Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Local democracy and the idea of term limits voits (mayors) For some time there is a debate on the term of office mayor sand presidents of cities. Subject of the article is to analyze views on democracy and indicators of democracy,... more
The subject of discussion in this article is the issue of the referendum repealing the executive authorities in the municipality. In recent years the number of referenda repealing mayors and presidents of cities has significantly... more
e-mail: janinakowalik(at)op.pl S łowa kluc zowe samorząd, wójt, burmistrz, limitowanie kadencji Abstrak t Artykuł zawiera garść refleksji na temat koncepcji limitowania kadencji wójtów, burmistrzów, prezydentów miast w kontekście słabości... more
The subject of the below deliberations in this text article is the quality and functioning conditions of public sphere in localities, and its image in local communities. The author ponders the question of responsibility identifi cation... more
1 Artykuł jest efektem grantu finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki (2014/13/D/HS5/02010), pt. "Uwarunkowania reelekcji egzekutywy gminnej po 2002 roku w Polsce".