Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Escuela de Psicología
RESUMO. Importantes mudanças no âmbito da intimidade têm sido descritas à luz dos processos de individualização social. Dentro desse marco, a presente pesquisa indaga a respeito das relações de casais nos significados e na experiência... more
Entre las habilidades más importantes y valiosas de los profesores se encuentra su capacidad para realizar prácticas de calidad de evaluaciones de aprendizaje en el aula (PEAA). El objetivo del estudio fue la adaptación y pilotaje de un... more
In cognitive neuroscience, the reissue of the notion of emergence and downward causation has been used as an interlevel model of mind-brain interactions from different perspectives. Within this perspective, intentionality has been... more
In recent years, studies have suggested that gestures influence comprehension of linguistic expressions, for example, eliciting an N400 component in response to a speech/gesture mismatch. In this paper, we investigate the role of gestural... more
An undisputable characteristic of cognitive science is its enormous diversity of theories. Not surprisingly, these often belong to different paradigms that focus on different processes and levels of analysis. A related problem is that... more
Currently, cognitive psychology assumes that linguistic meaning is based on associations between linguistic forms and semantic contents. This conception presents empirical as well as logical problems. It does not explain the flexibility... more
Iconicidad y metáfora en el lenguaje chileno de signos (LENSE): un análisis cualitativo.
Brinkmann has recently put forward an integrative theory of the mind by expanding Harré’s hybrid psychology. The theory is integrative because it establishes that in order for one to gain a full understanding of the mind—which is... more
Abstract I offer an interpretation of Ernst E. Boesch's theory of symbolic action focusing on the usually overlooked phenomenological and existential aspects of this cultural-psychological approach. This interpretation raises... more
The objective of this study is to investigate the relation between the meaning students attribute to their school tasks and the performance level they achieve in them. Based on the approach of situated cognition, a video strategy was... more
I outline in this paper a pragmatical approach to meaning. Meaning is defined as a phenomenologically experienced construal. As such, it is a dynamic object whose first evidence comes from the first person rather than the third one. At... more
The Aymara of the Andes use absolute (cardinal) frames of reference for describing the relative position of ordinary objects. However, rather than encoding them in available absolute lexemes, they do it in lexemes that are intrinsic to... more
Some psychologists claim that the brain is a tool. This claim can be construed either literally or figuratively. We argue that, in the former case, it is false, whereas in the latter case it has no place in scientific psychology. We also... more
Evidence based decision making in medicine is, nowadays, a movement with political and practical implications. This article performs a historical description of evidence based medicine and its underlying conceptual and philosophical... more
In this essay I comment on the paper by . I argue that the metaphor of culture as a set of resources entails that there be an agent with a certain purpose, whose action converts something into an instrument. In this sense, the metaphor is... more