Papers by Maria-Elena Gronemeyer
Journalism is expected to nourish democracy
through the contribution of publicly relevant
content... more Journalism is expected to nourish democracy
through the contribution of publicly relevant
contents. The ability of the citizens to discuss socially
significant matters depends on the availability of
ideas, opinions and factual background data that
contributes to knowing and making sense of the
contingency from the most varied perspectives
possible. Considering that the concentration of the
press ownership in Chile is said to be emblematic,
the objective of this paper is to systematically analyze
Chilean reference newspapers to establish whether
El Mercurio SAP and Copesa SA companies are a
duopoly that attempts against the aim of democratic
journalism. Methodologically, this is a comparative
content analysis of stances taken in editorials and
news stories in five newspapers to establish if these
media tend to select news sources that coincide with
their points of view. It reveals that the hypothesis
of intra-media homogeneity cannot be sustained
overall or systematically in Chile. However, the
media analyzed tends towards a similar behavior
in terms of intra-media homogeneity, as Chilean
newspapers tend to behave in a similar way.M
PANTALLA Cuadernos de Información, núm. 18, 2005, pp. 48-55, Pontificia Universidad Católica de C... more PANTALLA Cuadernos de Información, núm. 18, 2005, pp. 48-55, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile ¿Cómo citar? Fascículo completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista Cuadernos de Información, ISSN (Versión impresa): 0716-162x molgadelpiano@gmail,com Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto 48 | CUADERNOS DE INFORMACIÓN N° 18 / 2005 | María Elena Gronemeyer Los dilemas del periodismo frente a la reforma procesal penal: La justicia en pantalla i nfo rm e | l os me di os y l a t ra n sp ar en cia : el p eri od i smo e n La profunda reforma judicial que se está aplicando en Chile ya está haciendo visi las nuevas oportunidades que se ofrecen a la cobertura informativa de la justic como ciertos problemas sin precedentes. Fueron las imágenes televisivas en prim del ex senador Jorge Lavandero mientras escuchaba las descarnadas acusacione cal Xavier Armendáriz las que tal vez nos hicieron tomar real conciencia de la enve LOS DILEMAS DEL PERIODISMO FR A LA REFORMA PROCESAL P LA JUSTICI EN PANTALL de los cambios que están ocurriendo. Los desafíos que se plantean al periodi desde la necesidad de informar sobre una transformación institucional histórica y c hasta el deber de fiscalizar la administración de la justicia sin claudicar los princ respeto al honor, la honra, el derecho a la propia imagen y a la presunción de in María Elena Gronemeyer Los dilemas del periodismo frente a la reforma procesal penal: La justicia en pantalla | CUADERNOS DE INFORMAC
This paper attempts to make a contribution to the undestanding of the logic with which journalist... more This paper attempts to make a contribution to the undestanding of the logic with which journalists face their job of informing. It first tackles the issue of the key social service vocation that journalism entais, its origin and the principles it is grounded on.
The UC-ICA Regional Conference 2012 held in Santiago, Chile, 1 offered a unique opportunity to ta... more The UC-ICA Regional Conference 2012 held in Santiago, Chile, 1 offered a unique opportunity to take the pulse of communication research in Latin America. Rather than seeking to establish a comprehensive overview of the major issues in communication scholarship in the region, the conference was planned as a space of exchange, where researchers from different traditions, disciplines, generations, and contexts of inquiry met and dialogued.
Gronemeyer, M. E. Abril de 2013. La digitalización y sus efectos sobre las prácticas y productos ... more Gronemeyer, M. E. Abril de 2013. La digitalización y sus efectos sobre las prácticas y productos periodísticos en Chile. Palabra Clave 16 (1), 101-128.
The focus of this study is on empirical research to determine whether concentrated newspaper owne... more The focus of this study is on empirical research to determine whether concentrated newspaper ownership in Chile reflects a homogenization of the topics covered in newspaper editorials. The subject areas addressed in the editorials of three national dailies (El Mercurio, La Tercera and La Segunda) and two regional newspapers (El Sur de Concepción and La Discusión de Chillán) during 2005, 2009 and 2011 are examined to arrive at a quantitative measurement of the similarities in editorial topics within and among the newspapers selected as a reference. The study concludes with a correlation analysis to determine the homogeneity -heterogeneity of the topics on the editorial agenda.
Papers by Maria-Elena Gronemeyer
through the contribution of publicly relevant
contents. The ability of the citizens to discuss socially
significant matters depends on the availability of
ideas, opinions and factual background data that
contributes to knowing and making sense of the
contingency from the most varied perspectives
possible. Considering that the concentration of the
press ownership in Chile is said to be emblematic,
the objective of this paper is to systematically analyze
Chilean reference newspapers to establish whether
El Mercurio SAP and Copesa SA companies are a
duopoly that attempts against the aim of democratic
journalism. Methodologically, this is a comparative
content analysis of stances taken in editorials and
news stories in five newspapers to establish if these
media tend to select news sources that coincide with
their points of view. It reveals that the hypothesis
of intra-media homogeneity cannot be sustained
overall or systematically in Chile. However, the
media analyzed tends towards a similar behavior
in terms of intra-media homogeneity, as Chilean
newspapers tend to behave in a similar way.M
through the contribution of publicly relevant
contents. The ability of the citizens to discuss socially
significant matters depends on the availability of
ideas, opinions and factual background data that
contributes to knowing and making sense of the
contingency from the most varied perspectives
possible. Considering that the concentration of the
press ownership in Chile is said to be emblematic,
the objective of this paper is to systematically analyze
Chilean reference newspapers to establish whether
El Mercurio SAP and Copesa SA companies are a
duopoly that attempts against the aim of democratic
journalism. Methodologically, this is a comparative
content analysis of stances taken in editorials and
news stories in five newspapers to establish if these
media tend to select news sources that coincide with
their points of view. It reveals that the hypothesis
of intra-media homogeneity cannot be sustained
overall or systematically in Chile. However, the
media analyzed tends towards a similar behavior
in terms of intra-media homogeneity, as Chilean
newspapers tend to behave in a similar way.M