Papers by Zoltan Buzady (Dr.)
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Apr 23, 2024
A cikk a nem zetközi és a hazai szakirodalom ra tám aszkodva a stratégiai szövetségek lehetséges ... more A cikk a nem zetközi és a hazai szakirodalom ra tám aszkodva a stratégiai szövetségek lehetséges osztá lyozására született m odelleket mutatja be. Egy em pirikus kutatás eredm ényeit vizsgálva a hazai stratégiai szövetségek típusait is elem zi a szerző.
Which club does your alliance belong to? An empirical classification of strategic alliances in po... more Which club does your alliance belong to? An empirical classification of strategic alliances in posttransition Hungary Journal for East European Management Studies
Vezetéstudomány, Apr 1, 2006
A vállalati stratégiai szövetség napjaink stratégiai menedzsmentjének mind sűrűbben előforduló té... more A vállalati stratégiai szövetség napjaink stratégiai menedzsmentjének mind sűrűbben előforduló témái közé tartozik. Mivel folyamatos terjedése és népszerűsödése megköveteli a stratégiai szövetség fogalmának meg alapozását, a cikk a stratégiai szövetségeket a legfontosabb szervezetelméleti irányzatok szemszögéből vizsgál ja és tekinti át. * A folyóiratok cikkei egyszerre több változóhoz is kapcsolhatóak.
STRATÉGIAI SZÖVETSÉGEK A PIACGAZDASÁGI ÁTMENET LEZÁRULÁSÁNAK IDŐPONTJÁBAN (Egy kérdőíves felm éré... more STRATÉGIAI SZÖVETSÉGEK A PIACGAZDASÁGI ÁTMENET LEZÁRULÁSÁNAK IDŐPONTJÁBAN (Egy kérdőíves felm érés tapasztalatai a vállalati szférában) "Szövetséget kötni annyit jelent, mint elismerni, hogy rászorulunk a partner támogatására." E felismerésre támaszkodva a tanulmány összehasonlító elemzéssel vizsgálta a Magyarországon működő vállalatok stratégiai távlatú együttműködési kapcsolatait-azok mindhárom (illetve négy) csoportjában. A vállalati kérdőíves felmérés stratégiai szövetségekre vonatkozó kérdéseinek megfogalmazásánál a szerzők értelemszerűen támaszkodtak a külföldi vizsgálatokban jól bevált kérdőívekre.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022
A tanulmány átfogó helyzetképet nyújt a Magyarországon működő nagy és közepes cégek által kötött ... more A tanulmány átfogó helyzetképet nyújt a Magyarországon működő nagy és közepes cégek által kötött stratégiai szövetségekről. A szerzők a "Versenyben a világgal" c. kutatási program két felmérésének összesített adatait elemzik cikkükben.
A tanulmany a hazai kozepvallalatok altal kotott strategiai szovetsegeket elemzi. A strategiai sz... more A tanulmany a hazai kozepvallalatok altal kotott strategiai szovetsegeket elemzi. A strategiai szovetsegek elterjedese 1994-től gyorsult fel Magyarorszagon. A folyamat jellegzetessege, hogy – a nyugati tapasztalatokkal ellentetben – elsősorban nem konkurens cegek, hanem beszallitoi-felhasznaloi kapcsolatban allo vallalatok alakitottak ki tartos, reszben integrativ jellegű egyuttműkodesi viszonylatokat. A strategiai szovetsegekben főkent a marketing-ertekesitesi es a termelesi funkciokra iranyult az egyuttműkodes, mig a kutatas-fejlesztesi megallapodasok aranya csekely. A strategiai szovetsegek jogi kereteit tekintve a meghatarozatlan időtavra szolo, irasos szerződeses megallapodas a legelterjedtebb megoldas. A hazai kozepvallalatok dontően magyar tulajdoni erdekeltsegű cegekkel letesitettek szovetsegesi kapcsolatokat. Kulcsszavak: strategiai szovetseg, verseny, kooperacio ------------ The study analyzes the strategic alliances of Hungarian medium-sized firms. Strategic alliances pro...
Journal of Vocational Behavior
We investigate the relationships between gender-role-orientation (i.e., androgynous, masculine, f... more We investigate the relationships between gender-role-orientation (i.e., androgynous, masculine, feminine and undifferentiated) and subjective career success among business professionals from 36 societies. Drawing on the resource management perspective, we predict that androgynous individuals will report the highest subjective career success, followed by masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated individuals. We also postulate that meso-organizational culture and macrosocietal values will have moderating effects on gender role's impact on subjective career success. The results of our hierarchical linear models support the hypothesized hierarchy of the relationships between gender-role-orientations and subjective career success. However, we found that ethical achievement values at the societal culture level was the only variable that had a positive moderating impact on the relationship between feminine orientation and subjective career success. Thus, our findings of minimal moderation effect suggest that meso-and macrolevel environments may not play a significant role in determining an individual's perception of career success.
International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 2019
This article performs an exploratory study of the potential of flow theory and FLIGBY game to con... more This article performs an exploratory study of the potential of flow theory and FLIGBY game to contribute to develop entrepreneurship competencies among higher education students. For this purpose, this study considers the use of a focus group consisting of eight students enrolled in the entrepreneurship course in a higher educational institution in Portugal, in which students for two months explored FLIGBY. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that FLIGBY was also suitable to be explored in the context of entrepreneurship classes. Students emphasized the potential of the game to be applied for training of management skills, the recognition of their leadership skills, and the exploration of new approaches to the management challenges. Finally, it should be noted that the benefits offered by FLIGBY were experienced differently by students with professional experience in IT and management fields. Those students emphasized the application of the game to the real world and the pot...
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 2022
A szerzők tanulmányukban a vezetés emberi tényezőivel foglalkoznak, Csíkszentmihályi Mihá... more A szerzők tanulmányukban a vezetés emberi tényezőivel foglalkoznak, Csíkszentmihályi Mihály flow-elméletéhez (1997) kapcsolódóan a munkahelyi flow-állapotot elősegítő vezetéshez szükséges készségeket és ezek összefüggéseit vizsgálják. Rámutatnak arra, hogy a játékosítás és a komoly játékok fontos szerepet tölthetnek be a modern vezetőképzésben: az érintettek valósághű virtuális döntési szituációkon keresztül tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek készségeikről, döntéseik hatásáról, egyben fejleszthetik versenyképességet biztosító vezetői képességeiket. A kutatás újdonsága, hogy a flow-elmélet és a vezetői készségek közötti kapcsolatot a komoly játék eszközével létrehozott, kiterjedt adatbázison vizsgálja: a FLIGBY® („Flow is Good Business For You”), a flow-alapú vezetői készségek mérésére és fejlesztésére kidolgozott komoly játék közel egy évtizedre visszatekintő adatai adják empirikus elemzésük...
Journal of East European Management Studies, 2005
Which club does your alliance belong to? An empirical classification of strategic alliances in po... more Which club does your alliance belong to? An empirical classification of strategic alliances in posttransition Hungary Journal for East European Management Studies
Journal of East European Management Studies, 2005
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Purpose-We explore the effects of three organizational variables (country of origin of the multin... more Purpose-We explore the effects of three organizational variables (country of origin of the multinational company (MNC), the timing of entry into the European Union and the mode of establishment of the MNC subsidiary unit) on the human resource management (HRM) practices being pursued by subsidiaries of large MNCs operating in selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Former Soviet Union. ER 42,3 582 The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at: https
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
PurposeThis study aims to present a practical approach to recognizing leadership styles by adopti... more PurposeThis study aims to present a practical approach to recognizing leadership styles by adopting a serious game in the context of an entrepreneurship course in higher education.Design/methodology/approachThe action-research methodology is adopted to explore how the various leadership styles are perceived and assimilated by students. Furthermore, students are organized into eight groups to explore this phenomenon through a thematic analysis.FindingsThe findings reveal that transformational and transactional leadership can coexist and be applied in organizational management. The results also indicate that students with relevant professional experience have a greater ability to identify the benefits and challenges associated with each leadership style as they recognize these styles throughout their professional careers.Originality/valueThis paper mainly offers practical implications by presenting an alternative and complementary approach to exploring leadership styles. Through this ...
International Business and Management, 2016
Journal for East European Management Studies
This article describes the transition of MOL, the Hungarian Oil and Gas Company, from a state-own... more This article describes the transition of MOL, the Hungarian Oil and Gas Company, from a state-owned enterprise to a privately owned regional-multinational company and outlines its growth to become a leading player in the CEE region. It also illustrates how the company went through the internal restructuring process before and during its acquisition period. Over three distinct development phases it then emerged as a new species in the CEE, as a “regional multinational”. The case also gives valuable strategic insights into the oil industry of the majority of CEE countries.
Papers by Zoltan Buzady (Dr.)
The paper investigates gender stereotypes about managers across a post-socialist, now emerging geographic region with the high Human Development Index but lacking due research attention. The study extends the previous survey conducted in Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia with a Kazakhstani sample of 551 respondents. The research identified stronger gender stereotypes in Kazakhstan compared to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The influence of the socialist period and retraditionalism on women and management in Central Asia (CA) and CEE is discussed.
This chapter reports the current status of management practices in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region as seen by international expatriates. Based on the results and expert insights, we aim at giving guidance to MNE leaders and strategy makers as well as operative HRM staff and other expatriate managers how to best exploit the value-added opportunities in the CEE region by adopting the region-specific talent management and staffing policies and practices.
This study is based on the views of 1108 managers on the local management in six CEE countries: Bulgaria, Czechia,1
1In this chapter, the term Czechia is used to refer to the Czech Republic.
Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Respondents were asked to fill in an anonymous online questionnaire containing 47 questions plus identifier questions. Also their local managers were asked to fill in the same questionnaire to establish on which of the 47 questions there is significant disagreement between expatriate and local managers.
MNEs have been able to successfully capitalize on the economic integration and growth of the CEE region during the past 25 years. A new generation of competitive local managers is now growing into leadership positions, but MNEs need to find a more sophisticated way to retain those in the region in order to be able to exploit growth opportunities in future too.
Practical implications
Because the national cultural differences between the six analyzed CEE countries remain very characteristic and divergent, talent management and staffing strategies and policies of MNEs must be adopted and fine-tuned accordingly. Language and communication difficulties, knowledge of the standards management techniques are not a challenge anymore. Instead local management’s soft skills, leadership values and attitudes need to be developed now simultaneously with increasing wages, as the most talented local staff and management is readily relocating into higher-wage countries.
The originality and scholarly interest of this study lies in its cross-cultural, comparative approach. The originality and practical interest of this study is that it gives clear recommendations to MNE and expat managers. Furthermore the presented results have been tested during critical forum discussions with more than 60 CEE-experienced managers, expatriates, and the representatives several foreign chambers of trade and commerce held at the Central European University Business School in spring 2015.