Articles by Thibault De Meyer

Philosophers of biology are divided between two main understandings of the concept of "species". ... more Philosophers of biology are divided between two main understandings of the concept of "species". For the realists, species exist in nature, silently awaiting humans to discover them. For the idealists or nominalists, species are mental constructions that are useful to humans, but that do not correspond to an underlying reality. Scholars in science and technology studies (STS) have mainly defended a sociocultural constructionist view of species, a version of idealism. For instance, Londa Schiebinger (1993) shows how the class "Mammalia" (the mammals) was coined and propagated in the 18th century because it reinforced some dimensions of gender politics. Following that kind of analysis, species and taxa are products of human power relations. The concept of race, for its part, has been more widely rejected on the ground of its sociocultural construction, even by biologists such as Richard or Albert Jacquard (1984). As we will see, in his Care of the Species John Hartigan opposes such social reductionisms.
Comptes rendus by Thibault De Meyer
Review of Martin Savransky's book, The Adventure of Relevance. Common Knowledge 24(3), pp. 433-4,... more Review of Martin Savransky's book, The Adventure of Relevance. Common Knowledge 24(3), pp. 433-4, 2018.
Will Leibniz's philosophy turn us into ecologists? This is the bet of Pauline Phemister who, buil... more Will Leibniz's philosophy turn us into ecologists? This is the bet of Pauline Phemister who, building upon Leibniz's theory of perception and of the interdependence of beings, shows that biodiversity is a form of beauty, and that its destruction impoverishes our experience.
La philosophie de Leibniz fera-t-elle de nous des écologistes ? C'est le pari de Pauline Phemiste... more La philosophie de Leibniz fera-t-elle de nous des écologistes ? C'est le pari de Pauline Phemister, qui montre, à partir de la théorie leibnizienne de la et de l'interdépendance des êtres, que la biodiversité est une forme de beauté dont la destruction appauvrit notre expérience.
(Recensé : Pauline Phemister, Leibniz and the Environment, New York.) Routledge,
La philosophe anglaise Penelope Maddy tente depuis une trentaine d'années de naturaliser la logiq... more La philosophe anglaise Penelope Maddy tente depuis une trentaine d'années de naturaliser la logique, c'est-à-dire de fonder ses opérations sur l'expérience la plus ordinaire possible. Un parcours qui nous mène de Kant à l'ethnographie, en passant par Wittgenstein.
Compte rendu du livre de Thom van Dooren, Flight Ways, sur l'environmentalisme et les relations h... more Compte rendu du livre de Thom van Dooren, Flight Ways, sur l'environmentalisme et les relations humains-animaux.
Articles by Thibault De Meyer
Comptes rendus by Thibault De Meyer
(Recensé : Pauline Phemister, Leibniz and the Environment, New York.) Routledge,
(Recensé : Pauline Phemister, Leibniz and the Environment, New York.) Routledge,