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Este ARI examina los recientes cambios en la política de inmigración italiana llevados a cabo en 2008 por el gobierno conservador de Silvio Berlusconi. Las medidas contra la migración irregular aprobadas en 2008 han suscitado una oleada... more
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      ImmigrationItalyImmigration PolicyItalian Immigration Integration Policy
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      TransnationalismImmigrationInternational MigrationSocial Class
The Spanish citizenship regime is considered to be one of the most restrictive in Europe. In this paper, we argue that our understanding of Spanish legislation with respect to citizenship and its functioning requires a more nuanced... more
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      CitizenshipImmigration Status & Nationality
Clandestine migration, particularly along the Southern sea borders, dominates the debate on migration control in Europe. On the contrary, even if most irregular migrants are visa over-stayers, remarkably little is known about the... more
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      Human RightsSovereigntyImmigrationMigration
Abstract After more than two decades of policy inertia, since the late 1990s a new interest in labour migration arose across Europe and at the EU level. This translated into a new season of policy experimentation which expressed itself in... more
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Visa policy is one of the most successful harmonized EU policy field. This report shows that European legislation regulates for which countries nationals, for how long, and for which reasons MSs can issue a short-stay visa. Besides this... more
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      European integrationMigration policiesSchengen Visa policyVisa Policy
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Chi acquisisce la cittadinanza di un determinato paese e perché? Nei paesi dell'Europa del Sud, dove ormai l'immigrazione è un fenomeno consolidato, politici e accademici dedicano sempre maggiore attenzione a queste domande. Allo stesso... more
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    • Migration Studies
La crisi economica ha dato nuova linfa al dibattito su un possibile e crescente uso strumentale delle naturalizzazioni degli immigrati. Il recente aumento delle concessioni di cittadinanza in numerosi
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      Migration StudiesCitizenship
La crisi economica ha dato nuova linfa al dibattito su un possibile e crescente uso strumentale delle naturalizzazioni degli immigrati. Il recente aumento delle concessioni di cittadinanza in numerosi paesi europei, per esempio, è stato... more
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      Migration StudiesCitizenship
Chi acquisisce la cittadinanza di un determinato paese e perché? Nei paesi dell'Europa del Sud, dove ormai l'immigrazione è un fenomeno consolidato, politici e accademici dedicano sempre maggiore attenzione a queste domande.
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      Migration StudiesCitizenship
Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain have in common two long episodes of strong emigration–during the first period of globalisation and after World War II–and they now share comparable types of foreign immigration. During the first period of... more
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The Spanish citizenship regime is considered to be one of the most restrictive in Europe. In this paper, we argue that our understanding of Spanish legislation with respect to citizenship and its functioning requires a more nuanced... more
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      CitizenshipNewspaperFull Text Vol 5Immigration Status & Nationality
Th e distinction between 'weak' Southern European and 'strong' Northern European migration regimes has often been used to explain the shortcomings of Italian immigration policies. Th is article challenges such a bipolar perspective, by... more
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      LawTransnationalismImmigrationInternational Migration
In Southern European countries, the regularisations of irregular migrants have very fre-quently been used as ex post control policy measures. They have often been blamed by a large number of scholars for their incapacity to stop the... more
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    • Human Geography
Este ARI examina los recientes cambios en la política de inmigración italiana llevados a cabo en 2008 por el gobierno conservador de Silvio Berlusconi. Las medidas contra la migración irregular aprobadas en 2008 han suscitado una oleada... more
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The aim of this article is to contribute to the current debate on integration during economic downturn by analysing to what extent citizenship regimes may offer opportunities for instrumental uses of naturalisation in times of economic... more
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      MigrationMigration StudiesCitizenshipIntegration
The aim of this article is to contribute to the current debate on integration during economic downturn by analysing to what extent citizenship regimes may offer opportunities for instrumental uses of naturalisation in times of economic... more
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      Intra-European MigrationMigration StudiesSpainCitizenship
Southern European countries have traditionally been perceived as weak immigration countries with inefficient legal entry avenues for foreign workers, high irregular migration rates and poor integration policies. In recent years, however,... more
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      Labor MigrationMigration Studies
Is the economIc crIsIs In southern europe turnIng Into a mIgrant IntegratIon crIsIs? • Southern Europe has been severely hit by the current economic crisis with negative consequences in many areas. In this article the authors try to... more
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      Southern EuropeImmigration And Integration In EuropeEconomic Crisis