Andrea Motti
Funzionario Geologo- Responsabile Sezione Geologica presso Regione Umbria
Supervisors: Coordinamento di struttura organizzativa della Regione Umbria and Collaudatore tecnico-amministrativo di opere pubbliche di tipo geologico della Regione Umbria dal 1994.
Supervisors: Coordinamento di struttura organizzativa della Regione Umbria and Collaudatore tecnico-amministrativo di opere pubbliche di tipo geologico della Regione Umbria dal 1994.
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Papers by Andrea Motti
As a Geological Section and previously as a Geological Survey, our activities are aimed at: increasing and disseminating knowledge; emergency interventions; emergency geology; geology for people.
From the 1990s to 2015, the execution of studies and applications of the knowledge achieved applied to building and urban planning interventions made it possible to reduce the macroseismic intensity caused by the 2016 earthquakes in central Italy from 1 to 3 degrees in Umbria. Analyzes highlighted this by comparing the occurred values of the ICMs with the values of the ICMs deriving from the recorded PGAs.
The recent eartquakes of March 9, 2023 confirmed how important MS investigations are. Since 2014, the city of Umbertide has had detailed seismic microzonation investigations which were further developed in 2022 by the regional Geological Section. The damage caused by the seismic events of 9 March 2023 demonstrated how the MS investigations had already defined the framework of the expected amplifications and damage that would have occurred also through the calculation of the HSM parameter for the different areas. This parameter, starting from the FA values (amplification factors) calculated in the MS studies and the basic seismic hazard of the investigated territory, estimates the "integrated" seismic hazard level (basic hazard and lithostratigraphic amplification effects) of the different parts of the territory with simplified and advanced analyzes for seismic risk assessments, given the vulnerability of the buildings. The processing procedures allow uniform values to be obtained on a national scale and therefore also allow uniform assessments.
The detailed seismic microzonation investigations carried out at various times and methods, if carried out according to the criteria of the guidelines, obtain concordant results: the damage that occurred and the macroseismic intensity detected in the event of a seismic event are both consistent with the previous seismic amplifications identified with detailed seismic microzonations; in the event of a seismic event, the availability of online products of detailed seismic microzonation and the presence of personnel specialized in its use makes it possible to shorten the time required for decisions such as the declaration of a state of emergency (which happened); territorial management through the HSM value indicates the zones and inhabited areas at risk of damage by type of buildings and this value was found to be consistent with the picture of damage occurred with seismic events.
All these analyzes and evaluations, even retrospective with respect to the seismic events taken into consideration, confirm how the detailed seismic microzonation investigations and the application of the HSM value are an effective risk prevention for correct management and planning of the territory and of the emergency.
Il futuro è già realtà con casi efficaci di prevenzione efficace in Umbria ottenuti con indagini di microzonazione sismica (MS). La prevenzione sismica è importante per il raggiungimento di livelli essenziali di sicurezza di protezione civile in tutto il territorio e per l’aumento della resilienza alle catastrofi naturali. Se in un’emergenza la gestione della stessa ha dei problemi o ci sono decisioni ritardate di 1-2 giorni o peggio ancora sbagliate, poiché prese in assenza di conoscenze, queste poi si ripercuotono per anni sulla vita di tante persone.
Come Sezione Geologica e in precedenza come Servizio Geologico le nostre attività sono indirizzate a: aumento e diffusione delle conoscenze; interventi in emergenza; geologia per l’emergenza; geologia per le persone.
Dagli anni ‘90 al 2015 l’esecuzione di studi e applicazioni delle conoscenze raggiunte applicate agli interventi edilizi e anche urbanistici ha permesso di diminuire in Umbria da 1 a 3 gradi di intensità macrosismica quanto causato dai terremoti del 2016 in Italia centrale. Analisi hanno evidenziato questo confrontando i valori verificatisi delle ICM con i valori delle ICM derivanti dalle PGA registrate.
I recenti eventi simici del 9 marzo 2023 hanno confermato quanto le indagini di MS siano importante. Il capoluogo di Umbertide già dal 2014 dispone di indagini di microzonazione sismcia di dettaglio che sono state ulteriormente sviluppate nel 2022 sempre dalla Sezione geologica regionale. I danni causati dagli eventi sismici del 9 marzo 2023 hanno dimostrato come le indagini di MS avevano già definito il quadro delle amplificazioni attese e dei danneggiamenti che si sarebbero verificati anche attraverso il calcolo del parametro Hsm per le diverse zone. Tale parametro, a partire dai valori di FA (fattori di amplificazione) calcolati negli studi di MS e dalla pericolosità sismica di base del territorio indagato, stima il livello di pericolosità sismica “integrato” (pericolosità di base e effetti di amplificazione litostratigrafica) delle diverse parti del territorio con analisi semplificate e avanzate per valutazioni sul rischio sismico, nota la vulnerabilità del costruito. Le procedure di elaborazione permettono di avere dei valori uniformi su scala nazionale e permettono quindi valutazioni anch’esse uniformi.
Le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio eseguite in vari tempi e modalità, se effettuate secondo i criteri delle linee guida, ottengono risultati concordanti: i danneggiamenti verificatesi e l’intensità macrosismica rilevata in caso di evento sismico sono entrambi coerenti con le amplificazioni sismiche in precedenza individuate con le microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio; in caso di evento sismico la disponibilità dei prodotti online delle microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio e la presenza di personale specializzato nel suo utilizzo permette di accorciare i tempi per le decisioni come ad esempio la dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza (cosa avvenuta); la gestione del territorio tramite il valore di Hsm indica le zone e le aree abitate a rischio di danni per tipologie di edifici e tale valore è risultato coerente con il quadro del danneggiamento verificatosi con eventi sismici.
Tutte queste analisi e valutazioni, anche retrospettive rispetto agli eventi sismici presi in considerazione, confermano come le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio e l’applicazione del valore Hsm sono una efficace prevenzione del rischio per una corretta gestione e programmazione del territorio e del sistema dell’emergenza.
In Umbria sono state effettuate le CLE per tutti i comuni e si è calcolato il grado di operatività mediante il software IOpaCLE. Sono in corso di programmazione le azioni per passare dalla CLE per comune a CLE per Ambito Territoriale Omogeneo (ATO).
Dagli anni ‘90 al 2015 l’esecuzione di studi e applicazioni delle conoscenze raggiunte applicate agli interventi edilizi e anche urbanistici ha permesso di diminuire in Umbria da 1 a 3 gradi di intensità macrosismica quanto causato dai terremoti del 2016 in Italia centrale. Analisi hanno evidenziato questo confrontando i valori verificatisi delle IMS con i valori delle IMS derivanti dalle PGA registrate.
The synthetic maps in this report, though subject to some refinement due to the assumptions made and the not homogeneous distribution of the deep wells in the area, represent an effort to integrate all the available geological, geophysical and hydrogeological information available providing a model of the reservoir behaviour and a contribution to the geological and geothermal knowledge of the area.
In conclusion this study, integrated with further investigations like drilling new exploration wells, should help taking the next steps towards implementing sustainable energy solutions based on geothermal
All the complete GIS viewer projects are available at and a short video describes the mega project .
With the Hotlime project, the atlas of the geothermal basins of carbonate rocks throughout Europe was obtained for 11 study areas. For all areas, spatial evaluations were made in 500 x 500m raster cells. The evaluation of the quantity of stored heat, that is the maximum theoretically extractable thermal energy in the reservoir, is one of the main results of the mapping and characterization of the deep carbonate reservoirs of HotLime. For its direct comparison, this map shows the volumetric Heat in Place expressed in GJ/m2 (109 J/m2) calculated for volumes of 500 mx 500 m gross tank thickness [m] and the reference temperature Tref = 18°C. Taking into account national starting conditions, the Heat in Place maps are not intended to offer instructions for project developers to build geothermal wells, but to indicate the overall potential of a region and identify areas for further localized investigations for geothermal exploration with promising values.
With the Mintell4EU project it was possible to obtain data on the production and trade of mineral raw materials for 40 European countries, exploration data for 7 European countries available for research purposes, problem solving for planning, programming and design activities on a regional, national and European scale. The Geological Office of the Umbria Region has prepared a specific addition to the database, in compliance with the INSPIRE legislation, and this integrated database is one of the results of the project. For all the Umbrian mining sites, the integrated database now has a wealth of information ranging from the lithological description to the natural radioactivity content of the raw materials as well as of all the rocks present in Umbria. This information is available to the community and can also be used by all commercial operators.
With the Resource project it was possible to obtain a standardization of the ways of representing groundwater as a resource at pan-European level for the areas under analysis. For the Valle Umbra, information is now available regarding the strategic resource of the underground waters of the Umbrian valley (quantity, depth, transmittivity, etc.).
As a Geological Section and previously as a Geological Survey, our activities are aimed at: increasing and disseminating knowledge; emergency interventions; emergency geology; geology for people.
From the 1990s to 2015, the execution of studies and applications of the knowledge achieved applied to building and urban planning interventions made it possible to reduce the macroseismic intensity caused by the 2016 earthquakes in central Italy from 1 to 3 degrees in Umbria. Analyzes highlighted this by comparing the occurred values of the ICMs with the values of the ICMs deriving from the recorded PGAs.
The recent eartquakes of March 9, 2023 confirmed how important MS investigations are. Since 2014, the city of Umbertide has had detailed seismic microzonation investigations which were further developed in 2022 by the regional Geological Section. The damage caused by the seismic events of 9 March 2023 demonstrated how the MS investigations had already defined the framework of the expected amplifications and damage that would have occurred also through the calculation of the HSM parameter for the different areas. This parameter, starting from the FA values (amplification factors) calculated in the MS studies and the basic seismic hazard of the investigated territory, estimates the "integrated" seismic hazard level (basic hazard and lithostratigraphic amplification effects) of the different parts of the territory with simplified and advanced analyzes for seismic risk assessments, given the vulnerability of the buildings. The processing procedures allow uniform values to be obtained on a national scale and therefore also allow uniform assessments.
The detailed seismic microzonation investigations carried out at various times and methods, if carried out according to the criteria of the guidelines, obtain concordant results: the damage that occurred and the macroseismic intensity detected in the event of a seismic event are both consistent with the previous seismic amplifications identified with detailed seismic microzonations; in the event of a seismic event, the availability of online products of detailed seismic microzonation and the presence of personnel specialized in its use makes it possible to shorten the time required for decisions such as the declaration of a state of emergency (which happened); territorial management through the HSM value indicates the zones and inhabited areas at risk of damage by type of buildings and this value was found to be consistent with the picture of damage occurred with seismic events.
All these analyzes and evaluations, even retrospective with respect to the seismic events taken into consideration, confirm how the detailed seismic microzonation investigations and the application of the HSM value are an effective risk prevention for correct management and planning of the territory and of the emergency.
Il futuro è già realtà con casi efficaci di prevenzione efficace in Umbria ottenuti con indagini di microzonazione sismica (MS). La prevenzione sismica è importante per il raggiungimento di livelli essenziali di sicurezza di protezione civile in tutto il territorio e per l’aumento della resilienza alle catastrofi naturali. Se in un’emergenza la gestione della stessa ha dei problemi o ci sono decisioni ritardate di 1-2 giorni o peggio ancora sbagliate, poiché prese in assenza di conoscenze, queste poi si ripercuotono per anni sulla vita di tante persone.
Come Sezione Geologica e in precedenza come Servizio Geologico le nostre attività sono indirizzate a: aumento e diffusione delle conoscenze; interventi in emergenza; geologia per l’emergenza; geologia per le persone.
Dagli anni ‘90 al 2015 l’esecuzione di studi e applicazioni delle conoscenze raggiunte applicate agli interventi edilizi e anche urbanistici ha permesso di diminuire in Umbria da 1 a 3 gradi di intensità macrosismica quanto causato dai terremoti del 2016 in Italia centrale. Analisi hanno evidenziato questo confrontando i valori verificatisi delle ICM con i valori delle ICM derivanti dalle PGA registrate.
I recenti eventi simici del 9 marzo 2023 hanno confermato quanto le indagini di MS siano importante. Il capoluogo di Umbertide già dal 2014 dispone di indagini di microzonazione sismcia di dettaglio che sono state ulteriormente sviluppate nel 2022 sempre dalla Sezione geologica regionale. I danni causati dagli eventi sismici del 9 marzo 2023 hanno dimostrato come le indagini di MS avevano già definito il quadro delle amplificazioni attese e dei danneggiamenti che si sarebbero verificati anche attraverso il calcolo del parametro Hsm per le diverse zone. Tale parametro, a partire dai valori di FA (fattori di amplificazione) calcolati negli studi di MS e dalla pericolosità sismica di base del territorio indagato, stima il livello di pericolosità sismica “integrato” (pericolosità di base e effetti di amplificazione litostratigrafica) delle diverse parti del territorio con analisi semplificate e avanzate per valutazioni sul rischio sismico, nota la vulnerabilità del costruito. Le procedure di elaborazione permettono di avere dei valori uniformi su scala nazionale e permettono quindi valutazioni anch’esse uniformi.
Le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio eseguite in vari tempi e modalità, se effettuate secondo i criteri delle linee guida, ottengono risultati concordanti: i danneggiamenti verificatesi e l’intensità macrosismica rilevata in caso di evento sismico sono entrambi coerenti con le amplificazioni sismiche in precedenza individuate con le microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio; in caso di evento sismico la disponibilità dei prodotti online delle microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio e la presenza di personale specializzato nel suo utilizzo permette di accorciare i tempi per le decisioni come ad esempio la dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza (cosa avvenuta); la gestione del territorio tramite il valore di Hsm indica le zone e le aree abitate a rischio di danni per tipologie di edifici e tale valore è risultato coerente con il quadro del danneggiamento verificatosi con eventi sismici.
Tutte queste analisi e valutazioni, anche retrospettive rispetto agli eventi sismici presi in considerazione, confermano come le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio e l’applicazione del valore Hsm sono una efficace prevenzione del rischio per una corretta gestione e programmazione del territorio e del sistema dell’emergenza.
In Umbria sono state effettuate le CLE per tutti i comuni e si è calcolato il grado di operatività mediante il software IOpaCLE. Sono in corso di programmazione le azioni per passare dalla CLE per comune a CLE per Ambito Territoriale Omogeneo (ATO).
Dagli anni ‘90 al 2015 l’esecuzione di studi e applicazioni delle conoscenze raggiunte applicate agli interventi edilizi e anche urbanistici ha permesso di diminuire in Umbria da 1 a 3 gradi di intensità macrosismica quanto causato dai terremoti del 2016 in Italia centrale. Analisi hanno evidenziato questo confrontando i valori verificatisi delle IMS con i valori delle IMS derivanti dalle PGA registrate.
The synthetic maps in this report, though subject to some refinement due to the assumptions made and the not homogeneous distribution of the deep wells in the area, represent an effort to integrate all the available geological, geophysical and hydrogeological information available providing a model of the reservoir behaviour and a contribution to the geological and geothermal knowledge of the area.
In conclusion this study, integrated with further investigations like drilling new exploration wells, should help taking the next steps towards implementing sustainable energy solutions based on geothermal
All the complete GIS viewer projects are available at and a short video describes the mega project .
With the Hotlime project, the atlas of the geothermal basins of carbonate rocks throughout Europe was obtained for 11 study areas. For all areas, spatial evaluations were made in 500 x 500m raster cells. The evaluation of the quantity of stored heat, that is the maximum theoretically extractable thermal energy in the reservoir, is one of the main results of the mapping and characterization of the deep carbonate reservoirs of HotLime. For its direct comparison, this map shows the volumetric Heat in Place expressed in GJ/m2 (109 J/m2) calculated for volumes of 500 mx 500 m gross tank thickness [m] and the reference temperature Tref = 18°C. Taking into account national starting conditions, the Heat in Place maps are not intended to offer instructions for project developers to build geothermal wells, but to indicate the overall potential of a region and identify areas for further localized investigations for geothermal exploration with promising values.
With the Mintell4EU project it was possible to obtain data on the production and trade of mineral raw materials for 40 European countries, exploration data for 7 European countries available for research purposes, problem solving for planning, programming and design activities on a regional, national and European scale. The Geological Office of the Umbria Region has prepared a specific addition to the database, in compliance with the INSPIRE legislation, and this integrated database is one of the results of the project. For all the Umbrian mining sites, the integrated database now has a wealth of information ranging from the lithological description to the natural radioactivity content of the raw materials as well as of all the rocks present in Umbria. This information is available to the community and can also be used by all commercial operators.
With the Resource project it was possible to obtain a standardization of the ways of representing groundwater as a resource at pan-European level for the areas under analysis. For the Valle Umbra, information is now available regarding the strategic resource of the underground waters of the Umbrian valley (quantity, depth, transmittivity, etc.).
From the 1990s to 2015, the execution of studies and applications of the knowledge achieved applied to building and urban planning interventions made it possible to reduce the macroseismic intensity caused by the 2016 earthquakes in central Italy from 1 to 3 degrees in Umbria. Analyzes highlighted this by comparing the occurred values of the ICMs with the values of the ICMs deriving from the recorded PGAs.
The recent eartquakes of March 9, 2023 confirmed how important MS investigations are. Since 2014, the city of Umbertide has had detailed seismic microzonation investigations which were further developed in 2022 by the regional Geological Section. The damage caused by the seismic events of 9 March 2023 demonstrated how the MS investigations had already defined the framework of the expected amplifications and damage that would have occurred also through the calculation of the HSM parameter for the different areas. This parameter, starting from the FA values (amplification factors) calculated in the MS studies and the basic seismic hazard of the investigated territory, estimates the "integrated" seismic hazard level (basic hazard and lithostratigraphic amplification effects) of the different parts of the territory with simplified and advanced analyzes for seismic risk assessments, given the vulnerability of the buildings. The processing procedures allow uniform values to be obtained on a national scale and therefore also allow uniform assessments.
The detailed seismic microzonation investigations carried out at various times and methods, if carried out according to the criteria of the guidelines, obtain concordant results: the damage that occurred and the macroseismic intensity detected in the event of a seismic event are both consistent with the previous seismic amplifications identified with detailed seismic microzonations; in the event of a seismic event, the availability of online products of detailed seismic microzonation and the presence of personnel specialized in its use makes it possible to shorten the time required for decisions such as the declaration of a state of emergency (which happened); territorial management through the HSM value indicates the zones and inhabited areas at risk of damage by type of buildings and this value was found to be consistent with the picture of damage occurred with seismic events.
All these analyzes and evaluations, even retrospective with respect to the seismic events taken into consideration, confirm how the detailed seismic microzonation investigations and the application of the HSM value are an effective risk prevention for correct management and planning of the territory and of the emergency.
Soprattutto le persone fragili devono andare o essere ospitate in posti sicuri in fase di emergenza.
Come Sezione Geologica e in precedenza come Servizio Geologico le nostre attività sono indirizzate a: aumento e diffusione delle conoscenze; interventi in emergenza; Geologia per l’emergenza; Geologia per le persone.
Dagli anni ‘90 al 2015 l’esecuzione di studi e applicazioni delle conoscenze raggiunte applicate agli interventi edilizi e anche urbanistici ha permesso di diminuire in Umbria da 1 a 3 gradi di intensità macrosismica quanto causato dai terremoti del 2016 in Italia centrale. Analisi hanno evidenziato questo confrontando i valori verificatisi delle IMS con i valori delle IMS derivanti dalle PGA registrate.
L’analisi retrospettiva in un caso studio sulle indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio ha mostrato solo aspetti positivi e efficaci di prevenzione del rischio sismico da applicare per la programmazione degli interventi del sistema d’emergenza:
• Le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio eseguite in vari tempi e modalità, se effettuate secondo i criteri delle linee guida, ottengono risultati concordanti.
• I danneggiamenti verificatesi e l’intensità macrosismica rilevata in caso di evento sismico sono entrambi coerenti con le amplificazioni sismiche in precedenza individuate con le microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio.
• In caso di evento sismico la disponibilità dei prodotti online delle microzonazioni sismiche di dettaglio e la presenza di personale specializzato nel suo utilizzo permette di accorciare i tempi per le decisioni come ad esempio la dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza (cosa avvenuta).
• La gestione del territorio tramite il valore di Hsm indica le zone e le aree abitate a rischio di danni per tipologie di edifici e tale valore è risultato coerente con il quadro del danneggiamento verificatosi con eventi sismici.
Tutte queste analisi e valutazioni, anche retrospettive rispetto agli eventi sismici presi in considerazione, confermano come le indagini di microzonazione sismica di dettaglio e l’applicazione del valore Hsm sono una efficace prevenzione del rischio per una corretta gestione e programmazione del territorio e del sistema dell’emergenza.
La Sezione Geologica ha predisposto una modalità online che permette di proporre un geosito da parte di chiunque dal seguente collegamento
Le proposte verranno valutate tecnicamente e, se accoglibili, saranno visibili nella mappa interattiva delle proposte. Una volta raccolte si procederà poi alla valutazione per l’accoglimento come geositi
The richness and usefulness of the apps is given by having put together the experience gained in 25 years of emergencies with the identification of the different types of failures / risks with ease of use.
These apps work with authorization for use with a proprietary username and password; speed up the survey by means of single georeferencing of points with photos, descriptive notes and immediate legend by type of instability / risk; they also work offline, they can be used by the vast majority of smartphones and allow you to know where the operator / detector is.
In real time, in the central acquisition, which can be in several places at the same time, the points detected are populated with all the information, allowing decisions to be made in the shortest possible time. All data is manageable in shp format and dashboards can be built in no time that can be viewed by anyone with the link.
In the emergency phase, a team made up of 2 expert operators detected between 25 to 40 disruptions in a working day, including car movement (excluding the time of arrival at the first survey point), with an average of one disruption every 15-20 minutes.
In Umbria, the many seismic microzonation surveys already carried out and the renovations of the buildings have made it possible to reduce the damage to buildings, in fact the macroseismic intensity of the 2016 earthquake decreased by 2 degrees of macroseismic intensity.
Non tutte le azioni sono completamente giunte alla conclusione ed altre sono in corso. Si è passati da un grado di conoscenza qualitativo ad uno quantitativo di dettaglio sempre maggiore. Tutti i risultati sono stati messi a disposizione online anche, quando possibile, come open data e questo ha di molto facilitato l’applicazione dei risultati anche perché la Regione Umbria ha reso obbligatorio il loro utilizzo. L’applicazione dei risultati che derivano dalla conoscenza servono non solo per il presente, ma soprattutto per il futuro.
Gli interventi di pronto intervento geologico degli ultimi 2 anni in Umbria indicano che:
• Le emergenze sono di tipo più locale.
• Sono maggiormente coinvolte le aree urbane con le infrastrutture di connessione ed i torrenti e fossi.
• E’ aumentata la frequenza di accadimenti per colate di fango/ detrito ed erosioni spondali ed anche, pur se in maniera più lieve, per frane.
• Vi è stata la necessità di aumentare le indicazioni per mettere in atto interventi immediati per la pubblica incolumità.
• Le aree maggiormente coinvolte sono quelle appenniniche e collinari o quelle dei corsi d’acqua minori.
• Perché come in un qualsiasi processo produttivo devono essere presenti con continuità personale che realizza, controlla, verifica e poi applica i risultati.
• Perchè i risultati inducono scoperte ed applicazioni operative, cosa praticamente quasi impossibile con finanziamenti una tantum post emergenziali che durano 1-2 anni.
Ma che cosa induce una carta geologica al 50.000?
• Una conoscenza sul territorio a disposizione di tutti.
• Una presenza di tecnici sul territorio in grado di fornire in tempo reale informazioni ai decisori ed a tutta la cittadinanza.
Coinvolti 138 comuni di 4 Regioni. All’emergenza sismica è seguita quella meteo-climatica con copiose precipitazioni nevose generanti estesi dissesti causati dal veloce scioglimento del manto nevoso.
Le frane illustrate sono anche il frutto della interazione dei due eventi. Molti movimenti franosi generanti rischio attendono di essere consolidati. A partire dal corretto Inventario delle frane è necessario giungere a scenari di pericolosità da frana che coniughino gli input meteo-climatici e sismoindotti per un aggiornamento della pianificazione di bacino.
The main objective of GeoERA is to contribute to the optimal use and management of the subsurface. GeoERA will fund 15 research projects that will aim to support 1) a more integrated and efficient management and 2) more responsible and publicly accepted, exploitation and use of the subsurface. The projects will cover the applied geosciences, addressing the following four themes: Secure, clean and efficient energy are at the heart of the H2020’s Societal Challenge 3. As Europe progresses to make its transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy. The objective of the groundwater theme is to provide data, information and decision-support tools for the protection, sustainable management and improvement of groundwater resources. Mineral Raw Materials underpin societal development and Europe’s ambition for economic growth and well-being. The European Commission recognises the importance of Raw Materials. The geo-energy, groundwater and raw materials themes share the common objective to provide and disseminate spatial information on their respective resources.
through cross border demonstrations projects, through harmonized characterization approaches for Karst and Chalk
aquifers and through a first information product at Pan European scale where available data is compiled and integrated
to produce a map of the fresh groundwater resources of Europe.
• Detailed seismic microzonation investigations performed at various times and methods, if carried out according to the criteria of the guidelines, obtain concordant results.
• The damages that have occurred and the macroseismic intensity detected in the event of a seismic event are both consistent with the seismic amplifications previously identified with detailed seismic microzoning.
• In the event of a seismic event, the availability of online products of detailed seismic microzoning and the presence of personnel specialized in its use allows to shorten the times for decisions such as, for example, the declaration of a state of emergency.
• The data deriving from additional accelerometric monitoring after the seismic event confirmed what was defined with the detailed seismic microzoning.
• The presence of specialized personnel in the regional Geological Section allowed the execution of investigations which led to the execution of reclamation works, which prevented catastrophic pollution after the seismic event.
• Territorial management through the Hsm value indicates the zones and inhabited areas at risk of damage by type of building and this value was found to be consistent with the picture of the damage that occurred with seismic events.
All these analyzes and evaluations, even retrospective with respect to the earthquakes taken into consideration, confirm how detailed seismic microzonation investigations and the application of the Hsm value are an effective prevention of seismic risk and guarantee scientific nature, accuracy, homogeneity for correct management and territorial planning that simplifies people's lives.
La necessità deriva dal fatto che le schede descrittive, delle aree sottoposte a tutela, furono redatte negli anni ’90 e che non hanno tenuto conto della definizione tecnica di geosito, a suo tempo erroneamente definito singolarità geologica; ad esempio molte aree furono definite erroneamente come aree di tipo paesaggistico generico che nulla hanno a vedere con la definizione di geosito: luogo epigeo, ipogeo o subacqueo, spazialmente limitato e chiaramente distinguibile dalle zone circostanti, con caratteristiche geologiche di intrinseco interesse scientifico internazionale, nazionale o regionale che permettono di comprendere la storia o l'evoluzione geologica di un territorio; per questo luogo, è possibile individuare un interesse geologico per la conservazione.
Si è quindi proceduto alla definizione del nuovo catasto regionale dei geositi cancellandone 9, unificandone 8 e individuandone 3 nuovi per un totale complessivo di 37.
Da un punto di vista areale su circa 220 chilometri quadrati non vi sarà più il vincolo come da definizione di geosito. Inoltre, senza apporre nessun vincolo, la Sezione Geologica ha provveduto a inquadrare tutto il territorio regionale in 10 diversi domini di forme geologiche del paesaggio oltre a realizzare il nuovo itinerario geo-turistico Spoleto-Norcia.
The Geological Section of the Regione Umbria has modified the regional geosite cadastre, protected by Regional Law no. 1 of 2015 to article 86.
The need arises from the fact that the descriptive sheets of the areas subject to protection were drawn up in the 1990s and did not take into account the technical definition of a geosite, which at the time was erroneously defined as a geological singularity; for example, many areas were erroneously defined as areas of a generic landscape type that have nothing to do with the definition of geosite: epigean, hypogeal or underwater place, spatially limited and clearly distinguishable from the surrounding areas, with geological characteristics of intrinsic international, national scientific interest or regional which allow us to understand the history or geological evolution of a territory; for this place, it is possible to identify a geological interest for conservation.
We then proceeded to define the new regional geosite cadastre by deleting 9, unifying 8 and identifying 3 new ones for a total of 37.
From an areal point of view, approximately 220 square kilometers will no longer be restricted as per the definition of a geosite. Furthermore, without imposing any constraints, the Geological Section has taken steps to frame the entire regional territory into 10 different domains of geological forms of the landscape as well as creating the new Spoleto-Norcia geo-tourist itinerary.
Abbey of S. Eutizio is one of the oldest monastic complexes in Italy, the place where western monasticism was creates. The investigations carried out did not identify elements that indicate the presence of an
active and capable fault interfering with the Abbey of Sant’Eutizio the seminary structure. The investigations and analyzes carried out have defined and ascertained:
• the interventions and monitoring to be carried out in an emergency.
• interventions and monitoring to make workers work safely during the various phases.
• the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the area.
• areas suitable for hosting the new cemetery area.
• the thicknesses of the travertine deposits.
• the geophysical and seismic amplification characteristics of the travertine deposits on which the Abbey and the seminary structure of Sant’Eutizio rest.
• the geophysical characteristics of the rock formations below the travertine deposits.
• the absence of dislocations of the stratigraphic sequences exposed in the paleoseismological trench; these stratigraphic sequences certainly cross 1703, the year in which there was a seismic event with Mw = 6.9 on 14 January, due to the activation of a long fault on the surface of approximately 30Km and of which the Campi-Norcia segment is a part of it, which has produced a superficial fault surely of at least 80cm.
• the characteristics of the local seismic response.
• the presence of a tectonic element present below the seminar structure, of the compressive type associated with the pre-quaternary compression tectonic phase no longer active in this sector of the Apennine chain, which is the cause of a seismic response differentiated between the western sector of the seminary structure and the central and eastern one, as well represented by geophysical investigations.
• an area with very high amplifications of seismic forces which corresponds to the upper part of the travertine wall and the shelf surrounding it which has very high amplifications up to more than doubling the amplification factor for the period between 0.1-0.5s; furthermore, we are in the situation where the amplifications at present are higher than the 2016 pre-earthquake situation, in which all the structures that were present on the shelf collapsed in a ruinous way over the Abbey and the seminary structure. In this area, or in similar situations artificially reconstructed, any elevated structure will be subject to the same phenomena that led to the collapse of the structures in 2016.
• an area that has average amplifications in the area where the
downstream face of the seminar structure is founded.
• the average elastic response spectra of the current situation compared to the 2016 pre-earthquake situation have roughly the same values but have a slightly different shape.
• Finally, it is important to note that the cave that was excavated by hermits around 1500 years ago, is located in an area with very low accelerations.
1980-For the first time, different areas of the territory were identified, to which attention should be paid to the reconstruction of the buildings.
1997-For the first time different categories of hazard were defined that could overlap each other identifying homogeneous areas.
1998-For the first time, geognostic and geophysical surveys, numerical modeling, and any area susceptible to seismic amplification were associated with an amplification factor (FA) that was used for the reconstruction according to the specific legislation that was adopted.
1998-For the first time, instrumental seismic microzonation investigations and detailed geognostic and geophysical surveys have been carried out, providing technical data to be used in the design field.
1999-For the first time, an entire Italian regional territory had knowledge about susceptibility to local seismic amplification.
2000-For the first time, seismic microzonation surveys have been carried out by simultaneously applying instrumental analyzes and numerical analyzes for the same areas, borrowing the different results obtained to be used in the design field.
2006-2013-For the first time we have defined:
• areas with homogeneous seismic behavior after having carried out extremely detailed surveys.
• acceleration response spectra and amplification factors for different periods intervals.
• the areas of applicability of the individual response spectra.
• response spectra for strategic buildings and major relevant buildings.
2008-For the first time, the zones of respect for active (and capable) fault were indicated as standard.
2014-For the first time it has been applied at national level:
• A multi-annual national survey of seismic microzonations and analysis for the limit condition.
• unequivocal national standards and guidelines.
• a control by an inter-institutional Technical Commission that has played and plays a fundamental role in monitoring the activities of seismic micro-zoning and the emergency limit condition, also providing essential contributions to support the same activities through the drafting of addresses, lines guide, reference standard.
2018-For the first time:
• detailed seismic microzonation investigations were carried out at the same time in a very large number of municipalities of 4 regions, according to timelines and uniform procedures in a short time.
• general criteria have been defined and approved for the use of the results of the level 3 seismic microzonation studies for the reconstruction in the territories affected by the seismic events.
Not all actions have completely reached the conclusion and others are underway. We have moved from a degree of qualitative knowledge to an ever-increasing amount of detail. All the results have been made available online, even when possible, as open data and this has greatly facilitated the application of the results also because the Umbria Region has made their use mandatory.
In conclusion, the execution of studies and applications of the achieved knowledge applied to the reconstruction has allowed to decrease from 1 to 3 degrees the macroseismic intensity.
and the Geological Section of Umbria Region, worked in synergy and continuous exchange to revise the Level 2 SM studies. The workflow began with the analysis and interpretation of available geognostic, geophysical, and geotechnical data, analyzed to identify representative parameters of each geological-technical (GT) unit.
Then, the geophysical and mechanical parameterization of the stratigraphic columns necessary for the Afs calculation was carried out, with each column considered representative of a MOPS: Homogeneous Microzone in Seismic Perspective. These data were used by numerical modelers to calculate the AF for each MOPS. AFs were calculated through numerical simulations adopting a linear-equivalent approach using the NC92Soil software (Acunzo et al., 2024). Damping and decay curves of the shear modulus taken from the available scientific literature (Gaudiosi et al., 2023) were associated with each GT unit composing the stratigraphic columns. Following this phase, the team of cartographers and database reviewers proceeded to update the database and cartographies following the current technical standards (Technical Committee MS 3907, 2020).
The activity used the MzS Tools plugin, created for the cartography and data management of SM studies (Cosentino et al., 2018).
The workflow adopted revealed several critical issues following the processing of a test sample of studies:
• previous studies following obsolete standards led to the absence of some information or the presence of obsolete codes.
• the discrepancy between the past information and that derived from the updating studies: this necessitated a global revision of the study taking into account the new elaborations.
The work carried out allowed an improvement of the MS study in terms of coherence and understanding of the territory and cartographic production: spatial coverage of the study, updating to recent standards of archiving and cartographic representation and uniformity of products and graphic rendering.