Universitatea din Craiova
Facultatea de Drept si Stiinte Administrative
The jurists naturally privilege the continuity, stability, coherence. If the political tends to periodically break the coherence of the social structures, the jurists conceive themselves as "doctors" thereof, and "their technique is... more
The ordinary courts have the general competence to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals, whether provided or not in the international treaties or in the Constitution of Romania. The Constitutional Court’s claim to be the only... more
Pornind de la câteva consideraţii de principiu asupra raporturilor dintre puterea constituantă, autoritatea constituantă originară şi cea derivată, voi face o analiză critică a limitelor competenţei de revizuire a Constituţiei, aşa cum... more
By starting from several principle considerations regarding the relations between the constituent power, the original and the derived constituent authority, I shall make a critical analysis of the limits of the power to revise the... more
Sfera dreptului nu poate fi nelimitată într-o democraţie liberală. O primă categorie a limitelor sale rezultă din necesitatea de a tempera mutabilitatea sistemului juridic. În primul rând, dreptul nu trebuie să fie perisabil. Trecerea... more
In a liberal democracy, the sphere of law cannot be unlimited. The first category of its limits results from the necessity to temper the mutability of the legal system. Firstly, the law must not be perishable. The passage of time should... more
Cartea, publicată în 2007 la Editura C.H. Beck, tratează partea generală a dreptului constituțional: actorii vieții politice (statul, cetățenii, partidele politice, grupurile de presiune, mass-media, grupurile primare de identificare);... more
Cartea, publicată la Editura C.H. Beck în 2008, tratează: noțiunile de drept, de stat și de stat de drept; dreptul obiectiv (sursele dreptului și tehnica juridică); dreptul în sens subiectiv (titularii, crearea, modificare și stingerea... more
Le livre est la traduction en français de l'oeuvre „Dan Claudiu DĂNIȘOR, Constituția României comentată. Titlul I - Principii generale, București, Universul Juridic, 2009”.
The central problem created by the stabilisation of any legal system is the way in which law will recognise the moment when to change and adapt, before the necessity of social transformations becomes an open conflict, i.e. a conflict that... more
The 1866 Constitution of Romania represents a turning point in the history of the Romanian state and Romanian law. It was not a constitutional transplant of the Belgian system of 1831 and it was not too liberal for the nineteenth century... more
Lucrarea este un comentariu detaliat și critic al primului Titlu al Constituției României.
The rereading of the origins of the theory of the separation of powers leads us to several ideas that have the potential to reconfigure it for the future. Locke, Montesquieu and the French revolutionaries distinguish functions from... more
Is state intervention necessary to the exercise of rights or liberties? The answer to this question creates several possibilities of substantiating the general regime of human rights exercise: libertarian, liberal and statist. Classical... more
The aim of this study is to analyse the way in which constitutional justice has fulfilled functions of neutral power in the constitutional history of Romania and, by revealing the manner in which the Law of 2003 on the revision of the... more
Current legal doctrine often confuses two planes, which should remain separate: the language of law and the language about law. Due to this confusion, the doctrine tends to transform the problem of safeguarding freedom into a problem of... more
The events ocurred at the end of 1989 and the beginning of the ’90s were interpreted for a long time by a great number of Romanian politicians and local intelligentsia as not being a revolution. The dispute seemed to be fed by the... more
The exercise of rights and liberties may be limited for the reasons enumerated in art. 53(1)C. But their application may not be done in a limitless manner. There has to be a procedural framework which shall limit the modality in which the... more
The introduction into the structure of the present states of certain autonomous authorities and their exponential multiplication over the last decades requires a careful analysis of the principles underpinning their justification. Modern... more