Videos by Ayman Yasin ATAT
This presentation shed light on using eggplant in the Arabic tradition, and state the process of ... more This presentation shed light on using eggplant in the Arabic tradition, and state the process of preparing it in the cookery, in addition, to discuss the traditional medical or pharmaceutical benefits of using the eggplant in the Arabic traditions. 118 views
Books by Ayman Yasin ATAT
The name of the polymath Ḥasan al-ʿAṭṭār’s name is not one commonly to be found in books on the h... more The name of the polymath Ḥasan al-ʿAṭṭār’s name is not one commonly to be found in books on the history of Islamicate medicine. Yet he is an important figure in its history.
In 1803, al-ʿAṭṭār left Egypt for Istanbul and traveled widely, especially to Syria and Palestine. His journey to Istanbul seems to have been partly motivated by his wish to study medicine there, he is said to have lived in the household of the chief physician (ḥākimbāshī).
However, he authored just one book on medicine: the text edited here. Rāḥat al-abdān fī Nuzhat al-adhhān (“The Rest of the Bodies on the ‘Recreation of the Minds’”), completed in Damascus in 1814, is a commentary (sharḥ) on Abū Dāwūd al-Anṭākī’s (d. ca 1599) work which is an encyclopedia that presents a complete system of medicine, focusing on the principles of medicine, etiologies, bodily constitution, symptoms, and eventually diseases.
Book Chapter by Ayman Yasin ATAT
Amsterdam University Press, 2020
This is a book chapter in Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia, eds. Gender, Health, and Healing, 12... more This is a book chapter in Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia, eds. Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550
Book Reviews by Ayman Yasin ATAT
Ibn al-Bayṭār wrote an important book entitled (al-Mughnī fī al-Ṭibb) in which he arranged the si... more Ibn al-Bayṭār wrote an important book entitled (al-Mughnī fī al-Ṭibb) in which he arranged the simple drugs by affected part from head to toe into twenty chapters. Until now, no printed editions of this book is existed.
This is a report on the copy of this book that hold at Osler library, under a reference Bib.Osl. 7785/39. The report has been published in Osler Library newsletter (N. 130, 2019).
Papers by Ayman Yasin ATAT
المؤتمر الدولي حول اللغة العربية - International Conference on Arabic Language, 2023
In this paper, I discussed the future of Arabic medical manuscripts: between archiving efforts an... more In this paper, I discussed the future of Arabic medical manuscripts: between archiving efforts and scientific study. I presented this paper at the Ninth International Congress for the Arabic Language, held in Dubai, 2023

Journal Afāq al-Thaqāfah wa-l-Turāth, 2024
Al-Tuḥfah al-Jāmiʿah li-mufradāt al-Ṭibb al-Nāfiʿah; The Prophetic Medicine as a Source for the M... more Al-Tuḥfah al-Jāmiʿah li-mufradāt al-Ṭibb al-Nāfiʿah; The Prophetic Medicine as a Source for the Medical Knowledge in the Arabic Islamic Civilization.
Between 8th and 13th centuries, the Arabic Islamic civilization has a crucial role in the development of sciences, especially medical and pharmaceutical knowledge, the historical sources mention that the first separate drug store was established in Baghdad on 754AD, in addition, the appearance of medical books and encyclopaedias like Kitāb al-Ḥāwī fī-l-Ṭibb by al-Rāzī (d. 925 AD), and Kitāb al-Qānūn fī-l-Ṭibb by Ibn Sīnā (d. 1037AD), or pharmaceutical texts like Kitāb al-Jāmiʻ li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa al-aghdhīya by Ibn al-Bayṭār (d. 1248AD), etc., was essential in the development of medicine and pharmacy in this historical period of the Arabic civilization, and then their transmission into other civilizations.
On the other side, the Prophetic Sunnah on prophet Muhammad is full of Hadiths that deal with health and diseases, in addition, many prophetic stories were discussing the therapeutic uses of foodstuffs or herbs which were known in that historical period. This medical point of view for prophetic Hadiths helps in the appearance of many writings known later as Prophetic medicine, the list of these books is too big, however, the most famous ones were Kitāb al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (d. 1350AD), and Kitāb al-Manhaj al-Sawī wa al-Manhal al-Rawī fi al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505AD), and others.
In the 15th century, al-ʿĀmirī ʿImād al-Dīn (d. 1488AD) wrote a fascinating Arabic medical manuscript entitled Al-Tuḥfah al-Jāmiʿah li-mufradāt al-Ṭibb al-Nāfiʿah; in which he speaks on foodstuffs and their medical benefits, moreover he mentions therapies for ailments might happen in a specific organ of the human body or in the whole body at the same time. However, it is interesting to note that al-ʿĀmirī mentions a lot of prophetic hadiths in his book as a source of some medical knowledge. This point raises a question about the relationship between the sources of classical medical traditions in the Arabic civilization and which known the Prophetic medicine.
Therefore, this paper is going to discuss the methodology of writing medical texts in the Arabic Islamic civilization, in addition, to studying the existence of prophetic medicine as a source of medical knowledge within the medical encyclopaedias that appeared in this important historical period of history of medicine in general.
We presented this panel at the 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT) 12-17. September, 2022. Berli... more We presented this panel at the 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT) 12-17. September, 2022. Berlin:
-Einstein Project on Arabic Pharmaceutical Manuscripts housed at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
- Das Werk des Arztes Ibn al-Ǧazzār im Lichte
neuer Forschungen und Funde

Academia Letters, 2022
During the human history, translation played a crucial role in the development of science, especi... more During the human history, translation played a crucial role in the development of science, especially concerning medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. Although the early modern period in the Arab world was not characterized by systematic translation efforts, historians acknowledge an important exception in the case of Ibn Sallūm Al-Ḥalabī (d. 1670AD), an Arab from Aleppo, mentioned as a renowned Ottoman chief physician. His writings show that Ibn Sallūm had access to Latin sources, which was his key to studying the European medical and pharmaceutical texts and using their prescriptions in his books. Therefore, this paper discusses Ibn Sallūm al-Ḥalabī as a pioneer medical author in the 17 th century, and analyzes the contents of three manuscripts written by him that are currently available at the Gotha Research Library in Germany. Foremost, this table gives quick bibliographical details of these three manuscripts: Current Nr. Old catalogue Nr. Folios Lines Title Ms. orient. A 1940 arab. 52 843 21 Ghāyat al-itqān fī tadbīr badan alinsān Ms. orient. arab. 48 110 17 al-Ṭibb al-jadīd al-kīmyāʾīy
Academia Letters, 2022
During a short walk in the cosmetic stores, it is easy to be amazed by the countless bottles of s... more During a short walk in the cosmetic stores, it is easy to be amazed by the countless bottles of sun protection, stocking the shelves. There are sunscreens and sun blocks, lotions, gels, and sprays; the list goes on and on. Here a question might arise about the history of sun protection. Therefore, this paper is going to highlight the pioneer stages in the development of sun protection through medical history.

Academia Letters, 2021
This paper is going to shed light on a rare Arabic pharmaceutical manuscript concerning simple me... more This paper is going to shed light on a rare Arabic pharmaceutical manuscript concerning simple medicaments entitle Tarjumān al-aṭibbā' wa-lisān al-alibbā (The Interpreter of Physicians and the Language of the Wise concerning Simple Medicaments). The importance of this text appears due to the mentioned synonyms of the simple medicaments, this point has a great value as many substances' names differed according either to the variation of geographical area or the different dialects in the Arab World parts, and that was the main reason of authoring this text as the author (Taqī al-Dīn) himself stated (see below), therefore, it looks a valuable and largely unknown text that will be of interest to many historians of medicine. Anyway, only three copies are recorded (until now) over the world of this alphabetical pharmaco-botanical dictionary. To speak about the author of this book Taqī al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn maʿrūf al-Shāmī (known as Taqī al-Dīn), he lived in the 16th century (1526-1585 AD) was better known for his astronomical writings, and was active in Istanbul at the Ottoman court. He was the founder and the director of the Istanbul Observatory and worked in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, optics, and mechanics. He made various astronomical instruments and was the first astronomer to use an automatic-mechanical clock for his astronomical observations. Furthermore, he advanced the arithmetic of decimal fractions and used them in the calculation of astronomical tables. (Hockey et al. 2014, 1122). In this entry in the Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, İhsan Fazlıoğlu provides more details about the biography of Taqī al-Dīn. Fazlıoğlu states that Taqī al-Dīn wrote only one medical book, without giving the title of the work (Ibid, 1123).

Academia Letters, 2021
The topic of poisons was of great interest in both antiquity and the medieval world, generating i... more The topic of poisons was of great interest in both antiquity and the medieval world, generating its own body of literature. Galen and Dioscorides were considered ancient authors on that subject, and many previous treatises on the subject were attributed to them. Numerous Arabic writers discussed poisons and the antidotes for them (Tschanz 2003, 12). Snakes, dog' bites as well as the ill effects of scorpions, spiders and other animals were a cause of great concern. On the parallel aspect of toxicology knowledge, while the poisonous properties of various minerals and plants were exploited, the criminal poisoning was reported through the history in many geographical places. The use of toxic foods or beverages was well known in this field, although the killing in Judaism, Christian and Islam religions is forbidden, many incidents were reported in biographical books. Therefore, because of that, both Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs were afraid of being poisoned, and they always hired a confident specialist for their nutrition (al-Bābā 1980, 71). During the golden era of Arabic medicine, the medical encyclopedias like "al-Qānūn fī-l-Ṭibb" book by Avicenna (d. 1037AD) and "Kitāb al-Mukhtārāt fī-l-Ṭibb" book by Ibn Hubal (d. 1213AD) contained chapters on poisons. In addition, the authors of Materia medica books took care the poisons within their books, the famous Andalusian botanist Ibn al-Bayṭār (d. 1245AD) (who wrote an important text about simple drugs "Kitāb al-Jāmi li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa-l-aghdhīya"; he mentioned the symptoms of some botanical poisons and their treatment. However, in the beginning of this golden era of Arabic civilization, the most important toxicology booklet was "Kitāb as-Sumūm" attributed to Shānāq,the Indian physician who was very famous in wisdom and toxicology and because of that, he was close to the Indian kings and was alive circa 300 BC (Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿa 1965, 474; Salāmih 2014). The text discusses poisons and how they can be detected by sight, touch, taste, or by the toxic symp

Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, 2019
Arab physicians wrote about pathology, including ophthalmology, and shed much light on ophthalmol... more Arab physicians wrote about pathology, including ophthalmology, and shed much light on ophthalmological medicine. One such work is the Kitāb al-Raḥma fi’l-Ṭib wa’l-Ḥikma (“The Book of Mercy in Medicine and Wisdom”), which exists in a unique Istanbul manuscript and contains fascinating information on eye diseases and their causes, symptoms, and therapies. In particular, the author discusses plants used in bandaging the eye to treat various diseases as a kind of integrative medical treatment.
This unattributed unique medical handbook of an unknown provenance is an important late medieval source on the practice of Islamic ophthalmology and the treatment of eye diseases. This paper focuses on the plants which the author mentions in the topical preparations for eye diseases, and presents a scientific study of each plant, including a general description, an identification of the parts used, as well as historical and current medical uses.

Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, 2019
Introduction: Medicine in the Ottoman Empire changed radically during the time of reforms up to t... more Introduction: Medicine in the Ottoman Empire changed radically during the time of reforms up to the Tanzimat period (1839-1876 A.D.). We know very little on how this change took place, and how it affected medical practice. During this time the famous Egyptian scholar Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār (1766-1835 A.D.) was visiting Istanbul to study medicine. He left an important Arabic manuscript (al-ʻAṭṭār 1813) in which he detailed his experiences in the Ottoman capital, and he also gives some references to anatomy teaching, otherwise we possess only very vague information for that period.
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār was a famous Egyptian scientist; when he traveled to Istanbul; he studied medicine there, and then moved to Damascus where he wrote his main book on medicine “Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat al-Azhān”. In this book he discussed the medical opinions of Dāwūd al-Āntākī (d. 1008/1599 A.D.).
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript was the most important work on medicine in the Arab world in the early nineteenth century and is perhaps the first work by an Arab to discuss ancient Arab medicine. Regrettably this manuscript has not yet been studied from the perspective of history of medicine. Lowry and Stewart (2012) published an article with reference to this manuscript without mention of neither its text nor its content.
Objective and Method: In this article I am going to speak about Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript and describe the overall shape and contents. Then I am going to make a discussion about its subjects including e.g. the sources of al-ʻAṭṭār, plants and compound drugs, diseases, etc. So the main objective is to get full knowledge about this manuscript and its contents
![Research paper thumbnail of "دراسة استخدام حسن العطّار للأبيات الشعرية في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان" [A study regarding the usage of Ḥasan al-Aṭṭār for poetic verses in manuscript (Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat Al-Azhān)]](
Poetry is one of the many features of the Arabic language, where Arab excelled in writing poetry ... more Poetry is one of the many features of the Arabic language, where Arab excelled in writing poetry since the age of ignorance and across the Arabic Renaissance right up to the present era. A number of Arab doctors were familiar with Arabic literature but some of them were characterized by poetic writings, as some medical books contain a number of poetic verses on different topics, but it is the main character in some of those books. Hassan al-Attar (1180-1250AH / 1766-1835AD) is one of the prominent figures of Arab civilization who excelled in both medicine and literature at once.
مقدمة: يعتبر الشعر العربي واحداً من مزايا اللغة العربية العديدة، حيث برع العرب بكتابة الشعر منذ عصر الجاهلية وعبر عصر النهضة العربية وصولاً إلى عصرنا الحالي، وقد كان عدداً من الأطباء العرب مطلعين على الأدب العربي بل إن بعضهم كان يتميز بكتاباته الشعرية، حيث احتوت بعضاً من الكتب الطبية على عددٍ من الأبيات الشعرية وإن اختلفت موضوعاتها، ولكنها كانت صفةً لبعض تلك الكتب. يعتبر حسن العطّار (1180-1250هـ/1766-1835م) واحداً من أعلام الحضارة العربية الذين تميزوا بالطب والأدب العربي بآن واحد.
غادر الشيخ حسن العطّار القاهرة قاصداً اسطنبول لدراسة الطب فيها، وبعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق قام بتأليف مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، وتعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، حيث تميزت مقدمة العطّار لهذه المخطوطة باحتوائها على كمٍّ وفيرٍ من الأبيات الشعرية لعدد من الشعراء ومن فترات تاريخية مختلفة.
الهدف من البحث: تهدف هذه المقالة إلى سرد الأبيات الشعرية الواردة في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، حيث يمكن ملاحظة أن بعض هذه الأبيات كانت من تأليف العطّار نفسه، والبعض الآخر عبارة عن مقتطفات من قصائد لبعض الشعراء العرب الآخرين، ومن ثم سندرس المواضيع التي تناولتها تلك الأبيات الشعرية، وفتراتها التاريخية، وتوثيق العطّار لقائليها.
الكلمات المفتاحية: حسن العطّار، مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان (شرح النُزْهَة)، الأبيات الشعرية في المخطوطات الطبية العربية.
![Research paper thumbnail of "نبات القريص في التراث الطبي العربي" [The Nettle Plant in the Arabic Medical Heritage]](
Introduction: Plants were considered important substances in the therapies during the arab medica... more Introduction: Plants were considered important substances in the therapies during the arab medical heritage, many kinds of plants were used by arab physicians as an individual drug or into a compound one, arab physicians paid attention all information of simple drugs, and mainly plants, in addition to the translations of Dioscorides and Galen books on plants, they added from their experiments, and then they started to authored arabic medical encyclopedias. Moreover they wrote independent books about the plants and their medical uses, like Ibn al-Bayṭār (d. 646/1248) who wrote (Kitāb al-Jāmiʻ li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa al-aghdhīya), nowadays, many voices have become louder to encourage the using of natural products into the medical therapies.
Objective and Method: This article is going to highlight Nettle, famous by (Qurrīṣ, Anjarah), which was widely using through the arabic medicine, it is aimed for anthropological study of this plant, which will include the general description, used parts, and method of usage, so it gives full overview for traditional and current information of the nettle.
Conclusion: Arab physicians knew the differences between two sub-kinds of nettles, and they used the leaves and seeds for their medications, in addition they used it internally and externally, and many of their uses have been accepted nowadays. Moreover, historically, the Nettle was broadly using to increase the sexual arousal in men and stimulate intercourse; this result might lead us for wide studies of using nettle as sexual tonic for men.
Keywords: Nettle, Qurrīṣ, Arabic medical heritage, medical anthropological study for plants.
![Research paper thumbnail of "دراسة توثيق حسن العطار لمصادره الطبية في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان" [Study of documenting the medical sources of Ḥasan al-Aṭṭar in the manuscript “Rāḥat al-Abdān”]](
Documenting sources and references is one of the most important scientific and technical conditio... more Documenting sources and references is one of the most important scientific and technical conditions that must be adhered to by the researcher or writer in all science, to the importance of this issue in terms of the scientific honesty, and the honesty of documenting ideas and attributing them to their owners. All international arbitrated magazines and scientific books require this documentation for all articles received.
The idea of scientific documentation is not the product of this era it was in existence a long time ago. A number of Arab authors were known by mentioning their sources and other are criticized for not mentioning sources and references.
مقدمة: يعتبر توثيق المصادر والمراجع من أهم الشروط العلمية والفنية التي يجب أن يلتزم بها الباحث أو الكاتب في جميع العلوم، وذلك لأهمية هذا الموضوع من ناحية الأمانة العلمية، وأمانة توثيق الأفكار ونسبها لصاحبها، وإن جميع المجلات المُحكّمة العالمية والكتب العلمية تشترط وجود هذا التوثيق العلمي لجميع المقالات الواردة إليها. إن فكرة التوثيق العلمي ليست وليدة هذا العصر فقد كانت من القِدَم، وقد اشتهر عدد من المؤلفين العرب بذكر مصادر معلوماتهم، ويسجل نقدٌ على بعضهم بسبب عدم ذكر تلك المصادر والمراجع.
قام الشيخ حسن العطار (1180-1251هـ/1766-1835م) بعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق بتأليف كتابٍ طبي، ناقش من خلاله كتاب داوود الأنطاكي (توفي 1008هـ/1599م) نُزْهَة الأذهان في روضة الأبدان، وقد أسماه راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، ويعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، وهذا الكتاب لا يزال مخطوطاً.
الهدف من البحث: تعريف المصادر الطبية والعلمية التي ذكرها العطار في كتابه تبعاً لطرق التوثيق التي اتبعها في تأليف كتاب راحة الأبدان، والإجابة على سؤال مدى التزام حسن العطار باستعمال التوثيق العلمي لأفكاره في كتابه هذا، ومن ثم إجراء مناقشة لطرق التوثيق والمصادر التي اعتمد عليها العطار.

Introduction: The medical commandments is the most important issue must be considered by physicia... more Introduction: The medical commandments is the most important issue must be considered by physicians before starting practicing medicine. Since the Hippocratic Oath physicians care to those, and Arab physicians marched on this way.
Aim of the paper: Definition of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, and his book Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab, and the study physician’s commandments given by Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, in addition to highlight the modern reality of each of the commandments mentioned by the author.
Material and Methods: The historical method was followed in this research, by going back to the old Arabic medical books, Especially Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab by Abu Nasr Sa`ed al-Baghdadi, then we will compared those commandments with currently science.
Results: By the study of commandments given by Baghdadi we can mention: 1- Adoption of the principle of prevention is better than cure by Arab physicians. 2- Adoption the diagnosis by finding out the clinical story, and make clinical examination of the pulse, and the patient’s eyes, and then identify the disease and determine the. 3- Lay the foundations of the drug used in the treatment. 4- Taking care the psychological state of the patient as choose the right way to give medication.
Conclusion: The commandments of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi is set of rules that must be performed by a physicians before and during treatment of patients, and is currently used aggressively by physicians, including: Full diagnostic before starting treatment. Follow the principles and rules in the selection of medication.
Key Words: Abu Nasr Al-Baghdadi, Physicians Commandment, Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab.
Videos by Ayman Yasin ATAT
Books by Ayman Yasin ATAT
In 1803, al-ʿAṭṭār left Egypt for Istanbul and traveled widely, especially to Syria and Palestine. His journey to Istanbul seems to have been partly motivated by his wish to study medicine there, he is said to have lived in the household of the chief physician (ḥākimbāshī).
However, he authored just one book on medicine: the text edited here. Rāḥat al-abdān fī Nuzhat al-adhhān (“The Rest of the Bodies on the ‘Recreation of the Minds’”), completed in Damascus in 1814, is a commentary (sharḥ) on Abū Dāwūd al-Anṭākī’s (d. ca 1599) work which is an encyclopedia that presents a complete system of medicine, focusing on the principles of medicine, etiologies, bodily constitution, symptoms, and eventually diseases.
Book Chapter by Ayman Yasin ATAT
Book Reviews by Ayman Yasin ATAT
This is a report on the copy of this book that hold at Osler library, under a reference Bib.Osl. 7785/39. The report has been published in Osler Library newsletter (N. 130, 2019).
Papers by Ayman Yasin ATAT
Between 8th and 13th centuries, the Arabic Islamic civilization has a crucial role in the development of sciences, especially medical and pharmaceutical knowledge, the historical sources mention that the first separate drug store was established in Baghdad on 754AD, in addition, the appearance of medical books and encyclopaedias like Kitāb al-Ḥāwī fī-l-Ṭibb by al-Rāzī (d. 925 AD), and Kitāb al-Qānūn fī-l-Ṭibb by Ibn Sīnā (d. 1037AD), or pharmaceutical texts like Kitāb al-Jāmiʻ li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa al-aghdhīya by Ibn al-Bayṭār (d. 1248AD), etc., was essential in the development of medicine and pharmacy in this historical period of the Arabic civilization, and then their transmission into other civilizations.
On the other side, the Prophetic Sunnah on prophet Muhammad is full of Hadiths that deal with health and diseases, in addition, many prophetic stories were discussing the therapeutic uses of foodstuffs or herbs which were known in that historical period. This medical point of view for prophetic Hadiths helps in the appearance of many writings known later as Prophetic medicine, the list of these books is too big, however, the most famous ones were Kitāb al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (d. 1350AD), and Kitāb al-Manhaj al-Sawī wa al-Manhal al-Rawī fi al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505AD), and others.
In the 15th century, al-ʿĀmirī ʿImād al-Dīn (d. 1488AD) wrote a fascinating Arabic medical manuscript entitled Al-Tuḥfah al-Jāmiʿah li-mufradāt al-Ṭibb al-Nāfiʿah; in which he speaks on foodstuffs and their medical benefits, moreover he mentions therapies for ailments might happen in a specific organ of the human body or in the whole body at the same time. However, it is interesting to note that al-ʿĀmirī mentions a lot of prophetic hadiths in his book as a source of some medical knowledge. This point raises a question about the relationship between the sources of classical medical traditions in the Arabic civilization and which known the Prophetic medicine.
Therefore, this paper is going to discuss the methodology of writing medical texts in the Arabic Islamic civilization, in addition, to studying the existence of prophetic medicine as a source of medical knowledge within the medical encyclopaedias that appeared in this important historical period of history of medicine in general.
-Einstein Project on Arabic Pharmaceutical Manuscripts housed at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
- Das Werk des Arztes Ibn al-Ǧazzār im Lichte
neuer Forschungen und Funde
This unattributed unique medical handbook of an unknown provenance is an important late medieval source on the practice of Islamic ophthalmology and the treatment of eye diseases. This paper focuses on the plants which the author mentions in the topical preparations for eye diseases, and presents a scientific study of each plant, including a general description, an identification of the parts used, as well as historical and current medical uses.
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār was a famous Egyptian scientist; when he traveled to Istanbul; he studied medicine there, and then moved to Damascus where he wrote his main book on medicine “Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat al-Azhān”. In this book he discussed the medical opinions of Dāwūd al-Āntākī (d. 1008/1599 A.D.).
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript was the most important work on medicine in the Arab world in the early nineteenth century and is perhaps the first work by an Arab to discuss ancient Arab medicine. Regrettably this manuscript has not yet been studied from the perspective of history of medicine. Lowry and Stewart (2012) published an article with reference to this manuscript without mention of neither its text nor its content.
Objective and Method: In this article I am going to speak about Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript and describe the overall shape and contents. Then I am going to make a discussion about its subjects including e.g. the sources of al-ʻAṭṭār, plants and compound drugs, diseases, etc. So the main objective is to get full knowledge about this manuscript and its contents
مقدمة: يعتبر الشعر العربي واحداً من مزايا اللغة العربية العديدة، حيث برع العرب بكتابة الشعر منذ عصر الجاهلية وعبر عصر النهضة العربية وصولاً إلى عصرنا الحالي، وقد كان عدداً من الأطباء العرب مطلعين على الأدب العربي بل إن بعضهم كان يتميز بكتاباته الشعرية، حيث احتوت بعضاً من الكتب الطبية على عددٍ من الأبيات الشعرية وإن اختلفت موضوعاتها، ولكنها كانت صفةً لبعض تلك الكتب. يعتبر حسن العطّار (1180-1250هـ/1766-1835م) واحداً من أعلام الحضارة العربية الذين تميزوا بالطب والأدب العربي بآن واحد.
غادر الشيخ حسن العطّار القاهرة قاصداً اسطنبول لدراسة الطب فيها، وبعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق قام بتأليف مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، وتعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، حيث تميزت مقدمة العطّار لهذه المخطوطة باحتوائها على كمٍّ وفيرٍ من الأبيات الشعرية لعدد من الشعراء ومن فترات تاريخية مختلفة.
الهدف من البحث: تهدف هذه المقالة إلى سرد الأبيات الشعرية الواردة في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، حيث يمكن ملاحظة أن بعض هذه الأبيات كانت من تأليف العطّار نفسه، والبعض الآخر عبارة عن مقتطفات من قصائد لبعض الشعراء العرب الآخرين، ومن ثم سندرس المواضيع التي تناولتها تلك الأبيات الشعرية، وفتراتها التاريخية، وتوثيق العطّار لقائليها.
الكلمات المفتاحية: حسن العطّار، مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان (شرح النُزْهَة)، الأبيات الشعرية في المخطوطات الطبية العربية.
Objective and Method: This article is going to highlight Nettle, famous by (Qurrīṣ, Anjarah), which was widely using through the arabic medicine, it is aimed for anthropological study of this plant, which will include the general description, used parts, and method of usage, so it gives full overview for traditional and current information of the nettle.
Conclusion: Arab physicians knew the differences between two sub-kinds of nettles, and they used the leaves and seeds for their medications, in addition they used it internally and externally, and many of their uses have been accepted nowadays. Moreover, historically, the Nettle was broadly using to increase the sexual arousal in men and stimulate intercourse; this result might lead us for wide studies of using nettle as sexual tonic for men.
Keywords: Nettle, Qurrīṣ, Arabic medical heritage, medical anthropological study for plants.
The idea of scientific documentation is not the product of this era it was in existence a long time ago. A number of Arab authors were known by mentioning their sources and other are criticized for not mentioning sources and references.
مقدمة: يعتبر توثيق المصادر والمراجع من أهم الشروط العلمية والفنية التي يجب أن يلتزم بها الباحث أو الكاتب في جميع العلوم، وذلك لأهمية هذا الموضوع من ناحية الأمانة العلمية، وأمانة توثيق الأفكار ونسبها لصاحبها، وإن جميع المجلات المُحكّمة العالمية والكتب العلمية تشترط وجود هذا التوثيق العلمي لجميع المقالات الواردة إليها. إن فكرة التوثيق العلمي ليست وليدة هذا العصر فقد كانت من القِدَم، وقد اشتهر عدد من المؤلفين العرب بذكر مصادر معلوماتهم، ويسجل نقدٌ على بعضهم بسبب عدم ذكر تلك المصادر والمراجع.
قام الشيخ حسن العطار (1180-1251هـ/1766-1835م) بعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق بتأليف كتابٍ طبي، ناقش من خلاله كتاب داوود الأنطاكي (توفي 1008هـ/1599م) نُزْهَة الأذهان في روضة الأبدان، وقد أسماه راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، ويعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، وهذا الكتاب لا يزال مخطوطاً.
الهدف من البحث: تعريف المصادر الطبية والعلمية التي ذكرها العطار في كتابه تبعاً لطرق التوثيق التي اتبعها في تأليف كتاب راحة الأبدان، والإجابة على سؤال مدى التزام حسن العطار باستعمال التوثيق العلمي لأفكاره في كتابه هذا، ومن ثم إجراء مناقشة لطرق التوثيق والمصادر التي اعتمد عليها العطار.
Aim of the paper: Definition of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, and his book Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab, and the study physician’s commandments given by Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, in addition to highlight the modern reality of each of the commandments mentioned by the author.
Material and Methods: The historical method was followed in this research, by going back to the old Arabic medical books, Especially Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab by Abu Nasr Sa`ed al-Baghdadi, then we will compared those commandments with currently science.
Results: By the study of commandments given by Baghdadi we can mention: 1- Adoption of the principle of prevention is better than cure by Arab physicians. 2- Adoption the diagnosis by finding out the clinical story, and make clinical examination of the pulse, and the patient’s eyes, and then identify the disease and determine the. 3- Lay the foundations of the drug used in the treatment. 4- Taking care the psychological state of the patient as choose the right way to give medication.
Conclusion: The commandments of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi is set of rules that must be performed by a physicians before and during treatment of patients, and is currently used aggressively by physicians, including: Full diagnostic before starting treatment. Follow the principles and rules in the selection of medication.
Key Words: Abu Nasr Al-Baghdadi, Physicians Commandment, Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab.
In 1803, al-ʿAṭṭār left Egypt for Istanbul and traveled widely, especially to Syria and Palestine. His journey to Istanbul seems to have been partly motivated by his wish to study medicine there, he is said to have lived in the household of the chief physician (ḥākimbāshī).
However, he authored just one book on medicine: the text edited here. Rāḥat al-abdān fī Nuzhat al-adhhān (“The Rest of the Bodies on the ‘Recreation of the Minds’”), completed in Damascus in 1814, is a commentary (sharḥ) on Abū Dāwūd al-Anṭākī’s (d. ca 1599) work which is an encyclopedia that presents a complete system of medicine, focusing on the principles of medicine, etiologies, bodily constitution, symptoms, and eventually diseases.
This is a report on the copy of this book that hold at Osler library, under a reference Bib.Osl. 7785/39. The report has been published in Osler Library newsletter (N. 130, 2019).
Between 8th and 13th centuries, the Arabic Islamic civilization has a crucial role in the development of sciences, especially medical and pharmaceutical knowledge, the historical sources mention that the first separate drug store was established in Baghdad on 754AD, in addition, the appearance of medical books and encyclopaedias like Kitāb al-Ḥāwī fī-l-Ṭibb by al-Rāzī (d. 925 AD), and Kitāb al-Qānūn fī-l-Ṭibb by Ibn Sīnā (d. 1037AD), or pharmaceutical texts like Kitāb al-Jāmiʻ li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa al-aghdhīya by Ibn al-Bayṭār (d. 1248AD), etc., was essential in the development of medicine and pharmacy in this historical period of the Arabic civilization, and then their transmission into other civilizations.
On the other side, the Prophetic Sunnah on prophet Muhammad is full of Hadiths that deal with health and diseases, in addition, many prophetic stories were discussing the therapeutic uses of foodstuffs or herbs which were known in that historical period. This medical point of view for prophetic Hadiths helps in the appearance of many writings known later as Prophetic medicine, the list of these books is too big, however, the most famous ones were Kitāb al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (d. 1350AD), and Kitāb al-Manhaj al-Sawī wa al-Manhal al-Rawī fi al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505AD), and others.
In the 15th century, al-ʿĀmirī ʿImād al-Dīn (d. 1488AD) wrote a fascinating Arabic medical manuscript entitled Al-Tuḥfah al-Jāmiʿah li-mufradāt al-Ṭibb al-Nāfiʿah; in which he speaks on foodstuffs and their medical benefits, moreover he mentions therapies for ailments might happen in a specific organ of the human body or in the whole body at the same time. However, it is interesting to note that al-ʿĀmirī mentions a lot of prophetic hadiths in his book as a source of some medical knowledge. This point raises a question about the relationship between the sources of classical medical traditions in the Arabic civilization and which known the Prophetic medicine.
Therefore, this paper is going to discuss the methodology of writing medical texts in the Arabic Islamic civilization, in addition, to studying the existence of prophetic medicine as a source of medical knowledge within the medical encyclopaedias that appeared in this important historical period of history of medicine in general.
-Einstein Project on Arabic Pharmaceutical Manuscripts housed at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
- Das Werk des Arztes Ibn al-Ǧazzār im Lichte
neuer Forschungen und Funde
This unattributed unique medical handbook of an unknown provenance is an important late medieval source on the practice of Islamic ophthalmology and the treatment of eye diseases. This paper focuses on the plants which the author mentions in the topical preparations for eye diseases, and presents a scientific study of each plant, including a general description, an identification of the parts used, as well as historical and current medical uses.
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār was a famous Egyptian scientist; when he traveled to Istanbul; he studied medicine there, and then moved to Damascus where he wrote his main book on medicine “Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat al-Azhān”. In this book he discussed the medical opinions of Dāwūd al-Āntākī (d. 1008/1599 A.D.).
Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript was the most important work on medicine in the Arab world in the early nineteenth century and is perhaps the first work by an Arab to discuss ancient Arab medicine. Regrettably this manuscript has not yet been studied from the perspective of history of medicine. Lowry and Stewart (2012) published an article with reference to this manuscript without mention of neither its text nor its content.
Objective and Method: In this article I am going to speak about Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s manuscript and describe the overall shape and contents. Then I am going to make a discussion about its subjects including e.g. the sources of al-ʻAṭṭār, plants and compound drugs, diseases, etc. So the main objective is to get full knowledge about this manuscript and its contents
مقدمة: يعتبر الشعر العربي واحداً من مزايا اللغة العربية العديدة، حيث برع العرب بكتابة الشعر منذ عصر الجاهلية وعبر عصر النهضة العربية وصولاً إلى عصرنا الحالي، وقد كان عدداً من الأطباء العرب مطلعين على الأدب العربي بل إن بعضهم كان يتميز بكتاباته الشعرية، حيث احتوت بعضاً من الكتب الطبية على عددٍ من الأبيات الشعرية وإن اختلفت موضوعاتها، ولكنها كانت صفةً لبعض تلك الكتب. يعتبر حسن العطّار (1180-1250هـ/1766-1835م) واحداً من أعلام الحضارة العربية الذين تميزوا بالطب والأدب العربي بآن واحد.
غادر الشيخ حسن العطّار القاهرة قاصداً اسطنبول لدراسة الطب فيها، وبعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق قام بتأليف مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، وتعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، حيث تميزت مقدمة العطّار لهذه المخطوطة باحتوائها على كمٍّ وفيرٍ من الأبيات الشعرية لعدد من الشعراء ومن فترات تاريخية مختلفة.
الهدف من البحث: تهدف هذه المقالة إلى سرد الأبيات الشعرية الواردة في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، حيث يمكن ملاحظة أن بعض هذه الأبيات كانت من تأليف العطّار نفسه، والبعض الآخر عبارة عن مقتطفات من قصائد لبعض الشعراء العرب الآخرين، ومن ثم سندرس المواضيع التي تناولتها تلك الأبيات الشعرية، وفتراتها التاريخية، وتوثيق العطّار لقائليها.
الكلمات المفتاحية: حسن العطّار، مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان (شرح النُزْهَة)، الأبيات الشعرية في المخطوطات الطبية العربية.
Objective and Method: This article is going to highlight Nettle, famous by (Qurrīṣ, Anjarah), which was widely using through the arabic medicine, it is aimed for anthropological study of this plant, which will include the general description, used parts, and method of usage, so it gives full overview for traditional and current information of the nettle.
Conclusion: Arab physicians knew the differences between two sub-kinds of nettles, and they used the leaves and seeds for their medications, in addition they used it internally and externally, and many of their uses have been accepted nowadays. Moreover, historically, the Nettle was broadly using to increase the sexual arousal in men and stimulate intercourse; this result might lead us for wide studies of using nettle as sexual tonic for men.
Keywords: Nettle, Qurrīṣ, Arabic medical heritage, medical anthropological study for plants.
The idea of scientific documentation is not the product of this era it was in existence a long time ago. A number of Arab authors were known by mentioning their sources and other are criticized for not mentioning sources and references.
مقدمة: يعتبر توثيق المصادر والمراجع من أهم الشروط العلمية والفنية التي يجب أن يلتزم بها الباحث أو الكاتب في جميع العلوم، وذلك لأهمية هذا الموضوع من ناحية الأمانة العلمية، وأمانة توثيق الأفكار ونسبها لصاحبها، وإن جميع المجلات المُحكّمة العالمية والكتب العلمية تشترط وجود هذا التوثيق العلمي لجميع المقالات الواردة إليها. إن فكرة التوثيق العلمي ليست وليدة هذا العصر فقد كانت من القِدَم، وقد اشتهر عدد من المؤلفين العرب بذكر مصادر معلوماتهم، ويسجل نقدٌ على بعضهم بسبب عدم ذكر تلك المصادر والمراجع.
قام الشيخ حسن العطار (1180-1251هـ/1766-1835م) بعد عودته من اسطنبول إلى دمشق بتأليف كتابٍ طبي، ناقش من خلاله كتاب داوود الأنطاكي (توفي 1008هـ/1599م) نُزْهَة الأذهان في روضة الأبدان، وقد أسماه راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان، ويعرف أيضاً بشرح النُزْهَة، وهذا الكتاب لا يزال مخطوطاً.
الهدف من البحث: تعريف المصادر الطبية والعلمية التي ذكرها العطار في كتابه تبعاً لطرق التوثيق التي اتبعها في تأليف كتاب راحة الأبدان، والإجابة على سؤال مدى التزام حسن العطار باستعمال التوثيق العلمي لأفكاره في كتابه هذا، ومن ثم إجراء مناقشة لطرق التوثيق والمصادر التي اعتمد عليها العطار.
Aim of the paper: Definition of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, and his book Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab, and the study physician’s commandments given by Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi, in addition to highlight the modern reality of each of the commandments mentioned by the author.
Material and Methods: The historical method was followed in this research, by going back to the old Arabic medical books, Especially Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab by Abu Nasr Sa`ed al-Baghdadi, then we will compared those commandments with currently science.
Results: By the study of commandments given by Baghdadi we can mention: 1- Adoption of the principle of prevention is better than cure by Arab physicians. 2- Adoption the diagnosis by finding out the clinical story, and make clinical examination of the pulse, and the patient’s eyes, and then identify the disease and determine the. 3- Lay the foundations of the drug used in the treatment. 4- Taking care the psychological state of the patient as choose the right way to give medication.
Conclusion: The commandments of Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi is set of rules that must be performed by a physicians before and during treatment of patients, and is currently used aggressively by physicians, including: Full diagnostic before starting treatment. Follow the principles and rules in the selection of medication.
Key Words: Abu Nasr Al-Baghdadi, Physicians Commandment, Kitab Intikhab al-iqtidab.
Aim of the paper: Definition of Abu Nasr al- Baghdadi died after (598H/1203AD), and his book "Intikhab al-iqtidab", and historical scientific study for the laxative medicine which mentioned by Abu Nasr Al-Baghdadi in his book ''Intikhab al- iqtidab"
Material and Methods: This thesis studied number of medicines used as laxative medicine which mentioned by Al-Baghdadi. And compare the medical use of them with Avicenna (375-428H/995-1041AD) at his book Al-Qanoun, and Ibn Al-Bittar (…-646H/ …-1245AD) at his book Al-Jam`e , then we will tell the medical use of them, the Active ingredients, the parts used
Results: By the study we can mention: 1- Al-Baghdadi mentioned six herbal medicine for laxative used, 2- there was full agreement with Ibn Al-Bittar, 3- there was disagreement with Avicenna at mustard and styrax, 3- although there was historical agree about garlic but it's not use for laxative diseases nowadays.
Conclusion: - Intikhab al- iqtidab book is a historical and medical reference for the pocket, the historical agree of garlic make us study it as laxative medicine.
Aim of the paper: Historical scientific study for the dermal medicine which mentioned by Abu Naser Al-Baghdadi in his book ''Kitab Intikhab al-Iktidab''.
Material and Methods: This thesis studied number of medicines used for the dermal diseases which mentioned by Al-Baghdadi. And compare the medical use of them with Avicenna (375-428H/995-1041AD) at his book Al-Qanoun, and Ibn Al-Bittar (…-646H/ …-1245AD) at his book Al-Jam`e , then we will tell the medical use of them, the Active ingredients, the parts used.
Results: By the study we can mention: 1- Al-Baghdadi mentioned seven herbal medicine for dermal used, 2- although there was historical agree about Astragalus membranaceus but it's not use for dermal diseases nowadays, 3- Al-Baghdadi was aright about dermal use of Anacyclus pyrethrum.
Conclusion: The historical agree of Astragalus membranaceus make us study it as dermal medicine. Although there were disagree of the use of Anacyclus pyrethrum but nowadays it uses as dermal medicine.
Key words: Dermal Medicine at historical medicine, Abu Naser Al-Baghdadi, Intikhab al-Iktidab book.
We will concentrate in this thesis on “Kitāb Intikhāb al-Iktiḍāb according to the technique of questioning and answering”, by Abu Naser Al-Baghdādī died after (598H/1203AD), It is one of the books that were written according to this technique. Then his author summarized it in “Kitāb Intikhāb al-Iktiḍāb”.
This research will present first a biography of the author, his books, and the copies of the manuscript. Then it will the laxative medicines of humours which Al-Baghdādī mentioned on his book, and present a historical study among the author, Avicenna (375-428H/ 995-1041AD) in Kitāb Al-Qānon, and Kiṭāb al-Jāmi li-mufradāt al-adwīya wa al-aghdhīya for Ibn al-Bayṭār (…-646H/…-1245AD) where it will present a comparison for the medicines and their facilitating effect on the Humours to extract and discus the results.
Key words: Humours, Abu Naser Al-Baghdādī, Kitāb Intikhāb al-Iktiḍāb.
Whenever digestive system is good all body is good, so diarrhea or constipation affects on health, we focused on plants that Samarqandī mentioned its effects on digestive system and put these plants in lists with its preparation method, and comparision of them with New Science for results.
This talk, through studying Rawḍat al-ʿiṭr book as a case study, sheds light on many pharmaceutical aspects of ethics that mentioned by the author, and discusses their valuable perspectives in the 15th century of Arabic civilization, besides following their applications in the pharmaceutical practice nowadays.
The programme of CILE International Seminar; Reassembling Creation: Green Ethics (GE) and the Scholarly Disciplines in the Islamic Tradition, 12-14 October 2021, Doha
The Programme for the Biennial Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health; EAHMH2021, 7-10 September, Leuven
The Programme for the 47th conference of the international Society for the History of Medicine hold in Riga 23-27 August 2021
The programme for the Annual Conference of European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), Wuppertal, Germany, 2-5 August
The Program of Virtual International Medieval Congress vIMC, 6-10 July 2020, Leeds
The program for Materialities of Medical Culture in/between Europe and East Asia I: Towards a Global History of Drugs Conference, 4-5 July 2019, Braunschweig & Wolfenbüttel
The program for the annual meeting of British Society for the History of Pharmacy, Portsmouth 2019.
The program for Medicines across Eurasia Workshop
School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University:
Introduction of the conference:
From the mid-eleventh century onwards the Mediterranean world was a hotbed of transcultural interactions to an even greater degree than had been the case in the past. The field of pharmacology is particularly significant in this historical context in both social and cultural terms, because it involved practical matters, such as the administration of drugs, thus impacting on the everyday life of a large number of people of all social classes. Yet we lack comparative studies in this field or studies on the interrelationship between the different Mediterranean traditions, including the Byzantine, Islamic and Latin Western traditions, as well as on the role of minority ethno-religious groups, such as the Jews, in the process of knowledge exchange. This conference seeks to promote discussion and research on the evidence for interaction between different cultures and regions in the medieval Mediterranean in an attempt to create a much more detailed and critical narrative.
Past and Future
Medieval Studies Today
6th European congress of medieval studies, 2• 5 September 2018
Kollegienhaus, University of Basel, Switzerland
38. Treffen des Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreises „Alte Medizin“ Mainz 2018
The program of 17th seminar on the care and conservation on manuscript – Copenhagen 11-13 April, 2018
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me...
The workshop is divided into two sections:
- In the first, “multi-regional” section, we will cover a wide geographical range, from the Chinese Empire to Europe during the Ottoman era; discussions will focus on the mapping of materia medica in Chinese sources, the new iatrochemistry in the Ottoman era, and finally the understanding and classifying of historical drugs in Europe.
- The second, Arabic section will shed light on the Arabic civilization, an important stage in the global history of the development of medicine; the talks in this section will correspond to two of the three main classification categories used by physicians in this period, namely herbs and minerals. Here, the discussion will go deeper into the relationship between stones and alchemy, and the theory and practice of substituting herbal components in Arabic medicine.
This workshop will provide an essential platform for understanding the usage of medicinal substances in multiple historical periods, geographical regions, and civilizations.
This session will offer the opportunity to study the Arabic medical manuscripts; we are going to define the main medical terms, and take a look over the references we need during our study, and the last step we will try to study some folios of Arabic medical manuscripts.
Human power can be grouped into three main classes: 1- Power of the mind, which is crucial in order to think, to be a positive person, and also to send orders to the muscles; 2- Power of the muscles, which we need in order to fulfil body requirements, and for doing hard work; 3- Sexual power, which is also important for human existence. Physicians always take care of these types of human power by giving certain chemical products, but unfortunately these products have many side effects which make them not the first choice for physicians.
Arabic medicine was dependent on plants and used them for many broad treatments, and one of their uses was the enhancement of human power, and still nowadays there are many efforts to use plants as natural products safe from side effects for this purpose.
Methodology of research:
In this paper there will be three kinds of plants for three classes of power. The main historical source of my information will be the “Al-Agzia Kitab” “Foods Book” which was written by Najib Al-Din Al-Samarqandi (Died 622 Hijri); he mentioned many kinds of plants and their medical uses. I will select plants he mentioned for the enhancement of human power, then draw two comparisons; one with the “Kitab Al-jame” by Ibn Al-Bitar (Died 646 Hijri) who considered most important Arab botanical scientist, and another one with current medical botany.
In the results there will be an answer to the question if we could use many plants to enhance the power of the human body without dangerous side effects, which may become the first choice for physicians, leading to the development of new natural products.
Grains are considered as the first kind of foods used by humanity especially after discovering fire and making bread, thus Al-Samarqandi has considered grains as high classified among foods and are of highest rank due to their great advantages.
This research presents the grains that Al-Samarqandi mentioned in his book, where I classified them in a table together with their nutritive and medical advantages, and compared what Al-Samarqandi has said with the latest of Current Science
This lecture is going to explain some important terms which were used by the Arab physicians, and speak about their theories about medicine, diseases and drugs, their recommendations before and during the therapy, and finally the kinds of therapies. These principles were very common in the Golden Era of Arabic civilization.