The war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, had serious cons... more The war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, had serious consequences for the security environment locally, regionally and internationally. The mass flow of refugees from Ukraine to the territory of the European Union and planned disinformation campaigns against countries providing assistance to Ukraine have created new challenges and tasks for the law enforcement services. The aim of the article is to analyze the threats posed to Poland by the war in Ukraine and the related refugee crisis, as well as how the Polish police deal with these threats.
The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the threat of the human traf-fic kind ... more The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the threat of the human traf-fic kind as accompanied by a mass wave of refugees from Ukraine, whocrossed the borders of the state after 24 February 2022 in Podkarpacie. The authors try to indicate under what terms and conditions in the war organisers was to help help of people exactly accompanied by this circumstance of danger and challenges in Podkarpacie region. What we undertaken was the limitation of former and neutralisations in order to give a wider context to the subject matters based on an exception in international law and national law. The relevant regulations are indicated on its forms and marks. In the contain of the text an analysis used the materials of the sources to precedence for acts of literature. The authors were directly involved, each according to their ability to act independently, in response and understanding against the wedge and preliminary crisis and risk of the human trafficking.
Kompetencje nadzoru i kontroli uprawnio- nych organów nad stosowaniem i realizacją kontroli operacyjnej w Polsce. Competences of supervision and control of authorized bodies over the application and implementation operational control in Poland., 2022
Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych, zastrzega sobie prawo skrótów i opracowania redakc... more Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych, zastrzega sobie prawo skrótów i opracowania redakcyjnego tekstów, przyjętych do druku oraz prawo nieodpłatnego publikowania listów. Redakcja zastrzega sobie również możliwość nieodpłatnego wykorzystania publikowanych materiałów na stronie internetowej Szkoły Policji w Pile. Kwartalnik wydawany jest przez: Szkołę Policji w Pile W numerze Monika Tuczyńska Kryteria sytuacji zagrożeń jako element zarządzania kryzysowego w Policji Hanna Bigielmajer Ustawowe znamiona przestępstwa z art. 124 ustawy z dnia 6 września 2001 r.-Prawo farmaceutyczne Piotr Zalewski Kompetencje nadzoru i kontroli uprawnionych organów nad stosowaniem i realizacją kontroli operacyjnej w Polsce. Grzegorz Staszczyk Legitymowanie osób Jolanta Kamińska Oszustwa dotacyjnemanipulowanie przychodem Małgorzata Krzyżan Znamiona pośmiertne a określanie czasu zgonu Marcin Mańczak Wybrane metody daktyloskopowania zwłok ludzkich w różnych stadiach rozkładu Zbigniew Bogusz Istota planowania czynności procesowych na przykładzie przeszukania Iwona Ratajczak Środki zastępcze w ustawie o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii Monika Tuczyńska Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne-poszukiwanie uniwersalnej definicji Paweł Holeksa Witryny internetowe przydatne do realizacji "białego wywiadu" Waldemar Szilke Wersje wykrywcze i zasady ich tworzenia oraz znaczenie dla procesu wykrywczego
Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2023
gan ten rzeczywiście posiada odpowiednie kompetencje procesowe do prowadzenia postępowań przygoto... more gan ten rzeczywiście posiada odpowiednie kompetencje procesowe do prowadzenia postępowań przygotowawczych w zakresie przestępstw przeciwko ochronie środowiska oraz uprawnienia do samodzielnego wnoszenia i popierania przed sądami aktu oskarżenia w tych sprawach.
The article presents the issues of criminal law environmental protection in Poland from the perspective of the powers and tasks of the Inspection for Environmental Protection as an environmental protection authority, which, on the basis of the amendment to the Act on the Inspection for Environmental Protection of July 20, 2018, was included in the group of entities authorized to conduct preparatory proceedings in for crimes against the environment, as defined in the Act of June 6, 1997 — the Penal Code. The author analyzed the legislative solutions in force in Polish law, on the basis of which he will answer the question and emerging controversies as to whether, despite the amendment to the EIOŚ Act in 2018, this body actually has the appropriate procedural powers to conduct preparatory proceedings in the field of crimes against environmental protection and the right to independently bring and support an indictment in these cases before the courts
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie etiologii kształtowania się radykalnej myśli ekologicznej rozw... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie etiologii kształtowania się radykalnej myśli ekologicznej rozwijającej się w USA w II połowie XX w, której manifestacją stał się ekosabotaż i ekoterroryzm, a także krótka charakterystyka zjawiska ekoterroryzmu i terroryzmu ekologicznego jako współczesnego źródła zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa. Rozważania osadzono w kontekście działalności wybranych organizacji i ruchów reprezentujących ekstremizm ekologiczny, których taktyka działania lokuje je w głównym nurcie organizacji ekoterrorystych.
The aim of the article is to present the aetiology of the formation of radical ecological thought developing in the United States in the second half of the 20th century, which has been manifested by eco-sabotage and eco-terrorism, as well as to provide a brief description of the phenomenon of eco-terrorism and ecological terrorism as a contemporary source of threat to security. The considerations are presented in the context of the activities of selected organizations and movements representing ecological extremism, whose tactics place them in the mainstream of eco-terrorist organizations.
The attack of the Russian Federation's troops on Ukraine, which took place on February 24, 2022, ... more The attack of the Russian Federation's troops on Ukraine, which took place on February 24, 2022, led to the outbreak of a war, which caused civilians to flee their homes and leave their country in search of safety, protection and humanitarian aid. In the first week of the war, over a million refugees from Ukraine, mainly women with children and the elderly, crossed Ukraine's border with its neighbor countries; a large group of the refugees arrived in Poland. Piotr Zalewski's aim in this article is to review the main legislative and organizational activities undertaken by the Polish government and the local government
he war in Ukraine and the refugee crisis. An attempt to assess the conditions,
course and effects... more he war in Ukraine and the refugee crisis. An attempt to assess the conditions, course and effects from the perspective of security threats to the Podkarpackie Voivodeship The article aims to present the conditions and the course and the effects of a special form of contemporary mass migration, which has become the refugee movement, which took place after February 24, 2022, as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation troops against Ukraine and the military operations that covered the terri- tory of Ukraine. It also undertakes a preliminary analysis of the risks and threats that accompanied the first days and weeks of a massive wave of refugees from Ukraine who, fleeing the war, crossed the borders of the Republic of Poland through border crossings located in the podkarpackie voivodeship.
The article presents the national and international system of criminal infor-
mation exchange, im... more The article presents the national and international system of criminal infor- mation exchange, implemented at the operational and non-operational level, between the Polish Police and services, agencies and institutions of the European Union and third countries, in the area of prosecuting perpetrators of crimes and ensuring public order. Purpose of the publication is to verify the hypothesis that in the modern world, without effective, fast exchange of information of importance for security and public order, it is difficult to effectively recognize and neutralize emerging threats, and to prosecute perpetrators of crimes. In order to verify the adopted hypothesis, the most important national and international databases and instruments for the exchange of criminal information available to law enforcement authorities of the European Union (EU) and third countries, as well as EU agencies • 51ARCHITEKTURA I NARZĘDZIA POLICYJNEJ WYMIANY INFORMACJI... and international organizations established to prevent, fight and detect crimes (INTERPOL, EUROPOL) and the prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes. The subject matter has been presented in the perspective of the historical development of tools and instruments for gathering and exchanging criminal information in national databases in Poland as well as in EU countries and third countries. The presented review of the tools and instruments of the international exchange of criminal information made it possible to prove the adopted hypothesis.
The article discusses the involvement of the Polish police in international
police cooperation in... more The article discusses the involvement of the Polish police in international police cooperation in the context of the theory of public goods. The aim was to confirm the hypothesis that in today’s reality, cooperation between state authorities around the world is necessary to ensure security, which is regarded as a public good. An example of such involvement are actions taken by the Polish police. The article presents the assumptions of the theory of public goods and the notion of security as a public good. It is followed by an analysis of how the Polish police were involved in international cooperation from the beginning of the 1990s until today. The article presents peacekeeping missions of the UN, EU, OSCE and WEU in which the Polish police participated or are still participating. Then the author presents local, regional and global initia- tives in which the police are involved at an operational and non-operational level, including activities coordinated by the EU, international police organizations and networks of liaison officers, as well as activities which are a part of bilateral cooperation. The presented overview of international cooperation undertaken by the police made it possible to confirm the initial hypothesis.
Autor analizuje strukturę polityki walki z przemocą w rodzinie w Polsce, z perspektywy historyczn... more Autor analizuje strukturę polityki walki z przemocą w rodzinie w Polsce, z perspektywy historycznego rozwoju polityk publicznych przeciwdziałania przemocy domowej w Polsce oraz źródeł i przyczyn stojących za konkretnymi rozwiązaniami. Szczególną uwagę poświęca etiologii kształtowania się procesu rozszerzania ochrony praw człowieka z przestrzeni publicznej do sfery prywatnej konkretnych jednostek na świecie i w Europie, a także budowaniu społecznych (obywatelskich) i instytucjonalnych ram najważniejszych instytucji związanych z przeciwdziałaniem przemocy w rodzinie w Polsce. Przedstawia sposób formułowania oraz implementowania na gruncie krajowym elementów tworzących system przeciwdziałania przemocy. Posługuje się klasycz
Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury , 2022
Przedmiotem opracowania jest próba przedstawienia problematyki wybranych metod aktywności przestę... more Przedmiotem opracowania jest próba przedstawienia problematyki wybranych metod aktywności przestępców, którzy dzięki intensywnemu rozwojowi Internetu, a także zaawansowanych technologii komputerowych i telekomunikacyjnych, dokonują oszustw na szkodę uczestników sektora e-usług i rynków walutowych, przy wykorzystaniu podatności tych obiektów na wybrane ataki przestępcze. W konkluzjach przedstawiono jeden z modeli postępowania organów ścigania, który pozwala na skuteczne rozpoznanie tego typu zjawisk na etapie wykrywczym i dowodowym.
The war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, had serious cons... more The war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, had serious consequences for the security environment locally, regionally and internationally. The mass flow of refugees from Ukraine to the territory of the European Union and planned disinformation campaigns against countries providing assistance to Ukraine have created new challenges and tasks for the law enforcement services. The aim of the article is to analyze the threats posed to Poland by the war in Ukraine and the related refugee crisis, as well as how the Polish police deal with these threats.
The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the threat of the human traf-fic kind ... more The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the threat of the human traf-fic kind as accompanied by a mass wave of refugees from Ukraine, whocrossed the borders of the state after 24 February 2022 in Podkarpacie. The authors try to indicate under what terms and conditions in the war organisers was to help help of people exactly accompanied by this circumstance of danger and challenges in Podkarpacie region. What we undertaken was the limitation of former and neutralisations in order to give a wider context to the subject matters based on an exception in international law and national law. The relevant regulations are indicated on its forms and marks. In the contain of the text an analysis used the materials of the sources to precedence for acts of literature. The authors were directly involved, each according to their ability to act independently, in response and understanding against the wedge and preliminary crisis and risk of the human trafficking.
Kompetencje nadzoru i kontroli uprawnio- nych organów nad stosowaniem i realizacją kontroli operacyjnej w Polsce. Competences of supervision and control of authorized bodies over the application and implementation operational control in Poland., 2022
Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych, zastrzega sobie prawo skrótów i opracowania redakc... more Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych, zastrzega sobie prawo skrótów i opracowania redakcyjnego tekstów, przyjętych do druku oraz prawo nieodpłatnego publikowania listów. Redakcja zastrzega sobie również możliwość nieodpłatnego wykorzystania publikowanych materiałów na stronie internetowej Szkoły Policji w Pile. Kwartalnik wydawany jest przez: Szkołę Policji w Pile W numerze Monika Tuczyńska Kryteria sytuacji zagrożeń jako element zarządzania kryzysowego w Policji Hanna Bigielmajer Ustawowe znamiona przestępstwa z art. 124 ustawy z dnia 6 września 2001 r.-Prawo farmaceutyczne Piotr Zalewski Kompetencje nadzoru i kontroli uprawnionych organów nad stosowaniem i realizacją kontroli operacyjnej w Polsce. Grzegorz Staszczyk Legitymowanie osób Jolanta Kamińska Oszustwa dotacyjnemanipulowanie przychodem Małgorzata Krzyżan Znamiona pośmiertne a określanie czasu zgonu Marcin Mańczak Wybrane metody daktyloskopowania zwłok ludzkich w różnych stadiach rozkładu Zbigniew Bogusz Istota planowania czynności procesowych na przykładzie przeszukania Iwona Ratajczak Środki zastępcze w ustawie o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii Monika Tuczyńska Bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne-poszukiwanie uniwersalnej definicji Paweł Holeksa Witryny internetowe przydatne do realizacji "białego wywiadu" Waldemar Szilke Wersje wykrywcze i zasady ich tworzenia oraz znaczenie dla procesu wykrywczego
Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2023
gan ten rzeczywiście posiada odpowiednie kompetencje procesowe do prowadzenia postępowań przygoto... more gan ten rzeczywiście posiada odpowiednie kompetencje procesowe do prowadzenia postępowań przygotowawczych w zakresie przestępstw przeciwko ochronie środowiska oraz uprawnienia do samodzielnego wnoszenia i popierania przed sądami aktu oskarżenia w tych sprawach.
The article presents the issues of criminal law environmental protection in Poland from the perspective of the powers and tasks of the Inspection for Environmental Protection as an environmental protection authority, which, on the basis of the amendment to the Act on the Inspection for Environmental Protection of July 20, 2018, was included in the group of entities authorized to conduct preparatory proceedings in for crimes against the environment, as defined in the Act of June 6, 1997 — the Penal Code. The author analyzed the legislative solutions in force in Polish law, on the basis of which he will answer the question and emerging controversies as to whether, despite the amendment to the EIOŚ Act in 2018, this body actually has the appropriate procedural powers to conduct preparatory proceedings in the field of crimes against environmental protection and the right to independently bring and support an indictment in these cases before the courts
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie etiologii kształtowania się radykalnej myśli ekologicznej rozw... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie etiologii kształtowania się radykalnej myśli ekologicznej rozwijającej się w USA w II połowie XX w, której manifestacją stał się ekosabotaż i ekoterroryzm, a także krótka charakterystyka zjawiska ekoterroryzmu i terroryzmu ekologicznego jako współczesnego źródła zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa. Rozważania osadzono w kontekście działalności wybranych organizacji i ruchów reprezentujących ekstremizm ekologiczny, których taktyka działania lokuje je w głównym nurcie organizacji ekoterrorystych.
The aim of the article is to present the aetiology of the formation of radical ecological thought developing in the United States in the second half of the 20th century, which has been manifested by eco-sabotage and eco-terrorism, as well as to provide a brief description of the phenomenon of eco-terrorism and ecological terrorism as a contemporary source of threat to security. The considerations are presented in the context of the activities of selected organizations and movements representing ecological extremism, whose tactics place them in the mainstream of eco-terrorist organizations.
The attack of the Russian Federation's troops on Ukraine, which took place on February 24, 2022, ... more The attack of the Russian Federation's troops on Ukraine, which took place on February 24, 2022, led to the outbreak of a war, which caused civilians to flee their homes and leave their country in search of safety, protection and humanitarian aid. In the first week of the war, over a million refugees from Ukraine, mainly women with children and the elderly, crossed Ukraine's border with its neighbor countries; a large group of the refugees arrived in Poland. Piotr Zalewski's aim in this article is to review the main legislative and organizational activities undertaken by the Polish government and the local government
he war in Ukraine and the refugee crisis. An attempt to assess the conditions,
course and effects... more he war in Ukraine and the refugee crisis. An attempt to assess the conditions, course and effects from the perspective of security threats to the Podkarpackie Voivodeship The article aims to present the conditions and the course and the effects of a special form of contemporary mass migration, which has become the refugee movement, which took place after February 24, 2022, as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation troops against Ukraine and the military operations that covered the terri- tory of Ukraine. It also undertakes a preliminary analysis of the risks and threats that accompanied the first days and weeks of a massive wave of refugees from Ukraine who, fleeing the war, crossed the borders of the Republic of Poland through border crossings located in the podkarpackie voivodeship.
The article presents the national and international system of criminal infor-
mation exchange, im... more The article presents the national and international system of criminal infor- mation exchange, implemented at the operational and non-operational level, between the Polish Police and services, agencies and institutions of the European Union and third countries, in the area of prosecuting perpetrators of crimes and ensuring public order. Purpose of the publication is to verify the hypothesis that in the modern world, without effective, fast exchange of information of importance for security and public order, it is difficult to effectively recognize and neutralize emerging threats, and to prosecute perpetrators of crimes. In order to verify the adopted hypothesis, the most important national and international databases and instruments for the exchange of criminal information available to law enforcement authorities of the European Union (EU) and third countries, as well as EU agencies • 51ARCHITEKTURA I NARZĘDZIA POLICYJNEJ WYMIANY INFORMACJI... and international organizations established to prevent, fight and detect crimes (INTERPOL, EUROPOL) and the prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes. The subject matter has been presented in the perspective of the historical development of tools and instruments for gathering and exchanging criminal information in national databases in Poland as well as in EU countries and third countries. The presented review of the tools and instruments of the international exchange of criminal information made it possible to prove the adopted hypothesis.
The article discusses the involvement of the Polish police in international
police cooperation in... more The article discusses the involvement of the Polish police in international police cooperation in the context of the theory of public goods. The aim was to confirm the hypothesis that in today’s reality, cooperation between state authorities around the world is necessary to ensure security, which is regarded as a public good. An example of such involvement are actions taken by the Polish police. The article presents the assumptions of the theory of public goods and the notion of security as a public good. It is followed by an analysis of how the Polish police were involved in international cooperation from the beginning of the 1990s until today. The article presents peacekeeping missions of the UN, EU, OSCE and WEU in which the Polish police participated or are still participating. Then the author presents local, regional and global initia- tives in which the police are involved at an operational and non-operational level, including activities coordinated by the EU, international police organizations and networks of liaison officers, as well as activities which are a part of bilateral cooperation. The presented overview of international cooperation undertaken by the police made it possible to confirm the initial hypothesis.
Autor analizuje strukturę polityki walki z przemocą w rodzinie w Polsce, z perspektywy historyczn... more Autor analizuje strukturę polityki walki z przemocą w rodzinie w Polsce, z perspektywy historycznego rozwoju polityk publicznych przeciwdziałania przemocy domowej w Polsce oraz źródeł i przyczyn stojących za konkretnymi rozwiązaniami. Szczególną uwagę poświęca etiologii kształtowania się procesu rozszerzania ochrony praw człowieka z przestrzeni publicznej do sfery prywatnej konkretnych jednostek na świecie i w Europie, a także budowaniu społecznych (obywatelskich) i instytucjonalnych ram najważniejszych instytucji związanych z przeciwdziałaniem przemocy w rodzinie w Polsce. Przedstawia sposób formułowania oraz implementowania na gruncie krajowym elementów tworzących system przeciwdziałania przemocy. Posługuje się klasycz
Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury , 2022
Przedmiotem opracowania jest próba przedstawienia problematyki wybranych metod aktywności przestę... more Przedmiotem opracowania jest próba przedstawienia problematyki wybranych metod aktywności przestępców, którzy dzięki intensywnemu rozwojowi Internetu, a także zaawansowanych technologii komputerowych i telekomunikacyjnych, dokonują oszustw na szkodę uczestników sektora e-usług i rynków walutowych, przy wykorzystaniu podatności tych obiektów na wybrane ataki przestępcze. W konkluzjach przedstawiono jeden z modeli postępowania organów ścigania, który pozwala na skuteczne rozpoznanie tego typu zjawisk na etapie wykrywczym i dowodowym.
ТЕОРІЯ ТА ПРАКТИКА ПРОТИДІЇ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ У СУЧАСНИХ УМОВАХ. Збірник тез Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції 3 листопада 2023 року, 2023
Rozwój idei community policing w Polsce związany był –
podobnie jak poza granicami Polski – ze w... more Rozwój idei community policing w Polsce związany był – podobnie jak poza granicami Polski – ze wzrostem przestępczości, przy czym na wstępie zrozumiałe było, że dosłowne wzorowanie się na obcych rozwiązaniach, nie jest możliwe. Możliwym i koniecznym jest jednak, by w warunkach występowania nowych zagrożeń o charakterze transgranicznym, jak również zagrożeń wewnętrznych angażować instytucje państwowe we współpracę międzynarodową
Papers by Piotr Zalewski
The article presents the issues of criminal law environmental protection in Poland from the perspective of the powers and tasks of the Inspection for Environmental Protection as an environmental protection authority, which, on the basis of the amendment to the Act on the Inspection for Environmental Protection of July 20, 2018, was included in the group of entities authorized to conduct preparatory proceedings in for crimes against the environment, as defined in the Act of June 6, 1997 — the Penal Code.
The author analyzed the legislative solutions in force in Polish law, on the basis of which he will answer the question and emerging controversies as to whether, despite the amendment to the EIOŚ Act in 2018, this body actually has the appropriate procedural powers to conduct preparatory proceedings in the field of crimes against environmental protection and the right to independently bring and support an indictment in these cases before the courts
jako współczesnego źródła zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa. Rozważania osadzono w kontekście działalności wybranych organizacji i ruchów reprezentujących ekstremizm ekologiczny, których taktyka działania lokuje je w głównym nurcie organizacji ekoterrorystych.
The aim of the article is to present the aetiology of the formation of radical ecological thought developing in the United States in the second half of the 20th century, which has been manifested by eco-sabotage and eco-terrorism, as well as to provide a brief description of the phenomenon of eco-terrorism and ecological terrorism as a contemporary source of threat to security. The considerations are presented in the context of the activities of selected organizations and movements representing ecological extremism, whose tactics place them in the mainstream of eco-terrorist organizations.
course and effects from the perspective of security threats to the Podkarpackie
The article aims to present the conditions and the course and the effects of a special
form of contemporary mass migration, which has become the refugee movement,
which took place after February 24, 2022, as a result of the aggression of the Russian
Federation troops against Ukraine and the military operations that covered the terri-
tory of Ukraine. It also undertakes a preliminary analysis of the risks and threats that accompanied the first days and weeks of a massive wave of refugees from Ukraine who, fleeing the war, crossed the borders of the Republic of Poland through border crossings located in the podkarpackie voivodeship.
mation exchange, implemented at the operational and non-operational
level, between the Polish Police and services, agencies and institutions of the
European Union and third countries, in the area of prosecuting perpetrators
of crimes and ensuring public order. Purpose of the publication is to verify
the hypothesis that in the modern world, without effective, fast exchange
of information of importance for security and public order, it is difficult
to effectively recognize and neutralize emerging threats, and to prosecute
perpetrators of crimes. In order to verify the adopted hypothesis, the most
important national and international databases and instruments for the
exchange of criminal information available to law enforcement authorities
of the European Union (EU) and third countries, as well as EU agencies • 51ARCHITEKTURA I NARZĘDZIA POLICYJNEJ WYMIANY INFORMACJI...
and international organizations established to prevent, fight and detect
crimes (INTERPOL, EUROPOL) and the prosecution of the perpetrators
of these crimes. The subject matter has been presented in the perspective
of the historical development of tools and instruments for gathering and
exchanging criminal information in national databases in Poland as well as
in EU countries and third countries. The presented review of the tools and
instruments of the international exchange of criminal information made it
possible to prove the adopted hypothesis.
police cooperation in the context of the theory of public goods. The aim was
to confirm the hypothesis that in today’s reality, cooperation between state
authorities around the world is necessary to ensure security, which is regarded
as a public good. An example of such involvement are actions taken by the
Polish police. The article presents the assumptions of the theory of public
goods and the notion of security as a public good. It is followed by an analysis
of how the Polish police were involved in international cooperation from the
beginning of the 1990s until today. The article presents peacekeeping missions
of the UN, EU, OSCE and WEU in which the Polish police participated or are
still participating. Then the author presents local, regional and global initia-
tives in which the police are involved at an operational and non-operational
level, including activities coordinated by the EU, international police organizations and networks of liaison officers, as well as activities which are a part of bilateral cooperation. The presented overview of international cooperation undertaken by the police made it possible to confirm the initial hypothesis.
The article presents the issues of criminal law environmental protection in Poland from the perspective of the powers and tasks of the Inspection for Environmental Protection as an environmental protection authority, which, on the basis of the amendment to the Act on the Inspection for Environmental Protection of July 20, 2018, was included in the group of entities authorized to conduct preparatory proceedings in for crimes against the environment, as defined in the Act of June 6, 1997 — the Penal Code.
The author analyzed the legislative solutions in force in Polish law, on the basis of which he will answer the question and emerging controversies as to whether, despite the amendment to the EIOŚ Act in 2018, this body actually has the appropriate procedural powers to conduct preparatory proceedings in the field of crimes against environmental protection and the right to independently bring and support an indictment in these cases before the courts
jako współczesnego źródła zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa. Rozważania osadzono w kontekście działalności wybranych organizacji i ruchów reprezentujących ekstremizm ekologiczny, których taktyka działania lokuje je w głównym nurcie organizacji ekoterrorystych.
The aim of the article is to present the aetiology of the formation of radical ecological thought developing in the United States in the second half of the 20th century, which has been manifested by eco-sabotage and eco-terrorism, as well as to provide a brief description of the phenomenon of eco-terrorism and ecological terrorism as a contemporary source of threat to security. The considerations are presented in the context of the activities of selected organizations and movements representing ecological extremism, whose tactics place them in the mainstream of eco-terrorist organizations.
course and effects from the perspective of security threats to the Podkarpackie
The article aims to present the conditions and the course and the effects of a special
form of contemporary mass migration, which has become the refugee movement,
which took place after February 24, 2022, as a result of the aggression of the Russian
Federation troops against Ukraine and the military operations that covered the terri-
tory of Ukraine. It also undertakes a preliminary analysis of the risks and threats that accompanied the first days and weeks of a massive wave of refugees from Ukraine who, fleeing the war, crossed the borders of the Republic of Poland through border crossings located in the podkarpackie voivodeship.
mation exchange, implemented at the operational and non-operational
level, between the Polish Police and services, agencies and institutions of the
European Union and third countries, in the area of prosecuting perpetrators
of crimes and ensuring public order. Purpose of the publication is to verify
the hypothesis that in the modern world, without effective, fast exchange
of information of importance for security and public order, it is difficult
to effectively recognize and neutralize emerging threats, and to prosecute
perpetrators of crimes. In order to verify the adopted hypothesis, the most
important national and international databases and instruments for the
exchange of criminal information available to law enforcement authorities
of the European Union (EU) and third countries, as well as EU agencies • 51ARCHITEKTURA I NARZĘDZIA POLICYJNEJ WYMIANY INFORMACJI...
and international organizations established to prevent, fight and detect
crimes (INTERPOL, EUROPOL) and the prosecution of the perpetrators
of these crimes. The subject matter has been presented in the perspective
of the historical development of tools and instruments for gathering and
exchanging criminal information in national databases in Poland as well as
in EU countries and third countries. The presented review of the tools and
instruments of the international exchange of criminal information made it
possible to prove the adopted hypothesis.
police cooperation in the context of the theory of public goods. The aim was
to confirm the hypothesis that in today’s reality, cooperation between state
authorities around the world is necessary to ensure security, which is regarded
as a public good. An example of such involvement are actions taken by the
Polish police. The article presents the assumptions of the theory of public
goods and the notion of security as a public good. It is followed by an analysis
of how the Polish police were involved in international cooperation from the
beginning of the 1990s until today. The article presents peacekeeping missions
of the UN, EU, OSCE and WEU in which the Polish police participated or are
still participating. Then the author presents local, regional and global initia-
tives in which the police are involved at an operational and non-operational
level, including activities coordinated by the EU, international police organizations and networks of liaison officers, as well as activities which are a part of bilateral cooperation. The presented overview of international cooperation undertaken by the police made it possible to confirm the initial hypothesis.
podobnie jak poza granicami Polski – ze wzrostem przestępczości,
przy czym na wstępie zrozumiałe było, że dosłowne wzorowanie
się na obcych rozwiązaniach, nie jest możliwe. Możliwym i koniecznym jest jednak, by w warunkach występowania nowych zagrożeń o charakterze transgranicznym, jak również zagrożeń wewnętrznych angażować instytucje
państwowe we współpracę międzynarodową