BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : družbena odgovornost za trajnostni razvoj : 2. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 21.-22. oktober 2010, Portorož : proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, pp. 884-892, 2010
znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo MANAGEMENT, IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN TURIZEM -družbena odgovo... more znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo MANAGEMENT, IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN TURIZEM -družbena odgovornost za trajnostni razvoj -2. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 21. -22. oktober 2010, Povzetek Razvoj ekološkega turizma in kmetijstva je še posebej smiselno spodbujati v zavarovanih in varovanih območjih narave s spodbujanjem preusmeritve kmetij, ki imajo pogoje za ekološko kmetovanje, z dodatnim izobraževanjem kmetovalcev, z označevanjem geografskega porekla kakovostnih pridelkov in izdelkov ter z ozaveščanjem in izobraževanjem potrošnikov. Potrebno bi bilo izboljšati obstoječo ponudbo in ji dvigniti kakovost in šele nato nadgraditi z dodatno ponudbo ter s tem vplivati na boljšo prepoznavnost Slovenije, kot ekološke oz. trajnostno naravnane turistične destinacije. Izobraževanje in strokovna pomoč pri pripravi poslovnih načrtov in izpolnjevanju razpisne dokumentacije za nepovratna evropska sredstva, bi zagotovo pripomogla k večjemu odzivu kmetij na tovrstne razpise in boljšo uspešnost pri pridobivanju sredstev za razvoj perspektivne turistične dejavnosti. Ključne besede: Ekološke turistične kmetije, ekološki turizem, ekološko kmetijstvo, trajnostni turizem, zavarovana območja narave Abstract The development of ecological tourism and agriculture is particularly meaningful in the protected natural areas by promoting a shift for farmers with additional training who have the conditions for organic farming. A designation of the geographical origin and quality of products would raise the public awareness and educate consumers. It would be necessary to improve the existing supply and raise the quality of products and furthermore upgrade it with additional supply that would influence on a better visibility of Slovenia as an organic or sustainable tourism destination. In achieving this, training and technical assistance for the preparation of business plans and applyment for European non-refundable grants would certainly contribute to increase farm response in this regard. This would contribute to a better success in obtaining funds for the development of perspective tourist industry.
Papers by Gregor Balažič
The ROOMS to VET project has carried out a survey among private providers of tourist accommodation in Slovenia. Through interviews were identified general problems and needs in the field of education. The results show that the most problematic is legislation, in that the providers are burdened with the necessity of knowing all the fine points of labyrinthine legislation. Providers are aware of the importance of education and underline the lack of organized education, the lack of links between tourism providers and insufficient knowledge in the usage of various online tools.
the visibility of Istria as a recognized tourist destination. With the development of expert
groundwork for the implementation of cross-border brand » Malvasia » within the project
“Malvasia TourIstra”, new opportunities for territorial development of cross-border tourist
destination Istria will be offered in the future. Using a questionnaire, we assessed the readiness
of the winemakers to create a common cross-border brand Istrian Malvasia, their evaluation
of its market potential, and suggestions on who should be involved in its protection and
promotion. The results of field studies indicate the enormous potential of Istrian Malvasia for
the development of successful cross-border brand, based on the common regional identity or
Key words: Geographical origin, Terroir, Istrian Malvasia, Cross-border brand, Wine tourism.
The ROOMS to VET project has carried out a survey among private providers of tourist accommodation in Slovenia. Through interviews were identified general problems and needs in the field of education. The results show that the most problematic is legislation, in that the providers are burdened with the necessity of knowing all the fine points of labyrinthine legislation. Providers are aware of the importance of education and underline the lack of organized education, the lack of links between tourism providers and insufficient knowledge in the usage of various online tools.
the visibility of Istria as a recognized tourist destination. With the development of expert
groundwork for the implementation of cross-border brand » Malvasia » within the project
“Malvasia TourIstra”, new opportunities for territorial development of cross-border tourist
destination Istria will be offered in the future. Using a questionnaire, we assessed the readiness
of the winemakers to create a common cross-border brand Istrian Malvasia, their evaluation
of its market potential, and suggestions on who should be involved in its protection and
promotion. The results of field studies indicate the enormous potential of Istrian Malvasia for
the development of successful cross-border brand, based on the common regional identity or
Key words: Geographical origin, Terroir, Istrian Malvasia, Cross-border brand, Wine tourism.