Marcos Cereto
Marcos Cereto is an architect, researcher and professor of the Faculdade de Tecnologia at Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM. His work focuses on the modern architecture of the Amazon and its national and transnational connections with Latin American cultural institutions. He is a Professor and a Advisor of Architecture an Urbanism Graduate and Professor and Advisor of Design Postgraduated Program at UFAM. He is founder of Núcleo Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia - NAMA and he organizes anual seminars, Seminário de Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia - SAMA, since 2016 and Editor of Amazonia + Moderna, Journal at NAMA. He is the curator of Exposição de arquitetura contemporânea na Amazônia - XAMA, in Brazil, 2018-23, Amazonie en construction - l'Architecture de fleuves volants in Paris, 2019 and Resilient Amazonia Architecture in Seoul, South Korea 2021.
Phone: +55.92.993047274
Address: 639 Barão do Indaiá St., 74 , Manaus, AM
69058-448, Brazil
Phone: +55.92.993047274
Address: 639 Barão do Indaiá St., 74 , Manaus, AM
69058-448, Brazil
InterestsView All (6)
Papers by Marcos Cereto
Severiano Porto (1930-2020) na Amazônia brasileira. Severiano é reconhecido como o “Arquiteto da
Amazônia” pela qualidade das arquiteturas realizadas na região norte do Brasil com diversas premiações em
âmbito nacional e internacional. A abordagem da análise apresenta uma aproximação a três obras realizadas
com técnicas construtivas distintas, com reflexões sobre a pertinência e a contemporaneidade das decisões
projetuais, da qualidade da arquitetura precursora da arquitetura sustentável, e da contribuição à cultura
disciplinar. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do trabalho considera o acesso as fontes
primárias, a literatura disponível e as entrevistas realizadas pelo Autor com críticos de arquitetura. Essa
perspectiva sobre a trajetória profissional de Severiano Porto possibilita um novo olhar sobre a evolução no
processo projetual ao longo das décadas, com a persistência nas experimentações realizadas nos trabalhos
da Amazônia, a contemporaneidade das obras com a Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira, e um comportamento
profissional sem preconceitos com uma circulação entre o ambientalismo e o desenvolvimentismo brasileiro.
See thesis:
is the last and largest portion of the country to be developed.
In the 1930s the Brazilian government improved an Amazo-
nian integration program. After the WWII, the increase of
large-scale economic activities, especially mining, along with
predatory natural resource extraction, marked the beginning
of major environmental problems and uncontrolled urbani-
zation for the existing cities. The change of the capital to Bra-
silia in 1960 established a milestone in the internalization
process. Actions that aimed the improvement of region’s eco-
nomic conditions characterized a modernization induced by
governmental input. This scenario demanded a planned
framework, and the migration of architects from the devel-
oped centers to the Amazonia, resulting in the insertion and
assimilation of an architectural culture within the region. The
dialogue between the universality of the modern and the ver-
nacular, between the modernity of Southeastern Brazil and
induced modernization, constituted a peculiar architectural
production that matured over decades. Works from architects
such as Vital Brazil, Bratke, Antunes Ribeiro, Bina Fonyat –
central figures of the modern Brazilian mainstream – were
built in Amazonia. A following generation of migrants or dis-
ciples, such as Severiano Porto and Milton Monte, developed
architectural languages in which regional knowledge became
expressive, even though they were embedded in the canons of
mainstream modernity. This paper aims to narrate episodes of
a possible double identity – Brazilian and Amazonian, and
the process of making such architecture.
Books by Marcos Cereto
Organizadores: Alcília Afonso e Ivanilson Pereira
Colaboradores: Alcília Afonso, Aline Passos Scatalon, Ana Amélia Ribeiro, Ana Karina Rodrigues, André Alves, Andre Felipe Batistella Souza, Ângelo Arruda, Anneli Celis, Beatriz Diógenes, Bernardo Brasil, Carlos Teodoro Olivares, Carolina Chaves, Carolina Quintanilha Neves, Celma Chaves, Clara Miranda, Claudia Nascimento, Ceila Cardoso, Edja Trigueiro, Eline Caixeta, Eurípedes da Silva Neto, Fernando Diniz Moreira, Fernando Vázquez, Flávio Carsalade, George Dantas, Giovani Barce-los, Graciete Costa, Grete Pflueger, Humberto Varum, Ivo Giroto, Jacinta Gislon, Jasmine Silva, João Magnus Pires, Letícia Brayner, Leonardo Inojosa, Luiza Rego Dias Coelho, Manoel Pupim Neto, Maria Heloísa Oliveira, Marcelo Aquino, Már-cio Buzar, Marcos Cereto, Maria Cristina Cabral, Miguel Antônio Buzzar, Mônica Junqueira Camargo, Nikson Dias de Oliveira, Paulina Onofre Ramalho, Raysa Oliveira Spíndola, Rebeca Dias, Ricardo Silveira Castor, Ricardo Paiva, Rudivan Cattani, Sérgio Moacir Marques, Thiago Borges Mendes, Walfredo Antunes.
Severiano Porto (1930-2020) na Amazônia brasileira. Severiano é reconhecido como o “Arquiteto da
Amazônia” pela qualidade das arquiteturas realizadas na região norte do Brasil com diversas premiações em
âmbito nacional e internacional. A abordagem da análise apresenta uma aproximação a três obras realizadas
com técnicas construtivas distintas, com reflexões sobre a pertinência e a contemporaneidade das decisões
projetuais, da qualidade da arquitetura precursora da arquitetura sustentável, e da contribuição à cultura
disciplinar. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do trabalho considera o acesso as fontes
primárias, a literatura disponível e as entrevistas realizadas pelo Autor com críticos de arquitetura. Essa
perspectiva sobre a trajetória profissional de Severiano Porto possibilita um novo olhar sobre a evolução no
processo projetual ao longo das décadas, com a persistência nas experimentações realizadas nos trabalhos
da Amazônia, a contemporaneidade das obras com a Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira, e um comportamento
profissional sem preconceitos com uma circulação entre o ambientalismo e o desenvolvimentismo brasileiro.
See thesis:
is the last and largest portion of the country to be developed.
In the 1930s the Brazilian government improved an Amazo-
nian integration program. After the WWII, the increase of
large-scale economic activities, especially mining, along with
predatory natural resource extraction, marked the beginning
of major environmental problems and uncontrolled urbani-
zation for the existing cities. The change of the capital to Bra-
silia in 1960 established a milestone in the internalization
process. Actions that aimed the improvement of region’s eco-
nomic conditions characterized a modernization induced by
governmental input. This scenario demanded a planned
framework, and the migration of architects from the devel-
oped centers to the Amazonia, resulting in the insertion and
assimilation of an architectural culture within the region. The
dialogue between the universality of the modern and the ver-
nacular, between the modernity of Southeastern Brazil and
induced modernization, constituted a peculiar architectural
production that matured over decades. Works from architects
such as Vital Brazil, Bratke, Antunes Ribeiro, Bina Fonyat –
central figures of the modern Brazilian mainstream – were
built in Amazonia. A following generation of migrants or dis-
ciples, such as Severiano Porto and Milton Monte, developed
architectural languages in which regional knowledge became
expressive, even though they were embedded in the canons of
mainstream modernity. This paper aims to narrate episodes of
a possible double identity – Brazilian and Amazonian, and
the process of making such architecture.
Organizadores: Alcília Afonso e Ivanilson Pereira
Colaboradores: Alcília Afonso, Aline Passos Scatalon, Ana Amélia Ribeiro, Ana Karina Rodrigues, André Alves, Andre Felipe Batistella Souza, Ângelo Arruda, Anneli Celis, Beatriz Diógenes, Bernardo Brasil, Carlos Teodoro Olivares, Carolina Chaves, Carolina Quintanilha Neves, Celma Chaves, Clara Miranda, Claudia Nascimento, Ceila Cardoso, Edja Trigueiro, Eline Caixeta, Eurípedes da Silva Neto, Fernando Diniz Moreira, Fernando Vázquez, Flávio Carsalade, George Dantas, Giovani Barce-los, Graciete Costa, Grete Pflueger, Humberto Varum, Ivo Giroto, Jacinta Gislon, Jasmine Silva, João Magnus Pires, Letícia Brayner, Leonardo Inojosa, Luiza Rego Dias Coelho, Manoel Pupim Neto, Maria Heloísa Oliveira, Marcelo Aquino, Már-cio Buzar, Marcos Cereto, Maria Cristina Cabral, Miguel Antônio Buzzar, Mônica Junqueira Camargo, Nikson Dias de Oliveira, Paulina Onofre Ramalho, Raysa Oliveira Spíndola, Rebeca Dias, Ricardo Silveira Castor, Ricardo Paiva, Rudivan Cattani, Sérgio Moacir Marques, Thiago Borges Mendes, Walfredo Antunes.
El Departamento de Organización del Espacio hace la atenta invitación a participar de la Conferencia Magistral, en modalidad virtual, denominada: “Severiano Mario Porto: la primacía de la lógica industrial y la seducción del toque artesanal.”, impartida por el Dr. Marcos Paulo Cereto, profesor e investigador de la Universidad Federal del Amazonas - Brasil (UFAM/BR).
Les invitamos a participar el próximo jueves 11 de noviembre, de las 09:00 a las 10:25 a.m. (hora SV).
La Conferencia busca establecer un espacio de aproximación y reflexión sobre el universo de la obra del maestro brasileño Severiano Mario Porto (1930-2020) en el contexto cultural amazónico.
Tecnologia da Construção.
"Mineiro de nascimento, carioca por formação e amazonense de coração”, Severiano Porto ficou conhecido como o “arquiteto da floresta”. Foi autor de diversos projetos no Brasil, mas principalmente na Amazônia. Sua obra se destaca pelo diálogo entre a universalidade e a cultura local, as práticas vernaculares e a contemporaneidade, seu olhar atento ao lugar e um profundo conhecimento do canteiro de obras. Como escreve Marcos Cereto, “Severiano Porto não é mineiro, carioca ou amazonense: é brasileiro!” E sua obra merece destaque na construção da nossa história.
Marcos Cereto é arquiteto [UFRGS, 1999] e professor da UFAM, desde 2013. O doutorado sobre a obra de Severiano Porto [PROPAR/UFRGS, 2020] potencializou conexões nacionais e internacionais e a criação do NAMA (2016) - Núcleo Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia. O coletivo reúne artistas, arquitetos e pesquisadores interessados na modernidade na Amazônia Legal. Cereto é o organizador e curador das exposições: XAMA - Arquitetura contemporânea na Amazônia (2018-2019) e "L’Amazonie en Construction: l’architectures des fleuves volants" (2019) em Paris; e curador em”Resilient Amazon Architecture"(2021) no Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism e “Arte na Floresta” no MUSA (2021).
Palestra realizada via plataforma Google Meets e mediada pela professora Carolina Hartmann Galeazzi (AMB1).
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Le Global Award, créé par l'architecte et professeur Jana Revedin en 2006, récompense chaque année cinq architectes qui contribuent à un développement plus équitable et durable et construisent une approche innovante et participative pour répondre aux besoins des sociétés, qu'ils soient experts en éco-construction ou acteurs de l'auto-développement pour qui la durabilité est avant tout synonyme d'équité sociale et urbaine. L'originalité du prix est de les réunir sur une scène fédératrice, pour enrichir le débat mondial. Attentif aux scènes émergentes, à l'interdisciplinarité et à l'expérimentation, le Global Award est reconnu comme un découvreur des architectes du XXIe siècle : Wang Shu, Alejandro Aravena, Carin Smuts, Francis Kéré, Al Borde, Assemble, Rotor, Bijoy Jain ou Marta Maccaglia.
Le thème du Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ 2021 est « Architecture et nature : une nouvelle synergie ? ».
Les lauréats 2021 sont : Teresa Moller, Teresa Moller Landscape Studio, Santiago, Chili ; Solano Benitez & Gloria Cabral, Gabinete de Arquitetura Benitez & Cabral, Asuncion, Paraguay ; Severiano Porto, Manaus, Brésil, présenté par Marcos Cereto, professeur à l'Université fédérale d'Amazonas ; José Cubilla, Asuncion, Paraguay ; Richard Sennett, sociologue, historien, New-York & Londres.
A Research Studio conversation with Marcos Cereto, Angelo Bucci, and Xhulio Binjaku. Moderated by Cristina Parreño.
In collaboration with the Architecture and Urbanism Group
The NAMA - Núcleo Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia was conceived by Marcos Cereto and brings together architects, researchers and artists interested in the documentation of modernity in the Amazon. Also, the architects of NAMA design contemporary buildings bringing reflections on the role of the architect and the criticism of architecture.
The Amazon covers about 60% of the Brazilian territory and harbors a biodiversity vital to the climatic balance on the Earth. Contemporary challenges in the Amazon involve combating illegal fires and mining, controlling the expansion of the agricultural frontier, and protecting indigenous reserves. Conversely, the provision of infrastructure, sanitation and housing in settlements is necessary to guarantee the quality of life for inhabitants. The architecture in the Amazon still unknown.
Cereto presents his research of Severiano Porto’s architecture, the "Architect of the Amazon”, with the vanguard of his buildings and his legacy for the new architectures. These works express architectural decisions that use the skills of local labor in the management of industrial and forestry techniques with the tradition of modern Brazilian architecture.
Marcos Cereto, Angelo Bucci, Xhulio Binjaku, Cristina Parreño
Marcos Cereto is an architect, professor of the Faculdade de Tecnologia at Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM. His works focuses on the modern architecture of the Amazon and its national and transnational connections with Latin American cultural institutions. His current research theme includes the works of Severiano Porto and his reverberations in the Amazon. He is the founder of Núcleo Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia - NAMA and organizes annual seminars, Seminário de Arquitetura Moderna na Amazônia - SAMA, since 2016. He is an editor of Amazônia Moderna, Journal at Universidade Federal do Tocantins. He is also the curator of Exposição de arquitetura contemporânea na Amazônia - XAMA, in Brazil, 2018-21 and Amazonie en construction - l'Architecture de fleuves volants, in Paris, 2019.
Since 1989, Angelo Bucci has been dedicated to building design, sharing his time between both professional and academic duties. These parallel activities define a special approach to his projects, in which the professional demands are understood as an engaging opportunity to research and speculate new ideas. Always based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Angelo is founder and principal in charge of SPBR architects since 2003. He was also founder and associate of MMBB architects from 1996 to 2002. He has taught studios at FAU USP since 2001 and also as a visiting professor in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Italy, Switzerland [ETH Zurich, 2014], and United States [ASU, 2005; UC Berkeley, 2006; GSD Harvard and MIT, 2008; UT Austin, 2010; Yale, 2013; MIT 2016]. In 2005, he got his PhD with a work that reflects about the role of experience São Paulo in his way to think about architecture. Some of his buildings have been widely exhibited through publications, lectures and exhibitions.
Xhulio Binjaku is a PhD student in History and Theory of Architecture at Princeton University. He is interested in the interdisciplinary transformations between architecture and geography and how a history of uneven exchanges between the two fields produced new epistemes in design, environment, and the planet. He completed his Master of Architecture degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds two degrees from the University of Florida in Architecture and Geography. Currently, he is a curatorial member of the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale.
Cristina Parreño Alonso is an architect, designer, and educator at the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT, where her research Transtectonics explores cultural, contextual and environmental implications of expanded temporal sensibilities in architectural material practice. Her tectonic translations—material transfers across mediums and temporal scales, human and more-than-human, technology and geology—embody narratives that are told in the form of essays, exhibitions, and through architectural projects and installations that activate public spaces. She is the director of her eponymous architectural firm and the founder of The Deep Time Project on Climate Change. Her work has been recently on view at the Schusev State Museum of Architecture in Moscow, and she is one of the architects exhibiting in La Biennale di Venezia 2021: How will we live together?
NAMA e a Arquitetura na Amazônia Legal.
Representantes do NAMA detalharam métodos e projetos de construções arquitetônicas e urbanísticas que não impactam a floresta e permitem às pessoas viverem em ambientes amazônicos.
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Thematic+Cities Exhibition
2021년 10월 2일~10월 24일
매주 토/일요일 전시장, 온라인 동시공개
크로스 상영회는 각 전시의 디지털 콘텐츠를 상영하는 프로그램입니다. 작가의 영상 작품, 포럼, 아티스트 토크, 인터뷰 등 다양한 영상 콘텐츠를 전시 별로 만나실 수 있는 크로스 상영회는 전시 별로 일정에 따라 만나보실 수 있습니다.
주제전+도시전 영상은 동대문디자인플라자(DDP) 배움터 전시장 2층 아레나 공간에서 매주 토요일과 일요일에 현장 관람하실 수 있으며, 온라인에서는 같은 날 오전 10시에 공개됩니다.
주제전+도시전 영상에서는 35팀의 참여작가들이 각 45분 동안 줌(zoom)으로 강연을 진행합니다. 캐주얼한 토크 분위기의 강연으로, 작가들과 실시간으로 소통하며 작업에 대한 이야기를 들어보세요.
2021 서울도시건축비엔날레의 주제전과 도시전은 동대문디자인플라자(DDP) 배움터에서 관람하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
📍 전시장소
동대문디자인플라자(DDP) 배움터
📌 전시 기간 정보
2021년 9월 16일(목) ~ 2021년 10월 31일(일)
10:00 – 18:30 (*18시 입장 종료)
매주 월요일 휴관
📌 티켓 판매 링크
[네이버 예약]
#서울도시건축비엔날레 #2021서울도시건축비엔날레 #크로스로드 #crossroads #건축 #전시 #전시회 #도시건축 #서울비엔날레 #서울가볼만한곳 #도미니크페로 #동대문디자인플라자 #DDP #SeoulBiennale #Seoul #Architecture #Urbanism #SeoulBiennale2021 #Seoul_Biennale_Architecture_and_Urbanism #DominiquePerrault #전시연계 #학술행사 #작가의영상작품 #포럼 #아티스트토크 #인터뷰 #Thematic_Exhibition
Topic 1, Session 1 was held on 9 June 2021. This session includes speakers from the USA, Brazil, Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13 depicts that "Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere." Explore how architects in different countries are tackling this universal challenge. How do architects across the world include sustainability and reducing the effect of climate change in their designs? We are discussing not only the practical steps and measures architects need to consider when designing a new building or spaces but also the links between technology, circular economy and architecture.
0:05:04 Evolve or Perish - an architect's response to the climate emergency
American Institute of Architects
Julie Hiromoto - Director of Integration, HKS Architects
0:14:08 Between the Sun and the Rain, We Shall Resist
Council of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil
Prof. Marcos Cereto - Architect, researcher and professor at the Technology School of Universidade Federal do Amazoas (UFAM in Manaus)
0:23:56 RAIA Guide: Sustainable Design Pathways
The Royal Institute of the Architects in Ireland
Sarah O'Dwyer - Architect, lecturer and Programme Leader of the distance learning "Environmental Design of Buildings" MSc at Cardiff University
0:32:07 From Retrofit to Tower - a closer look at three key projects on our pathways to a more sustainable building industry
Royal Institute of British Architects
Amy Holtz - Director and Head of Sustainability, PLP Architecture
0:41:03 Future proof architecture
Royal Institute of Dutch Architects
Menno Rubbens - Project Developer and Director, cepezedprojects
Visit our website to learn more about the 2021 Global Architecture Exchanges sessions:
View Session 1 here: