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The purpose of this article is to propose an approach to studying news discourses that is informed by theories of Cognitive Linguistics and makes use of the tools of corpus linguists. It is also an attempt to present, to some extent my... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAmerican CultureCognitive LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
Recent developments in cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics have found application in discourse analysis. One important contribution by cognitive linguistics is the role metonymy can play in carrying a discourse (Brdar –... more
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One of the claims of cognitive linguistics is that it is able to remove the semantic-pragmatic divide (cf. Evans & Green 2006), and yet the research conducted by in this field is at times criticized for focusing on word/phrase meaning... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual Blending Theory
The " mutual apprehension of other minds, " which is a " central if not a defining feature of intersubjectivity " (Langacker 2007: 182) is not directly observable. However, it can be analysed through language use, particularly the... more
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      IntersubjectivityCognitive Linguistics
Good or marvelous? Pretty, cute or lovely? Male and female adjective use in MICASE Nearly half a century after Lakoff 's controversial publication Language and a Woman's Place (1975), the verdict is still out as to the exact relationship... more
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      Language and GenderGender and LanguageSpoken English
The fact that both Jim Jones' movement and Heaven's Gate ended in mass murder-suicides demonstrates the level of fear and desperation evoked by doomsday prophecies, as well as the power held by their promoters. This phenomenon provides... more
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he collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe dropped employees who had been raised under one set of cultural norms and values into a new system with an unfamiliar set of norms and values and expected to assimilate. When... more
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    • Political Science
One of the claims of cognitive linguistics is that it is able to remove the semantic-pragmatic divide (cf. Evans & Green 2006), and yet the research conducted in this field is at times criticized for focusing on word/phrase meaning... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual Blending Theory
Recent developments in cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics have found application in discourse analysis. One important contribution by cognitive linguistics is the role metonymy can play in carrying a discourse (Brdar –... more
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    • Psychology
One of the claims of cognitive linguistics is that it is able to remove the semantic-pragmatic divide (cf. Evans & Green 2006), and yet the research conducted in this field is at times criticized for focusing on word/phrase meaning... more
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This cross-cultural project applies current theories in Cognitive Linguistics to the issue of youth (dis)engagement in the high school setting. Specifically, it analyses American and Polish youth speech from online forums and dictionaries... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryCurriculum and PedagogyYouth Discourse
Nearly half a century after Lakoff 's controversial publication Language and a Woman 's Place (1975), the verdict is still out as to the exact relationship (if any) between language and gender (cf. : 3, Cameron 2005). Th e proposed... more
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      Language and GenderLinguisticsGender and LanguageSpoken English
This paper analyzes image macros via the theoretical framework of conceptual blending on the example of online responses to 2011 and 2012 doomsday predictions. To date, conceptual blending has shown promise in the analysis of a variety of... more
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Translation has been a controversial field all over the years. There are a lot of translation theories, and a lot of scholars who tried to figure out the best way of interpreting a literary or a non-literary text. Moreover, the style of... more
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Editorial Board Corina DOBROTĂ ([email protected]) Carmen OPRIȚ-MAFTEI ([email protected]) Iulia COCU ([email protected]) Oana Celia GHEORGHIU ([email protected]) Editorial Secretary Carmen OPRIȚ-MAFTEI ([email protected])
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      Translation StudiesTranslation
Additionally, the Warsaw royal court with a new theatre hall opened in 1637 awarded the visiting artist a certain level of prestige. English actors found permanent shelter there and were able to make good use of technically advanced stage... more
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Ben Jonson (1573-1637), in his eulogy published with the First
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For Galen, the best physician was the one who was able to treat his patients by means other than the knife, particularly through diet and drugs. The fact that basic knowledge of pharmacology was not required came under severe criticism in... more
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      Traditional MedicineHerbMedicinal herbs
Strona główna w Newsy w O Szekspirze w O blogu w Napisz do nas 27 komentarz/uwagi Agnieszka Szwach Krótka historia o tym jak "słodki łabędź z Avonu" stał się ikoną literatury europejskiej 1 W 1623 roku, siedem lat... more
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