Com base na observacao de Gutt (2000, p. 205) de que “os seres humanos possuem a notavel habilida... more Com base na observacao de Gutt (2000, p. 205) de que “os seres humanos possuem a notavel habilidade de dizer em uma lingua o que foi primeiramente dito em outra” e no pressuposto de que essa habilidade e direcionada pelo uso interpretativo de representacoes mentais (GUTT, 1991), esta tese, que se constitui na interface entre a Neurociencia e os Estudos da Traducao, tem como objetivo investigar o impacto que a habilidade de atribuir estados mentais a si e a outrem -- conhecida como Teoria da Mente -- exerce sobre o fazer tradutorio. Particularmente, procura-se observar evidencias fisiologicas e neurofisiologicas atreladas a compreensao e producao de respostas diretas e indiretas. Para tanto, por meio da revisao dos postulados teorico-relevantistas (SPERBER; WILSON, 1986/95), esta tese entende a traducao como uma atividade de uso interpretativo interlingual (GUTT, 1991; 2004) e, portanto, se propoe a investigar a atribuicao de estados mentais relacionados a comunicacao inferencial (WI...
Eyetracking has become a powerful tool in scientific research and has finally found its way into ... more Eyetracking has become a powerful tool in scientific research and has finally found its way into disciplines such as applied linguistics and translation studies, paving the way for new insights and challenges in these fields. The aim of the first International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics (ICEAL) was to bring together researchers who use eyetracking to empirically answer their research questions. It was intended to bridge the gaps between applied linguistics, translation studies, cognitive science and computational linguistics on the one hand and to further encourage innovative research methodologies and data triangulation on the other hand. These challenges are also addressed in this proceedings volume: While the studies described in the volume deal with a wide range of topics, they all agree on eyetracking as an appropriate methodology in empirical research.
MonTI - Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 2014
This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to ... more This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to investigate processing effort in translation task execution. Drawing on relevance-theoretic assumptions, it assumes that instances related to procedural encodings will require more effortful processing not only in relation to the time spent on the task but also in terms of product indicators such as seconds per word and number of micro translation units per word. Drawing on key-logging and eye-tracking data, the article shows that there are statistically significant differences when conceptual and procedural encodings are analysed in selected areas of interest, with instances related to procedural encoding requiring more processing effort to be translated. The results are relevant for translation process research as they signal to where processing effort is predominantly located. Additionally, the discussion also contributes to validating experimentally some claims postulated by Relevanc...
Drawing on the seminal work of Just and Carpenter (1980), eye fixations have been used extensivel... more Drawing on the seminal work of Just and Carpenter (1980), eye fixations have been used extensively to analyse instances of processing effort in studies of reading and writing processes. More recently, eye tracking has also been applied to experimental studies in translation process research (Jakobsen and Jensen 2008, Pavlović and Jensen 2009, Alves, Pagano and Silva 2009, Hvelplund 2011, Carl and Kay 2011, Carl and Dragsted 2012, among others). In most of these works, eye-tracking data have provided input for quantitative analyses of fixation count and duration in areas of interest in source and target texts. From a linguistic perspective, however, studies using eye-tracking data are considered rather complex since eye fixations tend to vary considerably among subjects. This paper attempts to tackle this issue by proposing a methodological approach that uses overlapped heat maps of different subjects to select and analyse translation problems. The results yield relevant findings for...
A presente dissertacao toma por base os postulados da Teoria da Relevância (TR) de Sperber & Wils... more A presente dissertacao toma por base os postulados da Teoria da Relevância (TR) de Sperber & Wilson (1986/1995), para procurar compreender como o tradutor experto processa instâncias de codificacao conceitual e procedimental observadas em textos-fonte ao construir significados na producao de textos-alvo. Segundo a TR, uma das maneiras de conseguirmos responder ao questionamento apresentado acima estaria na investigacao das informacoes codificadas linguisticamente. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertacao procura analisar as edicoes desenvolvidas em 8 problemas de traducao, selecionados indutivamente, quantificando suas macrounidades em codificacao conceitual, procedimental ou de carater hibrido para entao examinar a relacao entre o esforco cognitivo e o efeito contextual no processamento das mesmas no desempenho de tradutores expertos. Para tanto, partimos de quatro hipoteses investigativas as quais foram corroboradas com o auxilio da metodologia de triangulacao de dados, em que as inf...
Over the past years, the understanding of cognitive processes that underpin the task of translati... more Over the past years, the understanding of cognitive processes that underpin the task of translation have been an unceasing goal in the field of translation process research.
This paper presents the results of an experimental study that investigates the influence of cogni... more This paper presents the results of an experimental study that investigates the influence of cognitive effort on post-editing tasks from a relevance-theoretic perspective (Wilson 2011). Using two short scientific texts, we compare post-editing processes in two different machine translation web-based workbenches, namely interactive machine translation (IMT) and standard, non-interactive machine translation (MT). The relevance-theoretic concepts of conceptual and procedural encodings (Wilson 2011) and the methodology developed by Alves & Gonçalves (2013) to assess cognitive processes in the course of translation tasks are used as the framework for data analysis. Sixteen professional translators performed interactive and non-interactive post-editing tasks in random order, their processes were recorded with the aid of a Tobii T60 eye tracker. Data were collected with the CASMACAT workbench and results pointed to the following conclusions: (1) as it has been found in human translation (Alves & Gonçalves 2013), the percentage of edits related to procedural encoding is significantly higher than that related to conceptual encoding; (2) interactive post-editing requires less cognitive effort, as shown by the average and median fixation duration which was statistically lower when using the interactive system. As a way of conclusion, the paper reflects on these results and their implications for the development of interactive machine translation platforms for post-editing.
Monti Monografias De Traduccion E Interpretacion, 2014
This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to ... more This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to investigate processing effort in translation task execution. Drawing on relevance-theoretic assumptions, it assumes that instances related to procedural encodings will require more effortful processing not only in relation to the time spent on the task but also in terms of product indicators such as seconds per word and number of micro translation units per word. Drawing on key-logging and eye-tracking data, the article shows that there are statistically significant differences when conceptual and procedural encodings are analysed in selected areas of interest, with instances related to procedural encoding requiring more processing effort to be translated. The results are relevant for translation process research as they signal to where processing effort 1.
Com base na observacao de Gutt (2000, p. 205) de que “os seres humanos possuem a notavel habilida... more Com base na observacao de Gutt (2000, p. 205) de que “os seres humanos possuem a notavel habilidade de dizer em uma lingua o que foi primeiramente dito em outra” e no pressuposto de que essa habilidade e direcionada pelo uso interpretativo de representacoes mentais (GUTT, 1991), esta tese, que se constitui na interface entre a Neurociencia e os Estudos da Traducao, tem como objetivo investigar o impacto que a habilidade de atribuir estados mentais a si e a outrem -- conhecida como Teoria da Mente -- exerce sobre o fazer tradutorio. Particularmente, procura-se observar evidencias fisiologicas e neurofisiologicas atreladas a compreensao e producao de respostas diretas e indiretas. Para tanto, por meio da revisao dos postulados teorico-relevantistas (SPERBER; WILSON, 1986/95), esta tese entende a traducao como uma atividade de uso interpretativo interlingual (GUTT, 1991; 2004) e, portanto, se propoe a investigar a atribuicao de estados mentais relacionados a comunicacao inferencial (WI...
Eyetracking has become a powerful tool in scientific research and has finally found its way into ... more Eyetracking has become a powerful tool in scientific research and has finally found its way into disciplines such as applied linguistics and translation studies, paving the way for new insights and challenges in these fields. The aim of the first International Conference on Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics (ICEAL) was to bring together researchers who use eyetracking to empirically answer their research questions. It was intended to bridge the gaps between applied linguistics, translation studies, cognitive science and computational linguistics on the one hand and to further encourage innovative research methodologies and data triangulation on the other hand. These challenges are also addressed in this proceedings volume: While the studies described in the volume deal with a wide range of topics, they all agree on eyetracking as an appropriate methodology in empirical research.
MonTI - Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 2014
This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to ... more This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to investigate processing effort in translation task execution. Drawing on relevance-theoretic assumptions, it assumes that instances related to procedural encodings will require more effortful processing not only in relation to the time spent on the task but also in terms of product indicators such as seconds per word and number of micro translation units per word. Drawing on key-logging and eye-tracking data, the article shows that there are statistically significant differences when conceptual and procedural encodings are analysed in selected areas of interest, with instances related to procedural encoding requiring more processing effort to be translated. The results are relevant for translation process research as they signal to where processing effort is predominantly located. Additionally, the discussion also contributes to validating experimentally some claims postulated by Relevanc...
Drawing on the seminal work of Just and Carpenter (1980), eye fixations have been used extensivel... more Drawing on the seminal work of Just and Carpenter (1980), eye fixations have been used extensively to analyse instances of processing effort in studies of reading and writing processes. More recently, eye tracking has also been applied to experimental studies in translation process research (Jakobsen and Jensen 2008, Pavlović and Jensen 2009, Alves, Pagano and Silva 2009, Hvelplund 2011, Carl and Kay 2011, Carl and Dragsted 2012, among others). In most of these works, eye-tracking data have provided input for quantitative analyses of fixation count and duration in areas of interest in source and target texts. From a linguistic perspective, however, studies using eye-tracking data are considered rather complex since eye fixations tend to vary considerably among subjects. This paper attempts to tackle this issue by proposing a methodological approach that uses overlapped heat maps of different subjects to select and analyse translation problems. The results yield relevant findings for...
A presente dissertacao toma por base os postulados da Teoria da Relevância (TR) de Sperber & Wils... more A presente dissertacao toma por base os postulados da Teoria da Relevância (TR) de Sperber & Wilson (1986/1995), para procurar compreender como o tradutor experto processa instâncias de codificacao conceitual e procedimental observadas em textos-fonte ao construir significados na producao de textos-alvo. Segundo a TR, uma das maneiras de conseguirmos responder ao questionamento apresentado acima estaria na investigacao das informacoes codificadas linguisticamente. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertacao procura analisar as edicoes desenvolvidas em 8 problemas de traducao, selecionados indutivamente, quantificando suas macrounidades em codificacao conceitual, procedimental ou de carater hibrido para entao examinar a relacao entre o esforco cognitivo e o efeito contextual no processamento das mesmas no desempenho de tradutores expertos. Para tanto, partimos de quatro hipoteses investigativas as quais foram corroboradas com o auxilio da metodologia de triangulacao de dados, em que as inf...
Over the past years, the understanding of cognitive processes that underpin the task of translati... more Over the past years, the understanding of cognitive processes that underpin the task of translation have been an unceasing goal in the field of translation process research.
This paper presents the results of an experimental study that investigates the influence of cogni... more This paper presents the results of an experimental study that investigates the influence of cognitive effort on post-editing tasks from a relevance-theoretic perspective (Wilson 2011). Using two short scientific texts, we compare post-editing processes in two different machine translation web-based workbenches, namely interactive machine translation (IMT) and standard, non-interactive machine translation (MT). The relevance-theoretic concepts of conceptual and procedural encodings (Wilson 2011) and the methodology developed by Alves & Gonçalves (2013) to assess cognitive processes in the course of translation tasks are used as the framework for data analysis. Sixteen professional translators performed interactive and non-interactive post-editing tasks in random order, their processes were recorded with the aid of a Tobii T60 eye tracker. Data were collected with the CASMACAT workbench and results pointed to the following conclusions: (1) as it has been found in human translation (Alves & Gonçalves 2013), the percentage of edits related to procedural encoding is significantly higher than that related to conceptual encoding; (2) interactive post-editing requires less cognitive effort, as shown by the average and median fixation duration which was statistically lower when using the interactive system. As a way of conclusion, the paper reflects on these results and their implications for the development of interactive machine translation platforms for post-editing.
Monti Monografias De Traduccion E Interpretacion, 2014
This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to ... more This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to investigate processing effort in translation task execution. Drawing on relevance-theoretic assumptions, it assumes that instances related to procedural encodings will require more effortful processing not only in relation to the time spent on the task but also in terms of product indicators such as seconds per word and number of micro translation units per word. Drawing on key-logging and eye-tracking data, the article shows that there are statistically significant differences when conceptual and procedural encodings are analysed in selected areas of interest, with instances related to procedural encoding requiring more processing effort to be translated. The results are relevant for translation process research as they signal to where processing effort 1.
Papers by Karina Szpak
(MT). The relevance-theoretic concepts of conceptual and procedural encodings (Wilson 2011) and the methodology developed by Alves & Gonçalves (2013) to assess cognitive processes in the course of translation tasks are used as the framework for data analysis. Sixteen professional translators performed interactive and non-interactive post-editing tasks in random order, their processes were recorded with the aid of a Tobii T60 eye tracker. Data were collected with the CASMACAT workbench and results pointed to the following conclusions: (1) as it has been found in human translation (Alves & Gonçalves 2013), the percentage of edits related to procedural encoding is significantly higher than that related to conceptual encoding; (2) interactive post-editing requires less cognitive effort, as shown by the average and median fixation duration which was statistically lower when using the interactive system. As a way of conclusion, the paper reflects on these results and their implications for the development of interactive machine translation platforms for post-editing.
(MT). The relevance-theoretic concepts of conceptual and procedural encodings (Wilson 2011) and the methodology developed by Alves & Gonçalves (2013) to assess cognitive processes in the course of translation tasks are used as the framework for data analysis. Sixteen professional translators performed interactive and non-interactive post-editing tasks in random order, their processes were recorded with the aid of a Tobii T60 eye tracker. Data were collected with the CASMACAT workbench and results pointed to the following conclusions: (1) as it has been found in human translation (Alves & Gonçalves 2013), the percentage of edits related to procedural encoding is significantly higher than that related to conceptual encoding; (2) interactive post-editing requires less cognitive effort, as shown by the average and median fixation duration which was statistically lower when using the interactive system. As a way of conclusion, the paper reflects on these results and their implications for the development of interactive machine translation platforms for post-editing.