Dan Furukawa Marques
For full list of publications et pour le français, voir ma page de l'Université Laval - https://www.fss.ulaval.ca/notre-faculte/repertoire-du-personnel/dan-furukawa-marques
Dan Furukawa Marques is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Université Laval, Québec City. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Theory (University of Ottawa) and the Chaire de leadership en enseignement Alban D’Amours en sociologie de la coopération (CLEASC). He is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’études des mouvements sociaux (CEMS), at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris, director of the research axis Territories and milieux of living of the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), and regular researcher at the Research Team on Governance and Inclusion in Latin America(ÉRIGAL).
Drawing on political phenomenology his recent work analyzed the conflictual construction of cooperative communities and political subjectivities, based on collective work, participatory democracy and solidarity economy. This analysis was built through ethnographic research conducted in an agricultural production cooperative of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), in the south of Brazil.
His work appeared or will soon appear, in French, English and Portuguese, in Latin American Perspectives, Swiss Journal of Sociology, Journal des anthropologues, Anthropologie et Sociétés, Politique et Sociétés, Lien Social et Politique, Insurgência and Recherches sociographiques.
Professsor Furukawa Marques has taught many courses on topics such as cooperation and social justice, social and solidarity economy, social movements, politics of Latin America and the Caribbean, social and political philosophy, globalization and development, and capitalist society.
His current research projects analyze the relationship between the commons and social and solidarity economy in Québec and Spain.
Dan Furukawa Marques is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Université Laval, Québec City. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Theory (University of Ottawa) and the Chaire de leadership en enseignement Alban D’Amours en sociologie de la coopération (CLEASC). He is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’études des mouvements sociaux (CEMS), at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris, director of the research axis Territories and milieux of living of the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), and regular researcher at the Research Team on Governance and Inclusion in Latin America(ÉRIGAL).
Drawing on political phenomenology his recent work analyzed the conflictual construction of cooperative communities and political subjectivities, based on collective work, participatory democracy and solidarity economy. This analysis was built through ethnographic research conducted in an agricultural production cooperative of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), in the south of Brazil.
His work appeared or will soon appear, in French, English and Portuguese, in Latin American Perspectives, Swiss Journal of Sociology, Journal des anthropologues, Anthropologie et Sociétés, Politique et Sociétés, Lien Social et Politique, Insurgência and Recherches sociographiques.
Professsor Furukawa Marques has taught many courses on topics such as cooperation and social justice, social and solidarity economy, social movements, politics of Latin America and the Caribbean, social and political philosophy, globalization and development, and capitalist society.
His current research projects analyze the relationship between the commons and social and solidarity economy in Québec and Spain.
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Papers by Dan Furukawa Marques
Disponible ici: https://ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/37556
tions collectives qui émergent en réponse aux différentes crises que nous vi‑
vons. Cet article présente différentes approches des communs et en dégage
les éléments qui nous semblent essentiels à une articulation avec la tradi‑
tion de l’autogestion, notamment telle qu’elle s’est manifestée au Québec
dans les années 1960 à 1980. En nous appuyant sur le travail de recherche
sur les pratiques émancipatoires mené par Gabriel Gagnon et Marcel Rioux
dans les années 1980, nous faisons ressortir les pratiques et enjeux organi‑
sationnels qui caractérisent les communs et l’autogestion à cette époque.
De plus, nous mobilisons leur concept de transférabilité afin d’illustrer le
potentiel émancipatoire des organisations autogérées. Nous démontrons
que les agencements organisationnels observés (configurations, pratiques,
conventions) sont une dimension essentielle et singulière dans la gestion
des tensions internes et externes engendrées par la relation conflictuelle
entre l’autogestion/les communs et le capitalisme.
The contributors to this book offer productive new readings of Merleau-Ponty’s political philosophy and of other facets of his thought. They each deploy his theories to adopt a critical stance on urgent political issues and contemporary situations within society. Each essay focuses on a different aspect of political transformation, be it at the personal, social, national, or international level. The book as a whole maps out possibilities for thinking phenomenologically about politics without a sole focus on the state, turning instead toward contemporary human experience and existence.
Introduction: Jérôme Melançon: Situating Merleau-Ponty and Political Philosophy: Relations, Institutions, and Transformations
Chapter 1 Dorothea Olkowski : On the Limits of Perception for Social Interaction in Merleau-Ponty
Chapter 2 Emily S. Lee: The Possibility of Emotional Appropriateness for Groups Identified with a Temperament
Chapter 3 Martín Plot: Societies without Bodies and the Bodies of Society: Equality and Reversibility in Lefort and Butler’s Encounters with
Chapter 4 Paul Mazzocchi: Homo Utopicus: Merleau-Ponty and the Utopian Body
Chapter 5 Ann V. Murphy: Vulnerability as Revolt: Hunger Strikes, Temporality, and the Contestation of Social Death
Chapter 6 Laura McMahon: The “Great Phantom”: Merleau-Ponty on Habitus, Freedom, and Political Transformation
Chapter 7 Bryan Smyth: Freedom’s Ground: Merleau-Ponty and the Dialectics of Nature
Chapter 8 Ted Toadvine: Ecophenomenology after the End of Nature
Chapter 9 Dan Furukawa Marques: Political Phenomenology as Ethnographic Method
Chapter 10 Jérôme Melançon: Toward a New Balance and Interdependence: Merleau-Ponty on Colonialism and Underdevelopment
Chapter 11 Emmanuel de Saint Aubert: The Perceptual Foundation of Care
RESUMO: As Cooperativas de Produção Agropecuária (CPA) do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) são consideradas por este como uma "forma superior de cooperação". A literatura sobre o assunto informa dados importantes e considera certas dinâmicas sociais e políticas internas às cooperativas. Porém, aprendemos pouco sobre as sutilezas das práticas cotidianas ou sobre como se criam e se desfazem os laços sociais e políticos no interior de uma cooperativa. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma aplicação prática de um conceito, a dialética do conflito, que busca analisar as práticas e discursos de sócios da cooperativa COOPAN do MST, com o objetivo de compreender as dinâmicas conflitantes, em movimento, e às vezes contraditórias, da construção de uma comunidade cooperativa. Palavras chaves: dialética do conflito, práticas cotidianas, COOPAN, cooperativa, Movimento sem terra ABSTRACT: The Agricultural Production Cooperatives (CPA) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) are considered by the latter as a "higher form of cooperation". The literature on the matter presents important data and considers social and political dynamics internal to the 1
La mística du Mouvement des travailleurs ruraux sans-terre (MST) au Brésil peut être interprétée comme l’incarnation pratique d’idéaux politiques et existentiels ayant pour effet de faire communauté. Tout en considérant les analyses socio-anthropologiques du phénomène, le présent article met davantage l’accent sur les perceptions et les effets subjectifs à travers une analyse phénoménologico-politique, jusqu’ici très peu explorés. À l’aide d’une enquête ethnographique, il s’agira de comprendre l’expérience de la mística, par-delà les performances, comme une relation entre les sujets et le monde : un vécu quotidien, un état d’esprit de groupe et des « moments mystiques ». Pour ce faire, il est central d’examiner l’articulation du lien politique entre les sujets et l’expérience de faire communauté. Je mobilise ainsi la théorie politique de Maurice Merleau-Ponty pour réfléchir à la dimension politique de notre manière d’être au monde et d’entrer en relation avec autrui.
Book Reviews by Dan Furukawa Marques
Books by Dan Furukawa Marques
La section "Au cœur de l’œuvre : quelques motifs dans les textes politiques" présente des relectures des textes politiques par Claire Dodeman, Alexandre Feron, David Belot et Jérôme Melançon.
La section "Au cœur des mondes : coexistences ou violences ?" présente des réflexions sur des situations politiques en Turquie (Özge Yaka), au Brésil (Dan Furukawa Marques), au Pérou (Katherine Mansilla Torres), en Afrique (Ange Bergson Lendja Ngnemzué) et au Japon (Shoichi Matsuba).
Introduction: Jérôme Melançon: Situating Merleau-Ponty and Political Philosophy: Relations, Institutions, and Transformations
Chapter 1 Dorothea Olkowski : On the Limits of Perception for Social Interaction in Merleau-Ponty
Chapter 2 Emily S. Lee: The Possibility of Emotional Appropriateness for Groups Identified with a Temperament
Chapter 3 Martín Plot: Societies without Bodies and the Bodies of Society: Equality and Reversibility in Lefort and Butler’s Encounters with
Chapter 4 Paul Mazzocchi: Homo Utopicus: Merleau-Ponty and the Utopian Body
Chapter 5 Ann V. Murphy: Vulnerability as Revolt: Hunger Strikes, Temporality, and the Contestation of Social Death
Chapter 6 Laura McMahon: The “Great Phantom”: Merleau-Ponty on Habitus, Freedom, and Political Transformation
Chapter 7 Bryan Smyth: Freedom’s Ground: Merleau-Ponty and the Dialectics of Nature
Chapter 8 Ted Toadvine: Ecophenomenology after the End of Nature
Chapter 9 Dan Furukawa Marques: Political Phenomenology as Ethnographic Method
Chapter 10 Jérôme Melançon: Toward a New Balance and Interdependence: Merleau-Ponty on Colonialism and Underdevelopment
Chapter 11 Emmanuel de Saint Aubert: The Perceptual Foundation of Care
Disponible ici: https://ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/37556
tions collectives qui émergent en réponse aux différentes crises que nous vi‑
vons. Cet article présente différentes approches des communs et en dégage
les éléments qui nous semblent essentiels à une articulation avec la tradi‑
tion de l’autogestion, notamment telle qu’elle s’est manifestée au Québec
dans les années 1960 à 1980. En nous appuyant sur le travail de recherche
sur les pratiques émancipatoires mené par Gabriel Gagnon et Marcel Rioux
dans les années 1980, nous faisons ressortir les pratiques et enjeux organi‑
sationnels qui caractérisent les communs et l’autogestion à cette époque.
De plus, nous mobilisons leur concept de transférabilité afin d’illustrer le
potentiel émancipatoire des organisations autogérées. Nous démontrons
que les agencements organisationnels observés (configurations, pratiques,
conventions) sont une dimension essentielle et singulière dans la gestion
des tensions internes et externes engendrées par la relation conflictuelle
entre l’autogestion/les communs et le capitalisme.
The contributors to this book offer productive new readings of Merleau-Ponty’s political philosophy and of other facets of his thought. They each deploy his theories to adopt a critical stance on urgent political issues and contemporary situations within society. Each essay focuses on a different aspect of political transformation, be it at the personal, social, national, or international level. The book as a whole maps out possibilities for thinking phenomenologically about politics without a sole focus on the state, turning instead toward contemporary human experience and existence.
Introduction: Jérôme Melançon: Situating Merleau-Ponty and Political Philosophy: Relations, Institutions, and Transformations
Chapter 1 Dorothea Olkowski : On the Limits of Perception for Social Interaction in Merleau-Ponty
Chapter 2 Emily S. Lee: The Possibility of Emotional Appropriateness for Groups Identified with a Temperament
Chapter 3 Martín Plot: Societies without Bodies and the Bodies of Society: Equality and Reversibility in Lefort and Butler’s Encounters with
Chapter 4 Paul Mazzocchi: Homo Utopicus: Merleau-Ponty and the Utopian Body
Chapter 5 Ann V. Murphy: Vulnerability as Revolt: Hunger Strikes, Temporality, and the Contestation of Social Death
Chapter 6 Laura McMahon: The “Great Phantom”: Merleau-Ponty on Habitus, Freedom, and Political Transformation
Chapter 7 Bryan Smyth: Freedom’s Ground: Merleau-Ponty and the Dialectics of Nature
Chapter 8 Ted Toadvine: Ecophenomenology after the End of Nature
Chapter 9 Dan Furukawa Marques: Political Phenomenology as Ethnographic Method
Chapter 10 Jérôme Melançon: Toward a New Balance and Interdependence: Merleau-Ponty on Colonialism and Underdevelopment
Chapter 11 Emmanuel de Saint Aubert: The Perceptual Foundation of Care
RESUMO: As Cooperativas de Produção Agropecuária (CPA) do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) são consideradas por este como uma "forma superior de cooperação". A literatura sobre o assunto informa dados importantes e considera certas dinâmicas sociais e políticas internas às cooperativas. Porém, aprendemos pouco sobre as sutilezas das práticas cotidianas ou sobre como se criam e se desfazem os laços sociais e políticos no interior de uma cooperativa. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma aplicação prática de um conceito, a dialética do conflito, que busca analisar as práticas e discursos de sócios da cooperativa COOPAN do MST, com o objetivo de compreender as dinâmicas conflitantes, em movimento, e às vezes contraditórias, da construção de uma comunidade cooperativa. Palavras chaves: dialética do conflito, práticas cotidianas, COOPAN, cooperativa, Movimento sem terra ABSTRACT: The Agricultural Production Cooperatives (CPA) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) are considered by the latter as a "higher form of cooperation". The literature on the matter presents important data and considers social and political dynamics internal to the 1
La mística du Mouvement des travailleurs ruraux sans-terre (MST) au Brésil peut être interprétée comme l’incarnation pratique d’idéaux politiques et existentiels ayant pour effet de faire communauté. Tout en considérant les analyses socio-anthropologiques du phénomène, le présent article met davantage l’accent sur les perceptions et les effets subjectifs à travers une analyse phénoménologico-politique, jusqu’ici très peu explorés. À l’aide d’une enquête ethnographique, il s’agira de comprendre l’expérience de la mística, par-delà les performances, comme une relation entre les sujets et le monde : un vécu quotidien, un état d’esprit de groupe et des « moments mystiques ». Pour ce faire, il est central d’examiner l’articulation du lien politique entre les sujets et l’expérience de faire communauté. Je mobilise ainsi la théorie politique de Maurice Merleau-Ponty pour réfléchir à la dimension politique de notre manière d’être au monde et d’entrer en relation avec autrui.
La section "Au cœur de l’œuvre : quelques motifs dans les textes politiques" présente des relectures des textes politiques par Claire Dodeman, Alexandre Feron, David Belot et Jérôme Melançon.
La section "Au cœur des mondes : coexistences ou violences ?" présente des réflexions sur des situations politiques en Turquie (Özge Yaka), au Brésil (Dan Furukawa Marques), au Pérou (Katherine Mansilla Torres), en Afrique (Ange Bergson Lendja Ngnemzué) et au Japon (Shoichi Matsuba).
Introduction: Jérôme Melançon: Situating Merleau-Ponty and Political Philosophy: Relations, Institutions, and Transformations
Chapter 1 Dorothea Olkowski : On the Limits of Perception for Social Interaction in Merleau-Ponty
Chapter 2 Emily S. Lee: The Possibility of Emotional Appropriateness for Groups Identified with a Temperament
Chapter 3 Martín Plot: Societies without Bodies and the Bodies of Society: Equality and Reversibility in Lefort and Butler’s Encounters with
Chapter 4 Paul Mazzocchi: Homo Utopicus: Merleau-Ponty and the Utopian Body
Chapter 5 Ann V. Murphy: Vulnerability as Revolt: Hunger Strikes, Temporality, and the Contestation of Social Death
Chapter 6 Laura McMahon: The “Great Phantom”: Merleau-Ponty on Habitus, Freedom, and Political Transformation
Chapter 7 Bryan Smyth: Freedom’s Ground: Merleau-Ponty and the Dialectics of Nature
Chapter 8 Ted Toadvine: Ecophenomenology after the End of Nature
Chapter 9 Dan Furukawa Marques: Political Phenomenology as Ethnographic Method
Chapter 10 Jérôme Melançon: Toward a New Balance and Interdependence: Merleau-Ponty on Colonialism and Underdevelopment
Chapter 11 Emmanuel de Saint Aubert: The Perceptual Foundation of Care