Papers by Romeo Ciminello
Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice ... more Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice d'emplois décents en Afrique (C.R.D.I. UCAD Dakar 2-3 mai 2023)
European Journal of Sustainable Development
The present study is an analysis of the complex causes of recent and past conflicts in the DRC an... more The present study is an analysis of the complex causes of recent and past conflicts in the DRC and their multiple effects on socio-economic development. It examines the impact of conflict on the macroeconomic, sectoral sectors, natural resources and finally on social and human development. The goal is to take on the root causes of conflict in order to establish a solid foundation for sustainable economic development. As a method, the study takes a historical perspective to identify common factors of past and present conflicts. It analyzes quantitatively and qualitatively the root causes of conflicts in the DRC to detect their impact on various aspects of economic and social development at national and regional level and to propose strategies to restore subsistence sustainable supports, economic and social development in the DRC. In addition to the introduction, the study presents four main points: the geography of the DRC, the causes of conflict, the impact of conflict and strategies for sustainable economic and human development.
European Journal of Sustainable Development
Development of global companies must face the risks of diversity and intercultural dialogue, rela... more Development of global companies must face the risks of diversity and intercultural dialogue, relating to space, time, habits, rites and customs, beliefs and substantiality of the memory of social events. The relational risks are the distinctive "character" of a people: Risks of language, religious, diversity of "values", of "different customs", of perceived education and of various contrasts. Migration flows must be managed in the context of an "Ethical Neo-capitalism". Key points of the project idea: to create development opportunities in the countries of origin with a replicable development model with a multiplier of 1 to 5; to create Cooperatives or Inter-ethnic companies (made up of people of different ethnicities, Europeans and Africans in the diaspora) in the various sectors: credit/agriculture/trade/services/mutuality and infrastructures, proportionally weighted among competent bodies chosen in Italy and in the DRC. The training is divided into two precise moments: a theoretical period in Italy and a period of practical "incubation" in DRC; In Italy: specific courses lasting three to six months and also for trainers, with people already belonging to the sector; the three-month African incubators; Courses in Italy could be financed both by the Italian Development Cooperation and by other possible interested Bodies. Identify in Africa, where and with whom and how, create incubators. During the year of preparation, inter-ethnic companies will have to be able to access a concession (with a privileged system) on which to start the business. Each company will take root in the city with at least 5 thousand inhabitants. The development model will have to be elaborated by points, by sector, by activity, organization, professionals, times and methods to be replicated in the different provinces or territories, where there are large human aggregates.
European Journal of Sustainable Development
European Journal of Sustainable Development
Our goal was to understand the behavior of sellers and consumers of imported agricultural product... more Our goal was to understand the behavior of sellers and consumers of imported agricultural products (corn, rice, chicken and pork) vis-à-vis local products. To test our hypotheses, we used methods of analysis and surveys using documentary techniques and the interview. The results reveal that 4.4% of respondents say they buy imported rice because it is cheaper and is found in abundance; 22.4% say it is of better quality and 6.9% say it is in good taste. This confirms our first hypothesis. Our analysis shows that 70.7% of respondents believe that local cereals are of better quality and 29.3% of respondents believe that imported cereals are not better. 58.6% of respondents prefer imported fresh food; 39.9% prefer local fresh food and 1.7% did not give their opinion.The vast majority, 86.2% of the respondents, want local products to be sold by the producers themselves, 5.2% want it to be a farm product and 3.4% to have a local brand. These results support the sustainable economy in the c...
European Journal of Sustainable Development
With a view to using land capital in an efficient and effective manner with a view to encouraging... more With a view to using land capital in an efficient and effective manner with a view to encouraging sustainable development in this ecological area of North Kivu; and to help minimize land-use conflicts, we have thought of establishing a combination of crops (soybean and maize) as a technique that can help maximize yields / ha and household income, while maintaining the fertility gradient of the soil. The effectiveness of Soybean-maize associations offers interesting prospects for improving the sustainability of production systems.The trial was arranged in randomized randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 3 replicates. For this study we used 2 soybean varieties that are: imperial and canada, with a variety of corn (bamboo).The arrangement of the association was of the type MBILI-MOJA which means two Soya lines intercepted by a corn line. The parameters studied were the phenological and productive parameters which are: survey rate, neck diameter, height at flowering, number of leaves ...
European Journal of Sustainable Development
Infrastructures are crucial for sustainable growth and inclusive development of Less Developed Co... more Infrastructures are crucial for sustainable growth and inclusive development of Less Developed Countries. The problem in hypothesis is the African infrastructure gap, that neither governments nor civil society organizations seems to want to face promoting investments in tangible programs that take into consideration such kinds of important elements aimed to an equal durable and sustainable improvement. The paper starts with a description of recent initiatives to scale up infrastructure investment in Africa. The methodology follows a scheme of hypothesis, observations experiences and data collection from ADB and others Institutions. This research tries to let understand what is the connection between development and infrastructures for human being. The paper then uses insights from the literature on informed versus arm’s length debt to discuss the structure of infrastructure financing. The economic growth and its goal, outlines the difference between structures and infrastructures. ...
The problem of Banking system is a problem coming from a lack of ethics.
Italian banking system i... more The problem of Banking system is a problem coming from a lack of ethics.
Italian banking system is not very loyal with savers and investors because of a lack of knowledge of ethics limit in banking business, lack of professionality, lack of transparency.
Italian governement have good acted during the past years despite the huge public debt because since 1992 Italy is the only nation in the world to have balance in order i.e. without deficit, and all problems come from the service of debt because of previous Civil Administrations borrowing.
There is a lot of politics corruption and difficult in creating new way to restore relationships with banks.
We offer a new model to reshape confidence with customers through a new system called Ethics Certification.
Revue d'économie financière, 1994
Può la mutualità porsi al centro degli attuali processi collaborativi tra persone e organizzazion... more Può la mutualità porsi al centro degli attuali processi collaborativi tra persone e organizzazioni? 1 MUTUALITA': CAMBIO DI PROSPETTIVA IL SALTO DI PARADIGMA NELLA RESPONSABILITA' SOCIALE DELL'IMPRESA 1 Introduzione: La situazione attuale del contesto socio-politico economico può essere letta sotto diverse chiavi di interpretazione. Ciò che rileva in questa sede è la comprensione della sua configurazione etica. Certo per alcuni potrebbe suonare strana questa affermazione, però terrei a precisare che dal mio punto di vista, tutti i comportamenti che l'uomo mette in atto contengono implicazioni etiche, sia che si conoscano sia che non si conoscano. L'etica infatti concepita come conoscenza del bene interroga l'interiorità profonda di ciascuno sulla coscienza del rispetto delle regole giuste o sbagliate che siano sapendo che ciò va ad intaccare la dimensione di dignità e pertanto la libertà della persona. Per chiarire il percorso che il presente contributo scientifico si prefigge, direi che l'intenzione è quella di riscoprire la concezione mutualistica nelle sue diverse configurazioni da applicare in maniera più concreta alla nostra cultura. La ricerca aspira ad affrontare e interpretare in prospettiva socio-economica il tema della mutualità. Poiché questo concetto sembra essere stato accantonato per lasciar posto all'idea più moderna di individualismo neo-liberista, la presente riflessione mira ad avvalorare, non solo come, esso invece permanga di interessante attualità, ma anche a far comprendere in maniera più semplice come si rapporta ai diversi tipi di capitalismo e a quale cambiamento potrà portare. Lo studio cerca di individuare una prospettiva di riscoperta del modello di società in cui il prendersi cura delle persone, in uno scambio che ne riconosce bisogni ed esigenze può dare avvio a processi inclusivi e collaborativi. Alcuni teorici dell'economia liberista amano approfondire il capitalismo esclusivamente finalizzato all'accumulazione e massimizzazione del profitto, l'interpretazione che qui si propone ci orienta verso interpretazioni diverse. La riflessione infatti invita a valutare come tali elementi, pur se negativi del capitalismo, possano inserirsi in un innovativo salto di paradigma che li renda possibilmente riconciliabili con la natura dell'essere umano, attraverso il ritorno ad un'autentica mutualità. Il contesto di verifica è quello della possibile trasformazione del concetto che reputa il " profitto " fine ultimo dell'attività socio-economica in quello più equilibrato di parametro oggettivo necessario all'equilibrio di qualsiasi attività di impresa nel rispetto di determinate condizioni etiche. Il percorso, si articola su 6 punti essenziali che prendendo il via dallo scenario economico della crisi di valori osserva alcuni aspetti della globalizzazione analizzando la complessità dei diversi concetti per evidenziare l'atteggiamento necessario e le linee guida che presiedono alla ideazione di prodotti mutualistici. Attraverso tale osservazione si propone perciò un salto di paradigma nella responsabilità sociale dell'impresa ricondotta al motivo della sua esistenza ed alla sua natura economica; all'analisi del profitto quale definizione per il fine ultimo delle imprese. L'approccio concettuale è rivolto anche al quesito se Il mercato sia o no in grado di quantificare tutte le dimensioni dell'agire imprenditoriale (esempio le esternalità negative) infatti il dato del profitto economico appare coerente come indicatore esaustivo, solo se la razionalità del mercato e la diffusione delle informazioni fossero tali da garantire assoluta conoscenza e trasparenza con un livello di prezzi tali da rispecchiare autenticamente il " valore " delle cose (ammesso che questo sia possibile). Infine si riflette sulla natura e funzione della ricchezza: creazione / distruzione / trasferimento nonché
Drafts by Romeo Ciminello
Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice ... more Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice d'emplois décents en Afrique (C.R.D.I. UCAD Dakar 2-3 mai 2023)
Papers by Romeo Ciminello
Italian banking system is not very loyal with savers and investors because of a lack of knowledge of ethics limit in banking business, lack of professionality, lack of transparency.
Italian governement have good acted during the past years despite the huge public debt because since 1992 Italy is the only nation in the world to have balance in order i.e. without deficit, and all problems come from the service of debt because of previous Civil Administrations borrowing.
There is a lot of politics corruption and difficult in creating new way to restore relationships with banks.
We offer a new model to reshape confidence with customers through a new system called Ethics Certification.
Drafts by Romeo Ciminello
Italian banking system is not very loyal with savers and investors because of a lack of knowledge of ethics limit in banking business, lack of professionality, lack of transparency.
Italian governement have good acted during the past years despite the huge public debt because since 1992 Italy is the only nation in the world to have balance in order i.e. without deficit, and all problems come from the service of debt because of previous Civil Administrations borrowing.
There is a lot of politics corruption and difficult in creating new way to restore relationships with banks.
We offer a new model to reshape confidence with customers through a new system called Ethics Certification.