Papers by Felipe Leco Berrocal
Land, 11(12), 2171, 2022
At the end of the 20th century, tourism was positioned as an activity capable of diversifying and... more At the end of the 20th century, tourism was positioned as an activity capable of diversifying and reactivating the economies of rural European areas, which were experiencing problems of demographic regression and a high rate of ageing. Subsequently, with the emergence and promotion of new models of tourism consumption, the provision of rural tourism facilities has increased, as is the case in the north of Extremadura. This study analyzes, through the use of a descriptive and analytical method, the distribution of the demographic, socioeconomic and heritage variables existing in the tourist territory of the Valle del Jerte La Vera region in order to interrelate them with the tourist supply and demand in this area. The results allow us to observe that Valle del Jerte-La Vera is promoting tourist activities, with the promotion and implementation of better lines of action for the reception of travelers, in such a way that they favor the increase in the economic income, and these factors are capable to maintain the existing population, thus facilitating the development of rural areas.
Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(3), 2019
Geography of the Basic Payment System in Spain
The Basic Payment System is a system of aid to far... more Geography of the Basic Payment System in Spain
The Basic Payment System is a system of aid to farmers decoupled from production. Farmers receive direct subsidies based on the value of an allocation of payment rights referenced in the application of the regionalization of aid. In this paper we analyze the data referring to the Basic Payment System (obtained from the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund), taking as reference the year 2016 in Spain.
The statistical analysis has been carried out from a quantitative and non-experimental, descriptive and qualitative analytical methodology, and has allowed an approximation to the social, economic and territorial reality of these aids.
In the first place, the data reveal the high weight of the Base Payment with respect to the rest of the aid and measures of the CAP (the basic payment system represents 36% of the total aid in Spain).
Second, the data show the presence of a strong masculinization (62.7% are men) and aging (38.8% are over 65) of the recipients of the Basic Payment System, in addition to a testimonial presence of young people in the agricultural sector.
Thirdly, it highlights the enormous weight of the small recipients of the base payment (those who receive less than 1,250 euros), which, in the Spanish case, reach 23.9% of the total but on the other hand, they only receive 3.45% of the budgetary amount of this aid scheme. Finally, the existing territorial imbalances of this aid regime and the absolute absence of interterritorial solidarity are highlighted, despite the non-discriminatory nature of these measures.
Sustainability, 12, 9503, 2020
The main objective of this research is to analyse the perception of visitors in protected natural... more The main objective of this research is to analyse the perception of visitors in protected natural areas struggling with mass tourism. An exhaustive analysis is carried out of both the tourist activity and the profile of the tourists in the Garganta de los Infiernos Natural Reserve (Extremadura, Spain). It studies variables such as the number of visitors, their personal profile, their perception of the protected area after the visit, etc. The method used was non-experimental, descriptive, qualitative and analytical, and it allowed for a better understanding of the profile of the visitors: sex, age, origin, professional profile, etc. The results show the visitors' conviction about the need to properly manage areas of public use, mainly due to the notable and partly uncontrolled growth of tourism activity during certain periods of the year. On the other hand, the relevance of the actions of the Governing Board of the Natural Reserve is highlighted, as it guarantees public participation and channels the opinions of the main partners involved in the management of the protected area, to ensure a responsible management of tourism activity and improve its quality.
Cuadernos de Turismo, 48, 2021
Protected natural areas are one of the most demanded resources from the tourist point of view. Th... more Protected natural areas are one of the most demanded resources from the tourist point of view. This research analyses the cause-effect relationships that the declaration of Monfragüe as a Biosphere Reserve and National Park has had on the demographic, economic and tourist behaviour of the territory it encompasses. From a qualitative methodology, supported by the analysis of statistical sources, it is concluded that the expectations placed in tourism have not managed to halt depopulation or promote economic diversification.
Investigaciones Geográficas, 75, 2021
Este trabajo se publica bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.
Estudios Geográficos, 83 (92), 2022
Extremadura produce en la actualidad cuatro veces más energía de la que consume. A pesar de ello,... more Extremadura produce en la actualidad cuatro veces más energía de la que consume. A pesar de ello, la Administración Regional proyecta multiplicar por 2,7 la potencia instalada de generación renovable, especialmente de tipo solar fotovoltaico. Este planteamiento se sustenta de modo prioritario en la construcción de grandes plantas fotovoltaicas y se justifica por el impacto positivo que podrían ejercer sobre el desarrollo local mediante la generación de empleo, la fijación de población en el territorio y la mejora general de la economía. Para valorar estos planteamientos, son objetivos de este artículo analizar la evolución y tipología de la producción eléctrica en Extremadura y ponderar la incidencia de la producción eléctrica en el desarrollo de los municipios extremeños a través de la generación de empleo y de sus efectos demográficos y económicos. Los resultados indican que las grandes cifras de capital invertido, de superficie ocupada, de paneles instalados o de energía producida no guardan relación con la incidencia que tiene la producción eléctrica en el desarrollo de los territorios afectados.
Investigaciones Geográficas, 80, 2023
This paper analyses the territorial behaviour of the Protected Designations
of Origin for Iberian... more This paper analyses the territorial behaviour of the Protected Designations
of Origin for Iberian pork. The basic source used are the specifications, analysed comparatively according to the logic of localised agri-food systems and their attributes of proximity (in the food chain) and ootedness (agro-ecological). Production cycles (livestock and agro-industrial) are correlated with the normative circumscriptions of these PDOs (production and processing areas). Proximities are assimilated to proximities (potential or real) between livestock production and agro-industrial processing areas, and between these and the agro-industrial sites. Rootedness is understood as the rooting of livestock farms in the natural and cultura bases of their territories; it is ascertained through extensions of production areas and in their relations with the dehesa (pastureland). The results reveal distortions of the territory, in terms of its rootedness, extension, proximity/remote and concentration/administrative dispersion. The main conclusion drawn is that there are different models.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol 10, 2011
Agrotourism, a form of tourism that falls within the framework of rural tourism, is based on the ... more Agrotourism, a form of tourism that falls within the framework of rural tourism, is based on the tourism taking place on farms with the possibility of doing work with the owners of the farm with this being seen as a leisure activity, educational in nature and of interest to members of many groups. The importance of this kind of tourism resides in the possibility of complementing the income generated from the farm with income produced by the tourism, as well as assuring the conservation of the environment and the agricultural system in which it takes place. The objective of this paper is to highlight the possibilities for the development of agrotourism in areas where it has had little impact, from the perspective of agricultural entrepreneurs and their willingness to diversify their traditional activities and make them compatible with tourism. A survey of 494 entrepreneurs carried out in Extremadura (Spain) shows the existence of a positive attitude to the development of tourism (80%), though these same entrepreneurs also show some reluctance to actually participate in it themselves. From this survey it can be seen that although this kind of tourism has great potential in the area with interesting benefits related to increasing the income and quality of life of the agricultural entrepreneur (74%), as well as the preservation of the landscape and rural heritage (71%), it still faces many challenges.
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Geografía, 2013
Emigration has been one of the most relevant demographic, social, economic and
political events i... more Emigration has been one of the most relevant demographic, social, economic and
political events in Extremadura. The number of people from Extremadura who continued
to live outside of the region in 2010 is 608.101, representing 54,9% of the total population,
according to the regional census, and 63,9% of those born and residing in the region. This
total has been feeding a return immigration that, since the middle of the seventies, has
experienced significant changes, not only in numbers, but also in its internal composition.
The consolidation of new return patterns since the second half of the eighties and the characteristics of this flow during the first decade of the 21st century are the main focus of this study.
International Journal Environmental Research, 2013
Within the broader category of rural tourism, agrotourism is a type of tourism carried out in a v... more Within the broader category of rural tourism, agrotourism is a type of tourism carried out in a very specific environment, mixed livestock and tillage farms. Its importance resides in the fact that it offers the possibility of complementing the income generated by the farm with income generated from tourism while at the same time carrying out an activity that promotes the conservation of nature. Although rural tourism has enjoyed strong growth in European countries such as Spain, the same has not occurred with agrotourism, in spite of the great potential that exists for it. The aim of this paper is to study the attitudes and motivations of tourists to the practice of agrotourism, an activity which has a strong environmental component.
Revista Estudios Extremeños Tomo LXXIV, 2018
Este trabajo presenta un recorrido por los principales estudios e inves-tigaciones geográficas qu... more Este trabajo presenta un recorrido por los principales estudios e inves-tigaciones geográficas que, en los últimos noventa años, ha recogido en sus páginas la Revista de Estudios Extremeños. Se hace un balance de los cambios habidos en los contenidos y ejes temáticos, en las metodologías de la investiga-ción y en las técnicas de análisis. Se pone de manifiesto la importancia de los estudios geográficos desde la vertiente aplicada, como ciencia que trata en profundidad los problemas territoriales: demográficos, económicos, sociales, ambientales y culturales. ABSTRACT This paper presents a survey of the main studies and geographic research that, in the last ninety years, has included in its pages the "Revista de Estudios Extremeños". A balance is made of the changes in the contents and thematic axes, in the methodologies of the investigation and in the techniques of analysis. It highlights the importance of geographic studies from the applied perspective, as a science that deals in depth with the territorial problems: demographic, economic, social, environmental and cultural.
Resumen Los objetivos esenciales de esta investigación son, entre otros, poner de relieve la prof... more Resumen Los objetivos esenciales de esta investigación son, entre otros, poner de relieve la profunda de-bilidad demográfica de los territorios rurales de Extremadura. La baja ocupación espacial del territorio, el alto grado de ruralidad o la presencia de problemas demográficos estructurales serán analizados desde la perspectiva territorial de los Grupos de Acción Local que, además, presentan entre ellos enormes diferencias socioeconómicas y demográficas. En este sentido, esta contri-bución pretende establecer una tipología de Grupos de Acción Local utilizando para ello una metodología inductiva-deductiva, apoyada en el uso de la técnica factorial sobre el diseño previo de una base de datos compuesta por variables del ámbito demográfico, agrario y socioeconó-mico. Las conclusiones más sobresalientes de este trabajo inciden en aspectos como la pérdida incesante de efectivos demográficos, salvo aquellos más dinámicos y con más de 10.000 habitan-tes, el proceso imparable del envejecimiento demográfico, la quiebra del crecimiento natural, el incremento constante del proceso de masculinización y la superposición de flujos migratorios en la actualidad. Palabras clave: Extremadura; demografía; grupo de acción local; desarrollo rural. Abstract Demographic analysis of the Local Action Groups in Extremadura (Spain) in the period 2007-2014. The key objectives of this research are, among others, highlight the profound demographic weakness of rural areas of Extremadura. The low spatial occupation of the territory, the high degree of rurality or the presence of structural demographic problems will be analyzed from the perspective of territorial Local Action Groups also presented including enormous socioeconomic and demographic differences. In this sense, this contribution seeks to establish a typology of local action groups using an inductive-deductive methodology based on the use of the technique factorial design a database consisting of demographic variables, agricultural sector and socioeconomic. The salient findings of this work affect aspects such as the continuing loss of demographic troops, except those most dynamic and with more than 10,000 inhabitants, the unstoppable process of aging, the bankruptcy of natural growth, the steady increase of the process of masculinization and overlapping migration today.
Investigaciones Geográficas, 1997
Page 1. 141 MODELOS PAISAJÍSTICOS DEL REBOLLAR EN EXTREMADURA Felipe Leco Berrocal* RESUMEN ... S... more Page 1. 141 MODELOS PAISAJÍSTICOS DEL REBOLLAR EN EXTREMADURA Felipe Leco Berrocal* RESUMEN ... Serían espacios como la penillanura arbolada de encinas, los pastizales, las vegas de regadío, el secano intensivo y el olivar y viñedo (Mapa de localización). ...
Aunque la teledetección está totalmente aceptada como técnica para inventariar y estudiar usos de... more Aunque la teledetección está totalmente aceptada como técnica para inventariar y estudiar usos del suelo, se pretende, en este trabajo, evaluar la idoneidad de esta metodología para la obtención de la superficie regada en las Vegas Altas y Bajas del Guadiana en la provincia de Badajoz, obtenida mediante el tratamiento de una imagen Landsat TM y su comparación con la oficialmente declarada por el organismo pertinente, en este caso la Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadiana. Además se sugiere la oportunidad de este método para la detección o seguimiento de un posible uso fraudulento del agua de riego, estando esta faceta de total actualidad en épocas de sequía, que cíclicamente padecemos, en zonas donde el uso del agua destinada a regadío supone el 80 % del empleo total de la misma.
Estudios Geográficos, 2001
The objective of this work has been conducting a thorough diagnosis of tourism in the National Pa... more The objective of this work has been conducting a thorough diagnosis of tourism in the National Park and Biosphere Reserve Monfragüe. Analyzed for this some indicators such as visitor profile, accommodations used or activities that have been carried out. The data obtained from the surveys have enabled an objective and accurate assessment of the profile of tourists in this protected area, exposing the strengths and opportunities of the territory, stressing the affective valuation or user loyalty to this protected area.
Books by Felipe Leco Berrocal
Territorio y desarrollo rural. Aportaciones desde el ámbito investigador, 2016
La publicación que presentamos ha sido editada y financiada con el apoyo
a los planes de actuació... more La publicación que presentamos ha sido editada y financiada con el apoyo
a los planes de actuación de los grupos de investigación catalogados de la Junta de Extremadura, según DECRETO 279/2014 de la Consejería de Economía, Competitividad e Innovación, de 30 de diciembre; por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para la realización de actividades de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, de divulgación y de transferencia de conocimiento por los Grupos de Investigación de Extremadura y se realiza la primera convocatoria de ayudas (D.O.E. núm. 6, de 12 de enero de 2015) (Grupo HUM001 y Expdte. GR15038).
Desde estas páginas queremos mostrar nuestro más sincero
gradecimiento, tanto a la Junta de Extremadura como a la Unión Europea (Fondos FEDER) por la apuesta decidida «para alcanzar los objetivos marcados en Europa 2020», centrando sus prioridades en alcanzar, a través de incentivos en materia de investigación científica y técnica, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, un modelo de crecimiento territorial inteligente, sostenible e integrador.
La presente publicación ha sido concebida como un elemento de transferencia tecnológica de primer... more La presente publicación ha sido concebida como un elemento de transferencia tecnológica de primer orden dentro del Proyecto de Investigación “Desarrollo de un Sistema de Apoyo a la Decisión (SAD) para la Gestión Cooperativa de Explotaciones Ganaderas de Ovino en Régimen Extensivo” (Ref.: PCJ1009) y, más en concreto, se trataba de una de las actividades más importantes del Plan de Transferencia llevada a cabo en el Subproyecto “Imágenes satelitales como indicadoras de los recursos pastables".
Papers by Felipe Leco Berrocal
The Basic Payment System is a system of aid to farmers decoupled from production. Farmers receive direct subsidies based on the value of an allocation of payment rights referenced in the application of the regionalization of aid. In this paper we analyze the data referring to the Basic Payment System (obtained from the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund), taking as reference the year 2016 in Spain.
The statistical analysis has been carried out from a quantitative and non-experimental, descriptive and qualitative analytical methodology, and has allowed an approximation to the social, economic and territorial reality of these aids.
In the first place, the data reveal the high weight of the Base Payment with respect to the rest of the aid and measures of the CAP (the basic payment system represents 36% of the total aid in Spain).
Second, the data show the presence of a strong masculinization (62.7% are men) and aging (38.8% are over 65) of the recipients of the Basic Payment System, in addition to a testimonial presence of young people in the agricultural sector.
Thirdly, it highlights the enormous weight of the small recipients of the base payment (those who receive less than 1,250 euros), which, in the Spanish case, reach 23.9% of the total but on the other hand, they only receive 3.45% of the budgetary amount of this aid scheme. Finally, the existing territorial imbalances of this aid regime and the absolute absence of interterritorial solidarity are highlighted, despite the non-discriminatory nature of these measures.
of Origin for Iberian pork. The basic source used are the specifications, analysed comparatively according to the logic of localised agri-food systems and their attributes of proximity (in the food chain) and ootedness (agro-ecological). Production cycles (livestock and agro-industrial) are correlated with the normative circumscriptions of these PDOs (production and processing areas). Proximities are assimilated to proximities (potential or real) between livestock production and agro-industrial processing areas, and between these and the agro-industrial sites. Rootedness is understood as the rooting of livestock farms in the natural and cultura bases of their territories; it is ascertained through extensions of production areas and in their relations with the dehesa (pastureland). The results reveal distortions of the territory, in terms of its rootedness, extension, proximity/remote and concentration/administrative dispersion. The main conclusion drawn is that there are different models.
political events in Extremadura. The number of people from Extremadura who continued
to live outside of the region in 2010 is 608.101, representing 54,9% of the total population,
according to the regional census, and 63,9% of those born and residing in the region. This
total has been feeding a return immigration that, since the middle of the seventies, has
experienced significant changes, not only in numbers, but also in its internal composition.
The consolidation of new return patterns since the second half of the eighties and the characteristics of this flow during the first decade of the 21st century are the main focus of this study.
Books by Felipe Leco Berrocal
a los planes de actuación de los grupos de investigación catalogados de la Junta de Extremadura, según DECRETO 279/2014 de la Consejería de Economía, Competitividad e Innovación, de 30 de diciembre; por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para la realización de actividades de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, de divulgación y de transferencia de conocimiento por los Grupos de Investigación de Extremadura y se realiza la primera convocatoria de ayudas (D.O.E. núm. 6, de 12 de enero de 2015) (Grupo HUM001 y Expdte. GR15038).
Desde estas páginas queremos mostrar nuestro más sincero
gradecimiento, tanto a la Junta de Extremadura como a la Unión Europea (Fondos FEDER) por la apuesta decidida «para alcanzar los objetivos marcados en Europa 2020», centrando sus prioridades en alcanzar, a través de incentivos en materia de investigación científica y técnica, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, un modelo de crecimiento territorial inteligente, sostenible e integrador.
The Basic Payment System is a system of aid to farmers decoupled from production. Farmers receive direct subsidies based on the value of an allocation of payment rights referenced in the application of the regionalization of aid. In this paper we analyze the data referring to the Basic Payment System (obtained from the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund), taking as reference the year 2016 in Spain.
The statistical analysis has been carried out from a quantitative and non-experimental, descriptive and qualitative analytical methodology, and has allowed an approximation to the social, economic and territorial reality of these aids.
In the first place, the data reveal the high weight of the Base Payment with respect to the rest of the aid and measures of the CAP (the basic payment system represents 36% of the total aid in Spain).
Second, the data show the presence of a strong masculinization (62.7% are men) and aging (38.8% are over 65) of the recipients of the Basic Payment System, in addition to a testimonial presence of young people in the agricultural sector.
Thirdly, it highlights the enormous weight of the small recipients of the base payment (those who receive less than 1,250 euros), which, in the Spanish case, reach 23.9% of the total but on the other hand, they only receive 3.45% of the budgetary amount of this aid scheme. Finally, the existing territorial imbalances of this aid regime and the absolute absence of interterritorial solidarity are highlighted, despite the non-discriminatory nature of these measures.
of Origin for Iberian pork. The basic source used are the specifications, analysed comparatively according to the logic of localised agri-food systems and their attributes of proximity (in the food chain) and ootedness (agro-ecological). Production cycles (livestock and agro-industrial) are correlated with the normative circumscriptions of these PDOs (production and processing areas). Proximities are assimilated to proximities (potential or real) between livestock production and agro-industrial processing areas, and between these and the agro-industrial sites. Rootedness is understood as the rooting of livestock farms in the natural and cultura bases of their territories; it is ascertained through extensions of production areas and in their relations with the dehesa (pastureland). The results reveal distortions of the territory, in terms of its rootedness, extension, proximity/remote and concentration/administrative dispersion. The main conclusion drawn is that there are different models.
political events in Extremadura. The number of people from Extremadura who continued
to live outside of the region in 2010 is 608.101, representing 54,9% of the total population,
according to the regional census, and 63,9% of those born and residing in the region. This
total has been feeding a return immigration that, since the middle of the seventies, has
experienced significant changes, not only in numbers, but also in its internal composition.
The consolidation of new return patterns since the second half of the eighties and the characteristics of this flow during the first decade of the 21st century are the main focus of this study.
a los planes de actuación de los grupos de investigación catalogados de la Junta de Extremadura, según DECRETO 279/2014 de la Consejería de Economía, Competitividad e Innovación, de 30 de diciembre; por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para la realización de actividades de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, de divulgación y de transferencia de conocimiento por los Grupos de Investigación de Extremadura y se realiza la primera convocatoria de ayudas (D.O.E. núm. 6, de 12 de enero de 2015) (Grupo HUM001 y Expdte. GR15038).
Desde estas páginas queremos mostrar nuestro más sincero
gradecimiento, tanto a la Junta de Extremadura como a la Unión Europea (Fondos FEDER) por la apuesta decidida «para alcanzar los objetivos marcados en Europa 2020», centrando sus prioridades en alcanzar, a través de incentivos en materia de investigación científica y técnica, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, un modelo de crecimiento territorial inteligente, sostenible e integrador.
de mayo de 2017, de la Secretaría General de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (DOE núm. 105, de 2 de junio de 2017). El proyecto de investigación ha sido desarrollado en el Instituto de Investigación en Patrimonio (i-PAT) de la Universidad de Extremadura en Cáceres.