Ricardo Gomes
PHD in Theatre and Spectacle (2007) at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Rome University). Master in Theatre (2000) and Bachelor in Performing Arts - Acting (1987) at the UNIRIO (University of Rio de Janeiro). He has worked as an theatre actor and director in several countries of America, Europe and Asia, taking part in many International Festivals. Worked at Teatro tascabile di Bergamo from 1989 to 1994, one of Italian Theatre’s historical groups. Acted in several pieces from Tascabile's repertoire and gained experience in all the fields of theatrical production, according to the Group Theatre's spirit of self-management and collaborative work. From 2003 to 2007 worked as freelancer actor, director and pedagogue for the same group. Since 1996 he is a founder, member and artistic director of Teatro Diadokai. Since 2008, he is a Associate Professor at UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Federal University of Ouro Preto), where he coordinates the Laboratório de Yoga da Atuação (Laboratory of Yoga Acting) and the Arquivo da Memória Intercultural das Artes da Cena na Brasil (Performing Arts Intercultural Memory Archive). Since 2014, he is a professor of UFOP’s Programa de Pós-gradução em Artes Cênicas (post-graduate program in performing arts).
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