Papers by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
Historia Ciencias Saude Manguinhos, Sep 1, 2014
Tessituras - Revista de Antropologia e Arqueologia, 2020
What are the possibilities of dialogue between Biological Anthropology on the one hand, and Socio... more What are the possibilities of dialogue between Biological Anthropology on the one hand, and Sociocultural Anthropology and other disciplines on the other hand? On this subject, this paper presents the reports of four seniors Brazilian research in Biological Anthropology. The reports are organized in three axes that dialogue with each other, namely: (a) a
supposed gap in the training of Brazilian anthropologists (the theme of human biological evolution) and, therefore, that could contribute to an absence of dialogue between the biological and sociocultural branches of Anthropology in the country; (b) the effective possibilities of dialogue from specific research subjects/objects, besides the tensions underlying
the relations with Sociocultural Anthropology; (c) disputes and disagreements over a common theme (the settlement of the America) in the relations between different specialties of the Biological Anthropology. In order to enrich the discussions provided by the four researchers, the paper also makes a reasonable bibliographical survey of theoretical and ethnographic works that present concerns that are commons to those ones in the reports.
Ciência & Cultura, 2019
This paper approaches, in a brief way, the historical aspects related to the Biological Anthropol... more This paper approaches, in a brief way, the historical aspects related to the Biological Anthropology around the world and in Brazil in particular, from the second half of the 20th Century.
Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 2017
The article reports the findings of a wide-ranging investigative study, designed to produce a 'sn... more The article reports the findings of a wide-ranging investigative study, designed to produce a 'snapshot' of Brazilian Biological Anthropology based on quantitative, qualitative, historical-documentary and bibliographic data. It includes excerpts from a series of interviews given by four Brazilian researchers who identify their area of work as Biological Anthropology, interspersed with other sources of information. These excerpts are organized into the following topics: (a) the peripheral status of Biological Anthropology within the wider field of anthropology in Brazil; (b) the relations between institutional affiliation and professional activity; and (c) the visibility of the area within the country and abroad. The aim is to provide a contribution, albeit preliminary, to a survey of the studies and discussions concerning the biological dimension of Anthropology in Brazil, in all its different aspects, especially the contemporary situation.
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Humanas, 2017
This article provides a preliminary historical survey of Brazilian biological anthropology from t... more This article provides a preliminary historical survey of Brazilian biological anthropology from the second half of the twentieth century. Even today, little historiographic information on the last 50 or 60 years is available and/or has been explored, while few allusions to bioanthropology can be found in existing works on the history and contemporary state of anthropology in Brazil; this article attempts to span this gap. The first section examines various aspects of the general development of biological anthropology as it radiated from the centers (Europe and the United States) outward over time. This initial survey affords a clearer understanding of the Brazilian case, which is the topic of the second section. This is followed by a brief historical and bibliographic account of the most recent state of biological anthropology in the country, including a number of specialized areas of research. The article concludes with a short discussion of the material covered.
Antropolítica, 2011
The relatively clandestine appropriation of spaces of public and collective use by male individua... more The relatively clandestine appropriation of spaces of public and collective use by male individuals for homoerotic encounters is recognized by their attendees as “pegação” (making out). This article explores through three brief ethnographic reports how this kind of sociability, instead of being constituted by disconnected actions and intentions , can work according to ordination
principles which act over spaces, practices and behaviors of their visitors (good
manners), establishing for each one of those dimensions limits and possibilities
related to established settings. The organization of transgression, a theoretical
perspective related to eroticism developed by Georges Bataille (1980), was useful
in the understanding of the inherent mechanisms of “pegação” (making out)
in three different spaces: a men’s room, a sauna, and a porn movie.
Mana, 2009
Over the last decade the skull of a woman excavated in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, has turned into... more Over the last decade the skull of a woman excavated in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, has turned into a scientific and cultural icon in Brazil. Luzia is taken to be one of the earliest human bone remains from the Americas, dating from approximately 11,500 years ago. In this work the authors analyze discourses and representations about and surrounding this prehistoric find. Situated between the domains of nature and culture, the specimen was transubstantiated into an individual possessing her own personal characteristics, while simultaneously being inserted into the debates on the biological and cultural ancestry of the Brazilian people. The work also explores the sociocultural appropriations of Luzia, prompting questions about the scientific disputes surrounding the primacies and temporalities involved in the occupation of the American continent and representations of prehistory, as well as the interfaces between race, science and society in contemporary Brazil.
Horizontes Antropológicos, 2011
There is a growing number of companies in different regions of the world, especially in North Ame... more There is a growing number of companies in different regions of the world, especially in North America, offering genetic ancestry tests based on DNA. This phenomenon has attracted attention in the social sciences, particularly anthropology. In this paper, we present a case study that explores, based on a comparative anthropological perspective, the profiles of three companies located in different countries that commercialize genetic ancestry tests: African Ancestry, in the United States; Oxford Ancestors, in England; and Laboratório GENE, in Brazil. Based on an analysis of their respective websites and materials released in the media, the objective is to use the first two as a counterpoint to the third in order to evaluate the similarities and differences in how they characterize the revelatory potential of their respective tests. We also explore the manner in which subjects such as ethnic/racial affiliation appear in the merchandising of their products and in their public postures. More broadly, it is emphasized that specific sociopolitical contexts influence the manners in which the genetic ancestry tests are presented and justified for their respective public consumers. In the specific case of the Brazilian company, it is argued that consideration of the broad historical and anthropological panorama of "race" and racial relations, as well as the current debates on the subject, helps us understand how ancestry tests are justified and presented to the public.
Book Reviews by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
v. 17 n. 1, 2004
Apuntes para análises de indústrias líticas. PROUS, André. Ortegalia, n.2. Fundación Federico Mac... more Apuntes para análises de indústrias líticas. PROUS, André. Ortegalia, n.2. Fundación Federico Maciñera. Ortiguei- ra, Espanha, 2004 - resenhado por Lucas de Melo Reis Bueno.
Identidades, discurso e poder: estudos da arqueologia contemporânea. São Paulo: Annablume; Fapesp. 245p. FUNARI, Pedro Paulo Abreu. ORSER JR, Charles E.; SCIAVETTO, Solange Nunes de Oliveira (Orgs.) 2005 - resenhado por Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto.
Mana, 2020
Segundo consta na contracapa, este livro da antropóloga Eliane Sebeika Rapchan parte da seguinte ... more Segundo consta na contracapa, este livro da antropóloga Eliane Sebeika Rapchan parte da seguinte pergunta: "É viável produzir uma antropologia que aborde as complexas e múltiplas relações possíveis entre humanos e outros animais"? Este questionamento, efetivamente, orienta boa parte das discussões encontradas ao longo das mais de 100 páginas que compõem o volume. Contudo, um leitor mais atento reconhecerá que a contribuição da obra ultrapassa, em muito, as possíveis respostas a esta questão inicial. Em boa medida, tanto no título quanto no seu conteúdo, "Somos Todos Primatas" se apresenta ao mesmo tempo como uma provocação e como um estímulo para se pensar a própria Antropologia (...)
Cadernos de Campo (USP), 2020
Review of "Evolução e Vida Social" (Evolution and Social Life) (2019), by Tim Ingold.
Mana, 2010
A review of "Anthropology and The New Genetics", by Gísli Pálsson. New York: Cambridge University... more A review of "Anthropology and The New Genetics", by Gísli Pálsson. New York: Cambridge University Press. 268pp.
Resenha de "A História do Corpo Humano", de Daniel Lieberman (2015).
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2009
A review of "O Povo de Luzia: Em Busca dos Primeiros Americanos", by Walter Alves Neves e Luís Be... more A review of "O Povo de Luzia: Em Busca dos Primeiros Americanos", by Walter Alves Neves e Luís Beethoven Piló. São Paulo: Globo, 2008. 336p.
Review of "Aux origines de la police scientifique: Alphonse Bertillon, précurseur de la science d... more Review of "Aux origines de la police scientifique: Alphonse Bertillon, précurseur de la science du crime" (2011), editeb by Pierre Piazza. Paris: Karthala. 383p.
História, ciências, saúde--Manguinhos
Review of "Evolução: O Sentido da Biologia" (2005), by Diogo Meyer e Charbel El-Hani São Paulo: E... more Review of "Evolução: O Sentido da Biologia" (2005), by Diogo Meyer e Charbel El-Hani São Paulo: Editora da UNESP. 132p.
Book Chapters by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas, 2012
Parte II: Reprodução, molecularização e biopofitica da vida em si Doação de sêmen e classificação... more Parte II: Reprodução, molecularização e biopofitica da vida em si Doação de sêmen e classificação étnico-racial no Brasil
Raça como questão: história, ciência e identidades no Brasil, 2010
Arqueologia e patrimônio de Minas Gerais. Juiz de Fora, 2010
Arqueologia e patrimônio da Zona da Mata mineira: Juiz de Fora, 2006
Papers by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
supposed gap in the training of Brazilian anthropologists (the theme of human biological evolution) and, therefore, that could contribute to an absence of dialogue between the biological and sociocultural branches of Anthropology in the country; (b) the effective possibilities of dialogue from specific research subjects/objects, besides the tensions underlying
the relations with Sociocultural Anthropology; (c) disputes and disagreements over a common theme (the settlement of the America) in the relations between different specialties of the Biological Anthropology. In order to enrich the discussions provided by the four researchers, the paper also makes a reasonable bibliographical survey of theoretical and ethnographic works that present concerns that are commons to those ones in the reports.
principles which act over spaces, practices and behaviors of their visitors (good
manners), establishing for each one of those dimensions limits and possibilities
related to established settings. The organization of transgression, a theoretical
perspective related to eroticism developed by Georges Bataille (1980), was useful
in the understanding of the inherent mechanisms of “pegação” (making out)
in three different spaces: a men’s room, a sauna, and a porn movie.
Book Reviews by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
Identidades, discurso e poder: estudos da arqueologia contemporânea. São Paulo: Annablume; Fapesp. 245p. FUNARI, Pedro Paulo Abreu. ORSER JR, Charles E.; SCIAVETTO, Solange Nunes de Oliveira (Orgs.) 2005 - resenhado por Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto.
Book Chapters by Verlan V Gaspar Neto
supposed gap in the training of Brazilian anthropologists (the theme of human biological evolution) and, therefore, that could contribute to an absence of dialogue between the biological and sociocultural branches of Anthropology in the country; (b) the effective possibilities of dialogue from specific research subjects/objects, besides the tensions underlying
the relations with Sociocultural Anthropology; (c) disputes and disagreements over a common theme (the settlement of the America) in the relations between different specialties of the Biological Anthropology. In order to enrich the discussions provided by the four researchers, the paper also makes a reasonable bibliographical survey of theoretical and ethnographic works that present concerns that are commons to those ones in the reports.
principles which act over spaces, practices and behaviors of their visitors (good
manners), establishing for each one of those dimensions limits and possibilities
related to established settings. The organization of transgression, a theoretical
perspective related to eroticism developed by Georges Bataille (1980), was useful
in the understanding of the inherent mechanisms of “pegação” (making out)
in three different spaces: a men’s room, a sauna, and a porn movie.
Identidades, discurso e poder: estudos da arqueologia contemporânea. São Paulo: Annablume; Fapesp. 245p. FUNARI, Pedro Paulo Abreu. ORSER JR, Charles E.; SCIAVETTO, Solange Nunes de Oliveira (Orgs.) 2005 - resenhado por Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto.
primeiros trabalhos sociológicos na França, encabeçados por
Durkheim e seus seguidores na Escola Sociológica Francesa,
e a legitimação da etnologia naquele país. Neste sentido, sua
análise está centrada, por um lado, na importância adquirida
pelos dados etnológicos junto à produção teórica durkheimiana,
e por outro, no papel decisivo da obra de Durkheim, Mauss e
Hubert, entre outros, para a institucionalização da etnologia
nos círculos acadêmicos franceses. Trata-se, portanto, de
uma análise eminentemente histórica que resgata, de forma
crítica, a trajetória da etnologia na França desde sua era
pré-acadêmica até a sua inclusão definitiva nas universidades
francesas, trajetória esta pautada por amplos debates acerca
das possibilidades de se traçar ou não um eixo diacrônico e
evolucionista para o desenvolvimento das sociedades humanas
ao redor do orbe.