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Since the much-trumpeted appearance in the late 1980s of Hervé Hamon and Patrick Rotman's imposing twovolume chronicle, Génération, there has been a steady stream of autobiographical, semi-autobiographical, and literary accounts of... more
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      Cultural StudiesHumanitiesArtHistorical Studies
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This special issue of Imaginations will concentrate on media engaging with petroleum and its attendant socio-political and economic structures. Drawing on technology and media studies, energy humanities scholarship, and a range of methods... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesDecolonial Thought
Ce numéro spécial d'Imaginations sera consacré aux média s'intéressant au pétrole ainsi qu'aux structures socio-politiques et économiques qui l'entourent. S'inspirant des études sur la technologie et les médias, sur les sciences humaines... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesRecherche-Créationétudes Cinématographiques
Academics fly a lot: to research sites and archives, to conferences and workshops. Yet flying has many negative repercussions. Air travel has disproportionate climate impacts, and for reasons of time, money, and border security, produces... more
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    • Energy Humanities
During fall 2018, a multidisciplinary cohort of graduate students participated in a course conducted by professors Javiera Barandiarán and Mona Damluji as part of the Mellon Sawyer Seminar on Energy Justice in Global Perspective at the... more
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      NarrativeScholarshipMedia Environment