Papers by Fahruddin Kurdi
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2018
Abstrak: Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learnin... more Abstrak: Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learning. The learning environment of conducive clinical practice is highly conquered. The environment in which, the atmosphere that supports students to learn. Things that are not obtained by nursing students in academic learning environment will be obtained at the time of clinical learning practice. To identify students' perceptions of the clinical practice learning environment and supervision of the hospital-based clinical practice learning process in Indonesia and the influencing factors. The design of this study used correlational analytic survey method with cross-sectional approach, with sampling technique of convinience sampling. The study population is Ners educational institution. The sample of research is 3 institution of Ners education organizer in East Java. Instruments using ELBKS + D Indonesian version. Respondents aged between 20 to 28 years, 20-22 years of 89 (54.3%), female sex of 115 (70.1%). Medical Surgical Nursing became the most widely practiced stages of 62 (37.8%). That the practical stages are significantly related to the role of the lecturer on the scale of ELBKS + D with r-value = 0.158 and ρ-value = 0.044. Discussion: Nursing students consider that the success of clinical teaching practice is determined primarily by the content of supervisory relationships and the role of nursing lecturers. The nurse lecturer role sub variable in ELBKS + D has correlation with student's precursor stages. Abstrak: Pendidikan Ners di Indonesia terintegrasi antara pembelajaran akademik dan pembelajaran klinik. Lingkungan pembelajaran praktek klinik yang kondusif sangat diperlukkan. Lingkungan dimana, suasana yang mendukung mahasiswa untuk belajar. Hal-hal yang tidak didapatkan oleh mahasiswa keperawatan di lingkungan pembelajaran akademik, akan di dapatkan pada saat praktik pembelajaran klinik. Mengidentifikasi persepsi mahasiswa dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi mengenai lingkungan pembelajaran praktik klinik dan supervisi dari proses pembelajaran praktik klinik berbasis rumah sakit di Indonesia Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, dengan teknik sampling convinience sampling. Populasi penelitian adalah institusi penyelenggara pendidikan Ners. Sampel penelitian adalah 3 institusi penyelenggara pendidikan Ners di Jawa Timur. Instrumen menggunakan ELBKS+D versi Bahasa Indonesia. Responden berusia antara 20 hingga 28 tahun, 20-22 tahun sebanyak 89 (54.3`%), jenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak 115 (70.1%). Keperawatan Medikal bedah menjadi stase praktek terbanyak sebesar 62 (37.8%). bahwa stase praktek secara signfikan
Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learning. The le... more Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learning. The learning environment of conducive clinical practice is highly conquered. The environment in which, the atmosphere that supports students to learn. Things that are not obtained by nursing students in academic learning environment will be obtained at the time of clinical learning practice. To identify students' perceptions of the clinical practice learning environment and supervision of the hospital-based clinical practice learning process in Indonesia and the influencing factors. The design of this study used correlational analytic survey method with cross-sectional approach, with sampling technique of convinience sampling. The study population is Ners educational institution. The sample of research is 3 institution of Ners education organizer in East Java. Instruments using ELBKS + D Indonesian version. Respondents aged between 20 to 28 years, 20-22 years of 89 (54.3%), female sex of 115 (70.1%). Medical Surgical Nursing became the most widely practiced stages of 62 (37.8%). That the practical stages are significantly related to the role of the lecturer on the scale of ELBKS + D with r-value = 0.158 and ρ-value = 0.044. Discussion: Nursing students consider that the success of clinical teaching practice is determined primarily by the content of supervisory relationships and the role of nursing lecturers. The nurse lecturer role sub variable in ELBKS + D has correlation with student's precursor stages.
Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learning. The le... more Ners education in Indonesia is integrated between academic learning and clinical learning. The learning environment of conducive clinical practice is highly conquered. The environment in which, the atmosphere that supports students to learn. Things that are not obtained by nursing students in academic learning environment will be obtained at the time of clinical learning practice. To identify students' perceptions of the clinical practice learning environment and supervision of the hospital-based clinical practice learning process in Indonesia and the influencing factors. The design of this study used correlational analytic survey method with cross-sectional approach, with sampling technique of convinience sampling. The study population is Ners educational institution. The sample of research is 3 institution of Ners education organizer in East Java. Instruments using ELBKS + D Indonesian version. Respondents aged between 20 to 28 years, 20-22 years of 89 (54.3%), female sex of 115 (70.1%). Medical Surgical Nursing became the most widely practiced stages of 62 (37.8%). That the practical stages are significantly related to the role of the lecturer on the scale of ELBKS + D with r-value = 0.158 and ρ-value = 0.044. Discussion: Nursing students consider that the success of clinical teaching practice is determined primarily by the content of supervisory relationships and the role of nursing lecturers. The nurse lecturer role sub variable in ELBKS + D has correlation with student's precursor stages.
Al-Hijrah Indonesia, 2016
Teaching Documents by Fahruddin Kurdi
PENDAHULUAN Semakin kompleksnya kasus rujukan pasien ke RS daerah/provinsi/pusat yang disertai de... more PENDAHULUAN Semakin kompleksnya kasus rujukan pasien ke RS daerah/provinsi/pusat yang disertai dengan komplikasi luka seperti fistule enterokutaneus, dehisence, pressure ulcer, ekstravasasi, iritasi luas pada kasus stoma pediatric ataupun luka bakar, perawatan luka pun berkembang pesat. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya berbagai sertifikasi keahlian perawatan luka semisal certified wound care clinician (CWCC), certified stoma terapist (CST), maupun Enterostomal Therapy Nurse (ETN) dari World Council of Enterostomal Therapy (WCET, 2007) yang merupakan badan tertinggi dunia untuk bidang keilmuan perawatan Luka, Stoma dan Inkontinensia. Wound care dikembangkan dan berkembang dengan sangat pesat yaitu dengan tehnik modern yang sesuai standar Internasional yaitu berbasis lembab atau "moist wound healing dan moist wound dressing". Didukung dengan banyaknya pilihan dressing modern berbasis lembab dengan tujuan hasil penyembuhan luka yang efektif dan efisien. Indikatornya dapat dilihat dari kualitas integritas jaringan (proliferasi dan epitelisasi), durasi penyembuhan, peningkatan quality of life dan patient safety dengan pertimbangan cost efectivenes. Konsep Moist Wound Healing Konsep Moist merupakan suatu cara penyembuhan luka dengan memperhatikan lingkungan luka tetap terjaga kelembabannya, hal tersebut berguna untuk menunjang penyembuhan luka. Mempertahankan kelembaban luka dapat dicapai dengan cara occlusive dressing (perawatan luka tertutup). Metode "moist wound healing" ini telah dimulai oleh Prof. Winter tahun 1962, namun di Indonesia mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 2000 an. Terdapat perbedaan yang mendasar antara conventional wound care dengan modern wound care. Conventional wound care tidak mengenal perawatan luka lembab, pada umumnya kasa yang digunakan untuk membalut akan lengket pada luka. Ini dikarenakan luka dibiarkan dalam kondisi/lingkungan yang kering. Pertumbuhan jaringan (proliferasi dan epitelisasi) sangat lambat sehingga risiko infeksipun juga lebih besar dibanding metode modern. Teknik modern wound care atau moist wound healing, sangat memperhatikan kondisi/lingkungan luka terjaga kelembabannya (moisture balance). Area luka tidak dibiarkan kering. Balutan kasa tidak terjadi perlengketan pada luka. Dengan suasana lembab maka dapat menstimulus petumbuhan jaringan (proliferasi) lebih cepat dan risiko infeksipun dapat diminimalisir. "TIME" Concept TIME merupakan metode untuk mempertahankan kelembaban lingkungan luka. Pemilihan dressing yang tepat (wound bed
articles by Fahruddin Kurdi
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Indonesia (JKKI), 2022
Increasing age and the aging process can cause various problems, especially physical dissatisfact... more Increasing age and the aging process can cause various problems, especially physical dissatisfaction, which results in impaired musculoskeletal function, namely joint pain which makes the elderly experience problems in carrying out daily activities. Pain management with non-pharmacological nursing actions that can be used to relieve joint pain in the elderly, namely progressive muscle relaxation therapy (ROP). This study aims to determine the impact of progressive muscle relaxation (ROP) on joint pain in the elderly at Wisma Melati UPT PSTW Jember. This research was conducted quantitatively with the type of quasi-experimental research using a research design approach (one group pre-test and post-test design). Samples were taken by purposive sampling. The sample population used in this study was elderly at Wisma Melati UPT PSTW Jember, with nine elderly people selected. The results showed that the respondents who took part were on average 77.11 years old (SD=5.732), the youngest was 70 years old and the oldest was 90 years old. The average value of the pain scale before performing progressive muscle relaxation (ROP) is 3.44 with a minimum value of 2 and a maximum value of 5. The mean value of the pain scale after administration of progressive muscle relaxation (ROP) is 2.67 with a minimum value of 0 (no pain) and the maximum value is 5. Based on the results of the analysis test using the t-test paired sample test the results of the joint pain scale before and after progressive muscle relaxation (ROP) was carried out, namely 0.0023 (p <0.005). There was a change or difference in the decrease in pain scale before and after giving progressive muscle relaxation therapy (ROP) to the elderly.
Papers by Fahruddin Kurdi
Teaching Documents by Fahruddin Kurdi
articles by Fahruddin Kurdi