Texas Tech University
School of Music
Music students are generally required to take classes in aural skills. Many begin university theory classes with little or no aural skills training. Instructors are charged with the task of challenging well-prepared students while... more
"Participants (N=14) took dictation of a single diatonic, major-key, melodic line played on a piano. Each participant was videotaped individually as he or she listened to the recorded melody four times and wrote on a prepared response... more
The aim of this study was to examine music practitioners’ involvement in research. The main questions examined were: How are music teachers accessing research? What are their perceptions of research? In what ways could research better... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of guiding students through remembering and understanding a melody on their melodic dictation scores. Two matched groups of university music students (N = 64) took a dictation, but... more
Agradeço em primeiro lugar a Deus pela vida, saúde e proteção ao longo da minha vida. Agradeço em especial ao meu pai Daltro Luis Konradt, minha mãe Loreni Teresinha Konradt e ao meu irmão Felipe Konradt, por todo o apoio, amor,... more
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting around 1%-2% of population worldwide and its treatment includes use of antiepileptic drugs to control seizures. Failure to respond to antiepileptic drug therapy is a major clinical problem and... more
P\u27tit Galop, ColindaCajun Quodlibet Part Number: 21-20252 Previous Part Number: HL-252 Price: $1.95 Voicing: SSAA Arranged By: Susan Brumfield with Fiddlehttps://digitalcommons.butler.edu/jca_scores/1506/thumbnail.jp