Papers by Mihail K . Qaramah
Altarul Reîntregirii 1 (2023), 2023
The Office of Holy Communion is a collection of prayers, psalms, hymnography and poetical or dida... more The Office of Holy Communion is a collection of prayers, psalms, hymnography and poetical or didactical verses dedicated to the preparation and thanksgiving for Communion. The Office is currently an appendix of the Horologion. Although it is intended for the private use of the faithful, it comprises elements proper to communal celebration, such as a hymnographic canon, and in some eucharistic communities it is integrated at least partially in the public worship (at Compline, at Matins or even at the time of the kinonikon within the Divine Liturgy). The purpose of this paper is to highlight some historical aspects regarding the evolution of this Office and to discuss some pastoral outlooks concerning the present practice. Based on historical research some proposals are made to revise the received Office in the Romanian Horologion (which has some differences from the Greek Horologion).
Review of Ecumenical Studies, 2023
Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate's liturgical renewal movement has a spontaneous character, but wit... more Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate's liturgical renewal movement has a spontaneous character, but without a well-de ned agenda. is paper examines some of the re ections from renowned Romanian theologians about the liturgical renewal in the Orthodox Church and explores how they de ne the notion of liturgical reform, how they perceive the idea of change in worship, and what a liturgical renewal might look like. Moreover, it examines some concrete reforms that have already been put into practice, but without speci c authorization from the Romanian Church hierarchy. e purpose of this approach is to nd a starting point for an o cial synodal and academic debate on the possibility to implement a systematic liturgical reform at an institutional level. **
Editura Doxologia, 2023
Mihail Mitrea, "Grăiește în inima lor cele bune pentru biserica ta": reflecții pe marginea relați... more Mihail Mitrea, "Grăiește în inima lor cele bune pentru biserica ta": reflecții pe marginea relației dintre basileia și ekklesia în Bizanț și a rugăciunilor pentru împărați compuse de Filotei Kokkinos ........ 39 Răzvan Perșa, Raportul dintre legislația de stat și canoanele Bisericii Ortodoxe în perioada bizantină (sec. V-XII
Revista Românească de Studii Axiologice, 2023
The purpose of this paper is to offer a textual and theological analysis of certain prayers in ti... more The purpose of this paper is to offer a textual and theological analysis of certain prayers in times of war and for the army, which are part of the Byzantine tradition. The author discusses three types of evidence for such prayers: (a) prayers mentioned in the historical or panegyric writings of Christian authors and those prescribed by the military Byzantine manuals of the emperors Maurice, Leo VI and Nikephoros II Phokas during war campaigns and on the battlefield; (b) prayers in times of fear caused by "barbarian" invasions contained in the ancient Byzantine Euchologia, and (c) a series of model-prayers to be used during enemy destructive raids, composed by prominent ecclesiastical figures of the 14 th century (such as Gregory Palamas, Philotheos Kokkinos, Macarius Chrysocephalos, and Symeon of Thessaloniki). The wording of the prayers had, on one hand, a deep penitential character, through which war was understood as a chastisement God allowed to rebuke the sins of Christians, but, on the other hand, framed the war of the Byzantine army as a battle for the Orthodox faith, against the unfaithful and those who do not reckon the one true God. One can find prayers where the dominant idea is the petition for peace and deliverance from the despair of war (an attitude closer to the position of the early Church towards war), but also prayers that contain a more belligerent rhetoric, in which God is asked repeatedly to crush the blasphemous foes and to grant victory to the faithful army. Finally, the paper discusses two rites for the blessing of weapons and of the national/military banner, that are found in the current Romanian Euchologion. These rites are adaptations in a particular manner of the corresponding rites included in the Trebnik of Peter Mohyla. There are however some theological contestations of the use of such rites in the liturgical and pastoral practice of the Church, which are in part raised in the present paper.
Biserica Ortodoxă și provocările viitorului, ed. M. Himcinshi și R. Brudiu (Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020), 419-446.
Teologia, nr. 2, 2022
The Greek Euchologion contains three prayers for a home: one at laying the foundation of a house,... more The Greek Euchologion contains three prayers for a home: one at laying the foundation of a house, one for the blessing of a new home, and one for the house troubled by evil spirits. All three prayers are attested by the ancient Byzantine Euchologia, beginning with the oldest extant, namely cod. Barberini Gr. 336. These same prayers are also included in the Romanian Euchologion or Molitfelnic. However, the Romanian formularies are much extended, including Psalms, troparia, scriptural readings etc. In this paper, the author presents the prayers and rites for a home, found in the ancient Byzantine and Slavo-Romanian Euchologia, and seeks to identify the origin of the Romanian liturgical particularities.
Teologie și VIață, no. 1-4 Suppl., 2022
The aim of this study is to present the prayers that address agricultural matters such as the sow... more The aim of this study is to present the prayers that address agricultural matters such as the sowing of seeds, harvest and the blessing of a barn, which are found in the ancient Byzantine Euchologia, but have fallen into disuse. The contemporary Euchologion preserves only one prayer over the sowing of seed – “O Lord our God, we offer the seed that lies before Thine eyes…” – and another over a threshing floor – “O Lord our God, O Fountain of good things…” –, which is in fact an adaptation of an ancient prayer for those who offer the firstfruits. The author analyses a number of fifteen such prayers (with variants), distributed in different liturgical manuscripts from the 8th century until the 16th century. The diversity of prayers proves the powerful link between the agricultural experience and the liturgical one of the faithful. The author also proposes the recovery of some of these prayers for their clarity and theological coherence, in order to preserve a part of the ancient euchological treasure of the Orthodox tradition.
Revista românească de studii axiologice, Jan 27, 2022
This paper discusses the place of the Romanian Euchologion printed in 1689 at Bălgrad (today Alba... more This paper discusses the place of the Romanian Euchologion printed in 1689 at Bălgrad (today Alba Iulia, Romania) in the liturgical reform of the Orthodox Church of Transylvania during the 17th c. The author aims to establish that the apparition of the Euchologion of Bălgrad was not only the product of Calvinist Reformation, which insisted on the translation of the liturgical orthodox texts into the vernacular language, but also the result of the liturgical reform undergone by the Orthodox Church of Wallachia. After a summary presentation of the context of liturgical reform in the Romanian Church during the 17th century, the author offers a brief comparison of the contents of the Euchologion of Bălgrad and the Slavonic Trebnik printed at Câmpulung (Wallachia) in 1635, which inaugurated the domination of the Ruthenian liturgical practice in the Church of Wallachia, as an effect of the church reform supported by Metropolitan Peter Mohyla of Kiev. The comparison led to the conclusion that the former was mostly a Romanian translation of the latter, with some adaptations, which reflect either local usages or changes caused by the dynamic of the liturgical practice. The apparition of the Euchologion of Bălgrad aimed the correction and standardization of the byzantine-slavic rite in Transylvania and the initiation of the faithful through the translation of euchological texts into the vernacular. Its large circulation through manuscript copies until the 19th century demonstrates the value of this book in the liturgical life of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Transylvania.
Transylvanian Review, vol. XXX, suppl. 1/2021, pp. 243-256
From a diachronic perspective, the Romanian Orthodox Church entered the modern era in the 19th ce... more From a diachronic perspective, the Romanian Orthodox Church entered the modern era in the 19th century, when it gained autocephaly. Establishing this chronological landmark, naturally and logically, the preceding period represents the premodern ecclesial era of the Romanian Church. This paper aims to demonstrate that an important stage of this period was represented by the church reform of the Metropolitan of Wallachia, Anthim the Iberian, at the beginning of the 18th century, a reform that also had important liturgical implications. The primary piece of his liturgical reform is the Euchologion published at Râmnic in 1706 entirely in Romanian. The authors highlight the most significant changes that the Euchologion of Anthim brought into Romanian liturgical practice regarding the celebration of the Sacraments in order to demonstrate that Anthim’s liturgical reform contributed decisively to the abandonment of Slavic liturgical practices. This new euchological paradigm, adopted during the 18th century, anticipated the modernization of the Romanian Church.
Viorel Sava (coord.), Cercetări doctorale în pandemie – provocări, soluții, oportunități, Editura Doxologia, Iași / Institut für Ökumenische Theologie, Ostkirchliche Ortodoxie und Patrologie, Universität Graz, 2021, pp. 542-558., 2021
Glasul Bisericii, 2021
The contemporary Euchologion contains only one
prayer for them that offer firstfruits, namely “O,... more The contemporary Euchologion contains only one
prayer for them that offer firstfruits, namely “O, Master, Lord our
God, Who commandest everyone to bring as an offering Thine
own of Thine own…”. Surprisingly, this prayer does not contain
an explicit thanksgiving addressed to God for the firstfruits of the
earth. However, this was not the case regarding the oldest prayer
for the firstfruits, mentioned in the Apostolic Tradition (3rd c.). The
purpose of this paper is to uncover the initial ethos of the ritual of
presenting the firstfruits to God and to present the evolution of this
rite, starting from the ancient church orders of the early Christian
centuries until the latter testimonies of the medieval Euchologia.
Revista Românească de Studii Axiologice, 2022
This paper discusses the place of the Romanian Euchologion printed in 1689 at Bălgrad (today Alba... more This paper discusses the place of the Romanian Euchologion printed in 1689 at Bălgrad (today Alba Iulia, Romania) in the liturgical reform of the Orthodox Church of Transylvania during the 17th c. The author aims to establish that the apparition of the Euchologion of Bălgrad was not only the product of Calvinist Reformation, which insisted on the translation of the liturgical orthodox texts into the vernacular language, but also the result of the liturgical reform undergone by the Orthodox Church of Wallachia. After a summary presentation of the context of liturgical reform in the Romanian Church during the 17th century, the author offers a brief comparison of the contents of the Euchologion of Bălgrad and the Slavonic Trebnik printed at Câmpulung (Wallachia) in 1635, which inaugurated the domination of the Ruthenian liturgical practice in the Church of Wallachia, as an effect of the church reform supported by Metropolitan Peter Mohyla of Kiev. The comparison led to the conclusion that the former was mostly a Romanian translation of the latter, with some adaptations, which reflect either local usages or changes caused by the dynamic of the liturgical practice. The apparition of the Euchologion of Bălgrad aimed the correction and standardization of the byzantine-slavic rite in Transylvania and the initiation of the faithful through the translation of euchological texts into the vernacular. Its large circulation through manuscript copies until the 19th century demonstrates the value of this book in the liturgical life of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Transylvania.
Teologie și Viață, 2021
The current Euchologion contains four prayers regarding exclusively the vine and its fruit: a pra... more The current Euchologion contains four prayers regarding exclusively the vine and its fruit: a prayer for the planting and another for the harvesting of a vineyard, a prayer at the partaking of grapes on the sixth day of August, and one at the blessing of wine. However, besides these, the ancient Byzantine Euchologia contain a larger number of prayers with the same object, which have unfortunately fallen into disuse. The purpose of this study is to identify this kind of prayers in the ancient manuscripts of the Byzantine Rite and to present their content. In addition, a section of the paper focuses on the presence of such prayers in some Slavo-Romanian Euchologia dating from the 16 th-17 th centuries. The author analyses a number of seventeen prayers (with variants), most of them of non-Constantinopolitan origin, and concludes that this abundance of euchological material was a consequence of the liturgical use of wine in the Eucharist and other rites. Moreover, based on the information provided in this paper, the author proposes some textual revisions of the current prayers.
Transilvania, 2021
Mystirio sau, Sacrament, sau, Taine 2, de în ceale 7, Botezul și S[fân]t[ul] Mir (= MYS) is a lit... more Mystirio sau, Sacrament, sau, Taine 2, de în ceale 7, Botezul și S[fân]t[ul] Mir (= MYS) is a liturgical handbook for priests printed in 1651 in Târgoviște (Wallachia) at the initiative of Metropolitan Stephen I. This book of small dimensions comprises an introductive guide of sacramental theology for two Sacraments of Christian initiation, namely the Holy Baptism and Holy Chrismation, together with the description of their ordo and other prebaptismal and postbaptismal rites, the Canons of the Apostles and Holy Fathers for the Sacrament of Baptism, the ordo when in extreme urgency occasion arises to give communion to a sick person, a prayer for one who has eaten something defiling and instructions for the confessor priest. Although the prayers, liturgical formulas and scripturistic lectures are printed in Slavonic, the teachings and the rubrics are translated into Romanian language. In this paper the author analyses the liturgical rites described in MYS and, comparing it with other ...
International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 2020
This paper deals with the redactive development of the byzantine rites of Betrothal, Coronation a... more This paper deals with the redactive development of the byzantine rites of Betrothal, Coronation and Digamia according to the 16 th-17 th c. Slavo-Romanian Euchologia available at the Romanian Academy Library in Bucharest (=BAR). For this research 11 manuscripts and 5 printed editions of the Euchologion have been analysed. The oldest Slavo-Romanian redactions of the matrimonial rites have their roots in the liturgical tradition of the South-Slavs. These documents still preserve some archaic particularities (such as the Communion of the spouses, the procession of the newlyweds 136 Mihail K. Qaramah from church to their home, or the rite of blessing the bedchamber-regarding the rite of Coronation), that will be gradually abandoned by the Euchologia of the second half of the 17 th century. Based on the conclusions of this survey we will propose some possible liturgical reforms that may be implemented within the practice of the contemporary received tradition, such as the restoration of the Communion of the spouses or the recovery of certain archaic prayers, which were not included in the printed editions of the Euchologion and have been undeservedly forgotten.
Revista Transilvania, 2021
Mystirio sau, Sacrament, sau, Taine 2, de în ceale 7, Botezul și S[fân]t[ul] Mir, acum de întâi, ... more Mystirio sau, Sacrament, sau, Taine 2, de în ceale 7, Botezul și S[fân]t[ul] Mir, acum de întâi, Tipărite (= MYS) este o tipăritură de dimensiuni reduse, apărută "cu porunca, cu userdia, nevoința și cu toată cheltuiala" Mitropolitului Ștefan I al Ungrovlahiei († 1668), în tipografia de la Târgoviște, "întru cinstita Casă a înălțării Domnului nostru Iis[us] H[ri]s[tos], [în slavonă; n.n.:] în anul 1651, luna Iunie, 3 zile". Această cărțulie se păstrează în Biblioteca Academiei Române din București, având cota CRV 59 (unicat). Descrierea din volumul I al lucrării Bibliografie românească veche este destul de sumară. MYS este tipărită în-4 0 , tiparul fiind în două culori: negru și roșu. Exemplarul însumează 65 de file, dintre care 8 sunt nenumerotate, iar pagina încadrată are 22 de rânduri 1. MYS reprezintă un manual de teologie sacramentală și de practică liturgică pentru preoți, conținând o tratare scolastică a Tainei Botezului și a Mirungerii, precum și expunerea rânduielilor acestor Taine. Pe lângă riturile Considerations on an understudied Romanian liturgical print-Mystirio sau Sacrament (Târgoviște, 1651
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2021
The purpose of this study is to offer a close insight about the development of the Office for the... more The purpose of this study is to offer a close insight about the development of the Office for the burial of a layman, as witnessed by several important liturgical manuscripts and printed editions of the Slavo-Romanian Euchologia dated to the 16th-17th c. and preserved at the Romanian Academy Library (BAR). These liturgical documents describe a distinct Office for the burial of a layman than the curent received formulary, some differences being the lack of a Canon, the distinct selection of hymnography, the insertion of the first stasis of the anabathmoi of each tone and the use of different prayers of absolution for the deceased. The author concludes that there was a strong monastic influence on the redactive process of the Office for the deceased layman, that in the 17th c., the Euchologion printed at Câmpulung in 1635 contributed to reaching a certain degree of uniformity in the Romanian liturgical practice, and that the Trebnik of Peter Mohyla (1646) also influenced the local liturgical usage
The Rite of filial adoption, in the byzantine liturgical manuscripts, vol. 2, 2020
European Journal of Science and Theology, vol. 16, n. 4, 2020
The present instructions of the "Hieratikon" indicate that at the Divine Liturgy the priest shall... more The present instructions of the "Hieratikon" indicate that at the Divine Liturgy the priest shall not communicate the people from the commemorative particles, but just from the only consecrated Lamb. We know that in the past several breads were offered at the Eucharist and all were consecrated. Beginning with the VIII th century parts from the Eucharistic loaves were cut, symbolizing the Lord"s Passion. From the XI th century special formulas were recited by the celebrant when he prepared the additional particles, commemorating the dead, the living and the saints. This increasing ritualization of the "Prothesis" caused in time some confusions as to whether these particles are to be consecrated together with the Lamb or not. Surprisingly, in the XV th century Saint Symeon of Thessalonika is the first who makes a clear distinction between the consecrated Lamb and the "un-consecrated particles". Was there a different approach regarding the additional "merides" before Saint Symeon? The purpose of the present paper is to offer an answer to this question.
Papers by Mihail K . Qaramah
prayer for them that offer firstfruits, namely “O, Master, Lord our
God, Who commandest everyone to bring as an offering Thine
own of Thine own…”. Surprisingly, this prayer does not contain
an explicit thanksgiving addressed to God for the firstfruits of the
earth. However, this was not the case regarding the oldest prayer
for the firstfruits, mentioned in the Apostolic Tradition (3rd c.). The
purpose of this paper is to uncover the initial ethos of the ritual of
presenting the firstfruits to God and to present the evolution of this
rite, starting from the ancient church orders of the early Christian
centuries until the latter testimonies of the medieval Euchologia.
prayer for them that offer firstfruits, namely “O, Master, Lord our
God, Who commandest everyone to bring as an offering Thine
own of Thine own…”. Surprisingly, this prayer does not contain
an explicit thanksgiving addressed to God for the firstfruits of the
earth. However, this was not the case regarding the oldest prayer
for the firstfruits, mentioned in the Apostolic Tradition (3rd c.). The
purpose of this paper is to uncover the initial ethos of the ritual of
presenting the firstfruits to God and to present the evolution of this
rite, starting from the ancient church orders of the early Christian
centuries until the latter testimonies of the medieval Euchologia.
UKRAINIAN TRENDS / TENDANCES UKRAINIENNES : Nikola Piperski, Ukrainian Influences and Serbian Painting in the Eighteenth-Century ... 103 — Vladimir Simić, The Icon Painter Jov Vasilijevič and the Eighteenth-Century Iconostases of the Krušedol and Bođani Monasteries ... 117 — Bernadett Puskás, The Double-Sided Icon of a Seventeenth-Century Galician Painter in Transcarpathia ... 129 — Agnieszka Gronek, Icons from the Carpathian Mountains Region in the ‘Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine’ Museum in Kyiv ... 137.
RUSSIAN ICONS / ICONES RUSSES : Ivana Ženarju Rajović, Products of Russian Visual Culture in the Treasury of Rakovica Monastery in Belgrade (17th–20th Centuries) ... 147 — Policarp Chițulescu, Le patriarche Sylvestre d’Antioche, son disciple spirituel Constantin César Dapóntes et l’histoire de leurs icônes ... 157 — Tasos Kostopoulos, Icon Goldsmiths, Pious Widows, and Holy Maidens. Adventure Narratives of Greek Monks Travelling in Late Imperial Russia ... 169 — Sofia Katopi, Pious Russian Soldiers, Devout Cretan Donors, and the Church: Transfer and Reception of Russian Icons and Ecclesiastical Utensils on the Island of Crete ... 181 — Katerina Seraïdari, Museographic Objects, Saints, and Sacred Places: Saint Antony Pechersky, Esphigmenou (Mount Athos), and the Museum of Christian Antiquities (Athens) ... 197.
RECORDS / ARCHIVES : The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms (2) (Collective Research) ... 211 (Old English Section (continuation) ... 211 — Conclusion (Translation Resilience: The First Draft of a Theory) ... 212 — Bibliographical Abbreviations ... 221) — Corrigendum ... 222.
HERITAGE / PATRIMOINE : Lidia Cotovanu, Les livres grecs anciens de la Métropole de Moldavie et de Bucovine conservés dans la bibliothèque « Dumitru Stăniloae » de Iaşi ... 227 — Alexandru Baboș, Royal Doors of Maramureș beyond their appearances ... 263 — Ioan Ovidiu Abrudan, ‘Saint Paraskevi’ Church in Tălmăcel ... 295.
UKRAINE 2022 / UKRAINE 2022 : Halyna Kohut, The Hetmanate Carpets: Celebrating the Historical Complexities of Ukraine ... 321 — Taisiya Leber, The Role of Ukrainian Book Printing in the Development of Orthodox Culture in the Early Modern Period ... 322 — Waldemar Deluga, Golgotha from the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv ... 325 — Svitlana Olianina, Ukraine’s Baroque Iconostasis – Lost Masterpieces ... 327.
ECHOES / ECHOS : exhibitions / expositions ... 332 — latest publications / actualité éditoriale ... 333 — conferences / conférences ... 338 — projects / projets ... 339.