Books by Constantin Barbulescu
O carte despre relatia om-animal intr-un sat transilvan
Modernizarea lumii rurale, 2005
by Filippo Zerilli, Constantin Barbulescu, Nathalie Sage Pranchère, Alin Ciupala, Ligia Livada, cristina gudin, Mihaela Mehedinți, Ono Alexandru, Tamas Oana Mihaela, Alina Sava, Lidia Trausan-Matu, and Marius Turda
Papers by Constantin Barbulescu
Transylvanian Review, 2019
L a présente recherche est une partie d'un projet plus vaste qui tâche d'inves-tiguer l'image des... more L a présente recherche est une partie d'un projet plus vaste qui tâche d'inves-tiguer l'image des paysans dans l'oeuvre des écrivains quarante-huitards (« paşoptişti » est l'appellation roumaine des participants à la révolution de 1848 dans les pays roumains). pourquoi l'image du paysan ? et pourquoi des écrivains quarante-huitards ? tout d'abord, parce que ces derniers ont contribué d'une manière fondamentale à la définition de l'identité nationale, qu'ils ont projetée en impliquant le paysan et le monde rural. autrement dit, le paysan devient chez ces écrivains le prototype du roumain, et l'identité investie à ce moment-là possède une composante paysanne essentielle. L'image du paysan chez les écrivains quarante-huitards est multiple, comme un jeu de puzzle dans lequel chaque auteur dépose sa contribution sous la forme des certaines pièces qu'il faut assembler correctement. nous nous sommes arrêtés ici sur Mihail (Michel) Kogãlniceanu (1817-1891) qui, par les écrits sociaux de sa jeunesse, comme, plus tard, par ses discours oratoires, contri-buera de manière substantielle à la création d'une image publique du paysan comme support de la roumanité. Dans sa qualité d'historien, il représente également à l'époque une voix importante dans le débat concernant l'attribution des terres aux paysans ; plus précisément, dans le débat idéologique qui avait confronté les droits des paysans sur les terres et les droits des boyards. C'a été le grand débat de l'époque, avec des enjeux immenses, dans lequel l'histoire seule pouvait se prononcer. et elle l'a fait effective-ment, à travers les textes de nicolae Bãlcescu et de Mihail Kogãlniceanu. Voyons donc, de quelle partie de la barricade se situait-il notre auteur. en tant qu'historien, Mihail Kogãlniceanu est resté orienté vers le passé. Dans la grande fresque du paysan et du monde rural qu'il réalise dans ses écrits tout au long des décen-nies, la place centrale reste occupée justement par le passé. autrement dit, à côté du paysan contemporain, bien ethnographique, Mihail Kogãlniceanu écrit beaucoup sur les paysans d'autrefois. seulement Mihai eminescu fait preuve, dans le journalisme, d'une appé-tence pareille pour le passé des paysans. Qui plus est, les paysans d'autrefois peuplent les écrits historiques et sociaux, et bien moins ses discours oratoires. L'art oratoire de La terre des boyards et la terre des paysans Mihail Kogãlniceanu-depuis la vision conservatrice vers la vision libérale CONSTANTIN BÃRBULESCU
Martor (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review) is a peer-reviewed academic journ... more Martor (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review) is a peer-reviewed academic journal established in 1996, with a focus on cultural and visual anthropology, ethnology, museum studies and the dialogue among these disciplines. Martor review is published by the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. Its aim is to provide, as widely as possible, a rich content at the highest academic and editorial standards for scientific, educational and (in)formational goals. Any use aside from these purposes and without mentioning the source of the article(s) is prohibited and will be considered an infringement of copyright. Martor Revue d' " nthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain est un journal académique en système peer-review fondé en 1996, qui se concentre sur l'anthropologie visuelle et culturelle, l'ethnologie, la muséologie et sur le dialogue entre ces disciplines. La revue Martor est publiée par le Musée du Paysan Roumain. Son aspiration est de généraliser l'accès vers un riche contenu au plus haut niveau du point de vue académique et éditorial pour des objectifs scientifiques, éducatifs et informationnels. Toute utilisation au-delà de ces buts et sans mentionner la source des articles est interdite et sera considérée une violation des droits de l'auteur. Martor is indexed by EBSCO and CEEOL.
facultatea de Istorie şi filosofie, universitatea " Babeş-Bolyai " din cluj-napoca Cercetare real... more facultatea de Istorie şi filosofie, universitatea " Babeş-Bolyai " din cluj-napoca Cercetare realizată în cadrul programului postdoctoral Europaeus al Facultăţii de Istorie, secţia Relaţii internaţionale şi Studii Europene din cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti, prin contractul POSDRU 89/1.5/S/64162, seria I, anul II. Rezumat La sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea, în Europa medicina modernă se bucură de un prestigiu social în creştere şi, ca toate celelalte ştiinţe moderne, medicina capătă o dimensiune internaţională. Aceasta din urmă se manifestă prin organizarea, începând cu mijlocul secolului, a congreselor şi conferinţelor medicale internaţionale. În studiul de faţă ne-am ocupat de participarea medicilor din România la reuniunile medicale internaţionale la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea. Ne-a interesat cine participă la aceste reuniuni, în ce calitate şi care sunt motivele acestei participări. cuvinte cheie: congrese medicale internaționale, conferinţe medicale internaţionale, medicina în secolul al XIX-lea , medici români. physIcIans fRoM RoManIa at the InteRnatIonal MedIcal congResses and confeRences duRIng the past decade of the XIX th centuRy and the fIRst yeaRs of the XX th centuRy abstract At the end of the XIX th century in Europe, modern medical science enjoyed an increasing social prestige and, like all the other modern sciences, medicine was getting an international dimension. The latter manifested itself through the organization of the international medical congresses and conferences in the beginning with the middle of the century. In this paper we deal with the participation of the physicians from Romania in the medical reunions at the end of the XIX th century. We were interested in who participated in these reunions, what quality did they have and the motivations for participation.
MANYYEARSago when I came in contact for the first time with the medical literature from the secon... more MANYYEARSago when I came in contact for the first time with the medical literature from the second half of the XIX-th century, I was surprised of the image it sketches upon peasant and rural world: a poor, suffering world, a social inferno. It was an image that the culture I was brought in and formed intellectually was no longer offering value in the same way. For me, in the epoch, the peasant and the rural world were situating more at the opposite pole: an idyllic rural world with peasants dressed up in clean holiday clothes, with " mil-lenary traditions " , a positive quintessence of the Romanian and Romanian spirit. I didn't know then that the positive image was a creation of the XIX-th century and that slowly the emphasis from the negative image will slide towards the positive that will become dominant in the second half of the next century. Today I do know that both images are ways in which the dominant culture manipulated the representations upon peasants and rural world with different purposes. In other words, the true peasant of the XIX-th century is somewhere at the middle of the road between the savage peasant of doctors and the identity peasant of the folklorists and ethnographers. On a different occasion I studied generally the image of the peasant and of the rural world in the medical literature of the XIX-th century 1 and I identified the few centers of interest in the medical discourse: the bodily hygiene and clothing hygiene, the hygiene of the dwelling place and household, nourishment, alcoholism , the diseases specific to rural population and as a corollary the topic of race degeneration. In this paper we would like to analyze at large one of the themes in the medical discourse upon rural world that is the bodily hygiene. In other words, what
The paper is trying to present a category of sources for the history of Romanian physicians and m... more The paper is trying to present a category of sources for the history of Romanian physicians and medicine in the 19 th century and the beginning of the following one: memoirs written by physicians. Before showing the value of this category of sources for the nowadays historian, we tried to see how these memoirs are written and which is their motivation. In other words why physicians are writing memoirs and how they write them, based on what sources? Generally we may divide the memoirs analyzed into two big categories: an autobiographic one where the stress is upon the life history of the author and a historical one where the main competence is historical and thus, being in the 19 th century, national. In this latter category the main character is no longer the author, he is just a witness to the Great History and especially to its hot and tragic events. Memoirs prove to be an important source for the historian interested in physicians and medicine of the XIX-th century, an indispensable source we might say. Because, most of the times in old age, when they write their memoirs our physicians open their souls and put on the paper life fragments that other sources refer with difficulty or not at all. Many times memoirs are testimonies for the marginal practices like surgery " in town " that are not in conformity with the ideology of the medical practice of the time and consequently, they are hidden. The multitude of empiric healers specialized or not, that swarm in the villages and cities of Romania before 1900, so well described by Doctor Severeanu, are entering seldom and with great difficulty in the lights of history. Keywords: history of medicine, history of the 19 th century, memoirs. Depuis longtemps j'avais l'intention d'écrire quelques lignes sur les mémoires des médecins pendant le XIX-eme siecle. Les lectures plus ou moins incidentes de tels mémoires m'ont provoqué une impression bien positive : car je pouvais découvrir des choses que d'autres catégories de sources parlent trop peu ou presque du tout. Par exemple, la vie dans un hôpital de Roumanie a la fin du XIX-eme siecle peut etre retrouvée sous la forme d'une suite de sources convergentes, émanées par des autorités différentes et chacune offre des fragments d'une réalité, en fait, multiforme. Ensuite, nous avons les textes normatifs qui par l'intermédiaire Recherche cofinancée par le projet Les Sciences socio-humanistes dans le contexte de l'évolution globalisée – le développement et l'implémentation du programme d'études et de recherche postdoctorale, code contrat : POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61104, projet cofinancé du Fond Social Européen par le Programme Opérationnel Sectoriel le Développement des Ressources Humaines, 2007-2013.
Nous nous proposons ici d'analyser un enjeu qui marque le discours médical pendant l'Entre-deux g... more Nous nous proposons ici d'analyser un enjeu qui marque le discours médical pendant l'Entre-deux guerres en Roumanie: celui des mariages mixtes interethniques.
Colloque by Constantin Barbulescu
Books by Constantin Barbulescu
Papers by Constantin Barbulescu
Colloque by Constantin Barbulescu