Papers by Dragica K Tomka
ABSTRACT Abstract Animation in tourism, as part of tourism product, as well as interpersonal comm... more ABSTRACT Abstract Animation in tourism, as part of tourism product, as well as interpersonal communication and energy, can be considered through certain categories of animation and tourism, which, in a metaphorical sense, can be characterized as: animation-tourist “compass”, animation-tourist “anchor” and animation-tourist “souvenirs”. These categories are treated as relatively compatible with the phases of the tourist movement, as with the phases of programming of tourist animation. At the same time, in this paper, these categories are presented as “links in the chain” of tourist animation, which build upon each other, such as: pre-animation (“compass”), continuous animation (“anchor”), and post-animation (“souvenirs”). In the final sense, in this circular “chain” one can see “interactive cycles” of tourist animation that are repeated, and through which one can make the analysis and the appropriate conclusions not only about the present interaction and correlation of the links in animation chain, but also regarding the necessity of tourist animation as one of the essential elements of modern tourism product. Keywords: Animation chain, stages of tourist development, the phase of animation programming, animation cycles.
American Journal of Tourism Management, 2014
The topic of the special issue of the magazine is "Tourism in the Balkans-Between history and mod... more The topic of the special issue of the magazine is "Tourism in the Balkans-Between history and modernity-what image to offer to tourists?" As a region that has been increasingly drawing attention to itself with its controversies in recent yearsdeveloped and authentic vs. dynamic development, politically and economically unstable, culturally complex and diverse regarding the effects of development. The Balkans have been the topic of many scientific conferences and the object of research of scientists from all around the world. What is it that makes it such an interesting region? Can the same be said of its tourism and its development? The aim of this theme issue has been to prompt the tourism scientists to address and answer these and other questions. Has it been achieved? Eight groups of authors have answered our call. Two of these papers were written by non-Balkan authors. Seven were published in this issue. The submitted topics have covered very diverse aspects of tourism development. We could say that four papers treat the issue of history and the consequences visible in the present day region in the field of culture and tourism. Topics came from three countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia and, each in its own way, these topics lead to the same kind of reflection and conclusions-history has been and still is, but its consequences must be overcome. Tourism, with such a goal, has the power and holds options acceptable for all. Two papers in this issue have reflected upon the nature, the one modified and transformed by men into tempting wine regions, enjoyable and attractive, with its enticing tastes of past and present. One of them covers the topic from the point of ecology and the need to preserve the natural environment. Finally, one of the papers is rather specific, philosophical and anthropological in nature. It clearly sets the dilemmas on ways to present history and tradition through tourism. Seeing as the Balkans were primarily a very complex social and political region, is it justified to believe that that is the very way it should be presented to tourists? The researchers have set very interested goals for their papers. Following the entire procedure, we are delighted to present you with the special issue consisting of 7 papers that set very open, debatable and interesting topics and. It is interesting to notice that in the minds, and eyes of scientists and researchers, the Balkans are dominantly considered a region of history and culture. No papers addressed the beauties and attractions of the seas, the mountain regions or rural development. The invaluable and diverse wealth of nature and the life of common people still seems to be in the shadow of history, mighty empires and wars!? Lastly, I wish to thank all 18 reviewers from 5 countries, for their efforts towards putting these articles in better shape for publication. About the Balkans From ancient civilisations to this day, the Balkans have been a region of dynamic developments, diversity of lifestyles, replete with conflicts, disputes and reconciliations. The region has been a home to great civilisations (pre-history, Ancient Greece, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire, the Slavs, Austro-Hungarian Empire) and to a number of lesser states. It was in this region that different religions, cultures, lifestyles, dynamics and visions of development converged and conflicted. The Balkans are still a very underdeveloped region and unstable, in the political, economic and socio-cultural sense. The burning topics of everyday life in the Balkans are full of remnants of tradition and streaks of modern lifestyle. The Balkans are full of contradictions, not only because of a number of widely diverse political, economic, military, confessional and cultural options of development, but also because of expectations that the world community has from the Balkans. There are traces of ancient cultures in the Balkans, diverse wildlife and landscapes, large modern cities, but also completely underdeveloped and underconstructed villages; there are modern seaside regions with developed infrastructure, but also inaccessible sites of untouched nature. Everyone wishes to aid the development of the Balkan region, the solution of its conflicts, the rule of peace,
American Journal of Tourism Management, 2014
Space has a formula, a place has a genius: they are not only nature and environment, ground, soil... more Space has a formula, a place has a genius: they are not only nature and environment, ground, soil, climate, flora, waters, mountains or these together. A place is not only where these things are located. A place is friendly or repugnant, frightening or gentle, tranquil or majestic, and language has hardly any adjective which could not be used to describe a place. There are no two identical places, just like there are no two identical moments. The richness of human life is in never recurring moments and in places that compare to nothing. ... A place has not only physics but also metaphysics and is not only a sight but also a genius. This is why it cannot be defined, only described: because a place is not predictable, because a place is a face." [13] Due to its extremely eventful history, the stereotypical associations about the Balkans do not paint an uneventful, tranquil or, not to mention, boring environment but much more a place full of surprises, the coexistence of power and passion, together with some sort of naturalness, respect for tradition and a romantically intact natural environment. In the trans-avant-garde dimension of the new type ofmainly eliteculture, intimacy and the embracement of tradition can be interpreted as a touristic potential of space, as opposed to the more general postmodern trend, which tries to focus the passing of time into the continuous present [2]. This study takes as its starting point the opportunity of using space for touristic functions; looking at the colourful traditions, or cultural diversity, as real reserves of the Balkans, it examines the Balkans as a region that preserves and develops its traditions. Partly as an ethno-scape (a region"s identity determined by ethnic features) and partly as the subject of political tourism, along the meanings and contents it has created itself.
12 1. O turizmu Vojvodine sa aspekta marketing koncepcije Dosadanji razvoj turizma u Vojvodini b... more 12 1. O turizmu Vojvodine sa aspekta marketing koncepcije Dosadanji razvoj turizma u Vojvodini bio je pre svega opredeljen ukupnim drutveno-eko-nomskim razvojem u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji. Razume se da je značajan uticaj imalo međunarodno okruenje, odnosno ukupan razvoj ...
Tourism is a means of individual and collective fulfillment and a chance for connecting different... more Tourism is a means of individual and collective fulfillment and a chance for connecting different cultures. Especially significant is the contribution of tourism to mutual understanding and respect between the peoples and societies that come into touch via tourism. Currently prevalent attitude in the world is the one that globalisation, modern technology and everything related to them necessarily leads to homogenisation and extinguishes all differences. Although this is true in some cases, it is not always so. If we only scratch beneath the surface and peek beyond the media noise and advice we are given by the lecturers at corporate trainings, we find an entire hidden world – vivid, various and increasingly bigger and stronger, full of grassroots projects, creative associations, local self-sustainable market economies... Vision is what sets them apart. The examples of numerous cultural routes, with new topics emerging each day, are just some of the proofs that cultural heritage is a...
Informatologia, Mar 31, 2015
Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Third age persons are an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The research used the model of motivation in tourism for the persons in third age established by Astic and Muller (1999), and developed by Hsu, Cai and Wong (2007). The measured categories were wellbeing or a subjective assessment of the quality of life. Sažetak Osobe treće životne dobi sve više utječu na segment turističke potražnje u svijetu. Zdraviji i duži život, više slobodnog vremena, realizirani društveni status i osobni razvoj ključni su čimbenici za osobe u trećoj životnoj dobi da se odluče ići na turističko putovanje. Istraživanje koristi model motivacije u turizmu za osobe u trećoj dobi utvrđenih od Astica i Muller (1999), te razvijen od Hsu, Cai i Wong (2007.) Izmjerene kategorije su bile blagostanje ili subjektivna procjena kvalitete života.
Abstract Animation in tourism, as part of tourism product, as well as interpersonal communication... more Abstract Animation in tourism, as part of tourism product, as well as interpersonal communication and energy, can be considered through certain categories of animation and tourism, which, in a metaphorical sense, can be characterized as: animation-tourist “compass”, animation-tourist “anchor” and animation-tourist “souvenirs”. These categories are treated as relatively compatible with the phases of the tourist movement, as with the phases of programming of tourist animation. At the same time, in this paper, these categories are presented as “links in the chain” of tourist animation, which build upon each other, such as: pre-animation (“compass”), continuous animation (“anchor”), and post-animation (“souvenirs”). In the final sense, in this circular “chain” one can see “interactive cycles” of tourist animation that are repeated, and through which one can make the analysis and the appropriate conclusions not only about the present interaction and correlation of the links in animation ...
Kultura i turizam su kod nas još uvek dve paralelne stvari. Svako radi svoje, na svom putu napret... more Kultura i turizam su kod nas još uvek dve paralelne stvari. Svako radi svoje, na svom putu napretka, poboljšanja. Kultura se trudi da pokupi mrvice iz života ljudi, obradi ih i prikaže onom ko čuje da ta ostvarenja postoje. Turizam kod nas skoro potpuno zaboravlja da je tu negde i kultura koja može biti tako atraktivna turistima. Na tim paralelnim putevima ponekad se i ukrste, skoro strogo vodeći računa da semafori koji ih usmeravaju dobro rade - da se ne sudare. A trebalo bi da je drugačije. Trebalo bi da kulturu doživljavaju svi, jer ona je ta koja nas čini ljudima. I turizam bi trebalo da doživljavaju svi, jer i drugi su tu negde uz nas i imaju svoju kulturu i svoja ostvarenja. Šta su onda pretpostavke da se kultura i turizam ipak negde nađu, ukrste i zajedno nastupe?
Osnovna teza, je preduslov da kulturni tuirzam bude uspešan, prema putevima kojima idu uspešni, je da turizam treba da prezentuje život jednog prostora. Za tu prexrentaciju je neophodno uključenje lokalnog stanovništav koje oseća i razume vrednosti kulture loklanog prostora i koji će tu interpretaciju učniti živom i privlačnom za iskustvo turista, posetilaca.
U radu je izvršena analiza pokazatelja razvijenosti kulturnog turizma u Srbiji i Evropi i date preporuke za unapređenje razvoja.
Turizam je, neopozivo, socijalna, ljudska, ekonomska i kulturna stvarnost. Njegov uticaj n... more Rezime
Turizam je, neopozivo, socijalna, ljudska, ekonomska i kulturna stvarnost. Njegov uticaj na spomenike kulture i spomeničke prostore je posebno značajan i može biti i značajniji imajući u vidu povoljne uslove i trend razvoja.
Kulturni turizam je takav oblik turizma koji za cilj ima, izmedju ostalog otkrivanje i upoznavanje sa spomenicima i prostorima kulture. On proizvodi mnoge pozitivne efekte: zadovoljenje sopstvenih kulturnih potreba turista, održavanje i zaštitu spomenika kulture te kulturni i privredni razvoj.
Jugoslavija je zemlja u kojoj se organizuju brojne aktivnosti kulture, u kojoj su očuvani spomenici kulture različitih istorijskih epoha, a neki od njih su i na listi UNESCO-ve liste svetske kulturme baštine, ali da li u Jugoslaviji ima i kulturnog turizma?
Cilj ovog rada je da na osnovu nekih činjenica ukaže na mesto kulturnog turizma u jugoslovenskom turizmu, u jugoslovenskoj kulturi i razvoju Jugoslavije.
Ključne reči: turizam, kultura, kulturni turizam, spomenici kulture,
Tourism is an irreversible social, human, economic and cultural fact. Its influence in the sphere of monuments and sites is particularly important and can but increase because of the known conditions of that activity's development.
Cultural tourism is that form of tourism whose object is, among other aims, the discovery of monuments and sites. It exerts on many very positive effect: to satisfy tourists own cultural needs, maintenance and protection cultural monuments, and also cultural and economic development.
Yugoslavia is a country with cultural activities, cultural monuments from diferent historic periods, some of them are in the UNESCO list of world heritage, but, are there in Yugoslavia cultural tourism?
The aim of this paper is, from some facts, to show where is the place of cultural tourism in Yugoslav tourism, in Yugoslav culture and in Yugoslav progres.
Key words: tourism, culture, cultural torurism, cultural monuments
This paper focuses the research on the attitude of the city hosts, who are in direct contact with... more This paper focuses the research on the attitude of the city hosts, who are in direct contact with the visitors, and the role of the host, and its significance for the forming of a tourist experience of a visitor. The object of research of this paper are attitudes and observations of key stakeholders in the field of tourism on their host role and mutual relations at a destination. The research was conducted through discussion, by means of a World café method. Stakeholders from the profit and non-profit sector took part in the discussion as surveyees, taking into seeing as all of them together should form a complex system, an organism of the host city. The topics that are to be discussed stem from the results of the research of the attitude of visitors of Novi Sad during the Exit festival – 2013 on the hospitality of the local population and the service sector employees. Exactly 106 “Exit” visitors, aged 18-35 and coming from 5 different countries, were surveyed. The city of Novi Sad in the Republic of Serbia was chosen as a place of research, considering its intensive development of tourism in the past 15 years.
The purpose of this experimental study was to establish whether there is any correlation between ... more The purpose of this experimental study was to establish whether there is any correlation between guests’physical appearance and the quality of service provided to them by front desk hotel staff. The two exper-imental groups used in this study consisted of hotel receptionists in Portoroˇz, which is the largest hotelindustry sector in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea, and a comparative group made up of social work-ers from Slovenia’s social work centres. The research results suggest that there is a positive correlationbetween the physical appearance of hotel guests and their satisfaction with the quality of service received.In contrast, within the group of social workers and their clients, there was no correlation between thephysical appearance of clients and customer service satisfaction. In the study, the Kolmogorov–Smirnovtest for testing the normality of the distribution, t-test for independent samples, Pearson’s correlationtest and descriptive statistics were used.
lancu" (od završenog putovanja do novog putovanja) se mogu uočiti ,,interaktivni ciklusi" turisti... more lancu" (od završenog putovanja do novog putovanja) se mogu uočiti ,,interaktivni ciklusi" turističke animacije koji se ponavljaju pri svakom novom putovanju, a preko kojih se može vršiti analiza i izvoditi odgovarajući zaključci ne samo u vezi sa prisutnom interakcijom i meĎu uticajem karika lanca animacije, nego i u vezi sa neophodnošću turističke animacije u svakoj fazi turističkog ciklusa.
The most dynamic and fastest growth in the European tourism industry shows the tourist destinatio... more The most dynamic and fastest growth in the European tourism industry shows the tourist destinations that have innovated their service, wellness and spa facilities. Modern tourists are increasingly understanding the importance of benefits to their own health, which is just what is being achieved by the programmed content of active tourism. A generally recognized global trend towards wellness tourism and innovation services in the traditional tourist industry is still not sufficiently recognized in developing countries. Stimulating factor relevant to the promotion of the tourism industry of these countries is certainly the financial profit to be realised in destinations that have included wellness and spa programmes in their offers. However, a significant factor in terms of innovating services and creating profit at a tourist destination can be improved by creating a model of business processes that are most acceptable for a given tourist destination.
In tourism, local communities exchange their products and services based on their values with tou... more In tourism, local communities exchange their products and services based on their values with tourists for their money, thus creating experiences and meeting expectations. Cultural tourism is created upon cultural assets such as local narratives, cultural heritage, lifestyles and specific identities. However, propelled by the growing demand, distance between tourism products and local communities is expanding, creating conflicts, confusion and sustainability issues. Possible solution is to reconnect community's sense of cultural identity and cultural tourism offer. In such case, local community is more likely to fully and proud fully participate in tourism services, which results in higher quality relations and better visitor experiences. Studying a local case of Novi Sad, Serbia, this research poses a question whether tourism industry and local communities share the same perception and vision of local cultural identity. Through a qualitative field research, paper aims to analyze the compliance of current tourism offer of Novi Sad and cultural identity expressed by the local community. The research offers a valuable insight into the relation of tourism sector and local community and maps possible conflicts and hidden cultural assets.
Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A health... more Older adults comprise an increasingly developing segment of tourist demand in the world. A healthier and longer life, more free time, a realized social status and personal development are the key pull factors for the persons in third age to decide to go on a tourist trip. The basis of this research is founded on numerous previous studies, which indicate that in the subjective push and motivational deciding factors for the travel of the elderly, the dominant factors are those from the group of the quality of life. The goal of this research was to establish on a sample of senior population in Novi Sad what the dominant motivational factors are and the extent to which the factors of quality of life are present and featuring as important in the expectations of seniors and their deciding between the tourist travel programmes. The research was carried out by analysing results obtained after conducting
Papers by Dragica K Tomka
Osnovna teza, je preduslov da kulturni tuirzam bude uspešan, prema putevima kojima idu uspešni, je da turizam treba da prezentuje život jednog prostora. Za tu prexrentaciju je neophodno uključenje lokalnog stanovništav koje oseća i razume vrednosti kulture loklanog prostora i koji će tu interpretaciju učniti živom i privlačnom za iskustvo turista, posetilaca.
U radu je izvršena analiza pokazatelja razvijenosti kulturnog turizma u Srbiji i Evropi i date preporuke za unapređenje razvoja.
Turizam je, neopozivo, socijalna, ljudska, ekonomska i kulturna stvarnost. Njegov uticaj na spomenike kulture i spomeničke prostore je posebno značajan i može biti i značajniji imajući u vidu povoljne uslove i trend razvoja.
Kulturni turizam je takav oblik turizma koji za cilj ima, izmedju ostalog otkrivanje i upoznavanje sa spomenicima i prostorima kulture. On proizvodi mnoge pozitivne efekte: zadovoljenje sopstvenih kulturnih potreba turista, održavanje i zaštitu spomenika kulture te kulturni i privredni razvoj.
Jugoslavija je zemlja u kojoj se organizuju brojne aktivnosti kulture, u kojoj su očuvani spomenici kulture različitih istorijskih epoha, a neki od njih su i na listi UNESCO-ve liste svetske kulturme baštine, ali da li u Jugoslaviji ima i kulturnog turizma?
Cilj ovog rada je da na osnovu nekih činjenica ukaže na mesto kulturnog turizma u jugoslovenskom turizmu, u jugoslovenskoj kulturi i razvoju Jugoslavije.
Ključne reči: turizam, kultura, kulturni turizam, spomenici kulture,
Tourism is an irreversible social, human, economic and cultural fact. Its influence in the sphere of monuments and sites is particularly important and can but increase because of the known conditions of that activity's development.
Cultural tourism is that form of tourism whose object is, among other aims, the discovery of monuments and sites. It exerts on many very positive effect: to satisfy tourists own cultural needs, maintenance and protection cultural monuments, and also cultural and economic development.
Yugoslavia is a country with cultural activities, cultural monuments from diferent historic periods, some of them are in the UNESCO list of world heritage, but, are there in Yugoslavia cultural tourism?
The aim of this paper is, from some facts, to show where is the place of cultural tourism in Yugoslav tourism, in Yugoslav culture and in Yugoslav progres.
Key words: tourism, culture, cultural torurism, cultural monuments
Osnovna teza, je preduslov da kulturni tuirzam bude uspešan, prema putevima kojima idu uspešni, je da turizam treba da prezentuje život jednog prostora. Za tu prexrentaciju je neophodno uključenje lokalnog stanovništav koje oseća i razume vrednosti kulture loklanog prostora i koji će tu interpretaciju učniti živom i privlačnom za iskustvo turista, posetilaca.
U radu je izvršena analiza pokazatelja razvijenosti kulturnog turizma u Srbiji i Evropi i date preporuke za unapređenje razvoja.
Turizam je, neopozivo, socijalna, ljudska, ekonomska i kulturna stvarnost. Njegov uticaj na spomenike kulture i spomeničke prostore je posebno značajan i može biti i značajniji imajući u vidu povoljne uslove i trend razvoja.
Kulturni turizam je takav oblik turizma koji za cilj ima, izmedju ostalog otkrivanje i upoznavanje sa spomenicima i prostorima kulture. On proizvodi mnoge pozitivne efekte: zadovoljenje sopstvenih kulturnih potreba turista, održavanje i zaštitu spomenika kulture te kulturni i privredni razvoj.
Jugoslavija je zemlja u kojoj se organizuju brojne aktivnosti kulture, u kojoj su očuvani spomenici kulture različitih istorijskih epoha, a neki od njih su i na listi UNESCO-ve liste svetske kulturme baštine, ali da li u Jugoslaviji ima i kulturnog turizma?
Cilj ovog rada je da na osnovu nekih činjenica ukaže na mesto kulturnog turizma u jugoslovenskom turizmu, u jugoslovenskoj kulturi i razvoju Jugoslavije.
Ključne reči: turizam, kultura, kulturni turizam, spomenici kulture,
Tourism is an irreversible social, human, economic and cultural fact. Its influence in the sphere of monuments and sites is particularly important and can but increase because of the known conditions of that activity's development.
Cultural tourism is that form of tourism whose object is, among other aims, the discovery of monuments and sites. It exerts on many very positive effect: to satisfy tourists own cultural needs, maintenance and protection cultural monuments, and also cultural and economic development.
Yugoslavia is a country with cultural activities, cultural monuments from diferent historic periods, some of them are in the UNESCO list of world heritage, but, are there in Yugoslavia cultural tourism?
The aim of this paper is, from some facts, to show where is the place of cultural tourism in Yugoslav tourism, in Yugoslav culture and in Yugoslav progres.
Key words: tourism, culture, cultural torurism, cultural monuments