This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H L... more Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H Liberator, serijskog broja 41-28866, srušio nedaleko od sela Brnjice u šibenskom zaleđu. Zrakoplov je oštećen djelovanjem njemačke protuzračne obrane iznad gradova Beča i Graza. Budući da pri povratku nije mogao pratiti leteću formaciju s ostalim zrakoplovima iz skupine, pilot je procijenio da se neće uspjeti vratiti u matičnu luku te je odlučio da se posada spasi skokom s padobranima, dok se zrakoplov nedugo nakon toga srušio. Svih 11 članova posade preživjelo je pad. Devetoricu je ubrzo ustaška vojska uhvatila i poslala u Drniš odakle su dalje prebačeni u njemačke kampove za savezničke zarobljenike. Ostala dva člana posade preuzeli su partizani, koji su im previli rane i nakon nekog vremena otpratili do otoka Visa. Do tih podataka došlo se uzimanjem izjava svjedoka događaja, terenskim obilaskom mjesta pada te analizom pronađenih dijelova zrakoplova. Uz još nekoliko pisanih izvora o tom ...
Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obra... more Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obrambenog položaja na krajnjem sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila. Obrambeni sperone na tom mjestu sagrađen je kako bi flankirao i tako dodatno ojačao obranu dvostrukog bedema (strada del soccorso) dovršenog već 20-ih godina 15. stoljeća, početkom mletačke uprave u Šibeniku. Na speroneu su, među ostalim, pronađena tri niza dvostrukih otvora (strijelnice na višoj i kvadratni otvori na nižoj razini) koji su karakteristični za vrlo ranu upotrebu vatrenog oružja. Najkasnije na samom početku 16. stoljeća sjeverno od dvostrukog bedema izgrađen je i dolački bedem, što predstavlja gornji datacijski okvir tj. vrijeme prije kojega je sperone na sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila sigurno bio sagrađen
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XVII / Islami, Veizaj (Eds.), 2024
This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea, Vol 9 No. -., 2022
Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H L... more Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H Liberator, serijskog broja 41-28866, srušio nedaleko od sela Brnjice u šibenskom zaleđu. Zrakoplov je oštećen djelovanjem njemačke protuzračne obrane iznad gradova Beča i Graza. Budući da pri povratku nije mogao pratiti leteću formaciju s ostalim zrakoplovima iz skupine, pilot je procijenio da se neće uspjeti vratiti u matičnu luku te je odlučio da se posada spasi skokom s padobranima, dok se zrakoplov nedugo nakon toga srušio. Svih 11 članova posade preživjelo je pad. Devetoricu je ubrzo ustaška vojska uhvatila i poslala u Drniš odakle su dalje prebačeni u njemačke kampove za savezničke zarobljenike. Ostala dva člana posade preuzeli su partizani, koji su im previli rane i nakon nekog vremena otpratili do otoka Visa. Do tih podataka došlo se uzimanjem izjava svjedoka događaja, terenskim obilaskom mjesta pada te analizom pronađenih dijelova zrakoplova. Uz još nekoliko pisanih izvora o tom događaju, najveću ulogu pri identifikaciji zrakoplova i posade imali su deklasificirani dosjei Američkog ministarstva rata, Missing air crew report (MACR) te Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
This paper discusses the events of October 13, 1944, when an American bomber type B 24 H Liberator, serial number 41-28866, crashed not far from the village of Brnjica in the hinterland of Šibenik. The aircraft was damaged by the German anti-aircraft defence over the cities of Vienna and Graz. Since the aircraft could not follow the flying formation of the other planes from the group on the return flight, the pilot estimated that he would not be able to return to the home port, and decided to save the crew by parachuting, while the aircraft crashed shortly after. All 11 crew members survived the crash. Nine were soon captured by the Ustaše army and sent to Drniš, from where they were transferred to German camps for Allied prisoners. The remaining two crew members were taken over by the partisans, who bandaged their wounds, and after some time, escorted them to the island of Vis. These data were obtained from statements given by the witnesses to the event, a field trip to the crash site, and an analysis of the recovered aircraft parts. Along with several other written sources about that event, the biggest role in the identification of the aircraft and its crew was played by the declassified files of the United States Department of War, the Missing air crew report (MACR), and the Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with ar... more St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with archaeological findings ranging from prehistory up until today. Various external fortifications were built from 15th to 17th century around the medieval castle, giving the fortress its irregular shape. One of its peripheral structures – for many years unrecognized as a part of the fortress – is located on the northwestern slopes. Archaeological excavations at this position began in late 2017, and after three campaigns it became clear that this was a distinct (albeit a small) tower, a proto-bastion for early handguns. It was constructed in the late 15th century to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field su... more This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field surveys made by the Heritage Department of public cultural institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik from 2018 to 2021. The recently awakened interest for late medieval and early modern fortifications in the wider Šibenik area has resulted in the discovery of several sites with traces of earlier (15 th-17 th century) fortifications are still visible today. These fortifications, scattered on the borders of former Šibenik district, were built for the defence against the increasingly frequent incursions of the Ottoman akinçi troops that were ravaging the Dalmatian hinterland since mid-15 th century. They were set on dominant positions, which were not only excellent defensive points, but also had a visual control of wider surrounding areas. The strategic importance of these positions has been recognized in earlier times, as most of them were used in prehistoric times or antiquity. Some of the forts were made by noble families of Šibenik, as peasant refuges near their estates. Other were made by districtual or Venetian government in hope of containing the Ottoman threat. They usually had a plain rectangular shape, with towers on two or all four corners. Even more rudimentary fortifications were ramparts built as barriers over peninsulas or on the edges of mountain cliffs which enclosed a certain area where the local population would take refuge when in danger. One particular example are the traces of large building in the hinterland of Šibenik, for which archival sources indicate that it was a fortified residential complex.
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XIII / Bevilacqua, Ulivieri (Eds.), 2023
This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field su... more This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field surveys made by the Heritage Department of public cultural institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik from 2018 to 2021. The recently awakened interest for late medieval and early modern fortifications in the wider Šibenik area has resulted in the discovery of several sites with traces of earlier (15 th-17 th century) fortifications are still visible today. These fortifications, scattered on the borders of former Šibenik district, were built for the defence against the increasingly frequent incursions of the Ottoman akinçi troops that were ravaging the Dalmatian hinterland since mid-15 th century. They were set on dominant positions, which were not only excellent defensive points, but also had a visual control of wider surrounding areas. The strategic importance of these positions has been recognized in earlier times, as most of them were used in prehistoric times or antiquity. Some of the forts were made by noble families of Šibenik, as peasant refuges near their estates. Other were made by districtual or Venetian government in hope of containing the Ottoman threat. They usually had a plain rectangular shape, with towers on two or all four corners. Even more rudimentary fortifications were ramparts built as barriers over peninsulas or on the edges of mountain cliffs which enclosed a certain area where the local population would take refuge when in danger. One particular example are the traces of large building in the hinterland of Šibenik, for which archival sources indicate that it was a fortified residential complex.
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XIV / Bevilacqua, Ulivieri (Eds.), 2023
St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with ar... more St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with archaeological findings ranging from prehistory up until today. Various external fortifications were built from 15th to 17th century around the medieval castle, giving the fortress its irregular shape. One of its peripheral structures – for many years unrecognized as a part of the fortress – is located on the northwestern slopes. Archaeological excavations at this position began in late 2017, and after three campaigns it became clear that this was a distinct (albeit a small) tower, a proto-bastion for early handguns. It was constructed in the late 15th century to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru, 2020
U radu se obrađuju ostatci tri utvrde sa zapada srednjovjekovnog šibenskog distrikta. Rakitnica, ... more U radu se obrađuju ostatci tri utvrde sa zapada srednjovjekovnog šibenskog distrikta. Rakitnica, Dazlina i Velim ključne su točke u obrani plodnih polja zapada šibenskog distrikta pred Osmanlijama krajem 15. i početkom 16. stoljeća. Izgrađene kao plemićke utvrde za sklanjanje lokalnog stanovništva, s porastom osmanske opasnosti prelaze u državne, mletačke ruke. Do kraja Ciparskog rata (1570. – 1573.) sve tri utvrde osvojit će Osmanlije. Početkom Kandijskog rata 1647. godine ruši ih mletačka vojska pod zapovjedništvom generalnog providura Leonarda Foscola. Nakon pomicanja mletačko-osmanske granice na liniju Grimani 1699. godine, prestaje vojni značaj utvrda Rakitnice, Dazline i Velima i ne postoji povijesni podatak o njihovu daljnjem korištenju u vojne svrhe.
The paper covers the remains of three fortifications in the western part of the medieval Šibenik district. At the end of 15th and the start of 16th century, Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim are the key points in the defense of fertile fields located in the western part of Šibenik district. Built as fortifications to shelter the local population, with the rise of the Ottoman threat they passed into the hands of Venetian state. By the end of the Cyprus War (1570-1573), all three forts are conquered by the Ottomans. At the beginning of the Candian War in 1647, they were destroyed by the Venetian army under the command of provveditore-generale Leonardo Foscolo. The military significance of the fortifications of Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim ceased after the Venetian-Ottoman border moved to the Grimani line in 1699, and there is no historical data on their further use for military purposes.
Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske 41-42, 2017
Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obra... more Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obrambenog položaja na krajnjem sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila. Obrambeni sperone na tom mjestu sagrađen je kako bi flankirao i tako dodatno ojačao obranu dvostrukog bedema (strada del soccorso) dovršenog već 20-ih godina 15. stoljeća, početkom mletačke uprave u Šibeniku. Na speroneu su, među ostalim, pronađena tri niza dvostrukih otvora (strijelnice na višoj i kvadratni otvori na nižoj razini) koji su karakteristični za vrlo ranu upotrebu vatrenog oružja. Najkasnije na samom početku 16. stoljeća sjeverno od dvostrukog bedema izgrađen je i dolački bedem, što predstavlja gornji datacijski okvir tj. vrijeme prije kojega je sperone na sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila sigurno bio sagrađen.
Archaeological excavations, historical and conservation research have clarified the function of the defensive position in the extreme northwest of St. Michael's Fortress in Šibenik. The defensive spur ("sperone") was built on this site to flank and thus further strengthen the defense of the 'double rampart' (strada del soccorso) which was completed in early 1420's, at the beginning of the Venetian administration in Šibenik. Three rows of double openings (arrowslits at the higher and square openings at the lower level) were found on the 'sperone', characteristical for very early era of firearms. At the beginning of the 16th century at the latest, 'Dolac rampart' was built north of the double rampart. This represents the upper dating frame, ie the time before which the 'sperone' in the northwest of the Fortress of St. Michael must have been built.
Nepoznata utvrđenja Šibenika i okolice, istraživanja 2017. - 2021. (katalog izložbe) / Unknown Fo... more Nepoznata utvrđenja Šibenika i okolice, istraživanja 2017. - 2021. (katalog izložbe) / Unknown Fortifications of Šibenik and its Surroundings, Research 2017 - 2021 (exhibition catalogue)
Popis utvrđenja u izdanju / List of fortifications in the edition:
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (St. Michael's Fortress), Šibenik; Tvrđava sv. Ivana (St. John's Fortress), Šibenik; Velim; Dazlina; Rakitnica; Raslina; Skradin; Goriš; Radonić; Kaštel sv. Marko (St. Mark Castle); Vrpolje; Sv. Ivan del Tyro (St. John del Tyro); Oštrica-Grebaštica; Kopara-Rogoznica
This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H L... more Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H Liberator, serijskog broja 41-28866, srušio nedaleko od sela Brnjice u šibenskom zaleđu. Zrakoplov je oštećen djelovanjem njemačke protuzračne obrane iznad gradova Beča i Graza. Budući da pri povratku nije mogao pratiti leteću formaciju s ostalim zrakoplovima iz skupine, pilot je procijenio da se neće uspjeti vratiti u matičnu luku te je odlučio da se posada spasi skokom s padobranima, dok se zrakoplov nedugo nakon toga srušio. Svih 11 članova posade preživjelo je pad. Devetoricu je ubrzo ustaška vojska uhvatila i poslala u Drniš odakle su dalje prebačeni u njemačke kampove za savezničke zarobljenike. Ostala dva člana posade preuzeli su partizani, koji su im previli rane i nakon nekog vremena otpratili do otoka Visa. Do tih podataka došlo se uzimanjem izjava svjedoka događaja, terenskim obilaskom mjesta pada te analizom pronađenih dijelova zrakoplova. Uz još nekoliko pisanih izvora o tom ...
Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obra... more Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obrambenog položaja na krajnjem sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila. Obrambeni sperone na tom mjestu sagrađen je kako bi flankirao i tako dodatno ojačao obranu dvostrukog bedema (strada del soccorso) dovršenog već 20-ih godina 15. stoljeća, početkom mletačke uprave u Šibeniku. Na speroneu su, među ostalim, pronađena tri niza dvostrukih otvora (strijelnice na višoj i kvadratni otvori na nižoj razini) koji su karakteristični za vrlo ranu upotrebu vatrenog oružja. Najkasnije na samom početku 16. stoljeća sjeverno od dvostrukog bedema izgrađen je i dolački bedem, što predstavlja gornji datacijski okvir tj. vrijeme prije kojega je sperone na sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila sigurno bio sagrađen
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XVII / Islami, Veizaj (Eds.), 2024
This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive s... more This paper provides a historical overview of the emergence and establishment of a new defensive system during the first half of 20th century within the area of the City of Šibenik. Numerous field surveys, archival research and various new documentation made in recent years resulted in comprehensive analysis which details the construction phases of Šibenik bunkers, their typology based on the appearance and function, as well as their current condition. The construction of bunkers represents the first serious investment in city's fortifications since The War of Crete (1645-1669), when the bastion-type fortresses of St. John and Barone were made. The first ideas about investment in new and modernization of the existing Šibenik fortifications came in mid-19th century, when Šibenik, along with Pula and Kotor, was considered one of the three main military ports of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the actual realization and the construction of bunkers, the new fortification elements which defended the city, occurred in the Interwar period and during the Second World War. Numerous bunkers around Šibenik were built during the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia (1921-1941), during the second Italian occupation (1941-1943) and during the German occupation (1943-1944). After the end of the Second World War, the army of Socialist Yugoslavia built a series of military barracks, often using existing bunker infrastructure, making Šibenik one of the most heavily fortified cities in the region. Some of the bunkers were also used during Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995), especially during the attack on Šibenik in September 1991.
Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea, Vol 9 No. -., 2022
Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H L... more Ovaj se rad bavi događajem od 13. listopada 1944. godine kada se američki bombarder tipa B 24 H Liberator, serijskog broja 41-28866, srušio nedaleko od sela Brnjice u šibenskom zaleđu. Zrakoplov je oštećen djelovanjem njemačke protuzračne obrane iznad gradova Beča i Graza. Budući da pri povratku nije mogao pratiti leteću formaciju s ostalim zrakoplovima iz skupine, pilot je procijenio da se neće uspjeti vratiti u matičnu luku te je odlučio da se posada spasi skokom s padobranima, dok se zrakoplov nedugo nakon toga srušio. Svih 11 članova posade preživjelo je pad. Devetoricu je ubrzo ustaška vojska uhvatila i poslala u Drniš odakle su dalje prebačeni u njemačke kampove za savezničke zarobljenike. Ostala dva člana posade preuzeli su partizani, koji su im previli rane i nakon nekog vremena otpratili do otoka Visa. Do tih podataka došlo se uzimanjem izjava svjedoka događaja, terenskim obilaskom mjesta pada te analizom pronađenih dijelova zrakoplova. Uz još nekoliko pisanih izvora o tom događaju, najveću ulogu pri identifikaciji zrakoplova i posade imali su deklasificirani dosjei Američkog ministarstva rata, Missing air crew report (MACR) te Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
This paper discusses the events of October 13, 1944, when an American bomber type B 24 H Liberator, serial number 41-28866, crashed not far from the village of Brnjica in the hinterland of Šibenik. The aircraft was damaged by the German anti-aircraft defence over the cities of Vienna and Graz. Since the aircraft could not follow the flying formation of the other planes from the group on the return flight, the pilot estimated that he would not be able to return to the home port, and decided to save the crew by parachuting, while the aircraft crashed shortly after. All 11 crew members survived the crash. Nine were soon captured by the Ustaše army and sent to Drniš, from where they were transferred to German camps for Allied prisoners. The remaining two crew members were taken over by the partisans, who bandaged their wounds, and after some time, escorted them to the island of Vis. These data were obtained from statements given by the witnesses to the event, a field trip to the crash site, and an analysis of the recovered aircraft parts. Along with several other written sources about that event, the biggest role in the identification of the aircraft and its crew was played by the declassified files of the United States Department of War, the Missing air crew report (MACR), and the Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with ar... more St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with archaeological findings ranging from prehistory up until today. Various external fortifications were built from 15th to 17th century around the medieval castle, giving the fortress its irregular shape. One of its peripheral structures – for many years unrecognized as a part of the fortress – is located on the northwestern slopes. Archaeological excavations at this position began in late 2017, and after three campaigns it became clear that this was a distinct (albeit a small) tower, a proto-bastion for early handguns. It was constructed in the late 15th century to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field su... more This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field surveys made by the Heritage Department of public cultural institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik from 2018 to 2021. The recently awakened interest for late medieval and early modern fortifications in the wider Šibenik area has resulted in the discovery of several sites with traces of earlier (15 th-17 th century) fortifications are still visible today. These fortifications, scattered on the borders of former Šibenik district, were built for the defence against the increasingly frequent incursions of the Ottoman akinçi troops that were ravaging the Dalmatian hinterland since mid-15 th century. They were set on dominant positions, which were not only excellent defensive points, but also had a visual control of wider surrounding areas. The strategic importance of these positions has been recognized in earlier times, as most of them were used in prehistoric times or antiquity. Some of the forts were made by noble families of Šibenik, as peasant refuges near their estates. Other were made by districtual or Venetian government in hope of containing the Ottoman threat. They usually had a plain rectangular shape, with towers on two or all four corners. Even more rudimentary fortifications were ramparts built as barriers over peninsulas or on the edges of mountain cliffs which enclosed a certain area where the local population would take refuge when in danger. One particular example are the traces of large building in the hinterland of Šibenik, for which archival sources indicate that it was a fortified residential complex.
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XIII / Bevilacqua, Ulivieri (Eds.), 2023
This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field su... more This paper provides an overview of historical and archival research, as well as numerous field surveys made by the Heritage Department of public cultural institution Fortress of Culture Šibenik from 2018 to 2021. The recently awakened interest for late medieval and early modern fortifications in the wider Šibenik area has resulted in the discovery of several sites with traces of earlier (15 th-17 th century) fortifications are still visible today. These fortifications, scattered on the borders of former Šibenik district, were built for the defence against the increasingly frequent incursions of the Ottoman akinçi troops that were ravaging the Dalmatian hinterland since mid-15 th century. They were set on dominant positions, which were not only excellent defensive points, but also had a visual control of wider surrounding areas. The strategic importance of these positions has been recognized in earlier times, as most of them were used in prehistoric times or antiquity. Some of the forts were made by noble families of Šibenik, as peasant refuges near their estates. Other were made by districtual or Venetian government in hope of containing the Ottoman threat. They usually had a plain rectangular shape, with towers on two or all four corners. Even more rudimentary fortifications were ramparts built as barriers over peninsulas or on the edges of mountain cliffs which enclosed a certain area where the local population would take refuge when in danger. One particular example are the traces of large building in the hinterland of Šibenik, for which archival sources indicate that it was a fortified residential complex.
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol. XIV / Bevilacqua, Ulivieri (Eds.), 2023
St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with ar... more St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest existing historical monument in the city of Šibenik, with archaeological findings ranging from prehistory up until today. Various external fortifications were built from 15th to 17th century around the medieval castle, giving the fortress its irregular shape. One of its peripheral structures – for many years unrecognized as a part of the fortress – is located on the northwestern slopes. Archaeological excavations at this position began in late 2017, and after three campaigns it became clear that this was a distinct (albeit a small) tower, a proto-bastion for early handguns. It was constructed in the late 15th century to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru, 2020
U radu se obrađuju ostatci tri utvrde sa zapada srednjovjekovnog šibenskog distrikta. Rakitnica, ... more U radu se obrađuju ostatci tri utvrde sa zapada srednjovjekovnog šibenskog distrikta. Rakitnica, Dazlina i Velim ključne su točke u obrani plodnih polja zapada šibenskog distrikta pred Osmanlijama krajem 15. i početkom 16. stoljeća. Izgrađene kao plemićke utvrde za sklanjanje lokalnog stanovništva, s porastom osmanske opasnosti prelaze u državne, mletačke ruke. Do kraja Ciparskog rata (1570. – 1573.) sve tri utvrde osvojit će Osmanlije. Početkom Kandijskog rata 1647. godine ruši ih mletačka vojska pod zapovjedništvom generalnog providura Leonarda Foscola. Nakon pomicanja mletačko-osmanske granice na liniju Grimani 1699. godine, prestaje vojni značaj utvrda Rakitnice, Dazline i Velima i ne postoji povijesni podatak o njihovu daljnjem korištenju u vojne svrhe.
The paper covers the remains of three fortifications in the western part of the medieval Šibenik district. At the end of 15th and the start of 16th century, Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim are the key points in the defense of fertile fields located in the western part of Šibenik district. Built as fortifications to shelter the local population, with the rise of the Ottoman threat they passed into the hands of Venetian state. By the end of the Cyprus War (1570-1573), all three forts are conquered by the Ottomans. At the beginning of the Candian War in 1647, they were destroyed by the Venetian army under the command of provveditore-generale Leonardo Foscolo. The military significance of the fortifications of Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim ceased after the Venetian-Ottoman border moved to the Grimani line in 1699, and there is no historical data on their further use for military purposes.
Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske 41-42, 2017
Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obra... more Arheološkim iskapanjima, povijesnim i konzervatorskim istraživanjima razjašnjena je funkcija obrambenog položaja na krajnjem sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila. Obrambeni sperone na tom mjestu sagrađen je kako bi flankirao i tako dodatno ojačao obranu dvostrukog bedema (strada del soccorso) dovršenog već 20-ih godina 15. stoljeća, početkom mletačke uprave u Šibeniku. Na speroneu su, među ostalim, pronađena tri niza dvostrukih otvora (strijelnice na višoj i kvadratni otvori na nižoj razini) koji su karakteristični za vrlo ranu upotrebu vatrenog oružja. Najkasnije na samom početku 16. stoljeća sjeverno od dvostrukog bedema izgrađen je i dolački bedem, što predstavlja gornji datacijski okvir tj. vrijeme prije kojega je sperone na sjeverozapadu Tvrđave sv. Mihovila sigurno bio sagrađen.
Archaeological excavations, historical and conservation research have clarified the function of the defensive position in the extreme northwest of St. Michael's Fortress in Šibenik. The defensive spur ("sperone") was built on this site to flank and thus further strengthen the defense of the 'double rampart' (strada del soccorso) which was completed in early 1420's, at the beginning of the Venetian administration in Šibenik. Three rows of double openings (arrowslits at the higher and square openings at the lower level) were found on the 'sperone', characteristical for very early era of firearms. At the beginning of the 16th century at the latest, 'Dolac rampart' was built north of the double rampart. This represents the upper dating frame, ie the time before which the 'sperone' in the northwest of the Fortress of St. Michael must have been built.
Nepoznata utvrđenja Šibenika i okolice, istraživanja 2017. - 2021. (katalog izložbe) / Unknown Fo... more Nepoznata utvrđenja Šibenika i okolice, istraživanja 2017. - 2021. (katalog izložbe) / Unknown Fortifications of Šibenik and its Surroundings, Research 2017 - 2021 (exhibition catalogue)
Popis utvrđenja u izdanju / List of fortifications in the edition:
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (St. Michael's Fortress), Šibenik; Tvrđava sv. Ivana (St. John's Fortress), Šibenik; Velim; Dazlina; Rakitnica; Raslina; Skradin; Goriš; Radonić; Kaštel sv. Marko (St. Mark Castle); Vrpolje; Sv. Ivan del Tyro (St. John del Tyro); Oštrica-Grebaštica; Kopara-Rogoznica
Papers by Andrija Nakić
This paper discusses the events of October 13, 1944, when an American bomber type B 24 H Liberator, serial number 41-28866, crashed not far from the village of Brnjica in the hinterland of Šibenik. The aircraft was damaged by the German anti-aircraft defence over the cities of Vienna and Graz. Since the aircraft could not follow the flying formation of the other planes from the group on the return flight, the pilot estimated that he
would not be able to return to the home port, and decided to save the crew by parachuting, while the aircraft crashed shortly after. All 11 crew members survived the crash. Nine were soon captured by the Ustaše army
and sent to Drniš, from where they were transferred to German camps for Allied prisoners. The remaining two crew members were taken over by the partisans, who bandaged their wounds, and after some time, escorted them to the island of Vis. These data were obtained from statements given by the witnesses to the event, a field trip to the crash site, and an analysis of the recovered aircraft parts. Along with several other written sources about that event, the biggest role in the identification of the aircraft and its crew was played by the declassified files of the United States Department of War, the Missing air crew report (MACR), and the Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
The paper covers the remains of three fortifications in the western part of the medieval Šibenik district. At the end of 15th and the start of 16th century, Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim are the key points in the defense of fertile fields located in the western part of Šibenik district. Built as fortifications to shelter the local population, with the rise of the Ottoman threat they passed into the hands of Venetian state. By the end of the Cyprus War (1570-1573), all three forts are conquered by the Ottomans. At the beginning of the Candian War in 1647, they were destroyed by the Venetian army under the command of provveditore-generale Leonardo Foscolo. The military significance of the fortifications of Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim ceased after the Venetian-Ottoman border moved to the Grimani line in 1699, and there is no historical data on their further use for military purposes.
Archaeological excavations, historical and conservation research have clarified the function of the defensive position in the extreme northwest of St. Michael's Fortress in Šibenik. The defensive spur ("sperone") was built on this site to flank and thus further strengthen the defense of the 'double rampart' (strada del soccorso) which was completed in early 1420's, at the beginning of the Venetian administration in Šibenik. Three rows of double openings (arrowslits at the higher and square openings at the lower level) were found on the 'sperone', characteristical for very early era of firearms. At the beginning of the 16th century at the latest, 'Dolac rampart' was built north of the double rampart. This represents the upper dating frame, ie the time before which the 'sperone' in the northwest of the Fortress of St. Michael must have been built.
Books by Andrija Nakić
Popis utvrđenja u izdanju / List of fortifications in the edition:
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (St. Michael's Fortress), Šibenik; Tvrđava sv. Ivana (St. John's Fortress), Šibenik; Velim; Dazlina; Rakitnica; Raslina; Skradin; Goriš; Radonić; Kaštel sv. Marko (St. Mark Castle); Vrpolje; Sv. Ivan del Tyro (St. John del Tyro); Oštrica-Grebaštica; Kopara-Rogoznica
This paper discusses the events of October 13, 1944, when an American bomber type B 24 H Liberator, serial number 41-28866, crashed not far from the village of Brnjica in the hinterland of Šibenik. The aircraft was damaged by the German anti-aircraft defence over the cities of Vienna and Graz. Since the aircraft could not follow the flying formation of the other planes from the group on the return flight, the pilot estimated that he
would not be able to return to the home port, and decided to save the crew by parachuting, while the aircraft crashed shortly after. All 11 crew members survived the crash. Nine were soon captured by the Ustaše army
and sent to Drniš, from where they were transferred to German camps for Allied prisoners. The remaining two crew members were taken over by the partisans, who bandaged their wounds, and after some time, escorted them to the island of Vis. These data were obtained from statements given by the witnesses to the event, a field trip to the crash site, and an analysis of the recovered aircraft parts. Along with several other written sources about that event, the biggest role in the identification of the aircraft and its crew was played by the declassified files of the United States Department of War, the Missing air crew report (MACR), and the Escape and Evasion report (E&ER).
to flank the existing ramparts (strada di soccorso) leading from the fortress to the sea. Archival research did not uncover the exact date of construction or the original term by which the structure was called, and following the examples or structures of the same period, the research team chose to designate it as a spur (It. sperone), or in local vernacular – ‘špirun’. A publication of scientific paper (available online on Croatian scientific database) in mid-2019 was followed by several public presentations and walks. At the same time, a restoration project was made as the western wall of the spur was estimated to be seriously impaired. After the completion and the approval of the restoration project, the construction works partly financed by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media were finally carried out from November 2021 to April 2022. This entire process, which included detection, archaeological and historical analysis, publication and presentation of research, interdisciplinary discussion and agreement on the methods of restoration and the subsequent use, and finally the implementation of the restoration project, is perhaps a good example of how the fortification heritage in Croatia should be treated in the future.
The paper covers the remains of three fortifications in the western part of the medieval Šibenik district. At the end of 15th and the start of 16th century, Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim are the key points in the defense of fertile fields located in the western part of Šibenik district. Built as fortifications to shelter the local population, with the rise of the Ottoman threat they passed into the hands of Venetian state. By the end of the Cyprus War (1570-1573), all three forts are conquered by the Ottomans. At the beginning of the Candian War in 1647, they were destroyed by the Venetian army under the command of provveditore-generale Leonardo Foscolo. The military significance of the fortifications of Rakitnica, Dazlina and Velim ceased after the Venetian-Ottoman border moved to the Grimani line in 1699, and there is no historical data on their further use for military purposes.
Archaeological excavations, historical and conservation research have clarified the function of the defensive position in the extreme northwest of St. Michael's Fortress in Šibenik. The defensive spur ("sperone") was built on this site to flank and thus further strengthen the defense of the 'double rampart' (strada del soccorso) which was completed in early 1420's, at the beginning of the Venetian administration in Šibenik. Three rows of double openings (arrowslits at the higher and square openings at the lower level) were found on the 'sperone', characteristical for very early era of firearms. At the beginning of the 16th century at the latest, 'Dolac rampart' was built north of the double rampart. This represents the upper dating frame, ie the time before which the 'sperone' in the northwest of the Fortress of St. Michael must have been built.
Popis utvrđenja u izdanju / List of fortifications in the edition:
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila (St. Michael's Fortress), Šibenik; Tvrđava sv. Ivana (St. John's Fortress), Šibenik; Velim; Dazlina; Rakitnica; Raslina; Skradin; Goriš; Radonić; Kaštel sv. Marko (St. Mark Castle); Vrpolje; Sv. Ivan del Tyro (St. John del Tyro); Oštrica-Grebaštica; Kopara-Rogoznica