Articles by Abdullah Yasin Dündar
Sanat&Tasarım Dergisi, 2024
The categorization of buildings based on their form or function—in other words, architectural typ... more The categorization of buildings based on their form or function—in other words, architectural typology—could be defined as a literal way to comprehend the spaces where humans live as if in a cohesive progression. Despite the mainstream tendency to use canonical categories that account for every architectural feature, one of the most significant aspects of space antagonizes every fixed definition imposed upon it: the void of space that cannot be permanently filled by humans or reduced by mottos or concepts. Suggesting that the abyss of space, which can be seen more clearly in the broader period, necessitates temporal acts of solidarity, this paper focuses on the evoltions of symbiotic relationships among societal objects that play dramatically important roles in the appropriation and sustainability of built environments. Employing logical argumentation as its primary methodology, it leverages models and arguments from seemingly irrelevant disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and architecture. The proposed spatial cycle model, developed to illustrate bifurcations, obstructions, and several life cycles of a space, highlights the need for a temporal symbiotic model.
YAPI, 2023
Modernizmin yıkıcılığını eleştiren birçok düşünüre göre konut, sürekli devinim ve değişimin yaşan... more Modernizmin yıkıcılığını eleştiren birçok düşünüre göre konut, sürekli devinim ve değişimin yaşandığı bu çağda; farklı bir anlam var etmesi ile önemli bir konumda yer almıştır. Konuttaki bu farklılığın nedeni genel itibariyle, yıkıcı bir akışın olduğu bu modern gerçekliğin içindeki kaotik hızı duraklatması, içe dönüşe imkânı tanıyışı, bütünsel yaklaşıma izin verişi olduğu söylenebilir. Örneğin Bachelard, şiirlerden yola çıkarak böyle bir konutun potansiyellerini ve anlamlarını fenomenolojik yöntemle okuma işine girişir. Soyutlama ve hayal gücünün mekanı olan bu evi; dinginleştiren kesin bir süreklilikten -ki burada kastedilen sürekliliğin nedeninin modernitenin kendisi olduğu görülebilir- uzaklaşmayı talep eden bir yer olarak görür. Düşünüre göre ancak bu özellikleri ile ev; anılarda yer edebilen, hafızayı oluşturan anlamlı bir karaktere sahip olabilecek, düşüncenin kıvrımlarına etki edebilecek, en derinde ve en uçta yatan isteklere cevap verebilecektir. Konut; tüm bu özelliklerinin yanında zamanı da değişime uğratma kabiliyetine sahiptir. Zamanın ardı ardına sıralanmasıyla ilerlediği benimsenen rasyonel/mekanik zaman anlayışından ayrışarak kendi dokusunun (Bachelard’ın deyimiyle peteklerinin) içerisinde zamanı sıkıştırılmış olarak tutabilmektedir (1). Bu noktada modern zamanın sınırlarını, o çağın ruhunu ve modernizm-konut ilişkisini daha iyi anlayabilme açısından incelemek gerekmektedir.
IGRS, 2022
Creating mediums that respond to the anticipated movements of users and thereby increase interact... more Creating mediums that respond to the anticipated movements of users and thereby increase interaction potential via these spaces is the common purpose of both architecture and games. Those two phenomena have always influenced each other and evolved after the close design approach. As a result, the interaction between these two actions has shaped the built environment. Along with the modern era, the praxis of architecture in a western way has evolved to concentrate on result-oriented, close-ended, singular designs. Nonetheless, in the praxis of the game, the emphasis has always been on the players and their interactions with others. In the digital era, one could assume that reconnecting these two praxes would generate creative insights into space and the body. By examining digital games and architecture in the context of shared experiences, the study aims to question the possibility of comparative research between contemporary architecture and digital games through the agential structure. Research suggests that re-examining digital games with a spatial point of view has the potential to look at those practices from an outsider's perspective. Both games and buildings, as creators of immersive environments that expand based on the player's participation, share characteristics in narration/functionality and actual/interpretive dichotomies within the contexts of exploration and psychological reflection, respectively. This study is an attempt to illustrate that thinking through a comparative study in the context of actual mechanical, actual fictional, interpretive mechanical, and interpretive fictional situations between architecture and digital games. It tries to demonstrate situations of spatial agency through readings on building-game dualities such as Modern Architecture-Action Games, Postmodern Architecture-Narrative Games. The research methodology in this study is logical argumentation, which is applied to the architecture literature using ludic concepts. Finally, as an alternative approach to the spatial, ludic spaces, which are ephemeral environments that mediate cognitive senses and where bodies have appropriated the space, have been proposed. Within that perspective, bodies may feel more responsible for their environments, and the tendency toward status-quo design methodologies based on form-narrative hybridization could be overcome in one respect.
Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 2023
Outdoor classrooms, one of the oldest educational approaches that have existed, bringing learning... more Outdoor classrooms, one of the oldest educational approaches that have existed, bringing learning through the common denominator with nature to the agenda, first emerged in England as a reform movement in education at the end of the 1950s. Outdoor classrooms are a rare educational structure that allows students to interact with nature and experience the opportunities of this interaction with their fully digitalised interaction potentials. In the study, examples of open-air classrooms, which are almost non-existent in Türkiye, have been analysed with inductive content analysis by understanding them with the semi-structured interview technique conducted with architects and landscape architects who are teachers and practitioners. In the end, considering all the evaluations, it was determined that the effects of outdoor classes on students were grouped into four categories: effects on cognitive, psychomotor, development, affective, and social development. Beyond only using a theoretical approach, exemplary outdoor classroom models were developed and interpreted.
Articles by Abdullah Yasin Dündar