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Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación en torno a la experiencia de la niñez en la última dictadura cívico-militar en Chile (1973-1990). Se discute el lugar que han ocupado los recuerdos de infancia en los estudios de... more
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      Cultura MaterialMemoriaInfanciaDictadura cívico-militar
En este artículo de investigación recuperamos la voz de los hijos-niños e hijas-niñas de la gente militante de la izquierda de Chile, a partir del análisis de sus producciones simbólicas y registros de la vida cotidiana tales como cartas,... more
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      Filosofia y Derechos Humanos en America LatinaSociologia da InfânciaInfanciaHistoria de la infancia
El área pericial ha presentado estos últimos años un crecimiento sin precedentes en la historia judicial chilena. La Reforma Procesal Penal ha sido en gran parte responsable de que en el sistema público se haya visualizado hace casi una... more
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La violencia hiere el cuerpo y la mente. Del que la ejecuta. Del que la sufre. De los que lloran. De toda la humanidad. Nos rebaja a todos. Kathy Reichs I. Introducción. La investigación y persecución penal de la responsabilidad penal de... more
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    • Criminologia Criminalistica Derecho Psicologia
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término “trastorno mental” en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados del... more
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      PsicologíaDemenciaDerecho Penal ChilenoImputabilidad
El miércoles 6 de junio de 2018, en la Universidad de La Haya para las Ciencias Aplicadas, tuvo lugar la presentación del Libro "70° Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos", como segundo libro de la colección... more
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      Psicologia JuridicaDerechos HumanosDerecho Internacional
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término "trastorno mental" en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados... more
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      PsicologíaDemenciaDerecho Penal ChilenoImputabilidad
Oscillatory phenomena have been a focus of dynamical systems research since the time of the classical studies on the pendulum by Galileo. Fast cortical oscillations also have a long and storied history in neurophysiology, and olfactory... more
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      PhysiologyCognitive ScienceNeuronal NetworkOscillations
Olfactory system oscillations play out with beautiful temporal and behavioral regularity on the oscilloscope and seem to scream 'meaning'. Always there is the fear that, although attractive, these symbols of dynamic regularity might be... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectroencephalographyEvoked PotentialsTRENDS
Background/Aims-Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is associated with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in plasma membrane. We tested the hypothesis that eNOS activation by shear stress in resistance vessels depends on synchronized... more
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      CalciumCellular mechanotransductionCANitric oxide
Sensory-motor relationships are part of the normal operation of sensory systems. Sensing occurs in the context of active sensor movement, which in turn influences sensory processing. We address such a process in the rat olfactory system.... more
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    • Sniffing
Although there is extensive literature about the effects of stimulants on sustained attention tasks in attentional deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), little is known about the effect of these drugs on other attentional tasks involving... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderAttentionElectroencephalographyAdolescent
For decades it has been known that the olfactory sensory epithelium can act like a chromatograph, separating odorants based on their air-mucus sorptive properties (Mozell and Jagodowicz, 1973). It has been hypothesized that animals could... more
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      NeuroscienceAlgorithmsAnimal BehaviorAdsorption
To elucidate the cognitive structures of animals, neuroscientists use several behavioral tasks. Therefore, it is imperative to have a firm understanding of each task's behavioral parameters in order to parse out possible task effects. We... more
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    • Rat Behavior
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis is based on reported symptoms, which carries the potential risk of over-or under-diagnosis. A biological marker that helps to objectively define the disorder, providing information... more
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Editor's Note: These short, critical reviews of recent papers in the Journal, written exclusively by graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, are intended to summarize the important findings of the paper and provide additional insight... more
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      Brain NetworksRat Whiskers
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed based on observed behavioral outcomes alone. Given that some brain attentional networks involve circuits that control the eye pupil, we monitored pupil size in aDHD-diagnosed... more
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When closely examined, several biological mechanisms reveal themselves as implementing a physical and dynamical two-way link or coupling between the organism and the world. In these cases, some mechanisms' components can either physically... more
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      Sensorimotor integration4E Cognition
This paper explores the migration experiences, perceived COVID-19 impacts, and depression symptoms among Haitian migrants living in Santiago, Chile. Ninety-five participants from eight neighborhoods with a high density of Haitian migrants... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEnvironmental public health