Papers by Silvia Dimitrova
Izvestiâ na Sʺûza na učenite - Varna. Seriâ Ikonomičeski nauki/Izvestiâ na Sʺûza na učenite - Varna. Seriâ Ikonomičeski nauki, Dec 1, 2023
АИ *Ценов*, 2016
An essential element of public policy is the field of culture. In this sense, a significant miles... more An essential element of public policy is the field of culture. In this sense, a significant milestone in the implementation of cultural policy, in terms of the distinctiveness of municipalities, is the assessment of the population, for which it is developed. The aim of this publication is to present the support of the local population for cultural policy by the assessment of included in it: cultural activities, priorities, segmentation of users (residents and visitors) and coherence with other public policies. The article presents the results of the population survey on cultural policy implemented in six municipalities in Bulgaria-Kavarna,

Съществен елемент на публичните политики е областта на културата. Значим момент при провеждането ... more Съществен елемент на публичните политики е областта на културата. Значим момент при провеждането на културната политика, от гледна точка на отличимост на общините, е оценката й от населението, за което е разработена. Целта на настоящата публикация е да представи подкрепата на местното население за провежданата културна политика като оценка относно включващите се в нея: културни дейности, приоритети, сегментиране на потребителите (местни жители и посетители) и съгласуваност с други публични политики. Статията представя резултатите от изследване на населението относно провежданата културна политика в шест общини в България – Каварна, Балчик, Бяла, Шабла, Аврен и Долни Чифлик. С помощта на анкетни карти са получени оценки за културните дейности, инфраструктурата, приоритетите и проблемните места, както и съгласуваността с останалите публични политики. Най-високо оценени са Каварна и Балчик относно разнообразието, наситеността на културния календар и културната инфраструктура, както и с...

Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, 2020
Given the increasing interest in ethical brands, the paper identifies and analyses the key issues... more Given the increasing interest in ethical brands, the paper identifies and analyses the key issues within the fashion industry regarding ethics in modern society and economy. What exactly makes researches state that fashion is deadly, unsustainable and unethical? The article considers the issues on the basis of the human and animal rights, environmental impacts, governments' lack of regulation, fashion industry and its supply chain characteristics, and consumers' behavior. Globalization, outsourcing, geographically longer and extended supply chains and the lack of visibility and control, are some of the premises identified in causing ethical issues in fashion industry. Finally, it concludes with what are the features of ethical fashion in general. It uses secondary sources obtained mainly through the media and the literature to review the current debates within the industry.
The article examines the notion that culture has considerable support in the EU, both methodical ... more The article examines the notion that culture has considerable support in the EU, both methodical and financial. Therefore, the main conventions, applicable and relevant for European countries, programmes, funds and other initiatives of the Union are reviewed. Significant attention is paid to projects that benefit cultural sphere in 6 bulgarian municipalities – Kavarna, Balchik, Byala, Shabla, Avren and Dolni chiflik. The presented data show that the most used/applicable funds are for regional and urban development, maritime & fisheries policies, as well as cross border cooperation. The funds from the EU in the studied municipalities are used for heritage conservation, infrastructure, diversification of events, accessibility, education of children and youth.
The article considers the financial provision for the cultural policy in 6 small Black Sea munici... more The article considers the financial provision for the cultural policy in 6 small Black Sea municipalities in North Bulgaria and the relation with their development. The municipalities under study are Avren, Balchik, Byala, Dolni Chiflik, Kavarna and Shabla. There are considered their cultural activities, institutions and the funds they have set aside for them, in order to observe the fundamental cultural rights and principles of cultural policy.
The article considers the emerging unethical cases in multinational companies' business world... more The article considers the emerging unethical cases in multinational companies' business worldwide regarding the right to work and its dimensions. They refer to working conditions, the availability of child labor, discrimination in pay and employment, as well as regarding attitude towards women and girls. Specific cases about Bulgaria and Europe are elaborated. Finally, measures taken by different stakeholders to minimize or eliminate the practices discussed are presented.

The paper explores the ethical issues which multinational companies are fronting when doing busin... more The paper explores the ethical issues which multinational companies are fronting when doing business abroad. In a business that competes mainly in global markets, multinational companies (MNCs) operate in different social, cultural and ethical environments. This poses significant ethical dilemmas over MNCs. Particularly, choosing how to behave, is not a choice between good and bad, right and wrong, but only between the right and right choice. The first section elaborates on ethical dimensions of MNC's business and issues such as child labor, sweatshops, discrimination, environment pollution, indigenous people rights, nepotism, human rights, bribery and corruption. Questions whether MNCs have obligation or not towards suppliers, subcontractors and consumers are represented. The second section presents the ethical behavior options for companies in global business regarding ethical relativism, ethical imperialism, ethical reciprocity and universal ethics.
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, 2019
Cultural resources are enormous, they are renewable and they must be considered as significant so... more Cultural resources are enormous, they are renewable and they must be considered as significant social and economic development drivers. In recent years, their contribution to a higher quality of life has been recognized at various levels. This is not the case with their financing. Financial solutions are still far from affordable and accessable. In this regard, the article examines the possibilities for financing the typical Bulgarian cultural institutions, namely the Chitalishte. First, the ways and methods of financing existing in the EU and in the world are presented. After that, the real possibilities for them are evaluated in the Bulgarian context.

Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, 2019
In the context of globalization, managing an organization affects communities, citizens and custo... more In the context of globalization, managing an organization affects communities, citizens and customers, employees, and different civil society associations. It concerns awareness of choices which managers make and that affect people's lives. The article examines how to deal with such situations in terms of universalism and relativism in international management, with the accompanying benefits and criticisms of each one. It also presents conveying the impact of organizations' activities in the daily lives of diverse populations around the world is, whose interests or even existence may at great extent be absent from the organization's decision-making. Measures for fostering ethical behaviour are also presented, respectively at international, national, community and intra-company levels. At the finale, we also highlight the main concerns about "best" rules and their applicability.

Recently, culture has been placed at the center of the debates of the development for its contrib... more Recently, culture has been placed at the center of the debates of the development for its contributions to it and not only in respect to new cultural industries, but also to areas like cultural tourism, heritage, festivals, performing arts and so on. This paper examines the way(s) it contributes to sustainable development in, a little bit, different point of view, as being prioritised sphere of local authorities' policy. It describes how it is possible to make a whole city or region successful through culture in all her dimensions on the example of the European Capitals of culture and the notion of the Creative city, proposed by Richard Florida. Our investigation is based on the example of the city of Kavarna - the famous rock capital on the Balkans (as they are defined recently). The paper comes to show how investment in culture, rock festival to start with as the case is here specially, is capable of being a motor for development for a whole city/municipality.
Резюме: В последните години ЕС възлага или подкрепя редица изследвания, свързани с мястото на кул... more Резюме: В последните години ЕС възлага или подкрепя редица изследвания, свързани с мястото на културата и креативността в процесите на развитие. Усилията са насочени към изравняване на възможностите на развиващите се с развитите страни и една от тенденциите е да се започне от по-малките единици като общини, региони и провинции в зависимост от устройството на съответната страна. Затова специално внимание се отделя на мястото и приноса на културната политика за развитието на населените места.
This paper examines the cultural sphere at the moment in Varna and the opportunities that could... more This paper examines the cultural sphere at the moment in Varna and the opportunities that could open up after its election as European Capital of Culture 2019. Here are presented the potential benefits and possible changes that would occur in short- and long-term in Varna and the region after the city's election. It holds the charge to unite the efforts of different social, political and public groups, some of them otherwise opponents, in this important and significant initiative
The paper presents strategic dilemmas in cultural policy, valid and applicable for bulgarian litt... more The paper presents strategic dilemmas in cultural policy, valid and applicable for bulgarian little municipalities.
In today's changing world the role of culture is reinvented in the development process. The repo... more In today's changing world the role of culture is reinvented in the development process. The report examines the opportunities for support of culture by the Cohesion Funds and their use in Balchik Municipality.
This paper examines the ways culture contributes to sustainable development at national level. As... more This paper examines the ways culture contributes to sustainable development at national level. As a sector of activity, through tangible and intangible heritage, creative industries and different forms of expressions, culture is a contributor to economic development, social stability and environmental protection. By revealing the essence of “culture – development” relationship the paper aims to define how national cultural policy contributes to overall development of Bulgaria.
Key words: culture, development, national cultural policy,
In recent years, significant number of studies relating to the place of culture and creativity in... more In recent years, significant number of studies relating to the place of culture and creativity in the development processes are awarded or supported by the EU. The efforts are aimed at equalizing opportunities for the developing countries compared to the developed ones. One of the trends is to start from smaller units such as municipalities, provinces and regions, depending on the administrative structure of the country. Therefore, special attention is paid to the place and contribution of cultural policy for the development of settlements. This paper examines the case of six small municipalities at the Bulgarian North Black Coast.
The article defines the place of cultural policy for little municipalities in the times of crisis... more The article defines the place of cultural policy for little municipalities in the times of crisis and the possibilities for their development, which it gives. There is a lot of potential in the field of cultural events, which have not been used to their best adventage. It is presented here the case of Kavarna where we can see the results of adequate cultural policy, held and supported by the local authorities. This city is a solid proof of the significant role of cultural policy.
Papers by Silvia Dimitrova
Key words: culture, development, national cultural policy,
Key words: culture, development, national cultural policy,