Papers by Guillermo Rosabal-Coto

Revista Internacional de Educación Musical (RIEM), 2017
Este artículo sirve de introducción al monográfico que los autores han editado sobre educación mu... more Este artículo sirve de introducción al monográfico que los autores han editado sobre educación musical decolonial, presentando algunos de los principales conceptos del marco «modernidad/colonialidad» y los sitúa en el campo de la educación musical. En particular, brinda bases de una perspectiva teórica para comprender formas instituidas de educación musical en Latinoamérica como derivadas del proyecto civilizatorio moderno, y para rescatar, visibilizar y comprender, tanto como imaginar y configurar, experiencias de educación musical que ofrezcan resistencia a dicho proceso y promuevan alternativas epistemológicas. En tanto presentación del presente monográfico el artículo propone asimismo algunas claves para la lectura de los trabajos que lo suceden.
Palabras Clave: Modernidad; decolonialidad; desobediencia epistémica; justicia epistémica; educación
This article introduces the special issue about decolonial music education the authors have edited, while presenting some core concepts of the "modernity / coloniality" framework and approaching them on the music education realm. Particularly, it provides some basis of a theoretical perspective to understand instituted forms of music education in Latin America as derived from the modern civilizatory project, Besides, this framework allows to rescue, visualize and understand, as well as imagine and configure, music education experiences that offer resistance to such process and promote epistemological alternatives. As a presentation of this special issue the article also proposes some keys for reading the papers that follow it.
Keywords: Modernity; decoloniality; epistemic disobedience; epistemic justice; music education
Music education in the Caribbean and Latin America: A comprehensive guide, 2017
Book chapter on Costa Rican music education in Music Education in the Caribbean and Latin America... more Book chapter on Costa Rican music education in Music Education in the Caribbean and Latin America, edited by Raymond Torres-Santos, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 97-110
Student News Bulletin of the Society of Ethnomusicology (SEM), 2017
This column draws attention to exciting ways you can get involved in SEM, and related projects an... more This column draws attention to exciting ways you can get involved in SEM, and related projects and sites of activity. From conferences to publications, this column provides updates and information on becoming more active and engaged as an ethnomusicologist. If you have announcements, calls, or new programs that should be included in an upcoming issue, contact us at [email protected].

Epistemus , 2016
En este artículo sugiero que el SINEM — la versión costarricense de El Sistema venezolano — artic... more En este artículo sugiero que el SINEM — la versión costarricense de El Sistema venezolano — articula un discurso de desarrollo que legitima políticas neoliberales que rigen el mercado internacional del siglo XXI, en el cual Costa Rica figura solamente como un subalterno. Planteo que tal articulación contribuye a perpetuar nociones y prácticas que se fundaron en el período colonial y que han sostenido el imaginario de la identidad nacional costarricense desde el siglo XIX. Para demostrarlo, llevo a cabo un análisis teórico por medio de la etnografía postcolonial institucional.
Palabras clave: postcolonialismo, neocolonialismo, etnografía postcolonial institucional, educación musical en Costa Rica, SINEM
In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articulates a development discourse which legitimates neoliberal policies that govern the twenty-first-century international market, in which Costa Rica figures only as a subaltern. I contend that such articulation contributes to perpetuating notions and practices that are based in the colonial period and have sustained the imagination of Costa Rican national identity since the nineteenth century. To this end, I undertake a theoretical analysis through postcolonial institutional ethnography.
Key words: postcolonialism, neocolonialism, postcolonial institutional ethnography, musical education in Costa Rica, SINEM.
Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education (ACT), 2016
In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articu... more In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articulates a development discourse which legitimates neoliberal policies that govern the twenty-first-century international market, in which Costa Rica figures only as a subaltern. I contend that such articulation contributes to perpetuating notions and practices that are based in the colonial period and have sustained the imagination of Costa Rican national identity since the nineteenth century. To this end, I undertake a theoretical analysis through postcolonial institutional ethnography.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
Musiikkikasvatus, 2016
Lectio praecursoria of my 2016 doctoral thesis and review by discussant/opponent Rubén Gaztambide... more Lectio praecursoria of my 2016 doctoral thesis and review by discussant/opponent Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández

Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education (ACT), 2013
In this article I discuss a case study of how a music teacher in a postcolonial context
has addr... more In this article I discuss a case study of how a music teacher in a postcolonial context
has addressed and resisted colonialist practices in education/socialization
processes. The case study addresses preliminary findings from a broader
ethnography on the social organization of music learning from the standpoint of
music teachers. The ethnography is based in Costa Rica—a Central American
nation that struggles with colonial-based relationships1, and also the native
country of the researcher. The analysis is framed sociologically, in terms of micro
and macro social relations, as I scrutinize tensions between individual learning and
macro social forces. By critically reflecting on musical meanings, values, and
practices that sustain a non-Euro-American sociocultural order, from a theoretical
perspective little explored by music education, this work articulates the first
through sixth MayDay Group ideals.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
Revista Estudios, 2013
La Revista Estudios es editada por la Universidad de Costa Rica y se distribuye bajo una Licencia... more La Revista Estudios es editada por la Universidad de Costa Rica y se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Costa Rica. Para más información envíe un mensaje a [email protected].
Gender, Education, Music, and Society (GEMS), 2006
It is the author’s perception that although a considerable body of research in queer studies has ... more It is the author’s perception that although a considerable body of research in queer studies has addressed the contribution of gay musicians and music educators in the past, there is a need for addressing more systematically how our sexuality permeates our present educational practices. This tendency is more evident in Latin America -the author’s context- where queer studies in music and music education in are not yet treated as extensively as in Europe and North America. By reflecting on his own educational practices in a Latin American college music setting for almost a decade, the author attempts to draw the attention of teachers and scholars towards how the awareness on our sexuality can be a force for potential contributions in the music education profession in the Latin American context.

Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 2012
Este ensayo pretende servir de reflexión en torno a retos específicos que las y los docentes de e... more Este ensayo pretende servir de reflexión en torno a retos específicos que las y los docentes de ejecución de instrumentos musicales en centros de educación superior suelen enfrentar en su práctica educativa, específicamente en relación con los contextos, bagajes, y metas del estudiantado. La reflexión se apoya en conceptos de índole sociológico y propone interrogantes y acciones conducentes a un abordaje transdisciplinario de los retos en cuestión. Está escrita en un estilo coloquial, con el objeto de lograr cercanía con las personas destinatarias, e incluye el planteamiento de un caso específico como anexo.
Palabras clave: educación musical; enseñanza musical instrumental; educación superior; sociología educativa; transdisciplinariedad
This essay is a reflection on specific challenges that instrumental music teachers in higher education face in relation to student contexts, backgrounds and goals. The reflection leans on concepts of sociological nature and proposes actions by teachers, towards a transdisciplinary approach of the challenges at stake. It is written in a colloquial style in order to better approach the target readers, and includes a case for study as an appendix.
Key words: music education; instrumental music teaching; higher education; educational sociology; transdisciplinarity
Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education (ACT), 2010
This article focuses on a recently implemented general music curriculum in secondary public schoo... more This article focuses on a recently implemented general music curriculum in secondary public schools, whose main goal is to address social issues in Costa Rica. The author describes and discusses its context, rationale, theoretical tenets, and proposed practices
with the purpose of advancing theory-practice reflection on music education practices within a geographical and cultural context—concerns congruent with the second, third, and seventh action ideals of the MayDay Group, but seldom addressed by conventional scholarship.
Musiikkikasvatus , 2009
Just as the geography and landscape of Costa Rica and Finland are contrasting, so were
the cont... more Just as the geography and landscape of Costa Rica and Finland are contrasting, so were
the context and history of these two nations that influenced and shaped the emergence
and goals of their first instrumental music schools, until the second half of the twentieth century. However, since the latter part of the twentieth century, both countries have
undergone similar challenges in regard to the goals of music school education, due
to societal demands.
Canadian Music Educator, 2006
The present article proposes a rationale on how a purposefully planned wami'Up session can serve ... more The present article proposes a rationale on how a purposefully planned wami'Up session can serve to instil the basic elements of healthy singing and correct vocal problems in the choral rehearsal. It focuses on specific and interrelated vocal concepts and skills that can be addressed through warm-ups, and suggests several warm-up strategies and exercises. Throughout the article, attention is drawn towards major challenges
encountered by choral conductors when planning and conducting warm-ups in accordance with this rationale.
Eufonía, 2009
El autor discute por qué la voz adolescente debe recibir un trato particular en
el ensamble cora... more El autor discute por qué la voz adolescente debe recibir un trato particular en
el ensamble coral. Para ello propone cómo reconocer y manejar el proceso de
mutación de la voz adolescente –tanto masculina como femenina– en el canto
coral, según la perspectiva de diferentes autores. A la vez, se presentan estrategias
prácticas para abordar dichas voces en relación con cambios propios de
la adolescencia y los retos presentados en el repertorio.
Palabras clave: educación musical, canto coral, voz adolescente, coral, coro,
coro juvenil.
La Retreta, 2008
El presente artículo pretende estimular en ejecutantes y docentes la reflexión en torno al potenc... more El presente artículo pretende estimular en ejecutantes y docentes la reflexión en torno al potencial impacto de atender a los estilos de aprendizaje en la ejecución y educación musical instrumental. El artículo también sugiere estrategias generales para la mediación docente, en relación con tres estilos de aprendizaje específicos.
Sonograma Magazine, 2008
El presente artículo discute cómo una sesión de calentamiento puede servir para
inculcar los ele... more El presente artículo discute cómo una sesión de calentamiento puede servir para
inculcar los elementos básicos del canto saludable y abordar retos vocales dentro del
ensayo coral. Se enfatizan conceptos vocales específicos y destrezas que pueden ser
abordadas por medio de los calentamientos y se sugieren algunas estrategias y
ejercicios específicos. A la vez, se presta atención a retos importantes que a menudo
encuentran los directores al planear e implementar los calentamientos coral
Papers by Guillermo Rosabal-Coto
Palabras Clave: Modernidad; decolonialidad; desobediencia epistémica; justicia epistémica; educación
This article introduces the special issue about decolonial music education the authors have edited, while presenting some core concepts of the "modernity / coloniality" framework and approaching them on the music education realm. Particularly, it provides some basis of a theoretical perspective to understand instituted forms of music education in Latin America as derived from the modern civilizatory project, Besides, this framework allows to rescue, visualize and understand, as well as imagine and configure, music education experiences that offer resistance to such process and promote epistemological alternatives. As a presentation of this special issue the article also proposes some keys for reading the papers that follow it.
Keywords: Modernity; decoloniality; epistemic disobedience; epistemic justice; music education
Palabras clave: postcolonialismo, neocolonialismo, etnografía postcolonial institucional, educación musical en Costa Rica, SINEM
In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articulates a development discourse which legitimates neoliberal policies that govern the twenty-first-century international market, in which Costa Rica figures only as a subaltern. I contend that such articulation contributes to perpetuating notions and practices that are based in the colonial period and have sustained the imagination of Costa Rican national identity since the nineteenth century. To this end, I undertake a theoretical analysis through postcolonial institutional ethnography.
Key words: postcolonialism, neocolonialism, postcolonial institutional ethnography, musical education in Costa Rica, SINEM.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
has addressed and resisted colonialist practices in education/socialization
processes. The case study addresses preliminary findings from a broader
ethnography on the social organization of music learning from the standpoint of
music teachers. The ethnography is based in Costa Rica—a Central American
nation that struggles with colonial-based relationships1, and also the native
country of the researcher. The analysis is framed sociologically, in terms of micro
and macro social relations, as I scrutinize tensions between individual learning and
macro social forces. By critically reflecting on musical meanings, values, and
practices that sustain a non-Euro-American sociocultural order, from a theoretical
perspective little explored by music education, this work articulates the first
through sixth MayDay Group ideals.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
Palabras clave: educación musical; enseñanza musical instrumental; educación superior; sociología educativa; transdisciplinariedad
This essay is a reflection on specific challenges that instrumental music teachers in higher education face in relation to student contexts, backgrounds and goals. The reflection leans on concepts of sociological nature and proposes actions by teachers, towards a transdisciplinary approach of the challenges at stake. It is written in a colloquial style in order to better approach the target readers, and includes a case for study as an appendix.
Key words: music education; instrumental music teaching; higher education; educational sociology; transdisciplinarity
with the purpose of advancing theory-practice reflection on music education practices within a geographical and cultural context—concerns congruent with the second, third, and seventh action ideals of the MayDay Group, but seldom addressed by conventional scholarship.
the context and history of these two nations that influenced and shaped the emergence
and goals of their first instrumental music schools, until the second half of the twentieth century. However, since the latter part of the twentieth century, both countries have
undergone similar challenges in regard to the goals of music school education, due
to societal demands.
encountered by choral conductors when planning and conducting warm-ups in accordance with this rationale.
el ensamble coral. Para ello propone cómo reconocer y manejar el proceso de
mutación de la voz adolescente –tanto masculina como femenina– en el canto
coral, según la perspectiva de diferentes autores. A la vez, se presentan estrategias
prácticas para abordar dichas voces en relación con cambios propios de
la adolescencia y los retos presentados en el repertorio.
Palabras clave: educación musical, canto coral, voz adolescente, coral, coro,
coro juvenil.
inculcar los elementos básicos del canto saludable y abordar retos vocales dentro del
ensayo coral. Se enfatizan conceptos vocales específicos y destrezas que pueden ser
abordadas por medio de los calentamientos y se sugieren algunas estrategias y
ejercicios específicos. A la vez, se presta atención a retos importantes que a menudo
encuentran los directores al planear e implementar los calentamientos coral
Palabras Clave: Modernidad; decolonialidad; desobediencia epistémica; justicia epistémica; educación
This article introduces the special issue about decolonial music education the authors have edited, while presenting some core concepts of the "modernity / coloniality" framework and approaching them on the music education realm. Particularly, it provides some basis of a theoretical perspective to understand instituted forms of music education in Latin America as derived from the modern civilizatory project, Besides, this framework allows to rescue, visualize and understand, as well as imagine and configure, music education experiences that offer resistance to such process and promote epistemological alternatives. As a presentation of this special issue the article also proposes some keys for reading the papers that follow it.
Keywords: Modernity; decoloniality; epistemic disobedience; epistemic justice; music education
Palabras clave: postcolonialismo, neocolonialismo, etnografía postcolonial institucional, educación musical en Costa Rica, SINEM
In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articulates a development discourse which legitimates neoliberal policies that govern the twenty-first-century international market, in which Costa Rica figures only as a subaltern. I contend that such articulation contributes to perpetuating notions and practices that are based in the colonial period and have sustained the imagination of Costa Rican national identity since the nineteenth century. To this end, I undertake a theoretical analysis through postcolonial institutional ethnography.
Key words: postcolonialism, neocolonialism, postcolonial institutional ethnography, musical education in Costa Rica, SINEM.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
has addressed and resisted colonialist practices in education/socialization
processes. The case study addresses preliminary findings from a broader
ethnography on the social organization of music learning from the standpoint of
music teachers. The ethnography is based in Costa Rica—a Central American
nation that struggles with colonial-based relationships1, and also the native
country of the researcher. The analysis is framed sociologically, in terms of micro
and macro social relations, as I scrutinize tensions between individual learning and
macro social forces. By critically reflecting on musical meanings, values, and
practices that sustain a non-Euro-American sociocultural order, from a theoretical
perspective little explored by music education, this work articulates the first
through sixth MayDay Group ideals.
Keywords: coloniality, postcolonialism, music education, socialization, Costa Rica
Palabras clave: educación musical; enseñanza musical instrumental; educación superior; sociología educativa; transdisciplinariedad
This essay is a reflection on specific challenges that instrumental music teachers in higher education face in relation to student contexts, backgrounds and goals. The reflection leans on concepts of sociological nature and proposes actions by teachers, towards a transdisciplinary approach of the challenges at stake. It is written in a colloquial style in order to better approach the target readers, and includes a case for study as an appendix.
Key words: music education; instrumental music teaching; higher education; educational sociology; transdisciplinarity
with the purpose of advancing theory-practice reflection on music education practices within a geographical and cultural context—concerns congruent with the second, third, and seventh action ideals of the MayDay Group, but seldom addressed by conventional scholarship.
the context and history of these two nations that influenced and shaped the emergence
and goals of their first instrumental music schools, until the second half of the twentieth century. However, since the latter part of the twentieth century, both countries have
undergone similar challenges in regard to the goals of music school education, due
to societal demands.
encountered by choral conductors when planning and conducting warm-ups in accordance with this rationale.
el ensamble coral. Para ello propone cómo reconocer y manejar el proceso de
mutación de la voz adolescente –tanto masculina como femenina– en el canto
coral, según la perspectiva de diferentes autores. A la vez, se presentan estrategias
prácticas para abordar dichas voces en relación con cambios propios de
la adolescencia y los retos presentados en el repertorio.
Palabras clave: educación musical, canto coral, voz adolescente, coral, coro,
coro juvenil.
inculcar los elementos básicos del canto saludable y abordar retos vocales dentro del
ensayo coral. Se enfatizan conceptos vocales específicos y destrezas que pueden ser
abordadas por medio de los calentamientos y se sugieren algunas estrategias y
ejercicios específicos. A la vez, se presta atención a retos importantes que a menudo
encuentran los directores al planear e implementar los calentamientos coral