Marcelo Leiras
A political scientist interested in understanding the socio-economic, organizational and institutional foundations of democratic stability. I am currently working on the consequences of the political involvement of landowners and, separately, on the emotional underpinnings of pluralism. I have done work on the nationalization of party systems and the causes of the stability of judges.
Phone: ++ 54 11 4725 7040
Address: Vito Dumas 284
(1644), Victoria, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: ++ 54 11 4725 7040
Address: Vito Dumas 284
(1644), Victoria, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
InterestsView All (26)
Papers by Marcelo Leiras
expectation. The influence of political competition operates through two distinct mechanisms: fragmentation and
turnover. Most empirical studies treat them as mutually reinforcing. We explain why each of these effects should be
most clear when the other one is inactive: when power is concentrated only the expectation of turnover may protect
judicial autonomy; when turnover seems unlikely only fragmentation should prevent interferences on the judiciary. We
test these hypotheses using an original data set comprising all justices that served in the 24 provincial supreme courts in
Argentina between 1984 and 2008. Results of a survival model with competing risks support our argument. The effect
of fragmentation is discernible when turnover seems unlikely. The expectation of turnover restrains incumbents
particularly when power is concentrated.
expectation. The influence of political competition operates through two distinct mechanisms: fragmentation and
turnover. Most empirical studies treat them as mutually reinforcing. We explain why each of these effects should be
most clear when the other one is inactive: when power is concentrated only the expectation of turnover may protect
judicial autonomy; when turnover seems unlikely only fragmentation should prevent interferences on the judiciary. We
test these hypotheses using an original data set comprising all justices that served in the 24 provincial supreme courts in
Argentina between 1984 and 2008. Results of a survival model with competing risks support our argument. The effect
of fragmentation is discernible when turnover seems unlikely. The expectation of turnover restrains incumbents
particularly when power is concentrated.