Papers by Vladimir Kendrovski
According to the Census from 2002, there were 53.879 Roma living in Macedonia, representing 2,66%... more According to the Census from 2002, there were 53.879 Roma living in Macedonia, representing 2,66% of the total population. Since the introduction of political pluralism in Macedonia in 1991, Roma established their own political parties and more than 40 Roma NGOs in Macedonia, which are active in the fields of human rights, culture, education, environmental issues and infrastructure projects. There are a number of periodicals printed in Roma, as well as several television and radio stations. Roma are especially burdened by transition problems. Social and economic status places them in the category of the poorest citizens and the most marginalised group in Macedonia. Poor health status in Roma is associated with poverty, the specific culture and lifestyle, low level of immunization, low level of education, especially health education, poor nutrition, continuous stress and lack of proper sanitation. The consequences of that are higher morbidity and mortality, especially infant mortalit...
Journal of environmental protection and ecology
Republic of Macedonia as a candidate country to the european union has a goal to harmonise its na... more Republic of Macedonia as a candidate country to the european union has a goal to harmonise its national legislation related to the environmental protection. one of the achieved goals is Final draft of a new Book of rules for Natural Mineral Water and Mineralised Water safety. The new Book of Rules applies to natural mineral waters in accordance with the council directives 80/777/eec, 96/70/EEC and 2003/40/EC, but does not apply to waters which are medicinal products within the meaning of council directive 65/65/eec. Who recommendations (guidelines for drinking water quality, 3rd ed., copenhagen, 2004) are also included in the new Book of Rules. codex alimentarius standards for Natural Mineral Waters as well the local circumstances and priorities have been taken into consideration. From the 1st January till the 20th december 2005 were examined 235 samples of 17 different types of bottled natural mineral water produced in the Republic of Macedonia, in the laboratories of the Republic institute for health Protection -skopje. 187 samples of natural mineral water have been taken by the Republic institute for health Protection -skopje according to its own plan for monitoring. Food directorate has sent 4 samples, and 44 samples of natural mineral water have been taken on the request of the Local Producers. From the examined natural mineral water have been found: 13 samples have been improper because of higher content of nitrites (5.7%), 1 sample up to increased level of nickel, 1 sample up to increased level of chloride, 1 sample because of higher level of strontium, 1 sample up to increased level of phosphate, 3 samples because of higher COD (1.3 %), and 15 samples because of bacteriological contamination (6.6%). As a result of incomplete declaration 2 samples of natural mineral water have been found as improper. For the above investigation have been used the eu directives and related code alimentarius standards in order to have harmonised limit values for the parameters of interest. in this paper are presented only the results of physicochemical and bacteriological investigations.
Makedonski medicinski pregled. Revue médicale macedonienne
Archives of Public Health
The equivalent to the national adaptation strategy is formulated inside the Second national commu... more The equivalent to the national adaptation strategy is formulated inside the Second national communication to the UNFCCC (2008). Also the National Health Strategy for adaptation in health sector has been endorsement by the Government in February, 2011. Key areas for the Strategy in adapting to climate change include: adapting the health care infrastructure (hospitals, nursing homes) to be more resilient to the climate change effects. A 'Heat-Health Watch' system operates in Macedonia during the summer months, with four levels of response and appropriate advice. The health care system in the R. Macedonia has an important role in establishing adaptation, health promotion, prevention and response measures against the health risks related to climate change such as: strengthening existing public health capacities for early detection and adequate response to; anticipating the consequences of emerging diseases possibly related to climate change; and raising awareness among the general population about the possible links between climate change and health.
This publication has been developed within the WHO/german Federal Ministry for the Environment, N... more This publication has been developed within the WHO/german Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) project on protecting health from climate change in Europe, coordinated by Dr Bettina Menne and Dr Joanna Nurse, WHO Regional Office for Europe. We are grateful for the financial support of the Federal Republic of germany. We are grateful for the technical support in the implementation of the project: “Protecting health from climate change – a seven - country initiative” in the Republic of Macedonia provided by the Climate Change and Health Committee of the Ministry of Health
Climate change aff ects everyone, but not everyone is equally vulnerable because factors such as ... more Climate change aff ects everyone, but not everyone is equally vulnerable because factors such as geographical location, health system, age, social class and support systems determine the eff ect of climate change on people.
Journal of environmental protection and ecology
The aim of the study was to find out potential causal relationship between ambient air pollution ... more The aim of the study was to find out potential causal relationship between ambient air pollution with PM10 and incidence rate of some diseases of the exposed population in Skopje. World Health Organisation in 'Health for All in the 21st Century', Goal 10 'Health and Safe Environment' has noted that until 2015, people in the region should live in healthier environment, related to exposure to pollutants that are dangerous for human health at levels which do not overcome internationally accepted standards. Action for ambient air pollution control is needed basically up to possible adverse health effects, especially on vulnerable groups of population. PM10 have been continuously monitored, 24 h, on 3 measuring sites in Skopje in 2010. From the health point of view has been evaluated the number of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) interventions of related diseases in Skopje in accordance with International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (WHO, Geneva, 1992). From the registered data could be concluded that during the period of investigation the number of cardio-vascular diseases (CVD) and of COPD has been higher in the first season compared to other three seasons in 2010 following the pattern of PM10 concentrations in the ambient air. There was significant relationship between average PM10 daily distribution and CVD.
Climate change is a phenomenon that we became aware of in the last couple of decades. Exceptional... more Climate change is a phenomenon that we became aware of in the last couple of decades. Exceptional changes in the external environment have had an adverse effect on many bio-systems on our planet and also on human health. Such changes contribute substantially to climate change while inadvertently contributing to respiratory and other illnesses. Many of the scientists around the world think that one of the main reasons for climate change lies in the massive consumption of energy obtained from fossil fuels, in the pursuit of greater technological development. However, while manufacturing installations are the biggest energy consumers, health-care facilities are definitely near the top of the consumption hierarchy. The provision of health care with all of its challenges requires a massive amount of energy in terms of: • Thermal energy (heating, cooling, drying, sterilization) • Electrical energy (lighting, medical appliances). The primary goal of this manual is to raise the awareness and ...
Papers by Vladimir Kendrovski