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The paper considers Cournot duopoly where the competitors have capacity constraints. An isoelastic demand function, which always results when consumers maximise utility functions of the Cobb–Douglas type, is used. It has been demonstrated... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsSocial SciencesMathematical Sciences
Timely values of the gross regional product are rarely available. Annual GRP are often published with up to two years lag. The present paper evaluates a method of obtaining values of the GRP as soon as monthly and quarterly business cycle... more
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      Business CycleInformation Content
This paper uses a labor supply model that incorporates waiting for health care to derive an empirical specification for sick leave and to estimate the impact of waiting for health care on the duration of sick leave. In the estimations, we... more
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      Health CareStatistical SignificanceLabor Supply
In the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, there are two health centres which (contrary to all other health centres in the region) have a strict responsibility over their pharmaceutical budget. The purpose of this paper is to examine if the... more
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      Applied EconomicsSwedenPharmaceutical EconomicsPropensity Score Matching
In this paper, the impact of increased information on brand name and generic pharmaceutical prices is analyzed both theoretically and empirically. The theoretical results show that an increase in information is likely to reduce the price... more
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      EconomicsPharmaceutical industryNatural experiment
The purpose of this paper is to test if consumer loyalty is stronger toward brand name prharmaceutical products and branded generics as compared to "true" generics in the Swedish pharmaceutical market. The results show that... more
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    • Brand Loyalty
In October 2002 a substitution reform was introduced in the Swedish Pharmaceuticals market. In this note, the effects of increased price competition due to the reform on the entry of new pharmaceutical products were studied. The results... more
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      Pharmaceutical industryPrice Competition
This paper concerns the provision of a state-variable public good in a two-type model under presentbiased consumer preferences. The preference for immediate grati…cation facing the high-ability type weakens the incentive to adjust public... more
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      EconomicsApplied Economics LettersPublic GoodHyperbolic Discounting
The association between socioeconomic variables and mortality for 41 000 adults Vietnamese followed from January 1999 to March 2008 are estimated using Cox's proportionally hazard models. Also, we use decomposition techniques to... more
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      Higher EducationHealth inequalityVietnamSocioeconomic Status
Vietnam has experienced rapid economic growth following the transition, which began in the mid 1980s, from a planned agriculture based economy to a more market orientated one. In this paper, the associations between socioeconomic... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyHigher EducationHealth inequality
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This paper uses a labor supply model that incorporates waiting for health care to derive an empirical specification for sick leave and to estimate the impact of waiting for health care on the duration of sick leave. In the estimations, we... more
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      Health CareStatistical SignificanceLabor Supply
I empirically study the relationship between the share of foreign-born individuals and municipality income inequality measured by the Gini index. I use Swedish municipality level data from 2000 to 2019, showing a positive and signi cant... more
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      ImmigrationHeterogeneityIncome inequalityMunicipality