
Showing posts with label rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The robin came home with two cats....

On November 19, 2010 I started a Round Robin with 7 other members of my local quilt guild.

I gave them this....

Playing with Rainbows 6

 Last night it came home.

FQG Round Robin

I think I would like to make it a little bigger....and that it might benefit from another light and scrappy round so that the cats have a place to shine.  My eyes get sucked into the center of this piece and I almost miss their antics.

What do you think?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Scrappy Saturday

I have been working on these for a while.
It is amazing how many you can make from a handful of scraps.
I have 40 monochromatic log cabins made as of today.
I want my finished quilt to be about twice this big.
So, I've been thinking about adding something to the mix in every other square. It couldn't be scraps....anything that big is NOT a scrap....but I didn't know what it would be. Until this morning....
I LOVE this fabric! It is called Wild Thing and has big (nearly 8") squares of goofy amphibians. I have to add some scrap to the sides to make the squares big enough to be blocks in this quilt...but that just adds to the scrappiness.

He, he, he can't wait to make the rest of the funny blocks.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rainy Wednesday

Ellison Lane Quilts I wasn't going to play along. I thought it would use up all of the scraps I was saving for other projects. But, I am inbetween projects at the moment, waiting for fabric to arrive, and thought what the heck, I'll try a block or two...

13 blocks later, there isn't a significant dent in the scrap bins, AND it was a very pleasent way to while away a cloudy afternoon. Perhaps I should keep going. 17 more and I can join the give away over at Ellison Lane.

On another note.....I finally sewed together a pile of tiny hsts I'd been hording.

They were left over from my "'nough Said" quilt. Each square is about 15" x 15". What do you think...matching pillows for the quilt, or a mini and a pillow, or two minis,....what should I do with them?


Monday, March 12, 2012


It was a lovely weekend full of finishes....made sweeter because they are all original patterns.

First finish - a bed sized quilt started at the retreat last weekend. I made this for the older sister of my boys best friends. My two oldest sons have been best friends with brothers since they were little. The brothers each got a quilt when they turned 16. Their big sister teasingly asked to be a member of the quilt club.

I so seldom get asked to make a quilt, especially one for a girl, that I couldn't resist.

I delivered it to her Sunday morning.

I just have to say....I love, love, love giving good presents. It is the best thing ever. Jessica and her folks were thrilled.

Second finish -

I've named it "In & Out" because of the optical illusion that the sashing makes. I made it with a charm pack of "A Stitch in Color" and some yardage of Kona black and white.

I am totally taken by the bold graphic nature of this little quilt. It is fresh and clean and loads of fun. The pattern is my own design and inspired by the fabric. I wanted to show off the wonderful patterns and colors in the line.

I quilted it in "Fairy Wings" by Anne Bright with King Tut "Cleopatra" thread.

Third finish -

A large-ish mini based on a soon to be posted Quilty Friends block. QF Friendship Stars will be offered as the block of the month pattern on Quilty Friends during the month of April.

And one more photo of my boy. Ben is the youngest of my boys. He is 13 1/2 and full of fun. I had to tear him away from a lovely cinnamon roll and spring break laziness to take these pictures. I don't think he realized that he was in them....I was taking pictures of the quilts. He, he, he. He hates to have his picture taken.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quilty Friends - Friendship Star Mini

Early Sunday morning I woke from a dream. I had been contemplating this mini in my sleep.
Sunday afternoon, I started working on it.
Monday afternoon I finished adding the outer border. It completes the finishing pinwheels.
Now, all I need is some backing material and it will be ready for quilting.
I have to say, I like this little fella.
The block is part of a series that I designed for my friend Kelli several years ago. The series is called Quilty Friends and revolves around the idea that blocks in a block of the month series should be easy and play well together. All of the blocks in this series. Have those funny bisected corners. If you make all of them with the same fabric, your blocks come together to make happy little pinwheels.
I've extended this series in my other blog....Quilty Friends. Every month I add a new block.
I've been saving the Friendship Star for is my quilt guild's birthday month....the Friendship Star is our get the idea. You will have to wait until then to get a pattern for it. However, there are nine other patterns there now.
Why don't you grab your scraps and join us?!
 QG Logo

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I've finished my mini for the Fab Little Quilt Swap.

I hope my partner likes it.

(I originally posted this from my phone while sitting in the eye doctor's office waiting on my son.)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Selvedging Sunday

I spent my Sunday afternoon playing in my selvedge stash.

I am working on a project for yet another swap.  This time it is with a group on Flickr that calls itself Fab Little Quilt Swap.  It has a very impressive group of quilters in it's membership.  I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

I have a couple of inspiration mosaics from my partner and a list of likes and dislikes.  From that, I am to make a mini just for her.  (Yup, my partner is a girl.  Don't tell!)

Here are some mid-progress photos....

On the design wall, when I realized that my blocks were way, way to big.

They were supposed to be about 6" square.  They ended up about 12" square.  Hmmm.  I may have a giant selvedge flower hanging on my wall in the near future.

My helper, darling DH, a.k.a. The Giant Flower Monster, flashing me a monstery grin.  This is such a fun picture.  He didn't want me to share it.  Too bad.

The finished top in the afternoon sunlight.  My plan for the mini has some dead give away applique to be added at this point.  I'll give you a working title is "Sniff!"

I like how it is turning still not convinced that my partner will be.  I will probably make one more trial mini before I settle on which one to send.

Okay - I wrote this post on my iPad.  Then the thing wouldn't up load and I got distracted by other things.  This little rainbow birdie quilt is another idea for my partner.  This one is really growing on me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leftovers and a fantastic weekend.

Two years ago I started this quilt. It was a mystery quilt project sponsored by my local quilt guild.
Did you see those borders? They were fussy cut from an awesome stripe. It was one of the fabrics in
Dena's Leanika line. Fussy cutting those long pieces left some strange, large print, scraps.
This weekend I straightened out my scrap drawer. (That is my excuse for a stash...which I technically don't have.). As I was playing in the fabrics I thought...why the heck don't you just sew those bits together. So I did. The bits in this picture were all leftover from the same mystery quilt.
This is the beginnings of our new "rug". My dear spouse is making it for the living room. There was a lot of fabric left over. I pieced it with some more of my fussy cut scraps to make a back.
Then I zigzagged some bits of batting together. You do this by holding the smooth edges side by side and feeding them gently through the sewing machine. I've done it with all sorts of batting. This time I had scraps of Dream Orient. It is a delicious batt made of silk, bamboo, eucalyptus, and cotton.   I quilted the whole thing with a new pattern that I've been dying to try. (Anne Bright's Fandangle b2b)
And bound it with more fussy cut scraps.
Add to that a beautiful break in the insanely hot summer weather and I had a fantastic weekend.
Thank you God!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

God's Timing...DQS11

It has been a really long summer....and terribly short.

Last May, just a week or so before my oldest graduated from high school, I started a diet program. I didn't want to tell any one. Maybe I didn't want to have to admit out loud that I was so overweight. Maybe I thought that if no one knew, than there would be less pressures to succeed. There is nothing more irritating than someone constantly reminding you that you are on a diet. I can't tell you why I did it. I don't really know. It wasn't a bad idea, just kind of random.

Not very long after I started I was visiting with a friend and told her that my baby factory had closed. Meno-pause came and lingered and left. My first baby is headed off to college. My last baby just turned 13. It was time to remodel the structure for whatever was to come next. I'm hoping for something sleek and colorful and fun.

As of yesterday morning I've lost 35 pounds. It is very hard for me to grasp weights and measures of human flesh. (That sounds really weird.). Really, I know how much I weigh, but when I look at people who supposedly weigh the same they seem huge. Years ago Gilbert and I taught Sunday school to three year old. Our room had a sort of Dutch door that required us to lift the kids up and over to bring them into the room. That experience taught me that people are not all made the same. Some are feathers - we would lift the kids and nearly throw them across the room for the lack of gravity's hold on their little bodies - some are bricks. I think I must be a brick.

My clothes are just now getting to the point where they are uncomfortably large, so today, after finished quilting and binding my partners mini for DQS11, I decided to treat myself to some clothes that fit. I couldn't find a thing! I found really big clothes - you could have fit two of the old me in them. I found clothes that would fit a twig - my legs are more like trunks than twigs. I am too big to be small and to small to be big. Talk about discouraging. Maybe I just dreamed those 35 pounds were gone. So I went my boys dirty lunch dishes littering the kitchen, and living room. Sigh.

And then God stepped in.

Outside my front door, sitting on the stoop was a package. It was addressed to me. This is what I found inside!

My day took a drastic turn for the better! This is the quilt made for me in the DQS11 swap! It came wrapped in the beautiful bag with the happy, bright charm squares. AWESOME! My partner is "the bomb!"

Thank you Marilyn, and God!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

On my own comfy couch, on my own friendly living room, with my dogs curled up on the cold tile floor....there is no place like home.
NOW BACK TO MY STORY....where was I...oh yeah...dinner....orientation...sweet deal
My boy is going to study athletic training and despite his not so great academic standing was referred by his high school Training Coach to the Coach at Howard College, Big Spring.
"The college offers an Associate of science degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Athletic Training to better care for the Howard College athletes, enhance the Outreach Program, and prepare the student athletic trainers for a possible career in athletic training/sports medicine or other allied health field. The student athletic trainers will be eligible to obtain required supervision hours toward taking the state Licensure exam while under the watchful eye of Overton.

Academics are very important. Overton said, “ I believe that the student athletic trainer should, need, and will perform to the best of their ability in the classroom. They need to understand that just an education will not always get them by in today’s world. They need to get the highest education and grades possible so that they can get that good job and keep it.”

Competition is fierce for student athletic training scholarships at four year universities and colleges. Many times academics is the deciding factor as to who receives a scholarship. Student athletic trainers are required to attend classes regularly and perform to the best of their ability in the class room.

Howard College’s athletic training program is an apprenticeship type of learning. Athletic Trainer John Overton believes in and provides a hands-on style of education for his student athletic trainers.

“As soon as we cover a certain area of athletic training, and I am satisfied that they can perform in that area, I let the student handle a lot of the actual activities. I am there for observation and recognition of possible injuries, to provide guidance as needed, to see that the student athletic trainers work for their full potential, and to ensure the athletes are taken care of properly.” Overton explains.

Student athletic trainers enroll in specially designed classes that cover injury prevention, recognition and management of injury prevention, recognition and management of injuries, taping, wrapping, first-aid, rehabilitation, and the business organization of athletic injury management."
This sounds absolutely perfect. I believe that my boy will thrive here. Now...I just need to find a way to get along without him....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Latest Creations for STUD

Three cheers for the postal service.....they so often get a bad rap. We need to praise them when they do well. The packages I mailed on Friday arrived at their destinations Monday.
STUD for July/August 2011 I signed up for both swaps and received two awesome partners.
"Anything Goes" - for this swap I created "Frog Legs" for PecksPieces. The mini started out as a trial balloon for my DSQ11 partner.
I was down to deciding what the borders needed to be. I was debating between a deep red and a dark green skinny border followed by a wider, fussy cut floral border.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Progress on Noah's Quilt

I've got six blocks done...only one hundred fourteen left.
I love my spouse. He told me that he would help cut and pin on the weekends. Maybe this won't become a UFO after all.