Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Buses etc

This is one of Cornwall's new buses. 37 were ordered in 2016, and I think it is these that I keep seeing.
They seem to have started a trend to keep us laughing, with very odd slogans on the back.
By the way, the one I mentioned earlier translates roughly as
'Buses weren't like this in the old days' (backalong).
They do look smart, and I'm pleased to see that they seem to have a drop step entry too.

The one I followed today read :-
'USB charging on board.

That was pretty clear wasn't it?

I expect many of you used buses on the way to and from school. I know I did. There was always a scuffle and a scrimmage for the best seats. Our school preferred that we didn't go upstairs, but sat like little ladies (ha) downstairs, jostling each other with satchels full of homework, chattering about really important things like...boys, films, Radio Luxembourg etc.
Television wasn't much in Cornwall in those days.

We are hoping that my husband will be able to return home this week, but he has to wait till the Care package has been extended a little.

Hopefully a letter swap might take place later in the year.
Thank you to all who said they would be keen to take part.

Thank you also for your many good wishes and prayers on my husband's behalf.
I appreciate it so much.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Just an idea....

I've just been reading a lovely post by 'Podso' about the value of a handwritten letter. It's a very touching story.

A couple of years ago I organised a letter swap and I believe that some of the bloggers from all over the world who joined in are still in touch with their penfriend.

Much as I would love to start this up again, I can't commit myself to organising anything except my husband right now. He remains in Hospital and a good part of my day is spent with him.

Is there someone who would be interested in setting a swap up?
I would be happy to join in, but not to organise at the moment.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Knit, knit, knit.

Seen on the back of a bus today (en route to hospital....)

'Buses wunt loike this backalong'

Care to translate? Remember , this is Cornwall!

And the hospital? Yes, my husband was , sadly, admitted last night with extremely high temperatures and loss of consciousness.  All very worrying at the time, but recovery is under way with the provision of intravenous antibiotics. We are grateful for the prayers said by many for him.

And, knit knit knit?
I suddenly remembered that the date for sending in little hats for the Innocent Big Knit was this coming weekend.

I managed to knit (scramble together) four little hats for their Charity event, not as many as I would normally do.
But it will be £1.00  for Age Concern, so that's fine.
They have raised £1 million plus, just by selling these little hats on Smoothie bottles through the Supermarket.

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Two outings in a week!
Thankfully my husband was well enough to go to the one on Friday, a performance of Tchaikovsky's 'The Nutcracker' by the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre company.
Our 'Hall for Cornwall' in Truro has a wide and varied number of productions, and this was sensational. We are so fortunate in that a whole row on the flat is kept for disabled and wheelchair bound people, so we always get very good seats.

What a performance it was, with exquisite costumes, a wonderful orchestra, and dancing  that swept us away in wonder.

And the second outing?

Well, perhaps  a little less exciting but very worthwhile.
Every year our Doctors Surgery holds a Charity coffee morning and asks for unwanted Christmas presents to be donated. It was nice to catch up with some old friends and see the Nurses and receptionists out of 'uniform' as they busily sold Raffle tickets.
I bought several, though we rarely win anything. And also , a Cauliflower and half a dozen eggs. The unwanted presents took up most of a room, rather sad really, but people were buying them.

So now the programme is for a restful weekend after all that excitement!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Winnie the Pooh.

Not that I normally post twice in a week, but wanted to remind you that it is Winnie the Pooh day today. Apparently.

It celebrates the birthday of A.A. Milne, the author of the much loved stories.

I'm a traditionalist. I grew up with the 'proper' illustrations.

This is Winnie the Pooh.

Not this.

How could they?

Anyway, if you want a silly quiz which tells you which of the animals you relate to, 
Go here

I am Rabbit, whom I have always thought of as being a fusspot. Me?

May I thank you for your caring and kind comments on my last post. I'm pleased that our Dr feels my husband is recovering well, which is a relief as he goes down far too fast for my liking.
Thank you my friends, it means so much.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Ups and downs

Well, the weekend began on Friday evening with a medley of roaring temperatures, rigors,  paramedic visit and, thank you Lord, not a hospital visit.
Poor husband is gradually recovering.
Paramedic was here till 3 am so I'm still catching up!

However, on the up side, here are the first of my beautiful creamy Hellebores.
These were brought back from my French garden as babies from the original 'too big to move' plants. Everyone told me the colour might not be true, but it is perfect.

A very beautiful bouquet arrived,  a surprise from a dear Blog friend, who could not have known how much I needed something lovely.
Full of exquisitely scented Freesias, Alstromerias and Goldenrod, it is so dainty and delights me every time I go into the sitting room.
A kind thought meaning so much.
I often find that where there are 'downs' they are often followed by 'ups'.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

I've been reading...

The Little Paris Bookshop
by Nina George, translated by Simon Pare
Published by Abacus.

I was given this book as a Christmas present, and thought at first that it was one of the many light hearted novels about France. There seem to be many of them at the moment.
However, this is different.
Translated from the German, it is beautifully written by Nina George, who has given us characters who are delightfully different.

M.Jean Perdu owns a barge on the Seine. He runs a bookshop from it, which he terms a 'literary apothecary', as he uses his gift for sensing which books will suit his sometimes troubled customers.

He has within himself a deep sadness, reaching back many years when his loved one left him, leaving him a letter which he has never opened. He has tucked his sadness and his memories away for twenty years, but all changes when he meets a new neighbour, who has his own problems.

Jean takes a sudden decision, unfastens the mooring ropes and, with his neighbour, sets off through the canals of France to Provence, to discover what happened to his beloved.
I loved the book, loved the descriptions of the canals, of trials and errors in going through locks, of setting out without a sou between them, of the people they met, one of whom was to become a very important part of Jean's life.

There is friendship, love, loss, poignancy, and needless to say, wonderful food all contained in this delightful journey.

I can't wait to read the next book , set in my lovely Brittany.

Small excerpt from The Little Paris Bookshop;
Having just refused to sell a customer a particular book .....

Perdu handed her The Elegance of the Hedgehog and spoke in a tender and calm voice.
"You need your own room. Not too bright, with a kitten to keep you company. And this book, which you will please read slowly, so that you can take the occasional break. You'll do a lot of thinking, and probably a bit of crying. For yourself. For the years. But you'll feel better afterwards. You'll know that now you don't have to die, even if that's how it feels because the guy didn't treat you well. And you will like yourself again."

The customer stared at him. He knew from her shocked look that he had hit the target and got through to her.

Sunday, 8 January 2017


We all know the acronym RAK, Random acts of Kindness. 
Today I read about a village called Congresbury near Bristol, where residents decided to perform 800 random acts of kindness in a year, to celebrate the 800th anniversary of their church.
The local people recorded their deeds anonymously and popped the cards in the church box.

Becci North, one of the organisers.

Someone paid a vets bill for a neighbour, someone else gave clothes to a homeless person, and the young of the village painted the public benches.
Simple things, carrying a neighbour's shopping, washing a car for a disabled person, all these deeds done with a spirit of love, realising how a small act can change a day for another person.

What a lovely idea!

But.......don't you feel that we need to raise awareness of kindness at all times, not only to celebrate something?

Maybe 2017 needs to be a year when everyone takes kindness a bit further, and seeks ways to spread kindness, regardless of reasons.

Angela will be receiving the pattern. Happy sewing Ang!

And Marilyn of Spicing up Idaho wins the fabric. I wonder what you will create?
Please let me have your address.

And Bristowmum, if you send me your address I have another piece of the rose fabric to send you.

Sunday, 1 January 2017


Christmas is over. Lovely daughter and grandson are safely back in Vancouver leaving us with happy memories of a family Christmas together with son and his wife. They took over the lunch for us and I did very little! So nice.

Decorations are down and put away, and a mild amount of decluttering has begun starting with my fabric boxes.
I have pieces of cotton fabric to give away. They might be useful for small projects.
These pieces measure 9ins X 12ins.

These are the same.
 This piece is larger and measures 15 ins x 40 ins.

And a Simplicity pattern for a size 16 housecoat, unused.

I can separate the fabric from the pattern if necessary. Just leave a comment on this post. Please say if you prefer one or the other.
Giveaway is open to everywhere, and will close on January 8th.


Just  a note to clear up some of the 'who is she?' queries. My full name is Barbara Elizabeth. When I began blogging, I used Elizabethd as an online name. Many of you know me by my everyday name of Barbara. I don't mind which you use. I am one and the same person!

Little Spring things

  All of a sudden my garden is filled with little groups of Spring things. They seem to have arrived overnight! I love these little clumps o...