analysis of urban spaces and urban spatial structures in literary texts has not only since th... more The analysis of urban spaces and urban spatial structures in literary texts has not only since the so-called "spatial turn" generated a vast corpus of approaches, theories and inquiries in the field of literary studies. Many of these tend to work with the experience of the city in general, striving towards universal concepts and the identification of "an essence of urbanism" (Wirth-Nesher 7). But in how far these generalised urban structures intersect and interfere with genre-, city-or subject-specific spatial structures has not yet been discussed in greater detail, and theories that address such multi-layered and complex intersections have yet to be developed. The work of the Russian structuralist Jurij M. Lotman contains some promising concepts providing a starting point for investigating the specific, not only the general structures of urban spaces. While his early approach to the analysis of spatial structures in literary texts soon became a standard reference for this topic, his later works on the semiotics of culture, cultural change and evolution have only lately come into focus (Struktur; Universe; "Semiosphere"). There seems to be a tendency to read the "new" Lotman as detached from his earlier work, dismissing the dichotomous structuralist stance of the latter in favour of a more constructivist reading of the former. In this paper I will argue that there is no need to split Lotman's models and concepts in two or to dismiss the earlier work. Instead, the integration of his later model of the semiosphere into the model of spatial structures in literary texts offers a comprehensive instrument for the analysis of urban space as well as the complexity of urban spatial structures that is able to overcome the problematic aspects of the earlier concept. It is furthermore adaptable to constructivist notions of space. The significant and sometimes underrated aspect of Lotman's theories is that they do not just lend themselves to analysing the places and spaces in artistic texts. Instead, spatial structures are assumed to point beyond the spatial dimension itself, contributing to the foundations of all cultural and societal systems of classification that structure our world and societies-and which conversely constitute and form those spatial structures.
Full paper available at Researchgate or contact me, I'm happy to share!
Berns, Ute/ Mathieson, Jolene (Eds.) 2017: Anglistentag 2016 Hamburg. Proceedings, 2017
Seriality and crime fiction, it could be argued, have been closely connected ever since Arthur Co... more Seriality and crime fiction, it could be argued, have been closely connected ever since Arthur Conan Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes, thereby creating the probably bestknown fictional detective and, simultaneously, the modern form of the series. Holmes's adventures all follow the same pattem and are characterised by stand-alone episodes with unchanging central characters. However, the actual variety of serial strategies in literary crime fiction has, to date, rarely attracted scholarly scrutiny. In contrast to existing perspectives, this article considers the entire storyworld - understood as abstract and concrete multidimensional relational space - as central for a deeper understanding of different coexisting strategies of seriality and diverse dynamics of serial worldmaking. Based on Jurij M. Lotman's concept of the semiosphere, seriality is conceived as a narrative principle with multiple practices, which, on the one hand, enables the analysis of their diverse relations with storyworlds and, on the other, allows the distinction between different dynamics of serial worldmaking. This is analysed with several examples of serial narrative practices in stand-alone novels (Louise Welsh's 'The Cutting Room', Robert Brown's 'Falling') as well as through the analysis of serial narrative dynamics in Caro Ramsay's ongoing and open-ended 'Anderson and Costello'-series.
Full paper can be found here (no paywall):
Stephen Butler/ Agnieszka Sienkiewicz-Charlish (eds.): Crime Fiction. A Critical Casebook, 2018
Potentialities and limits of the analysis of online reviews as resource for literary studies. Wri... more Potentialities and limits of the analysis of online reviews as resource for literary studies. Written online communications and especially reviews of “ordinary” readers on platforms such as Amazon provide vast amounts of data for reader-response and literary studies. However, the nature of this text type needs to be addressed carefully to avoid some major pitfalls and oversimplified conclusions. Discussing the potential of online reviews, some basic restrictions and possibilities are addressed, before an exemplary analysis of 1862 reviews on Amazon about contemporary crime novels shows how they might lead to new questions, possibilities and insights about real readers’ sentiments and evaluating practices.
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Historical Social Research 39 (2014) 2; Special Issue: Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities; P. 68-102. © GESIS; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.39.2014.2.68-102
»Städte durch ihre literarischen Repräsentationen erfassen: Ein Mix aus Qualitativen und Quantita... more »Städte durch ihre literarischen Repräsentationen erfassen: Ein Mix aus Qualitativen und Quantitativen Ansätzen zur Analyse von Kriminalromanen«. Contemporary crime novels often contain detailed literary representations of urban life worlds. These stagings can provide access to city-specific patterns and structures of thought, action and feeling, as well as locally established bodies of knowledge and processes of sense-making. Therefore, their systematic analysis can generate insights into the intrinsic logic of cities. To grasp such patterns on city level a preferably broad empirical basis is needed, but the study of large amounts of literary works poses a methodological challenge. This article presents a mix of methods that permits the analysis of vast quantities of
(literary) texts through combining the classical qualitative close reading with elements from computer-aided qualitative content analysis, basic instruments from corpus linguistics and the methodology of distant reading in an iterative
research process. It illustrates how to analyze qualitative data also quantitatively and on different levels with regard to social and spatial aspects of the depicted life worlds, thereby showing how novels could be used as data basis for urban sociology and interdisciplinary research questions about the distinctiveness of cities.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature , pages 61–71, Atlanta, Georgia, June 14, 2013. c © 2013 Association for Computational Linguistics
We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysi... more We present CoocViewer, a graphical analysis tool for the purpose of quantitative literary analysis, and demonstrate its use on a corpus of crime novels. The tool displays words, their significant co-occurrences, and contains a new visualization for significant concordances. Contexts of words and co-occurrences can be displayed. After reviewing previous research and current challenges in the newly emerging field of quantitative literary research, we demonstrate how CoocViewer allows comparative research on literary corpora in a project-specific study, and how we can confirm or enhance our hypotheses through quantitative literary analysis.
Papers by Janneke Rauscher
Full paper available at Researchgate or contact me, I'm happy to share!
Full paper can be found here (no paywall):
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(literary) texts through combining the classical qualitative close reading with elements from computer-aided qualitative content analysis, basic instruments from corpus linguistics and the methodology of distant reading in an iterative
research process. It illustrates how to analyze qualitative data also quantitatively and on different levels with regard to social and spatial aspects of the depicted life worlds, thereby showing how novels could be used as data basis for urban sociology and interdisciplinary research questions about the distinctiveness of cities.
Full paper available at Researchgate or contact me, I'm happy to share!
Full paper can be found here (no paywall):
Please contact me for the full paper - I'm happy to share!
(literary) texts through combining the classical qualitative close reading with elements from computer-aided qualitative content analysis, basic instruments from corpus linguistics and the methodology of distant reading in an iterative
research process. It illustrates how to analyze qualitative data also quantitatively and on different levels with regard to social and spatial aspects of the depicted life worlds, thereby showing how novels could be used as data basis for urban sociology and interdisciplinary research questions about the distinctiveness of cities.