Auana Diniz
Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Instituto de Artes, Integrante de grupo de pesquisa
Doutora em Artes pelo Instituto de Artes da UNESP, área de concentração Artes e Educação, linha de pesquisa Processos Processos Artísticos, Experiências Educacionais e Mediação Cultural.
Supervisors: Profª Drª Rejane Galvão Coutinho
Supervisors: Profª Drª Rejane Galvão Coutinho
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Papers by Auana Diniz
Este artigo aborda alguns caminhos da pesquisa Entretempos — histórias, conversas e mediações, publicada em agosto de 2022. Os caminhos são expostos a partir de três cenas, montadas e elaboradas com os registros dos relatos estéticos e políticos de participantes do projeto com as imagens estudadas no presente. A pesquisa teve seu foco em quatro obras da exposição de longa duração do Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP). Em sequência às cenas o texto apresenta algumas escolhas metodológicas e teóricas do trabalho, como as referências da Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Artes, Educação e História da Arte, e informações memoriais do processo.
This article addresses some paths of the research Meantime – stories, talks and mediations, published in August 2022. The paths are exposed from three scenes, assemble and elaborated with the records of the aesthetic and political reports of project participants with the images studied in the present. The research focused on four works from the long term exhibition at the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP). Following the scenes, the text presents some methodological and theoretical choices of the work, such as references from Arts Based Educational Research approach, Education and Art History, and memorial information about the process.
das camadas contextuais para a fruição e leitura da arte, criadas com a expografia dos Cavaletes de Cristal de Lina Bo
Bardi, no Museu de Arte de São Paulo. No texto, o mapeamento dos aspectos históricos e museográficos do suporte foi
articulado à investigação da ação educativa Cavaletes de Invenção, proposta na Casa de vidro/Instituto Bardi, quando a
expografia foi retomada no MASP. A construção dessa conjuntura analítica está associada ao projeto de mestrado em
desenvolvimento, Com os olhos do tempo: sujeitos criadores no acervo do Museu de Arte de São Paulo.
e recriadas temporalmente por meio dos processos de leituras estéticas e a partir das ações educativas em museus de arte.
Ações de criação. Temporalidade. Registro. Coleção.
ABSTRACT – An Imagined Story: Creation Times with 'The Renoir Girls' – This article exposes aspects of a collection, narrative and a /r/tography, composed of aesthetic readings and coproduced recreations with subjects in contact with Rosa and Azul work (The Cahen d´Anvers Girls),
1881, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. I present here a framework of the master's research, in process, which proposes to expose and reflect on how art images are potentially open and recreated temporally through processes of aesthetic readings and with the educational actions in art museums.
Creation actions. Temporality. Record. Collection.
Books by Auana Diniz
of those images and seeks to register its openings and symbolical transformations from the actions of participation and creation of both the public and professionals of the field. It took in consideration the temporal permanence of the art work at the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and the educational and cultural mediation processes. The research focus
in four works from the long term MASP’s exhibition Collection in Transformation: Moema (1866), by Victor Meirelles, Pink and Blue - Alice and Elisabeth Cahen d’Anvers (1881), by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Tempo suspenso de um estado provisório (2011-2015), by Marcelo Cidade, and Do women have to be naked to get into the São Paulo Museum of Art? (2017), by Guerrilla Girls. The work with these images started with the Arts Based Educational Research approach. Throughout the research, we also implemented cartography’s methodological propositions such as the strategy of intervention research at the fieldwork, as well as a dialog between the montage – as a reference to image’s studies – and Oral History resources at the analysis of readings coproduced with the participants.
Este artigo aborda alguns caminhos da pesquisa Entretempos — histórias, conversas e mediações, publicada em agosto de 2022. Os caminhos são expostos a partir de três cenas, montadas e elaboradas com os registros dos relatos estéticos e políticos de participantes do projeto com as imagens estudadas no presente. A pesquisa teve seu foco em quatro obras da exposição de longa duração do Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP). Em sequência às cenas o texto apresenta algumas escolhas metodológicas e teóricas do trabalho, como as referências da Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Artes, Educação e História da Arte, e informações memoriais do processo.
This article addresses some paths of the research Meantime – stories, talks and mediations, published in August 2022. The paths are exposed from three scenes, assemble and elaborated with the records of the aesthetic and political reports of project participants with the images studied in the present. The research focused on four works from the long term exhibition at the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP). Following the scenes, the text presents some methodological and theoretical choices of the work, such as references from Arts Based Educational Research approach, Education and Art History, and memorial information about the process.
das camadas contextuais para a fruição e leitura da arte, criadas com a expografia dos Cavaletes de Cristal de Lina Bo
Bardi, no Museu de Arte de São Paulo. No texto, o mapeamento dos aspectos históricos e museográficos do suporte foi
articulado à investigação da ação educativa Cavaletes de Invenção, proposta na Casa de vidro/Instituto Bardi, quando a
expografia foi retomada no MASP. A construção dessa conjuntura analítica está associada ao projeto de mestrado em
desenvolvimento, Com os olhos do tempo: sujeitos criadores no acervo do Museu de Arte de São Paulo.
e recriadas temporalmente por meio dos processos de leituras estéticas e a partir das ações educativas em museus de arte.
Ações de criação. Temporalidade. Registro. Coleção.
ABSTRACT – An Imagined Story: Creation Times with 'The Renoir Girls' – This article exposes aspects of a collection, narrative and a /r/tography, composed of aesthetic readings and coproduced recreations with subjects in contact with Rosa and Azul work (The Cahen d´Anvers Girls),
1881, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. I present here a framework of the master's research, in process, which proposes to expose and reflect on how art images are potentially open and recreated temporally through processes of aesthetic readings and with the educational actions in art museums.
Creation actions. Temporality. Record. Collection.
of those images and seeks to register its openings and symbolical transformations from the actions of participation and creation of both the public and professionals of the field. It took in consideration the temporal permanence of the art work at the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and the educational and cultural mediation processes. The research focus
in four works from the long term MASP’s exhibition Collection in Transformation: Moema (1866), by Victor Meirelles, Pink and Blue - Alice and Elisabeth Cahen d’Anvers (1881), by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Tempo suspenso de um estado provisório (2011-2015), by Marcelo Cidade, and Do women have to be naked to get into the São Paulo Museum of Art? (2017), by Guerrilla Girls. The work with these images started with the Arts Based Educational Research approach. Throughout the research, we also implemented cartography’s methodological propositions such as the strategy of intervention research at the fieldwork, as well as a dialog between the montage – as a reference to image’s studies – and Oral History resources at the analysis of readings coproduced with the participants.