Papers by Salvatore Strozza

International Migration, May 5, 2022
Immigration flows and social inequalities reflect increased social and multi‐ethnic segregation i... more Immigration flows and social inequalities reflect increased social and multi‐ethnic segregation in contemporary urban Europe. For a better understanding of these processes, the present study investigates the main strengths of the multi‐group residential indices, testing sensitivity and reliability under different metropolitan contexts in five European countries. These indices focus on different research dimensions and approach multi‐group residential segregation conceptually and mathematically in a different way. A multivariate exploratory data analysis was adopted to classify the observed segregation patterns into a few homogeneous types and to delineate the multivariate relationship between the indices. The results of principal component analysis demonstrate that the indices assessing uniformity and disproportionality of the social groups analysed (H and D) contribute largely to the diversification in today's multi‐ethnic communities, clarifying the importance of the dimension of evenness. Our results highlight how segregation is more evident in economically disadvantaged metropolitan regions with high levels of social vulnerability.

In recent years many scholars have been more and more interested in exploring the association bet... more In recent years many scholars have been more and more interested in exploring the association between personal networks and social integration processes for immigrants. The availability of social support networks for immigrants in the country of destination is crucial to modulate the impact of first settlement and to foster social integration. Of course, the effects of social support on social integration depend on the different relational patterns on which personal networks are based and on the type and amount of resources that networks can provide. Here, our particular interest is to explore the association between ego-networks characteristics and social and economic integration processes for immigrants. We focus on two ethnic groups, Sri Lankan and Ukrainian, by using data from a more comprehensive survey on living conditions for immigrants living in Naples. First, we aim to describe and explore the structure of social relationships that immigrants activate in order to obtain dif...

Immigration to Italy has dramatically increased in the last two decades (Strozza, 2010), counterb... more Immigration to Italy has dramatically increased in the last two decades (Strozza, 2010), counterbalancing fertility that, like other Southern countries, had reached in the mid-nineties lowest-low levels (Delgado Perez and Livi Bacci, 1992; Kohler et al., 2002). The proportion of foreigners within our borders has dramatically increased in the last 12 years passing from 2.4% at the end of 2001 to around 8% in 2013, bringing Italy to be the fourth country in EU for number of foreign population (Strozza and Buonomo, 2014). In the last decade Italy has also experienced a slight recover of fertility, passing from a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 1.2 in 1999 to 1.4 in 2011. In the same period the incidence of births from foreign mothers has also increased passing from 4% in 1999 to 20% in 2013. We know that values of period TFR recorded by foreign women were remarkably higher than those of nationals. At the same time, mean age at childbearing is significantly lower than that of native women...

Il capitolo di Paolo Diana e Salvatore Strozza analizza, con un approccio quantitativo, le condiz... more Il capitolo di Paolo Diana e Salvatore Strozza analizza, con un approccio quantitativo, le condizioni abitative degli immigrati presenti nella provincia di Caserta. I percorsi di insediamento abitativo spesso procedono di pari passo con i percorsi di integrazione, determinandone il risultato finale. Il capitolo evidenzia come dall’estremo disagio abitativo si passi attraverso una condizione che, seppure di autonomia abitativa, presenta ancora tratti di marginalità dovuti principalmente ai servizi scadenti, alla non conformità del contratto di affitto e alla qualità dell’alloggio, per poi giungere, infine, a una condizione abitativa soddisfacente e rispettosa del benessere individuale e familiare. Pur non considerandole tappe predefinite o necessarie di un processo, esse rappresentano, tuttavia, un primo passo per procedere alla costruzione di modelli predittivi dei percorsi di insediamento abitativo che appaiono determinanti nel definire le condizioni di vita e i livelli di integraz...
… della Società Italiana …, 2010
... Coste Sant'Agostino, Teramo, [email protected] 3 Università degli studi Roma Tre,... more ... Coste Sant'Agostino, Teramo, [email protected] 3 Università degli studi Roma Tre, Via G. Chiabrera, 199, Roma, [email protected] 4 Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Via Leopoldo Rodinò n. 22 - Napoli, [email protected] 5 ... ε β β β β ln ln ln ln ln ln 3 2 1 0 ...
Edizioni Nuova Cultura eBooks, 2019

Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Oct 23, 2017
The paper presents an original application of the Gini's centre of population (MC) and its Standa... more The paper presents an original application of the Gini's centre of population (MC) and its Standard Deviational Ellipse (SDE) in the field of spatial distribution of foreigners. The proposed measures have been applied to the top five foreign communities (and Italians) counted in 2011 Italian demographic census in the municipality of Rome and Naples. The results show that, compared to Italians, in both municipalities the communities coming from Asia show spatial distributions characterized by quite clear residential patterns: a tendency to have high levels of spatial concentration and the centre of gravity (or mean centre) located at comparatively high distances from the one of the Italians. On the contrary, the communities coming from Central and Eastern Europe present a spatial residential pattern characterized by a quite high level of spatial dispersion and a centre of gravity very close to the one of the Italians. In an intermediate situation between these two spatial patterns there are the Peruvians. Some explanatory hypotheses are advanced. The Gini's centre of population and its Standard Deviational Ellipse seem capable to synthesize the spatial distribution of foreign population and to detect their residential patterns.

Mondi migranti, Dec 1, 2012
ABSTRACT [EN] According to the latest data, at the beginning of 2010 the total immigrant populati... more ABSTRACT [EN] According to the latest data, at the beginning of 2010 the total immigrant population in the province of Caserta was estimated to be 50.000 (about 5% of population). They are mostly concentrated around the town of Caserta, in the coastal area called Litorale Domitio and the inland rural area of Agro aversano. About 20.000 immigrants are non-resident (about 40%) one-third of which are estimated to be irregular. These statistical data show the existence of pull factors in this territory, attracting migration inflows mainly irregular and unstable, which makes the province of Caserta an interesting case-study. Moreover, the characteristics of the employment of immigrants in the province of Caserta has already been a cue for the analysis of the labour market in Southern Italy. Here, in fact, the specificities of local labour market, the characteristics of new migration flows in Europe since the Seventies of the last century, and the internationalization of the labour market have been intertwined. The migration phenomenon in the local context falls into the so called “Mediterranean model of immigration”, developed in the Nineties. Though migration to Southern Europe have been generated by push factors, immigrants have found in the local context employment opportunities into the informal economy (low paid and irregular jobs), mainly in agriculture, construction and household services sectors. The article examines the present situation of the immigrants in the local labour market in the province of Caserta, analysing work conditions, main occupational sectors, wage levels and working times. The source of data is a survey conducted in the first months of 2010 on a representative sample of 1.200 immigrants over eighteen, found through the aggregation centres sampling technique. The socio-demographic characteristics of immigrants, the length of stay, the human and social capital, the legal status and the social networks, are the main keys to understand both the complex situation of immigrants in the local labour market and their strategies to improve their living and working conditions in the area of destination. It is confirmed the Mediterranean model of immigration, but with different opportunities and modalities of employment, according to the profile of workers (gender, nationality, etc.) and the specific context of settlement (urban or rural area). [IT] Secondo le stime più recenti gli stranieri che vivono nella provincia di Caserta sono all’inizio del 2010 quasi 50 mila (più del 5% della popolazione) per lo più concentrati intorno al capoluogo e nei comuni del Litorale dominio e dell’Agro aversano. Circa 20 mila non sono residenti (oltre il 40%) e tra questi pressappoco un terzo sono irregolari. Queste poche informazioni già danno conto della forte capacità di attrazione dell’area nonché dell’importanza assunta della componente meno stabile e sommersa del fenomeno, elementi che rendono particolarmente interessante prendere in esame questa realtà locale. Per altro, l’inserimento dei lavoratori immigrati in provincia di Caserta ha da sempre presentato importanti spunti di riflessione ed analisi sul mercato del lavoro locale, dove le specificità del territorio si sono intrecciate con i nuovi flussi migratori che hanno interessato l’Europa a partire dalla metà degli anni Settanta e con i processi di internazionalizzazione del mercato del lavoro. L’immigrazione nel casertano rientra in ciò che è stato chiamato, a metà degli anni Novanta, il modello mediterraneo delle migrazioni. Un’immigrazione che, benché dovuta a fattori di spinta, ha trovato nel contesto di destinazione un rapido inserimento lavorativo in occupazioni precarie e spesso al nero in agricoltura, in edilizia o nel settore dei servizi alle famiglie. Sulla base dei dati di un’indagine svolta tra dicembre 2009 e marzo 2010, con il metodo dei centri e ambienti di aggregazione su un campione rappresentativo di quasi 1.200 immigrati maggiorenni originari dei Paesi a forte pressione migratoria, viene esaminata in dettaglio la situazione lavorativa più recente degli immigrati presenti sul territorio casertano. La condizione professionale, i settori di impiego, le attività svolte, le retribuzioni e gli orari sono gli elementi analizzati in dettaglio attraverso i quali è stato possibile riscontrare situazioni diverse di inserimento lavorativo. Le caratteristiche socio demografiche, l’anzianità della presenza, il capitale umano, la condizione giuridica e le reti sociali, soprattutto quelle della comunità nazionale di appartenenza, sono alcune delle chiavi di lettura utili a comprendere la variegata situazione che emerge dai risultati dell’indagine e a individuare le strategie che alcuni riescono a mettere in campo per migliorare la propria condizione di lavoro e di vita nel contesto migratorio. È comunque all’interno del modello mediterraneo di immigrazione che si realizza l’inserimento occupazionale degli immigrati, ma con opportunità e modalità…

ABSTRACT L'immigrazione straniera nel casertano è stata oggetto di attenzione degli studi... more ABSTRACT L'immigrazione straniera nel casertano è stata oggetto di attenzione degli studiosi fin dai primi anni Ottanta per l'importanza e la peculiarità dei flussi migratori che hanno interessato una realtà locale così particolare per struttura del sistema produttivo e complessità delle relazioni sociali. Il volume intende proporre un aggiornamento e, allo stesso tempo, un approfondimento sul fenomeno migratorio facendo ricorso ai dati ufficiali disponibili, oggi più attendibili e dettagliati, ma soprattutto alla ricchezza informativa derivante da un'indagine campionaria sul livello di integrazione degli immigrati presenti nel casertano, finanziata dall'amministrazione provinciale e realizzata a inizio 2010 su un campione di circa 1.200 cittadini dei paesi meno sviluppati e dell'Europa centro-orientale (compresi i neo-comunitari). L'obiettivo è fare luce su caratteristiche e condizioni di vita delle comunità straniere presenti nella provincia e su alcuni aspetti capaci di qualificare il legame tra immigrati e territorio per fornire elementi utili per la determinazione di politiche sociali di accoglimento e di integrazione il più possibile aderenti alla realtà.

Quality & Quantity
Despite the relevance of the gender dimension of immigration, political engagement of migrant wom... more Despite the relevance of the gender dimension of immigration, political engagement of migrant women has rarely been the focus of scholarly research. This article tries to fill this gap. Using secondary data from the “Condizione e integrazione sociale dei cittadini stranieri” [Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizens] survey carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) in 2011–2012, we analysed the factors that at an individual level spur or inhibit migrants’ political engagement in Italy in terms of gender differences. We decided to use political interest and political participation separately as dependent dichotomous variables in logistic models that consider structural, situational, migratory, and group-related variables as independent factors. From our analysis, some relevant differences emerged both in terms of gender and in terms of political attitudes and behaviours. Our results confirm the existence of a gender gap in political engagement among migr...

Internal mobility in Italy, after periods of intense growth and stagnation with different directi... more Internal mobility in Italy, after periods of intense growth and stagnation with different directions and actors involved, showed a marked increase also thanks to the contribution of the foreigners residing in Italy. In the last years, in fact, international immigration seems to have affected greatly the nature and features of internal mobility. Between 1995 and 2010, the changes of residence between Italian municipalities increased of more than 20%. Simultaneously, the contribution of the foreign population to internal migrations reached the level of 17%. The increase of the number of foreign residents, their greater propensity to move within the country, and structural factors such as the greater incidence of foreigners within the younger age-groups, may only partly explain these changes. We use data from the population register on changes of residence, which allows the knowledge of individual movements and which is the source mostly used to study internal mobility. This work aims ...
Papers by Salvatore Strozza