Showing posts with label bohemian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bohemian. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 January 2014


There's something about colour, I've just got to have it in my life.  Fortunately there is a lot of colour in the garden at the moment.

I've finished the first of my boho style curtains for the studio made from scarfs today.  The colours are actually much brighter than shown in the photo.

I hope there is colour in your world to brighten your day.

Anne  xx

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

In response to the anonymous commenter on my previous post

"Anonymous said...

    Yes, except you will find that there ARE rules about making that kind of thing too! Everything still needs to fit together, colours work, stitches look effortlessly disevelled etc. A great deal of work goes into getting that look believe me." 

I do wish anonymous commenters would leave their names, it's the polite thing to do.

Considering I've just made a lace curtain for my daughter made from scraps of lace, sheer fabrics, doilies, deconstructed garments etc., I do actually understand that it is a difficult process.  Did you read my previous post and my explaining the difficulties I encountered?  If you had then you would realise I'm not naive when it comes to constructing such an item.  Rather I was talking about the creative process, not having to follow a pattern, cut out little pieces of fabric etc.  The post was about me (this is MY blog after all) and how I'm emerging as a person, a creative person, enjoying the process of letting go of self imposed constraints.  In regard to colours working together, I believe that may be in the eye of the creative beholder.  Often what you see in the bohemian style of doing things, colours seem to clash, that's the beauty to me, seemingly no rules.

Don't get me wrong, I love the quilts I see in blogland, admire the patience, skill and passion so many ladies have for this beautiful craft.  Years ago I actually hand pieced a quilt and have yet to finish hand quilting it.  Perhaps I'm intimidated by the process, (a confidence thing) it seems like such a huge task in my head.  

That being said I'm leaving you all with another bohemian image I adore (except for the poor animal whose head is on the wall, yuck) and I don't think there is a is curtain in sight.

Image from Pinterest

Have a fabulous day everyone.

Anne  xx

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Bohemian girl

Isn't it interesting how some us don't come into our own until we are on the mature side.  For me that is the other side of 50.  I was so encouraged by all your lovely comments on my special project reveal that I'm going to start sewing for fun, the way I feel like sewing and not how I think I should.

I love patchwork quilts but I dislike having to be constrained to a particular way of doing things.  All those little pieces that have to fit together and all that cutting out.  Of course it does make for easier sewing in one respect because everything fits together as it should.  So I'm thinking perhaps a little 'free form' sewing might suit me better.

Colour, patterns, mix and match do something for me and have a whole board on Pinterest titled Bohemian with a wonderful jumble of images that appeal to me.  I'm finding the perfectionist side of me, the one that has controlled me, the one that I've had a love hate relationship with all these years is slowly slipping away and it's liberating.

So what is the point of all this chatter? Being true to yourself/myself.  To know that when I look at something and get a shiver of excitement that it's real for me, authentic if you will.  Oh dear, I'm getting a little airy fairy here, but I trust you understand what I mean.  So I'm going to share some images with you that speak to me.  Believe it or not, more curtains but totally different to the one I made for Genevieve.

Image, found on Pinterest

Google images
Image, Vintage Vixen


You see I've found that I'm really a Bohemian girl at heart.  Not too many rules and regulations about how something is supposed to look.  Aubrey from the blog Rambling With Me  expresses it perfectly.  "You must be very happy. Making something from your heart is real creativity. There is not another curtain in the world that is exactly the same! That is creativity !!"   So the next time I go on an op shop trawl I'll be looking for scarfs for my next curtain.

If you've got to the end of this very long rambling post, congratulations and thank you for taking the time to do so.

Anne  xx

Sunday, 26 February 2012


The dreaded 'I' word.

Definition from in·som·ni·a
Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
Do you suffer from it?  What triggers it in you?  What do you do to relieve it?  

The past three nights I have not been able to sleep for any length of time.  I go to bed at the normal time, perhaps doze for 15 minutes or so and then I'm AWAKE.  I'm awake when I need and want to be sleeping and resting.   AHHHHHHHH!!!!  It's o.k. really, just feeling a little loopy, hazy, dim witted, sluggish, oh and did I mention tired?

On a completely random note, I found this image of my dream laundry on Pinterest.  So ordered, so tidy, so pretty, so impossible!
How about this one?  This is really more what I'd love, bold, bad and brassy.  How could the laundry get you down if you had these bright colours to wake you up as you walked in the door?!  (Perhaps I need red in my life today to wake me up.) 

This Pinterest business is very addictive.  I started a board titled Bohemian and now have 226 followers. WHAT!!  All I do is look for bold, bright, colourful, eclectic, hippyish......anything goes type decor images and pin them.  I can really let my hair down 'virtually' so to speak without offending my family with my artistic, decorating urges just waiting to burst out.  (I find it so hard to be retstrained at times.)  I've often though it would be nice to have two or five houses that I could decorate in different styles that I love.  Now I can do that vicariously on Pinterest.  Hubby should be very pleased that Pinterest is saving him lots of money.  :)

Do you have to restrain yourself?  What ideas do you have to reign in?

Sorry this is a bit of a scrambled eggs type post, that's all I'm good for today.

Enjoy your Sunday and I hope you had a good sleep last night!!

Anne  xx

Saturday, 17 September 2011

A little bit Bohemian

Yesterday I had a bee in my bonnet about tidying up and rearranging my bedroom space.  I love colour and bits and pieces, especially if it has a bohemian feel.  So I put together some things I already had in my room and this is what happened.

I made the collage of images years ago.  I bought a big canvas and pinned some images I love from my many collection of magazines.  The written content is a poem Genevieve wrote about  six  years ago titled "The Midsummer's Night that was Cold", and I love it.  On the top of the tall boy is an ethnic scarf I bought a couple of years ago and had draped of the canvas elsewhere in the room.  The jewellery stands/hangers are a recent purchase from K-Mart and are chrome mug holders.  They were $4.00 each which I thought was an economical solution to a storage problem.

The little blue lidded jewellery chest I've had since I was a little girl and holds pieces I can't bear to part with. 

I very proudly have on display a vase made by my Dad on his wood lathe from a Banksia spike.

A Banksia spike or more commonly called a cone, looks like this.
Image found here
When I was very small, I remember a little night lamp that Mum used occasionally.  A number of years ago I saw one just like it in an antique store.  I decided not to spend the money on it although I was yearning for it.  My lovely sister who was with me at the time bought it for me.  It was so very sweet of her.
Mum recently gave her the one from home, so we now have one each.  Childhood memories, so special.

This little owl coin purse was a gift and as I love owls, it has to be displayed.
I think he sits very well propped against Dad's Banksia vase and a bottle of perfume.

My lovely sister-in-law gave me this four leaf clover she found which she framed and gave me as a birthday gift nearly 11 years ago.  It's so very special to me.

This is now a very special place in my bedroom with colour, memories and things that mean a lot to me.    I also have a small photo of my best friend from when I was twelve years old.  It was taken when we were in our early 20's.  It's very sad that she is so very busy with her career and living in another state, so we don't share quite the same relationship we once had.  Despite that, this photo is a reminder of those happy times we had, and perhaps if and when she is able, we can once again share happy times.

Friendship is one of the most valuable things we can have in life.  So to the many friends I have made since starting this blog, thank you so much for making time for me.  It means the world to me.

I'd like to share Genevieve's poem with you.  Every time I read it, it gives me tingles.  I hope you enjoy it.

Take care,

Anne  xx


Once a year when Midsummer’s night comes
And welcomes the moonlight to glow
When the frogs croak a rhythm to the dragonflies’ dance
To the oceans the rivers do flow.

And the pale white roses that sway in the breeze
Seem to close up and rise to the light
And to accompany the moon, the fire-flies sing
This is what happens on Midsummer’s night.

But once it was dark at midnight of midsummer
When the rays of the moonlight were cold
And the dances of the dragonflies just were not right
And the roses felt stiff and felt old

There came a time when the ripples just were, and
All happiness they seemed to smother
They were just there, just there, just there
With cold indifference they followed each other

That night, the fire-flies, instead of glowing
Retreated and did not come out
Those wee little candles were tucked away, and so
Their beautiful singing did not come about

On this night, the leaves that swathed the great flowers
Had to help; there was one thing to do:
They became dresses for the stems and they shielded
And curtained their flower from view

The owls that came swooping one night every year
Were usually forthcoming and cheery
This time they were silent, swooped once and were gone
And they left it so bleak and so dreary

The poison ivy that twined around the big trees
Desperately clung to and clutched the bark
To save it's own skin or the tree’s is not known
But it certainly left it’s own mark

The snowbells and Bluebells that usually chimed
Sat unmoving and silent all through
What would normally have been a time of celebrating
But never at all did they move

Then the call sounded loud to let every one know
That for another whole year it was over
That Midsummer’s night was once again gone
And the first to break the silence was the clover

She sang soft and sweetly and diminished the moon
And the first whispers of dawn came to
The ears of those who had long wished to hear it
In the sky came streaks of orange, then blue

But the dawn was well on its way
So the blackness relinquished its hold on the world
Into the west it slunk away

So once more at Midsummer when the dragonflies dance
The frogs must croak their rhythm before
Midnight, when the moonlight will blind them so brightly
It was once cold but is not any more.

By Genevieve M.