Papers by A.H.M. Nazmul Hasan

From ancient times, herbal medicines are in use to cure the diseases due to their potential and l... more From ancient times, herbal medicines are in use to cure the diseases due to their potential and less side effects. But difficulties in identification, processing, standardizing, extracting of herbal drugs, it rarely attracts scientists towards the development of novel delivery systems for herbal drugs. The reduced efficacy of herbal drugs is due to the traditional and out of date approach of administration to patients. To minimize these problems various novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) such as phytosomes, ethosomes, transfersomes, herbal transdermal patches, nanoparticles and biphasic emulsions are used nowadays. Novel approach of delivering herbal drugs will increase the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines along with the increased stability of the drug product. These techniques provide improved patient compliance, sustained release and targeted action of plant actives and extracts. This review summarizes the information of various novel techniques used for improving safety and efficacy of phytomedicines, type of active ingredients, biological activity and application of novel formulation of herbal drugs to achieve better therapeutic response.

Aims: Study on pharmacotherapeutic pattern on cardiovascular patients is rarely done. Patient's d... more Aims: Study on pharmacotherapeutic pattern on cardiovascular patients is rarely done. Patient's demography, drug usage and its clinical outcome are the basis for the assessment of cardiac treatment. The aim of this study to analyze the demography of patients of ischemic heart disease along with drug usage and current trends of practice in Bangladesh. Methods: This study was carried out over a period of two months at different units of NICVD, situated at Dhaka, Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was prepared to collect necessary data from patients. Descriptive statistics was used to represent the data. Results: A total 363 discharged patients were interviewed followed by the verification of their discharge report and other medical documents to obtain necessary information. Out of 363 patients, frequency of male patients were high (74.66%, N= 271) than female patients (25.34%, Original Research Article Hasan et al.; BJMMR, 22(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.BJMMR.34107 2 N=92). There is a trends of ischemic heart disease development after 40 years of age and found significant in this study (P< 0.05). In this study, 83.19% of total patients were above 40 years of age. We found a significant number of patients also had diabetes, asthma and chronic kidney disease. Treatment approach of ischemic heart disease includes pharmacotherapy, revascularization and percutaneous coronary intervention. 48 patients (13.22%) out of 363 went for revascularization and percutaneous coronary intervention was done to 25 patients (6.89%). The goal of Pharmacotherapy is to reduce blood cholesterol level, prevention of further platelet aggregation, reduction of angina and control of heart rate. In our study, we found that, statins, anti platelet and anti angina/anti ischemic drugs are core in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Beta blocker, ACE inhibitor or ARB, CCB is commonly added to standard therapy to reduce mortality and for better therapeutic outcome. Among statins, the frequency of use of atorvastatin (87.93%), combination of clopidogrel and aspirin (73.90%) among anti platelet agents, combination of trimetazidine and nitroglycerine (61.56%) among anti angina/anti ischemic agents were highest. In our study, we found that bisoprolol was most commonly prescribed by the physicians among other beta blockers. Conclusion: The outcome of this study will be helpful for young professionals, general physicians and other professionals involved in the health care setting for the rational use of drugs and to formulate effective strategy for the management of ischemic heart disease.

In the present study, an attempt was made to design and evaluate bilayer gastroretentive drug del... more In the present study, an attempt was made to design and evaluate bilayer gastroretentive drug delivery system exhibiting a combination of an immediate release layer and a sustained release mucoadhesive layer as second layer to prolong residence time in stomach using Metformin HCl as a model drug to reduce frequency of administration and to overcome bioavailability problems. A total of 5 formulations of bilayer tablets containing the drug were prepared by direct compression method using 5 different mucoadhesive polymers in 5 different formulations (F 1 -F 5 ) respectively to impart mucoadhesion. Formulated bilayer tablets were evaluated by different parameters such as; ex vivo mucoadhesion strength, ex vivo mucoadhesion time, In vitro drug release study. In vitro drug release data were fitted to various kinetic models (Zero order, 1 st order, Higuchi model, Korsmeyer-Peppas model). Upon R 2 value analysis it was observed that release from F 1 , F 3 , F 5 followed Higuchi model and F 2 , F 5 followed Korsmeyer-Peppas kinetic model. Mechanism of drug release was found to be Fickian diffusion (value of n <0.45). F 4 with Na CMC was found to be more promising in ex vivo mucoadhesion study showing residence time of 4.08 hrs. This study concludes that formulated bilayer tablets were satisfactory in providing prompt release from 1 st layer then maintained sustained release effect with promising mucoadhesion behavior in stomach.

Aegle marmelos(L.), family rutaceae is highly reputed medicinal tree commonly known as the bael. ... more Aegle marmelos(L.), family rutaceae is highly reputed medicinal tree commonly known as the bael. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties and extensively used by the traditional medicine practitioners of Bangladesh in different health ailments like Diabetes, Diarrhea, Jaundice, typhoid. The present study was dedicated to investigate phytochemical and pharmacological properties of ripe fruit, half-ripe fruit, leaf and seed of the plant extracted with methanol solvent. Initial phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of different phytoconstituents including alkaloid, flavonoids, carbohydrate, glycoside, saponin, tannin, glucoside and steroids in different extracts. Antioxidant potential was evaluated using total phenol and total flavonoid contents determination assays, total antioxidant capacity, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay, NO radical scavenging assay, reducing power assessment, CUPRAC (Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity), total alkaloid determination assay. All the plant parts were found to possess moderate amounts of phenolics and flavonoids, expressed as galic acid equivalent (GAE) and quercetin equivalent (QE) respectively. The methanolic extract of half-ripe fruit demonstrated highest phenolic content (6.05 mg/gm GAE) while methanol extract of seed exhibited highest flavonoid content (4.29 mg/gm QE). In addition, the plant parts displayed total antioxidant capacity expressed as ascorbic acid equivalent (AAE) with methanol extract of leaf being the most potent one (10.31 mg/gm AAE). In DPPH radical and NO radical scavenging methods, a dose dependent scavenging of DPPH and NO radical was observed by all the extractives. Highest DPPH radical scavenging was demonstrated by methanol extract of half-ripe fruit with IC50 value of 251.2 μg/ml whereas IC50 value of standard ascorbic acid was noted as 18.4 μg/ml. In case of NO radical scavenging method, highest NO radical scavenging was also demonstrated by methanol extract of half-ripe fruit with IC50 values of 46.364 μg/ml. However in reducing power and CUPRAC assays, methanol extract of half-ripe fruit and leaf were found to exhibit moderate but concentration dependent reducing power respectively. In total alkaloid content determination methanol extract of seed showed the highest alkaloid content expressed as atropine equivalent (4.86 mg/gm).In Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay, all the extracts produced dose dependent cytotoxicity effect to brine shrimp nauplii with methanol extract of seed exhibiting highest toxicity having LC50 value 86.77 μg/ml where standard vincristine sulphate had the LC50 value of 2.47 μg/ml.

Medicinal plants are the main component in traditional medicine system and most rural people of B... more Medicinal plants are the main component in traditional medicine system and most rural people of Bangladesh still depend on folk medicine practitioners (Kavirajes) for their primary health care needs and medicinal plants used by folk medicine practitioners actually differ from region to region. The present study was designed to record the use of medicinal plants in different health ailments by the folk medicine practitioners of Sujanagar upazila(subdistrict) of Pabna district of Bangladesh. A structured survey questionnaire was prepared to obtain all the information, informed consent was obtained from the interviewer and the interview was taken in local language (Bangla) so that kavirajes could easily understand and provide necessary information. In our present study, we recorded total 63 plant species from 45 different families used by folk medicine practitioners of Sujanagar upazila in different illness. Liliaceae and Solanaceae appears the most prominent family in this study each having 3 plant species followed by Fabaceae and Acanthaceae having 2 species. Folk medicine practitioners use different parts of the plants including whole plant, leaves, fruits, barks, and rhizome. In this study, we found that leaves along with other parts of the plant had highest percentage of use (36.507%, 23 species) and only leaf holds the second position in its usage percentage (17.46%, 11 species). This study revealed that kavirajes of Sujanagar upazila preferred oral route (60.32%) of administration for their different medicinal formulations. There were also some formulations for topical application (11.11%) and found some plant based formulations were also for both oral and topical application (28.57%). This study represents many medicinal plants used by folk medicine practitioners of study area could be important source to isolate new bioactive compounds and novel drugs through extensive research in future.

Medicinal plants are the main component in traditional medicine system and most rural people of B... more Medicinal plants are the main component in traditional medicine system and most rural people of Bangladesh still depend on folk medicine practitioners (Kavirajes) for their primary health care needs and medicinal plants used by folk medicine practitioners actually differ from region to region. The present study was designed to record the use of medicinal plants in different health ailments by the folk medicine practitioners of Sujanagar upazila(subdistrict) of Pabna district of Bangladesh. A structured survey questionnaire was prepared to obtain all the information, informed consent was obtained from the interviewer and the interview was taken in local language (Bangla) so that kavirajes could easily understand and provide necessary information. In our present study, we recorded total 63 plant species from 45 different families used by folk medicine practitioners of Sujanagar upazila in different illness. Liliaceae and Solanaceae appears the most prominent family in this study each having 3 plant species followed by Fabaceae and Acanthaceae having 2 species. Folk medicine practitioners use different parts of the plants including whole plant, leaves, fruits, barks, and rhizome. In this study, we found that leaves along with other parts of the plant had highest percentage of use (36.507%, 23 species) and only leaf holds the second position in its usage percentage (17.46%, 11 species). This study revealed that kavirajes of Sujanagar upazila preferred oral route (60.32%) of administration for their different medicinal formulations. There were also some formulations for topical application (11.11%) and found some plant based formulations were also for both oral and topical application (28.57%). This study represents many medicinal plants used by folk medicine practitioners of study area could be important source to isolate new bioactive compounds and novel drugs through extensive research in future.

The aim of the study to determine antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of the bark extracts of Sy... more The aim of the study to determine antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of the bark extracts of Syzygium cymosum along with phytochemical study for the presence of phytochemical constituents. Total phenolic and flavonoid content of the S.Cymosum extracts was determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and aluminum chloride (AlCl3) method, respectively. The crude methanolic extract of S.Cymosum was studied to evaluate its antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging assay and reducing power assay. Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay was done for cytotoxic activity. Bark extracts of S.Cymosum have been shown to possess phytoconstituents including carbohydrates, alkaloid, glycosides, steroids, tannins and saponin. The extract was found to contain significant amount of phenol and flavonoid in Folin-Ciocalteau and total flavonoid content assay. Total antioxidant capacity of the extract was estimated to be 505.5±3.535 mg/g of ascorbic acid equivalent. Its IC 50 value in DPPH method was 64.99079µg/ml. The extract showed concomitant increase in reducing power with the increase of concentration of the extract. In case of brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay, LC 50 value was obtained to be 307 μg/ml. Data from present results revealed that it act as an antioxidant agent due to its free radical scavenging and it has also cytotoxic activity.

Antioxidants are substances which has the ability to scavenge free radicals and help to decrease ... more Antioxidants are substances which has the ability to scavenge free radicals and help to decrease the incidence of oxidative stress induced damage. As synthetic antioxidants have some side effect, now a day’s great deal of effort being expanded to find effective antioxidant from natural sources for the treatment and prevention of oxidative stress induced damage. Polygonum plebeium R. Br. (Family: Polygonaceae) commonly known as “Chemti sag”, “Dubia Sag”, “Anjaban” is widely distributed in Bangladesh and used as a vegetable. The present study was carried out to investigate antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of aerial parts of Polygonum plebeium R. Br. in vitro. The aerial parts of the plant were extracted with different solvents (petroleum ether > ethyl acetate > methanol > water) i.e. from non-polar to polar. Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, saponins and carbohydrates. All the extracts showed promising antioxidant and cytotoxic potential. Methanolic extract was found to contain highest amount of phenolic compounds ((7.773 ± 0.547 mg/g GAE) and flavonoids contents was highest in petroleum ether extracts (11.88 ± 0.204 mg/g QE). Both the methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts showed to have possessed similar total antioxidant capacity and expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents. In DPPH free radical scavenging assay, methanolic extracts showed highest scavenging potential with IC50 value of 43.63 μg/ml followed by ethyl acetate extracts with IC50 value of 72.62 μg/ml compared to standard ascorbic acid having IC50 value of 18.34 μg/ml. Both methanolic and water extracts had similar nitric oxide scavenging potential and were highest among the extracts. Reducing power was found to increase with increasing the concentration of the plant extracts and the extracts were found to contain low amount of alkaloids. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, water extracts of the plant showed most potent cytotoxic action with LC50 value of 23.72 μg/ml followed by the petroleum ether extracts with LC50 value of 46.04μg/ml where standard cytotoxic agent vincristine used as positive control. This study provides scientific basis for the use of Polygonum plebeiumR. Br. as a natural antioxidant.

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Abstract Zizyphus rugosa Lam (Z. rugosa Lam) (Famil... more Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Abstract Zizyphus rugosa Lam (Z. rugosa Lam) (Family:
Rhamnaceae), has been regarded as a food and medicinal
plant. It is locally known as ‘‘Bon Boroi’’ or as ‘‘Jongli Boroi’’
in Bangladesh. Its stem, roots and fruits are used medicinally
for the treatment of carbuncle, syphilis, menorrhea, and ulcer
tongue. It is also used for dysentery in Laos, Burma, Thailand,
China (Hainan, Yunnan), Sri-Lanka and Vietnam. The
present study was designed to investigate antioxidant properties
(through in vitro method) as well as brine shrimp
lethality and phytochemical group evaluation of stem part of
Z. rugosa Lam extracted with different solvents i.e. from non
polar to polar (petroleum ether[ethyl acetate[ethanol[
methanol[water). Phytochemical investigation showed the
presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, glycosides and carbohydrates
which provides evidence on good to moderate
antioxidant and good lethality properties of the subjected
plant. Ethyl acetate extract of stem was found to contain the
highest amount of phenols (97.188 ± 12.816 mg/g gallic
acid equivalent) and flavonoids (15.009 ± 0.385 mg/g
quercetin equivalent). In 2,2-diphenyl,1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) free radical scavenging assay, among all the extracts
ethanolic stem extract showed the highest scavenging property
(IC50 83.550 lg/ml) whereas standard drug ascorbic acid
showed (IC50 18.348 lg/ml). But in nitric oxide (NO) scavenging
assay maximum scavenging of NO was found with
water extract of stem (IC50 5.975 lg/ml) comparatively
similar to standard ascorbic acid (IC50 5.934 lg/ml).
Methanolic stem extract was found to contain the greater
reducing power in reducing power capacity assessment
(correlation coefficient r = 0.99 and P\0.001). In brine
shrimp lethality bioassay (BSLB) among all extracts, ZSM
part showed good activity (LC50 40.43 lg/ml) whereas
standard anticancer drug vincristine sulphate showed high
toxicity (LC50 2.48 lg/ml). The overall findings provide
scientific basis for the use of Z. rugosa Lam stem extracts in
traditional medicine in the treatment of aforementioned diseases.
Hence, the

Objective: To investigate the antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of whole Leucas
a... more Objective: To investigate the antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of whole Leucas
aspera (Labiatae) (L. aspera) alcoholic extract. Methods: Whole L. aspera powder was extracted abnyd a bbsrionleu tseh eritmhapn olel th(9a9l.i5t0y% a)s. sTahye. Retehsaunlotsli:c T ehxet reaxcttr awcat ss hsouwbjeedc tpeodt etnot arnatdiiocxaild ascnat,v eanngtiibnagc eteffreiactl (antioxidant) with IC50 value of (99.58依1.22) μg/mL which was significant (P<0.01) in comparison to
ascorbic acid with IC50 value of (1.25依0.95) μg/mL. In case of antibacterial screening, the extract
oshf oinwheidb intiootnabs laeg aanintisbta Gctrearmia lp eofsfietcivt ea gBaaincisltl utsh es utbetsitleisd [m(12ic.0r0o依b1ia.3l 2s) trmamin]s .a Snidg nBifaiccialnlut s( Pm<e0g.0a5t)e rziounme [(13.00依1.50) mm], Staphylococcus aureus [(8.00依0.50) mm] and Gram negative Salmonella typhi
[a(n6.d0 0V依ib0.r5io0 ) cmhomle]r, aSea [l(9m.0o0n依e0l.l6a6 )p marma]t ywpahsi o[(b8s.0e0r依ve1d.0.0 I)n m bmri]n,e S shhirgiemllpa ledtyhsaelnittye rbiaioea [s(s9a.0y0, 依th1.e3 2e)x tmramc]t showed the LC50 value as (181.68依2.15) μg/mL which was statistically significant (P<0.01) compared
to positive control vincristine sulfate [LC50=(0.76依0.04) μg/mL]. Conclusions: The results
dvaermioounss tprhataer mthaacto tlhoeg ice tahcatnivoelisc

A study on 232 cancer patients was done at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), Bangladesh, fro... more A study on 232 cancer patients was done at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), Bangladesh, from March 2010 to July 2010. Histopathologically confirmed cancer patients; patients having radiological evidence or clinical evidence of malignancy were included in the study. Majority of the patients were from Dhaka division (51.6%) and next from Chittagong division (20.6%). There were 149 male and 83 female patients in the study. The male female ratio was 1.8:1. The majority of cancer occurred in middle and old age. In adult male, lung cancer ranked the top (30, 20.1%), followed by stomach cancer (20, 13.4%), colorectal cancer (15, 10.1%), Head and Neck cancer (13, 8.7%) and carcinoma of male genital organ (11,7.4%). Breast cancer (16,19.3%) was the major malignancy amongst adult female followed by carcinoma of cervix (13,15.7%), stomach cancer (11,13.3%), colorectal cancer (10,12%) and carcinoma of ovary (9,10.8%). From the survey study, we found that, in Bangladesh the main strategy of cancer treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are used individually or in combination. Majority of the cancer patients(79, 34.05%) took chemotherapy for their cancer treatment. 72.84% cancer patients were satisfied about their cancer treatment provided by DMCH (Dhaka Medical College Hospital). 14.2% of patients showed the familial cancer history and it needs further research to find out the exact genetic ailments behind this.

A survey study on 171 cancer patients for various aspects related to cancer was done at different... more A survey study on 171 cancer patients for various aspects related to cancer was done at different hospitals in Dhaka division, Bangladesh, using a questionnaire. Histopathologically confirmed cancer patients; patients having radiological evidence or clinical evidence of malignancy were included in the study. Majority of the patients came from various districts of Dhaka division (57.8%), while only 3.3% patients were from Sylhet division of Bangladesh. There were 117 male and 54 female patients in this study with the ratio about 2.1:1. Incidence of cancer occurred in middle to old age with majority of the patients. In adult male, lung cancer ranked the top (30, 28.4%), followed by head and neck cancer (14, 12.8%), stomach cancer and leukemia (10, 9.2%), colorectal cancer (9, 8.3%) and carcinoma of male genital organ (7,6.4%). Breast cancer (13,21%) was the major malignancy amongst adult female followed by carcinoma of cervix (12,19.4%), stomach cancer (7,11.3%), colorectal cancer (6,9.7%) and carcinoma of ovary and oral cavity (5,8.1%). In pediatric patients malignancy of lymphatics and lymphoid tissue led the tally while in geriatric group lung cancer found to be more prevalent. From the survey, we also found that, in Bangladesh the main strategy of cancer treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are used individually or in combination.

Background: Cell oxidation can lead to the onset and development of a wide range of diseases like... more Background: Cell oxidation can lead to the onset and development of a wide range of diseases like diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases and many more. Antioxidants are substances which can scavenge free radicals and help to decrease the incidence of oxidative stress induced damage. A vast of medicinal plants available in nature has the antioxidant and anticancer properties and recently a great deal of effort are being to find out effective natural antioxidant for the prevention and treatment of free radical mediated disorders. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of Olea europaea. Results: Crude ethanolic and water extracts of leaves and fruits of the plant were prepared and evaluated for antioxidant and cytotoxic potential. All the investigated extracts showed antioxidant and cytotoxic potential. Ethanolic extracts of the fruits was found to possess highest antioxidant activity on the basis of DPPH scavenging assay, total antioxidant capacity assay, total phenolic content assay, total flavonoid content assay. However, in nitric oxide scavenging capacity assay ethanolic extracts of the leaves was found to be most effective among the tested extracts. Total alkaloid contents and total tannin contents of the plant extracts were also determined. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, ethanolic extracts of leaves showed the most potent cytotoxic action with LC50 value of 3.335 μg/ml followed by ethanolic extracts of fruits where standard cytotoxic agent vincristine used as positive control. Conclusion: In this study both fruits and leaves parts showed moderate antioxidant potential. All the extracts possess substantial quantity of phenol, flavonoid, tannins and alkaloid content and initial phytochemical screening also confirmed the presence of the compounds which might be responsible for their activity.

Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effects of methanol extract of Citrus macroptera Montr.... more Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effects of methanol extract of Citrus macroptera Montr. fruit in α-amylase inhibitory activity (in vitro) and hypoglycemic activity in normal and glucose induced hyperglycemic rats (in vivo). Methods: Fruits of Citrus macroptera without rind was extracted with pure methanol following cold extraction and tested for presence of phytochemical constituents, α-amylase inhibitory activity, and hypoglycemic effect in normal rats and glucose induced hyperglycemic rats. Results: Presence of saponin, steroid and terpenoid were identified in the extract. The results showed that fruit extract had moderate α-amylase inhibitory activity [IC 50 value=(3.638依0.190) mg/mL] as compared to acarbose. Moreover at 500 mg/kg and 1 000 mg/kg doses fruit extract significantly (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively) reduced fasting blood glucose level in normal rats as compared to glibenclamide (5 mg/kg). In oral glucose tolerance test, 500 mg/kg dose significantly reduced blood glucose level (P<0.05) at 2 h but 1 000 mg/kg dose significantly reduced blood glucose level at 2 h and 3 h (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively) whereas glibenclamide (5 mg/ kg) significantly reduced glucose level at every hour after administration. Overall time effect is also considered extremely significant with F value=23.83 and P value=0.0001 in oral glucose tolerance test. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the plant may be a potential source for the development of new oral hypoglycemic agent. Peer reviewer D r . I b r a h i m K h a l i l , A s s o c i a t e Professor,
Papers by A.H.M. Nazmul Hasan
Abstract Zizyphus rugosa Lam (Z. rugosa Lam) (Family:
Rhamnaceae), has been regarded as a food and medicinal
plant. It is locally known as ‘‘Bon Boroi’’ or as ‘‘Jongli Boroi’’
in Bangladesh. Its stem, roots and fruits are used medicinally
for the treatment of carbuncle, syphilis, menorrhea, and ulcer
tongue. It is also used for dysentery in Laos, Burma, Thailand,
China (Hainan, Yunnan), Sri-Lanka and Vietnam. The
present study was designed to investigate antioxidant properties
(through in vitro method) as well as brine shrimp
lethality and phytochemical group evaluation of stem part of
Z. rugosa Lam extracted with different solvents i.e. from non
polar to polar (petroleum ether[ethyl acetate[ethanol[
methanol[water). Phytochemical investigation showed the
presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, glycosides and carbohydrates
which provides evidence on good to moderate
antioxidant and good lethality properties of the subjected
plant. Ethyl acetate extract of stem was found to contain the
highest amount of phenols (97.188 ± 12.816 mg/g gallic
acid equivalent) and flavonoids (15.009 ± 0.385 mg/g
quercetin equivalent). In 2,2-diphenyl,1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) free radical scavenging assay, among all the extracts
ethanolic stem extract showed the highest scavenging property
(IC50 83.550 lg/ml) whereas standard drug ascorbic acid
showed (IC50 18.348 lg/ml). But in nitric oxide (NO) scavenging
assay maximum scavenging of NO was found with
water extract of stem (IC50 5.975 lg/ml) comparatively
similar to standard ascorbic acid (IC50 5.934 lg/ml).
Methanolic stem extract was found to contain the greater
reducing power in reducing power capacity assessment
(correlation coefficient r = 0.99 and P\0.001). In brine
shrimp lethality bioassay (BSLB) among all extracts, ZSM
part showed good activity (LC50 40.43 lg/ml) whereas
standard anticancer drug vincristine sulphate showed high
toxicity (LC50 2.48 lg/ml). The overall findings provide
scientific basis for the use of Z. rugosa Lam stem extracts in
traditional medicine in the treatment of aforementioned diseases.
Hence, the
aspera (Labiatae) (L. aspera) alcoholic extract. Methods: Whole L. aspera powder was extracted abnyd a bbsrionleu tseh eritmhapn olel th(9a9l.i5t0y% a)s. sTahye. Retehsaunlotsli:c T ehxet reaxcttr awcat ss hsouwbjeedc tpeodt etnot arnatdiiocxaild ascnat,v eanngtiibnagc eteffreiactl (antioxidant) with IC50 value of (99.58依1.22) μg/mL which was significant (P<0.01) in comparison to
ascorbic acid with IC50 value of (1.25依0.95) μg/mL. In case of antibacterial screening, the extract
oshf oinwheidb intiootnabs laeg aanintisbta Gctrearmia lp eofsfietcivt ea gBaaincisltl utsh es utbetsitleisd [m(12ic.0r0o依b1ia.3l 2s) trmamin]s .a Snidg nBifaiccialnlut s( Pm<e0g.0a5t)e rziounme [(13.00依1.50) mm], Staphylococcus aureus [(8.00依0.50) mm] and Gram negative Salmonella typhi
[a(n6.d0 0V依ib0.r5io0 ) cmhomle]r, aSea [l(9m.0o0n依e0l.l6a6 )p marma]t ywpahsi o[(b8s.0e0r依ve1d.0.0 I)n m bmri]n,e S shhirgiemllpa ledtyhsaelnittye rbiaioea [s(s9a.0y0, 依th1.e3 2e)x tmramc]t showed the LC50 value as (181.68依2.15) μg/mL which was statistically significant (P<0.01) compared
to positive control vincristine sulfate [LC50=(0.76依0.04) μg/mL]. Conclusions: The results
dvaermioounss tprhataer mthaacto tlhoeg ice tahcatnivoelisc
Abstract Zizyphus rugosa Lam (Z. rugosa Lam) (Family:
Rhamnaceae), has been regarded as a food and medicinal
plant. It is locally known as ‘‘Bon Boroi’’ or as ‘‘Jongli Boroi’’
in Bangladesh. Its stem, roots and fruits are used medicinally
for the treatment of carbuncle, syphilis, menorrhea, and ulcer
tongue. It is also used for dysentery in Laos, Burma, Thailand,
China (Hainan, Yunnan), Sri-Lanka and Vietnam. The
present study was designed to investigate antioxidant properties
(through in vitro method) as well as brine shrimp
lethality and phytochemical group evaluation of stem part of
Z. rugosa Lam extracted with different solvents i.e. from non
polar to polar (petroleum ether[ethyl acetate[ethanol[
methanol[water). Phytochemical investigation showed the
presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, glycosides and carbohydrates
which provides evidence on good to moderate
antioxidant and good lethality properties of the subjected
plant. Ethyl acetate extract of stem was found to contain the
highest amount of phenols (97.188 ± 12.816 mg/g gallic
acid equivalent) and flavonoids (15.009 ± 0.385 mg/g
quercetin equivalent). In 2,2-diphenyl,1-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH) free radical scavenging assay, among all the extracts
ethanolic stem extract showed the highest scavenging property
(IC50 83.550 lg/ml) whereas standard drug ascorbic acid
showed (IC50 18.348 lg/ml). But in nitric oxide (NO) scavenging
assay maximum scavenging of NO was found with
water extract of stem (IC50 5.975 lg/ml) comparatively
similar to standard ascorbic acid (IC50 5.934 lg/ml).
Methanolic stem extract was found to contain the greater
reducing power in reducing power capacity assessment
(correlation coefficient r = 0.99 and P\0.001). In brine
shrimp lethality bioassay (BSLB) among all extracts, ZSM
part showed good activity (LC50 40.43 lg/ml) whereas
standard anticancer drug vincristine sulphate showed high
toxicity (LC50 2.48 lg/ml). The overall findings provide
scientific basis for the use of Z. rugosa Lam stem extracts in
traditional medicine in the treatment of aforementioned diseases.
Hence, the
aspera (Labiatae) (L. aspera) alcoholic extract. Methods: Whole L. aspera powder was extracted abnyd a bbsrionleu tseh eritmhapn olel th(9a9l.i5t0y% a)s. sTahye. Retehsaunlotsli:c T ehxet reaxcttr awcat ss hsouwbjeedc tpeodt etnot arnatdiiocxaild ascnat,v eanngtiibnagc eteffreiactl (antioxidant) with IC50 value of (99.58依1.22) μg/mL which was significant (P<0.01) in comparison to
ascorbic acid with IC50 value of (1.25依0.95) μg/mL. In case of antibacterial screening, the extract
oshf oinwheidb intiootnabs laeg aanintisbta Gctrearmia lp eofsfietcivt ea gBaaincisltl utsh es utbetsitleisd [m(12ic.0r0o依b1ia.3l 2s) trmamin]s .a Snidg nBifaiccialnlut s( Pm<e0g.0a5t)e rziounme [(13.00依1.50) mm], Staphylococcus aureus [(8.00依0.50) mm] and Gram negative Salmonella typhi
[a(n6.d0 0V依ib0.r5io0 ) cmhomle]r, aSea [l(9m.0o0n依e0l.l6a6 )p marma]t ywpahsi o[(b8s.0e0r依ve1d.0.0 I)n m bmri]n,e S shhirgiemllpa ledtyhsaelnittye rbiaioea [s(s9a.0y0, 依th1.e3 2e)x tmramc]t showed the LC50 value as (181.68依2.15) μg/mL which was statistically significant (P<0.01) compared
to positive control vincristine sulfate [LC50=(0.76依0.04) μg/mL]. Conclusions: The results
dvaermioounss tprhataer mthaacto tlhoeg ice tahcatnivoelisc