Papers by Elizabeta Dimitrova
Nish and Byzantium Conference Collection of scientific works, 2024
The article deals with the manners in which socially, politically and religiously powerful women ... more The article deals with the manners in which socially, politically and religiously powerful women were represented in the material culture, as well as painterly ensembles of the medieval period in the territory of presentday Republic of Macedonia. In that regard, the usage of historic sources, characteristic inscriptions and painterly representations show the "know how" of male donors to accentuate the role of feminine khtetors, administrators and religious authorities found in archaeological artifacts and fresco painting.
75th Jubilee of the Institute of Art History and Archaeology, 2024
The paper analyses the socio-cultural dimension of the portraiture of significant historic person... more The paper analyses the socio-cultural dimension of the portraiture of significant historic personalities in the period of Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. In that regard, the choice has fallen on four distinctive individuals who have changed the path of social, political or religious development of Europe. The aim of the paper is to show how their psychological character and its social constitution have influenced the approach to their artistic representation by the painters, i.e. what was the impact of their historic roles on the painterly expression formatted as their portrayal.
Patrimonium.Mk, 2023
the paper examines the ways and manners of creation of visual narratives based on Biblical source... more the paper examines the ways and manners of creation of visual narratives based on Biblical sources that have been depicted in another fashion-different, yet not distinctive from their textual background. It investigates the artistic approach towards significant subjects of biblical nature and their visual articulation born out of personal invention and/or freedom of imagination. In that regard, the paper tries to disclose the motifs behind some of the most popular illustrations of themes described in the verses of the Gospels which do not coincide soundly with their textual frameworks. In other words, it shows how much a prominent subject matter can be modified in order to satisfy the notion of visual alternation of well known Biblical chapters.
Patrimonium.Mk, 2022
The paper investigates the visual constitution of physical appearance of female representations i... more The paper investigates the visual constitution of physical appearance of female representations in Byzantine mural painting of the Balkans' in regard to the notion of beauty as a manifestation of one's spiritual character and social function. It actually examines the manners of creation of painterly portraits of female medieval celebrities whose role in the society was highly dependent on their feudal rank and noble status.
Nis and Byzantium XX, 2022
The paper examines some of the historic portraits depicted in the fresco arrangements created in ... more The paper examines some of the historic portraits depicted in the fresco arrangements created in the medieval monuments on the territory of present-day Republic of Macedonia in terms of the aesthetic features of the individuals, both male and female. In that regard, besides the physical characteristics of their faces and figures, the outfits, headdresses, jewelry and other accessories that adorned their historic representations have been taken into account, as well.
Patrimonium. Mk XIV, 2021
Exhibition opened on October 26, 2021 in the Museum of Macedonia
More than 30 exhibits as a produ... more Exhibition opened on October 26, 2021 in the Museum of Macedonia
More than 30 exhibits as a product of a year long research project of Doctor Jehona Spahiu Jancevska, art historian in the National Center for Conservation in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Patrimonium. Mk XIV, 2021
Catacomb of San Callixtus, Vinica relief terra-cottas, the Gospel of Archbishop Ebbo, The head-po... more Catacomb of San Callixtus, Vinica relief terra-cottas, the Gospel of Archbishop Ebbo, The head-posts of the Oseberg ship, Viking art, Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, the church of Saint George at Kurbinovo, Byzantine art, Carolingian illuminated manuscripts. The article deals with the role of the line and its visual functionality in the structure of artistic products executed in different media (inscriptions, frescoes, book illuminations, reliefs, sculptures) throughout the epochs of the Christian Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Its primary goal is to determine the specific premises of linear gravitation and its codependency of ideological concept both in the process of construction, as well as consummation of artistic creation.
Nish and Byzantium Symposium. Collection of scientific works XIX, 2021
The paper refers to the iconography of Abraham's sacrifice, both in fresco painting and archaeolo... more The paper refers to the iconography of Abraham's sacrifice, both in fresco painting and archaeological artifacts from the territory of present-day Republic of Macedonia. In that regard, the cycle dedicated to this subject illustrated on the altar wall of the cathedral church of Saint Sophia in Ohrid, as well as the scene executed on a bronze ring found in situ at the necropolis of "Zadna Reka-Grmajte", have been selected as the most representative. Authors of the paper explicate the iconographic and symbolic significance of the depicted motif and elaborate its visual constellation, as well as its socio-cultural articulation.
Science and Society: Contribution of humanities and social sciences, 2021
just actions towards establishing peace and genuine respect for people 1. The concept of justice ... more just actions towards establishing peace and genuine respect for people 1. The concept of justice is based on numerous fields, as well as many differing viewpoints and perspectives including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness. Often, the general discussion of justice is divided into the realm of social justice as found in philosophy, theology and religion, and, procedural justice as found in the study and application of the common law 2. However, the concept of justice has been a different set of rules and regulations in different cultures and civilizations. If we look at the Bible, or to be more specific the New Testament, we will find a very interesting perspective of what justice has looked like at the beginning of our era in Jewish territory under Roman government 3. In that regard, all four Gospels give substantial evidence of juridical actions and activities in the time of their creation, which, approximately, concurs with the second half of the 1 st century AD 4. Since the starring character of the New Testament is Jesus, who, has been accused by the Jewish religious authorities and sentenced to death by the Roman governor, in this paper we will be focusing on the "justice" done in the triple trial which preceded Jesus' execution 5 .
Annual Collection of scientific works of the Faculty of Philosophy, 2020
For the remarkable lectures permeated with numerous funny details and lucid inventions, For the p... more For the remarkable lectures permeated with numerous funny details and lucid inventions, For the picturesque debates on different subjects and in various occasions , For the archeological stories nuanced with unbelievably charming sparkles of illumination and humorous approach, For the long terrain walks through the site of Stobi and the discussions about the stratigraphic amplitude of the Episcopal basilica, For the professional training for survival in the wasteland surrounded by the elusive shadow of hauling wolves For the walk towards the archaeological site of Scupi and the brilliant exposition of what might or cannot be seen there, For the friendly suggestions on the professional orientation that defines the aura of each individual with a recognizable social identity, For ever and always accessible courtesy for archaeological and/or historical discourse For the fascinating comments of the actual socio-political reality which, by default, is always an echo of unresolved dilemmas or pending issues from yesterdays or the distant past, For the advises on how to help the mediocre people not to become subversive antibodies in the sensitive and, often, weak tissue of Macedonian archaeology , For the Archbishopric of Justiniana Prima and its expanded territorial amplitude on the path starting at the site of Taor in Macedonia and ending near the village of Lebane in Serbia, For the collegial and priceless suggestions on how one to collaborate with the colleagues from the European and other universities and build a sustainable network of academic contacts in order to avoid the limitation of the small by dimensions and humble by experience local professional community,
Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет, 2020
За извонредните предавања проникнати со безброј духовити детали и луцидни досетки, За живописните... more За извонредните предавања проникнати со безброј духовити детали и луцидни досетки, За живописните дебати на различни теми и по разновидни поводи, За археолошките приказни проткаени со неверојатни искри на ин-венција и пластичен хумор, За долгите теренски прошетки низ Стоби и разговорите за стратиг-рафската амплитуда на Епископската базилика, За обуката како да се преживее во дивината опкружена со морнича-вата сенка од волчјо завивање, За пешачењето кон Скупи и блескавата експозиција на сè што таму може и не може да се види, За пријателските сугестии околу професионалната ориентација која ја дефинира аурата на сечија личност со препознатлив социјален иденти-тет, За секогаш достапната љубезност за археолошки и историски дис-курс, За фасцинантните коментари на актуелната социополитичка ситуа-ција која, по дефиниција, претставува ехо на неразрешени дилеми и не-совладани проблеми од блиското или подалечното минато, За тоа како треба да им се помогне на медиокритетите да не станат субверзивни антитела во сензибилното и, честопати, со слаб имунитет, ткиво на македонската археологија, За архиепископатот Јустинијана Прима и за неговата растеглива те-риторијална амплитуда од Таор во Македонија до Лебане во Србија, За колегијалните и по вредност бесценети совети да се соработува со колегите од странските универзитети и да се изгради одржлива мрежа на академски контакти за да се избегне ограниченоста на малата и скром-на "по димензии" професионална заедница од локален карактер, За енергичниот пристап кон решавањето на студентските и колеги-јалните проблеми,
Collection of scientific works from the Symposium Nish & Byzantium , 2018
On the Cross-path of Cultural Ideas: macedonia, the Balkans, Southeast Europe - heritage, management, resources, 2020
If one should venture to take a journey through Macedonian medieval artistic treasury, one should... more If one should venture to take a journey through Macedonian medieval artistic treasury, one should be aware that such an enterprise could be both pleasing and dramatic at the same time. The reason for such a duality is twofold: one's orbit will revolve around some of the masterpieces of Byzantine visual creativity, while their actual situation might not be very satisfying to the eye of the beholder due to the damage caused by natural disasters, earthquakes , military campaigns, and most sad of all, human neglect. As a small and struggling, yet modern state, we tend to investigate and present the results of our research activities dedicated to iconographic, stylistic and aesthetic analyses of the fresco arrangements dated in the medieval era, as well as discover their genuine features, both visual and ideological. However, the least attention in regard to the preservation of our cultural heritage has been paid to their actual well being, in other words-at this very moment, dozens of representative works of art from the Byzantine artistic production in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia are at high risk of degradation and deterioration Saint George at Kurbinovo (1191) 1 , Saint Nicholas at the village of 1 V. N. Lazarev, Živopis XI-XII vekov v Makedoniji, Actes du XIIe Congrès international d'études byzantines I, Beograd 1963, pp. 129-131; G. Babiċ, Hristološke raspre u XII veku i pojava novih scena u apsidalnom dekoru vizantijskih crkava, Zbornik za likovne umetnosti 2, Novi Sad 1966, pp. 11-30; L. Hadermann-Misguish, Kurbinovo. Les fresques de saint Georges et la pein-ture Byzantine du XII siècle, Bruxelles 1975, pp. 43-318, 321-551; R. Hamann-Mac Lean, Grund-legung zu einer Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Monumentalmalerei in Serbien und Makedo-nien, Giessen 1976, pp. 276-281; A. Wharton, Art of Empire. Painting and Architecture of the Byzantine Periphery.
Nish & Byzantium Collection of scientific works XVIII, 2020
Patrimonium Mk, 2019
Ја имав честа да кажам неколку реченици за мојот колега, соработник, пријател и другар Вик-тор Ли... more Ја имав честа да кажам неколку реченици за мојот колега, соработник, пријател и другар Вик-тор Лилчиќ Адамс на промоцијата на археожур-налот Folia archaeologica Balkanica том iV, којшто му го посветивме со искрена желба и со неизмерна почит и особено се радувам што моето интро кон свечената промоција го поделив со еден особено монументален и репрезентати-вен аудиториум. Виктор Лилчиќ го запознав пред триесет и пет години, кога јас бев сé уште дете, а тој млад библиотекар на тогашната Наставно научна студиска група за историја на уметноста со археологија. Во меѓувреме јас пораснав, тој созреа, обајцата веројатно го достигнавме врвот на нашите професионални кариери, за неколку години или децении двајцата ќе остариме, но се надевам дека денот на промоцијата никогаш нема да го заборавиме. Да се мери големината на овој човек со зборо-ви е апсурдно, бидејќи зборовите не кажуваат до-волно. Да се претстави неговата колосална кари-ера на археолог и истражувач е тешко, но не и не-возможно. Затоа, јас, во неколкуте минути што ми беа дадени, се обидов да го направам тоа, за него, за тие кои беа присутни во салата, за оние кои не успеаја да дојдат, но и за оние кои по неколку де-цении ќе студираат на нашата катедра, кога нас двајцата, а и повеќето од присутните на промо-цијата веќе ќе не нема. Ако добриот археолог се одликува со страст, љубопитност, енергија, моти-Елизабета ДИМИТРОВА ПРОМОЦИЈА НА
Oatrimonium Mk, 2019
ПАТРИМОНИУМ.МК, година 12, брoj 17 / 2019 УДК: 726.54:7.04(497.7); 271: The ar... more ПАТРИМОНИУМ.МК, година 12, брoj 17 / 2019 УДК: 726.54:7.04(497.7); 271: The article examines the issues of questionable dating of certain Byzantine monuments created in the territory of present day Republic of Macedonia in regard to their architectural assemblage and/or painterly arrangements and seeks for sustainable arguments in the spheres of historic sources, dedicatory inscriptions and creative approaches to artistic subjects. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's F. Dostoevsky Being defined as an action or a process of formal or systematic examination or research, the term investigation is used in regard to a number of divergent issues and a constellation of many different contexts; although usually associated with criminal cases and/
Огледало. Списание за православна вера, култура, образование и наука , 2019
Црквата Свети Атанасиј во Лешок: типологија, хронологија, структурен дизајн Трудот ги анализира д... more Црквата Свети Атанасиј во Лешок: типологија, хронологија, структурен дизајн Трудот ги анализира достапните податоци кои би можеле да ја прецизираат хронологијата на црквата посветена на Свети Атанасиј Александриски кај селото Лешок и ја анализира нејзината типолошка структура во рамките на архитектонскиот развој на сакралното наследство од XIV столетие.
Nish & Byzantium Symposium, Collection of scientific works XVII, 2019
Folia Archaeologica Balkanica IV (FAB IV) , 2018
The paper intents to elaborate the issues of artistic creativity funded upon the early Christian ... more The paper intents to elaborate the issues of artistic creativity funded upon the early Christian dogma and explicate the ways and manners of iconographic conception of some rare, as well as some less rare visual specimens dedicated to Biblical subjects, inspired by the on-going dissemination of Christian ideas (4th – 6th Century) or designed by unknown substantiates of purely symbolic origin. The examples selected to reveal the diversified creative approaches of the ones engaged in production of the frescoes, mosaic pavements, decorative interventions etc., belong to the catalogue which comprises both most prominent and most elusive artistic achievements in the territory of the Mediterranean world, including the Roman public edifices, Balkans’ underground areas of secret worship, paved floors and fresco furnish of Episcopal basilicas in the region of present-day Macedonia. With the simplicity of visual design, yet complexity of iconographic constellation constructed over the fundaments of the illegal and/or just about legalized Christian ideological framework, the chosen examples testify to the different attitudes towards the artistic imagination highly dependent on the social privileges of the commissioners, political circumstances of the period, as well as historical opportunities generated by courtly and ecclesiastic authorities.
Papers by Elizabeta Dimitrova
More than 30 exhibits as a product of a year long research project of Doctor Jehona Spahiu Jancevska, art historian in the National Center for Conservation in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
More than 30 exhibits as a product of a year long research project of Doctor Jehona Spahiu Jancevska, art historian in the National Center for Conservation in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia