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DLF Woodland Heights tackle the individuals to it with its flabbergasting splendid luxuries and workplaces. There is no powerful objective to keep even a second objective of doubt in your mind concerning the value and consummation of this... more
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Background: Despite having the largest population in Africa, Nigeria has no accurate population based data to plan and evaluate eye care services. A national survey was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and determine the major causes... more
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      OphthalmologyPhotographyBlindnessService Quality
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      AnthropometryAdolescentProspective studiesAnaesthesia
Background: Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is an integral therapeutic component of patients with heart failure and shock. We hypothesized that the ratio of the peak mitral regurgitant velocity (MRV) (m/s) to left ventricular outflow... more
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      Linear modelsHeart FailureROC CurveAged
This study examines the validity and reliability of a reading speed test as a measure of potential central vision. Reading speed was calculated in words per minute (wpm) from the time taken to read 30 words of 1.20 logMAR size text.... more
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      ReadingVisual acuityMacular DegenerationCataract
Previous studies suggest that optimal reading speed is unaffected by cataract, yet is signi®cantly reduced in age-related macular disease. This raises the question of whether a reading speed test could be developed to assess potential... more
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      ReadingVisual acuityCataractClinical Sciences
Previous studies suggest that optimal reading speed is unaffected by cataract, yet is significantly reduced in agerelated macular degeneration (ARMD ). This raises the question of whether a reading speed test could be developed to assess... more
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      ReadingVisual acuityMacular DegenerationBiological Sciences