Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Autumn things

Ornamental grapevine turning colour.

A self sewn pumpkin vine that now covers a large section of the backyard, started life in the timber compost heap.

 It's grown up over the chook house gate, no chooks currently in residence.


When walking Sophie yesterday I spied these Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita, in a garden nearby.  I always think of them as fairy mushrooms.  I had only ever seen them in English illustrated fairy story books until a few years ago.  Couldn't believe my eyes when saw them, it was a magical moment.

Anne xx

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Summer days

Melbourne summers are usually a bit hit and miss and of recent days it has been more miss than hit with quite a bit of rain.  I'm not complaining though as it saves me from needing to water the garden.  One of the joys of summer is eating stone fruit and as much as I enjoy eating it fresh, I love to use up peaches and nectarines which are just a little bit too soft to enjoy fresh by stewing them.  In this instance I stewed them with a little brown sugar, vanilla, a sprinkling of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, the rind and juice of two oranges and a splash of red wine.  Served with Greek yogurt it made a delicious dessert.

Unfortunately the nectarines and peaches weren't home grown but the rhubarb below is and it was made into a rhubarb and plum crumble.

We've been harvesting more vegetables.  The spring onions, garlic, pak choy, snow peas and cabbage in the photos below went into a yummy stir fry recently.

Less healthy food made and eaten (not all of them yet), are these yummy Monte Carlos I made last night.

Home baked biscuits just taste so much better than store bought wouldn't you agree?!
Moving away from food and cooking now and onto animals.  Genevieve's cat Bungee decided he would try and catch some birds on her lap top.  He's never exhibited this behaviour before and was rather cute.

It's been an expensive week with the two cats and dog getting their annual checkups and vaccinations at the vet.  Stripey has a yearly blood test for hypothyroidism to check if his medication is at the right level and in addition to that Sophie has terrible skin allergies and requires special food and medication for her itching.  The price of the food has gone through the roof (U.S. made), so I'm trialling her on an Australian brand I've just found and hoping it works as it is considerably less expensive.  I've been assured it will solve many of her problems, so fingers are crossed.

On one of the rare occasions I was up early recently, we had a magnificent sunrise and although I can't see the horizon because we are surrounded by trees I was still able to enjoy the colours.

I hope wherever you are, all is well with you and yours.  Thank you for taking the time to read my post and follow my blog.  

Anne xx

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Home grown beetroot

Beautiful home grown beetroot picked and washed.

Baked in the oven after being tossed in olive oil, seasoned with salt and flavoured with home grown thyme.

Ready to eat after removing the skins.  Served with cauliflower au gratin, home grown carrots, potato wedges and green beans.

Deliciously sweet.

Anne xx

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Sometimes I get to the end of the day and have to stop and think if I actually achieved anything.  So a couple of weeks ago I decided I would write down everything I did during the day in a journal.  It's not meant to be anything significant or soul searching writings, just a record of the day.  It actually turns out I do more than I think I do and it's a good way to keep track of what I've cooked for dinner or done in the garden, family events that have happened etc.  I've had this pretty notebook for quite a while so now it's being put to good use.  I can barely read my own chook scratchings though and my writing use to be so neat.


Charlotte had a birthday on Wednesday and she is now the ripe old age of 24.  How did that happen?  We are going out today to have lunch to celebrate but on the day she requested lasagne for dinner to which I was able to add this beautiful, healthy, home grown organic perpetual spinach.

I scrounged around in the garden and found enough flowers to make a little floating display to put on the table.

Candles, serviettes and a glass or two of bubbly turned our evening into a lovely little celebration.  For dessert Charlotte requested meringues with fresh fruit so strawberries, kiwi fruit and passion fruit was well accepted.  Adding some ice cream and cream made it rather indulgent but then birthdays only come around once a year.
 It's been mostly a pleasant week although saddened by the death of hubby's elderly aunt who was 91.  She has been mostly well in body and definitely in mind into her old age so for that we can be grateful.  Issues relating to a younger extended family member have been bubbling away under the surface, things that are troubling and keeping me awake at night.  In amongst this though there is much to be grateful for which I will endeavour to focus on.

Enjoy your weekend.

Anne  xx

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Time for a catch up

Hi everyone.  I've been thinking about writing this post for two weeks but you know how it goes, other things get in the way and it just doesn't happen.

Way back on mothers day, hubby and I decided to go for a walk in the afternoon to a bushland reserve we've not visited before called Glenfern Valley Bushlands.   It's very close to where we live and we spent a lovely couple of hours wandering around.  The link gives a far better explanation than I can, good background and history about this lovely spot.  Here are some photos from our walk.

Love these metal cut out sculptures.

A newly created pond to encourage frogs and other wildlife.

Walking down the hill toward Ferny Creek.

Ferny Creek.   This creek actually runs down the end of the lane way opposite our house but we are about 4 kilometres further up the hill.

This part of the bushland was way down the hill and near the creek.  Loving these old gum trees and the bark that is coming off in layers.

Looking toward farmland nearby the bushlands.

We've driven past these bushlands many time.  I've always wanted to explore them and now I have.

We've had some lovely autumn colour in recent weeks.  These photos were taken in my neighbourhood while walking Sophie.

The last few weeks I've spent many hours in the garden pruning, weeding and planting more vegetables.  The vegetables I planted back in April are doing quite well apart from the slug and white butterfly damage.  Some of the slugs died in an alcoholic haze of home brew beer that had seen better days.

Bunching broccoli starting to flower

Hoping this beetroot will be made into relish and pickles with some left over to bake.

After reading today how you should sow carrots and under what conditions, I'm surprised these are actually growing.  It remains to be seen in what shape they've grown into when harvested.

Looking down our driveway.  In the foreground is Pak Choy which is nearly ready to harvest and will be good in stir fries.
The last autumn rose.

The first camellia.

The first azalea.
Sunset from last week.

Well this has been a marathon post.  I'll try not to leave it so long next time.

Anne xx