8x8 inch original oil painting
by Tom Brown
To purchase this tasty painting email
[email protected]Can you paint a pizza using just a credit card and pizza box? Watch my YouTube video and see. (Just click the type above this image or Google "Tom Brown Art Notes".)For fun I did this palette knife painting with a credit card instead of an actual palette knife. The video shows how. A pizza box was the painting kit that held a canvas and palette of paints.
To get the full story on how I approach palette knife painting, see my online tutorial
"PALETTE KNIFE PAINTING". It contains two entire landscape demonstrations with a palette knife, including recipes for important color mixtures and the step-by-step progression from start to finish.
"PALETTE KNIFE PAINTING" is an eBook. (A book that you read on your computer. Or you can print out the pages for hard copy reference.) This eBook is delivered by email. To order it send a twenty dollar PayPal payment to
[email protected] and specify "PALETTE KNIFE PAINTING".
"COLOR MIXING MADE EASY" is another eBook that will be useful if you have ever struggled with matching exact colors in your paintings. Color mixing is something many artists struggle with (especially greens in landscapes), but it is SO EASY when you understand my simple approach. To order this lesson send a twenty dollar PayPal payment to
[email protected] and specify "COLOR MIXING MADE EASY."
Thanks for stopping.
Don't forget to check out my latest video now.- - Tom Brown