Universidad Diego Portales
Facultad de Psicologia
Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación en torno a la experiencia de la niñez en la última dictadura cívico-militar en Chile (1973-1990). Se discute el lugar que han ocupado los recuerdos de infancia en los estudios de... more
Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación en torno a la experiencia de la niñez en la última dictadura cívico-militar en Chile (1973-1990). Se discute el lugar que han ocupado los recuerdos de infancia en los estudios de memoria respecto a este periodo. Se acude a la perspectiva de los nuevos estudios de infancia para dirigir la mirada sobre aspectos poco visibles de la vida cotidiana. Se realizaron 24 entrevistas abiertas a personas que vivieron la niñez en dictadura. La entrevista fue concertada a propósito de un objeto (carta, diario de vida, tarjetas postales, grabaciones, etc.) producido o adquirido por el participante entre 1973-1990. En las conclusiones se reflexiona respecto al papel de la reconstrucción de los recuerdos de infancia mediante el uso de objetos ayuda-memoria y los aspectos universales de la experiencia de niñez en dictadura.
En este artículo de investigación recuperamos la voz de los hijos-niños e hijas-niñas de la gente militante de la izquierda de Chile, a partir del análisis de sus producciones simbólicas y registros de la vida cotidiana tales como cartas,... more
En este artículo de investigación recuperamos la voz de los hijos-niños e hijas-niñas de la gente militante de la izquierda de Chile, a partir del análisis de sus producciones simbólicas y registros de la vida cotidiana tales como cartas, dibujos, objetos realizados entre 1973 y 1989, y entrevistas registradas en documentales de la época que se encuentran actualmente en el Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos de Santiago de Chile, analizadas desde la perspectiva de los nuevos estudios de la infancia. Reflexionamos respecto al modo en que los niños y niñas elaboran su juicio y sentido de la realidad y construyen un sentido ético que dialoga con la herencia intergeneracional, pero la excede, reflejando su activa participación en la construcción de una comunidad afectiva que trasciende los vínculos consanguíneos.
El área pericial ha presentado estos últimos años un crecimiento sin precedentes en la historia judicial chilena. La Reforma Procesal Penal ha sido en gran parte responsable de que en el sistema público se haya visualizado hace casi una... more
El área pericial ha presentado estos últimos años un crecimiento sin precedentes
en la historia judicial chilena. La Reforma Procesal Penal ha sido en gran parte responsable de que en el sistema público se haya visualizado hace casi una década la necesidad de modernizar sus metodologías de evaluación pericial. Un claro ejemplo de ello lo constituyen los organismos auxiliares de la administración de justicia, tales como el Servicio Médico Legal, la red pericial
dependiente del SENAME, y los centros periciales de ambas Policías, los
cuales han aumentado significativamente sus dotaciones de personal, han profesionalizado las diferentes áreas que los componen y, en el caso de los Laboratorios Criminalísticos, han invertido fuertemente en tecnología de última
generación para estar a la altura de los requerimientos emanados del Ministerio
Público y de los Tribunales del Poder Judicial.
en la historia judicial chilena. La Reforma Procesal Penal ha sido en gran parte responsable de que en el sistema público se haya visualizado hace casi una década la necesidad de modernizar sus metodologías de evaluación pericial. Un claro ejemplo de ello lo constituyen los organismos auxiliares de la administración de justicia, tales como el Servicio Médico Legal, la red pericial
dependiente del SENAME, y los centros periciales de ambas Policías, los
cuales han aumentado significativamente sus dotaciones de personal, han profesionalizado las diferentes áreas que los componen y, en el caso de los Laboratorios Criminalísticos, han invertido fuertemente en tecnología de última
generación para estar a la altura de los requerimientos emanados del Ministerio
Público y de los Tribunales del Poder Judicial.
La violencia hiere el cuerpo y la mente. Del que la ejecuta. Del que la sufre. De los que lloran. De toda la humanidad. Nos rebaja a todos. Kathy Reichs I. Introducción. La investigación y persecución penal de la responsabilidad penal de... more
La violencia hiere el cuerpo y la mente. Del que la ejecuta. Del que la sufre. De los que lloran. De toda la humanidad. Nos rebaja a todos. Kathy Reichs I. Introducción. La investigación y persecución penal de la responsabilidad penal de los adultos que cometen delitos es una tarea que difiere, desde el punto de vista jurídico y práctico, de la que pretende establecer la participación y responsabilidad penal que le corresponde a los adolescentes que incurren en dichas conductas. En este contexto, si bien los adolescentes son para todos los efectos menores de edad, igualmente, la sociedad ha definido una serie de criterios y estándares para hacer valer la responsabilidad por sus actos y las consecuencias que traen aparejadas cuando estos infringen la ley penal. Luego, los adolescentes son y deben ser responsables de sus actos, pues a partir de cierta edad,-que generalmente y en nuestro derecho corresponde a los catorce años-, ya cuentan con capacidades suficientes, adquiridas en el proceso evolutivo, que les permiten controlar su comportamiento, entenderlo y aceptar la responsabilidad de los actos que ejecuten. Confirmando esta concepción, el ordenamiento jurídico otorga, a partir de los catorce años y en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida social, tales como familia, salud, civil, y penal, ciertos derechos y obligaciones a los adolescentes, reafirmando con ello la tendencia sustentada por la literatura, académicos y la sociedad en general, en que al cumplirse los catorce años de edad, el sujeto se encuentra en otra etapa de su desarrollo y está en condiciones para comprender, determinarse libremente, y responder por sus acciones, tanto es así que, por ejemplo, incluso la libertad sexual es reconocida por el legislador a partir del referido rango de edad. Esta consciencia adquirida a partir de cierto tramo etario y que a su vez permite la responsabilización, se ha entendido vinculada al período denominado adolescencia, por lo que para comprender la fenomenología de la infracción penal adolescente es indispensable establecer ese tema como punto de partida del presente estudio, y desde allí continuar nuestro recorrido analizando los orígenes y la evolución de la responsabilidad de los menores de edad, las principales formas en que históricamente ha sido consagrada en el derecho comparado, y el tratamiento que al respecto efectuó nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Posteriormente, con el objeto de abordar la problemática del delito adolescente de la manera más acorde a la realidad, realizaremos una breve caracterización estadística de su forma de presentación, lo que nos permitirá verificar el estado actual del fenómeno, dimensionar su situación, y adquirir una noción real acerca de éste.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término “trastorno mental” en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados del... more
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término “trastorno mental” en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados del artículo 10.1, referido a las conductas exentas de responsabilidad penal. La problemática radica tanto a nivel dogmático, como en su relación con la realidad social que se pretende regular.
Con este objeto, los autores realizan un examen dogmático-jurídico y desde las disciplinas abocadas a la salud mental del concepto de “trastorno mental”, revisando los pronunciamientos de los documentos
institucionales internacionales más importantes, señalando el estado
de la cuestión y alcanzando la respuesta científica a esta cuestión jurídica. Finalmente, y a modo de conclusión, brindan una propuesta de lege ferenda orientada a la redacción del tenor de una disposición
normativa que regule las conductas que eximen de responsabilidad penal por trastorno mental.
Con este objeto, los autores realizan un examen dogmático-jurídico y desde las disciplinas abocadas a la salud mental del concepto de “trastorno mental”, revisando los pronunciamientos de los documentos
institucionales internacionales más importantes, señalando el estado
de la cuestión y alcanzando la respuesta científica a esta cuestión jurídica. Finalmente, y a modo de conclusión, brindan una propuesta de lege ferenda orientada a la redacción del tenor de una disposición
normativa que regule las conductas que eximen de responsabilidad penal por trastorno mental.
El miércoles 6 de junio de 2018, en la Universidad de La Haya para las Ciencias Aplicadas, tuvo lugar la presentación del Libro "70° Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos", como segundo libro de la colección... more
El miércoles 6 de junio de 2018, en la Universidad de La Haya para las Ciencias Aplicadas, tuvo lugar la presentación del Libro "70° Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos", como segundo libro de la colección "Perspectivas Iberoamericanas sobre la Justicia", lanzada por la Editorial Tirant lo Blanch (España), el Instituto Iberoamericano de La Haya (Países Bajos) y el Instituto Joaquín Herrera Flóres (Brasil). Tuve el honor se publicar un articulo titulado "El valor simbólico de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos", páginas 239 a 248.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término "trastorno mental" en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados... more
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los problemas conceptuales y terminológicos observados en la regulación del término "trastorno mental" en el Código Penal chileno, en especial, aquellos derivados del artículo 10.1, referido a las conductas exentas de responsabilidad penal. La problemática radica tanto a nivel dogmático, como en su relación con la realidad social que se pretende regular. Con este objeto, los autores realizan un examen dogmático-jurídico y desde las disciplinas abocadas a la salud mental del concepto de "trastorno mental", revisando los pronunciamientos de los documentos institucionales internacionales más importantes, señalando el estado de la cuestión y alcanzando la respuesta científica a esta cuestión jurídica. Finalmente, y a modo de conclusión, brindan una propuesta de lege ferenda orientada a la redacción del tenor de una disposición normativa que regule las conductas que eximen de responsabilidad penal por tr...
Oscillatory phenomena have been a focus of dynamical systems research since the time of the classical studies on the pendulum by Galileo. Fast cortical oscillations also have a long and storied history in neurophysiology, and olfactory... more
Oscillatory phenomena have been a focus of dynamical systems research since the time of the classical studies on the pendulum by Galileo. Fast cortical oscillations also have a long and storied history in neurophysiology, and olfactory oscillations have led the way with a depth of explanation not present in the literature of most other cortical systems. From the earliest studies of odor-evoked oscillations by Adrian, many reports have focused on mechanisms and functional associations of these oscillations, in particular for the so-called gamma oscillations. As a result, much information is now available regarding the biophysical mechanisms that underlie the oscillations in the mammalian olfactory system. Recent studies have expanded on these and addressed functionality directly in mammals and in the analogous insect system. Sub-bands within the rodent gamma oscillatory band associated with specific behavioral and cognitive states have also been identified. All this makes oscillatory neuronal networks a unique interdisciplinary platform from which to study neurocognitive and dynamical phenomena in intact, freely behaving animals. We present here a summary of what has been learned about the functional role and mechanisms of gamma oscillations in the olfactory system as a guide for similar studies in other cortical systems.
Olfactory system oscillations play out with beautiful temporal and behavioral regularity on the oscilloscope and seem to scream 'meaning'. Always there is the fear that, although attractive, these symbols of dynamic regularity might be... more
Olfactory system oscillations play out with beautiful temporal and behavioral regularity on the oscilloscope and seem to scream 'meaning'. Always there is the fear that, although attractive, these symbols of dynamic regularity might be just seductive epiphenomena. There are now many studies that have isolated some of the neural mechanisms involved in these oscillations, and recent work argues that they are functional and even necessary at the physiological and cognitive levels. However, much remains to be done for a full understanding of their functions.
Background/Aims-Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is associated with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in plasma membrane. We tested the hypothesis that eNOS activation by shear stress in resistance vessels depends on synchronized... more
Background/Aims-Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is associated with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in plasma membrane. We tested the hypothesis that eNOS activation by shear stress in resistance vessels depends on synchronized phosphorylation, dissociation from Cav-1 and translocation of the membrane-bound enzyme to Golgi and cytosol.
- by Xavier Figueroa and +1
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- Calcium, Cellular mechanotransduction, CA, Nitric oxide
Sensory-motor relationships are part of the normal operation of sensory systems. Sensing occurs in the context of active sensor movement, which in turn influences sensory processing. We address such a process in the rat olfactory system.... more
Sensory-motor relationships are part of the normal operation of sensory systems. Sensing occurs in the context of active sensor movement, which in turn influences sensory processing. We address such a process in the rat olfactory system. Through recordings of the diaphragm electromyogram (EMG), we monitored the motor output of the respiratory circuit involved in sniffing behavior, simultaneously with the local field potential (LFP) of the olfactory bulb (OB) in rats moving freely in a familiar environment, where they display a wide range of respiratory frequencies. We show that the OB LFP represents the sniff cycle with high reliability at every sniff frequency and can therefore be used to study the neural representation of motor drive in a sensory cortex.
- by Donald Frederick and +2
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- Sniffing
Although there is extensive literature about the effects of stimulants on sustained attention tasks in attentional deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), little is known about the effect of these drugs on other attentional tasks involving... more
Although there is extensive literature about the effects of stimulants on sustained attention tasks in attentional deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), little is known about the effect of these drugs on other attentional tasks involving different neural systems. In this study we measured the effect of stimulants on ADHD children, both in the electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during sustained attentional tasks and in psychometric performance during selective attentional tasks. These tasks are known to rely on different cortical networks. Our results in children medicated with 10 mg of d-amphetamine administered 60 min before the study indicate (i) a significant increase in amplitude but not latency of the P300 component of the event-related potential (ERP) during the sustained attentional task and (ii) a significant improvement in the reaction times and correct responses in the selective attentional task. In addition to supporting the use of stimulants in children with attentional deficit/hyperactivity disorder, these results show a multifocal activity improvement of cortical structures linked to dopamine, and interestingly, to attention. All these analyses are framed in a wider study of diverse attentional functions in this syndrome.
For decades it has been known that the olfactory sensory epithelium can act like a chromatograph, separating odorants based on their air-mucus sorptive properties (Mozell and Jagodowicz, 1973). It has been hypothesized that animals could... more
For decades it has been known that the olfactory sensory epithelium can act like a chromatograph, separating odorants based on their air-mucus sorptive properties (Mozell and Jagodowicz, 1973). It has been hypothesized that animals could take advantage of this property, modulating sniffing behavior to manipulate airflow and thereby directing odorant molecules to the portions of the olfactory epithelium where they are best detected (Schoenfeld and Cleland, 2005). We report here a test of this hypothesis in behaving rats, monitoring respiratory activity through diaphragm electromyogram, which allowed us to estimate nasal airflow. In our test rats had to detect either low-sorption (LS) or high-sorption (HS) monomolecular odorant targets from the same stimulus set of six binary odor mixtures. We found that it is more difficult for rats to detect LS than HS targets. Although sniffing bouts are the same duration for each group (ϳ500 ms), sniffing longer and using more inhalations results in better performance for rats assigned to detect LS targets. LS-detecting rats also increase the duration of individual inhalations (81 ms for LS-vs 69 ms for HS-detecting rats) and sniff at lower frequencies (7.8 Hz for LS-vs 8.6 Hz for HS-detecting rats) when learning to sense the target. When LS-detecting rats do discriminate well, they do so with lower airflow, more sniffs, and lower frequency of sniffing than HS-detecting counterparts. These data show that rats adjust sniff strategies as a function of odorant sorptiveness and provide support for the chromatographic and zonation hypotheses.
To elucidate the cognitive structures of animals, neuroscientists use several behavioral tasks. Therefore, it is imperative to have a firm understanding of each task's behavioral parameters in order to parse out possible task effects. We... more
To elucidate the cognitive structures of animals, neuroscientists use several behavioral tasks. Therefore, it is imperative to have a firm understanding of each task's behavioral parameters in order to parse out possible task effects. We compare two operant discrimination tasks (Go/No-Go: GNG; Two-Alternative Choice: TAC) that are commonly used in olfactory research. Past research has suggested that solving the two tasks requires divergent cognitive strategies. One hypothesis is that the two tasks differ in how an animal optimizes reward rate by means of a speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT). If this is true, then changing tasks could give researchers an additional tool to understand animal cognition. However, no study has systematically analyzed the two tasks in parallel using odor stimuli. Using standardized training protocols, we test GNG and TAC in parallel. Our protocols allow us to isolate the stimulus sampling period from a general reaction time period. We find that the two tasks do not differ with regard to the stimulus sampling period and conclude that the two tasks do not differ in the amount of time it takes an animal to perform a discrimination. Instead, tasks differ in the time it takes to make an overt behavioral response, with GNG showing shorter periods than TAC. We also find no evidence of rats using either task-specific or intertrial interval-dependent SAT schema in order to optimize reward rate. We show that similarities between dependent variables, with the possible exception of response delay, appear to be under experimenter control.
- by Daniel Rojas-Líbano and +1
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- Rat Behavior
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis is based on reported symptoms, which carries the potential risk of over-or under-diagnosis. A biological marker that helps to objectively define the disorder, providing information... more
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis is based on reported symptoms, which carries the potential risk of over-or under-diagnosis. A biological marker that helps to objectively define the disorder, providing information about its pathophysiology, is needed. A promising marker of cognitive states in humans is pupil size, which reflects the activity of an 'arousal' network, related to the norepinephrine system. We monitored pupil size from ADHD and control subjects, during a visuo-spatial working memory task. A sub group of ADHD children performed the task twice, with and without methylphenidate, a norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Off-medication patients showed a decreased pupil diameter during the task. This difference was no longer present when patients were on-medication. Pupil size correlated with the subjects' performance and reaction time variability, two vastly studied indicators of attention. Furthermore, this effect was modulated by medication. Through pupil size, we provide evidence of an involvement of the noradrenergic system during an attentional task. Our results suggest that pupil size could serve as a biomarker in ADHD. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent childhood neuropsychiatric disorder 1, 2. This condition is characterized by inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity, and is becoming increasingly recognized that many patients continue having these types of difficulties in adulthood 3. Most of ADHD symptoms are related to problems in behavioral and cognitive control, and have been attributed to a deficient dopaminergic signaling 2, 4, 5. First-line treatment for ADHD is given by stimulants, mainly methylphenidate, and the usual second-line treatment is atomoxetine, a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor 2, 6. Both kinds of drugs increase the catecholamine availability at synapses. This, together with evidence of a weak but consistent link between genetic polymorphisms associated to the catecholaminergic system and ADHD, prompted the widely accepted hypothesis that in this condition there is an underlying deficit in catecholaminergic neurotransmission 1, 7. Currently, diagnosis is being performed solely on the basis of observed behavior and reported symptoms, which carries the potential risk of over-diagnosis or under-diagnosis 6, 8. Like any complex disorder, ADHD patients display clear heterogeneities at the clinical and biological levels. These differences probably explain why some patients do not respond to medication 6–9. A biological marker that helps to objectively define the disorder, providing information about its pathophysiology and potential responses to medication, is needed 9, 10. A promising potential marker of cognitive states in humans is pupil size 11–15. After controlling for stimulus luminance, pupil size correlates with task difficulty, emotional valence, physical effort, motor output and arousal states 11, 16–21. Independent findings suggest that these fluctuations in pupil size reflect the state of the brain nor-epinephrine (NE) system 11, 22–26. This system originates in the locus-coeruleus (LC) and projects throughout the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus and midbrain, among others 22–24, 27–29. Brain areas associated with atten-tional processing (e.g., parietal cortex, pulvinar nucleus, superior colliculus) receive particularly dense LC-NE innervations 12, 25. Data from animal models, both rodents and non-human primates, have shown a central role for the LC in selective attention 11, 23–25. Published: xx xx xxxx OPEN
- by Daniel Rojas-Líbano and +1
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Editor's Note: These short, critical reviews of recent papers in the Journal, written exclusively by graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, are intended to summarize the important findings of the paper and provide additional insight... more
Editor's Note: These short, critical reviews of recent papers in the Journal, written exclusively by graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, are intended to summarize the important findings of the paper and provide additional insight and commentary. For more information on the format and purpose of the Journal Club, please see http://www.jneurosci.org/misc/ifa_features.shtml.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed based on observed behavioral outcomes alone. Given that some brain attentional networks involve circuits that control the eye pupil, we monitored pupil size in aDHD-diagnosed... more
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed based on observed behavioral outcomes alone. Given that some brain attentional networks involve circuits that control the eye pupil, we monitored pupil size in aDHD-diagnosed children and also in control children during a visuospatial working memory task. We present here the full dataset, consisting of pupil size time series for each trial and subject. There are data from, 22 control, and 28 ADHD-diagnosed children. There are also data from a subset of 17 ADHD children that performed the task twice, on-and off-medication. In addition, our dataset also includes gaze position data from each trial and subject, and also scores from the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children. In this context, the dataset can serve as a resource to analyze dynamic eye movement and pupil changes as a function of known behavioral changes and scores in neuropsychological tests, which reflect neurocognitive processing.
When closely examined, several biological mechanisms reveal themselves as implementing a physical and dynamical two-way link or coupling between the organism and the world. In these cases, some mechanisms' components can either physically... more
When closely examined, several biological mechanisms reveal themselves as implementing a physical and dynamical two-way link or coupling between the organism and the world. In these cases, some mechanisms' components can either physically cross the body-world boundary or are brought by the organism's motor actions onto specific sensory surfaces. As with any biological phenomenon, the historical contingencies of these sensorimotor activities generate plastic changes within the organism, that in turn determine its capacities at any given time. Body-world coupling instances are evident in examples that we will describe later, such as breathing, sensori-motor activities, and others. In the present piece, we attempt to position social cognitive phenomena as the result of the mechanisms involved in the organism's coupling history with its world. This coupling constitutes one of the cornerstones of the so called 4E approach to cognition (Newen et al., 2018), from which we will also draw concepts and distinctions in our effort to relate coupling mechanisms with social phenomena. Even though reviewing the 4E approach to cognition escapes the scope of the present piece, we can briefly state that the 4E cognition framework wants to bring multiple approaches together under a sole emblem. It understands cognition as a natural phenomenon, embodied in the biophysics of the body which is embedded both phylo-and ontogenically into the animal's ecological niche. To the 4E approach, cognition is also opportunistic and promiscuous as can be extended toward the world with objects both material (e.g., technology) and conceptual (e.g., institutions). Finally, the 4E approach thinks cognition as intended for action in an ongoing interactional sense-making process; an enactive phenomenon. The 4E cognition framework owes its current form to several landmark work such as the "enactive approach" (Varela et al., 2017), the "distributed cognition branch of cognitive science" (Flor and Hutchins, 1991; Hutchins, 1995), and the "extended mind" proposal (Clark and Chalmers, 1998), among others. Despite decades of conceptual development of the 4E approach and its diverse subfields, there are many questions regarding its particular implications for neuroscience (e.g., how can neuroscientists can actually implement the 4E approach directly into their research agendas? Is one-person neuroscience necessary?, etc.) (Di Paolo and De Jaegher, 2012; Willems and Francken, 2012). As experimental neuroscientists interested in the interactional nature of cognition, we would like to extract the mechanistic implications of the 4E approach: components, activities, and processes (What?, How?, When?), their context (When?, How?) and their weights (How important?). Epistemologically, we concur with the view that conceives mechanisms as models of the phenomena to explain and consider the building of mechanistic models a fundamental explanatory aim of neuroscience (Craver, 2007). Without a mechanistic picture of the ways in which the 4Es constitute and/or affect cognitive processes, we are left with few tools to further empirical research. We start by considering relevant distinctions provided by De Jaegher et al. (2010), where constitutive, enabling, and contextual factors can be identified as the "set of circumstances"
This paper explores the migration experiences, perceived COVID-19 impacts, and depression symptoms among Haitian migrants living in Santiago, Chile. Ninety-five participants from eight neighborhoods with a high density of Haitian migrants... more
This paper explores the migration experiences, perceived COVID-19 impacts, and depression symptoms among Haitian migrants living in Santiago, Chile. Ninety-five participants from eight neighborhoods with a high density of Haitian migrants were recruited. Descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, and logistic regression analysis were conducted. Chi-squared tests were used to confirm univariate results. We found that 22% of participants had major depressive symptoms based on the CESD-R-20 scale, 87% reported major life changes due to COVID-19, and 78% said their migration plans had changed due to the pandemic. Factors associated with more depressive symptoms were being in debt (OR = 3.43) and experiencing discrimination (ORs: 0.60 to 6.19). Factors associated with less odds of depressive symptoms were social support (ORs: 0.06 to 0.25), change in migration plans due to COVID-19 (OR = 0.30), and planning to leave Chile (OR = 0.20). After accounting for relevant factors, planning to ...